OPINION Page 4- Friday, September 26, 1980 The Michigan Daily Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Weasel by Robert Lence Vol. XCI, No. 20 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 THE TROUBLE WIN rfiBtE C-AMPVS MovlE5 15 rHAr Na ONE 'AArts 714EM 5SfUOU.sc.,(... 'fl{ERd ALWA S. PEoPl- TAL-KI &, PAMLW,, LAND GttA VW16 JbKEs TffRdllil} T 4E WWLE THING- 0 r Editorials represent a majority opinion of The Daily's Editorial Board ---I ' T'VE TWEM FILJA\ COuR~S-S WHERE WE LEARKETCARE$TUREE fIL.M' As A SERIOUS ART FORM. 14 E~R L WISH aOIr mPtOPLE wauLp FROM C("*p LAMW4 A MAST$RPIE.CE. SEE iT Tt4Ar WAY ... MIY, NhESS 15 A CLASIC 7 FILMS FIRE CL.ASSICS. .. } y . T' 01 A Spanish professor fails to fairly explain pass/fail .. I P ROFESSOR DAVID WOLFE of the Spanish department doesn't like the pass/fail grading option.° That's fine-if he wants to change it through legitimate means, such as appeals to LSA policy committees. But early this week, Wolfe attacked the pass/fail option more directly, and this time, he exceeded the bounds of fair play. In a startling display of irresponsibility, the professor issued a one-sided and partially inaccurate at- tack on "pass/fail" to department teaching assistants. He required that the statement be read aloud to student in several large Spanish courses. The statement read in part: "The Spanish division ... does NOT approve of your taking any 4- or 8-hour Spanish course pass/fail. The pass/fail system is deceptive and demoraliz- ing." Though this part of the pronoun- cement may have sounded in- timidating to the students (mostly freshpersons and sophomores) who were subjected to it, what followed was much worse. "If you take the pass/fail risk, you must mai'tan a B average in Spanish at all times." The actual breakoff point between a passing and failing grade for those who take the "risk," of course, is C-, a considerably easier level to attain. Questioned about his misleading warning, Wolfe explained that he merely meant it would be a good idea for pass/fail students to maintain a B' average, so as to avoid disaster should they fail the course final. We think his students might have been able to figure that one out on their own. The LSA administration, reasonably enough, has extended the deadline for electing the pass/fail option in the af- fected Spanish classes. We commend the administration on this move, but point out that it was Wolfe's rashness that necessitated the change. Perhaps the inconvenience will persuade Wolfe to look over his next memorandum more carefully before distributing it. Even if Wolfe's statement had not contained inaccuracies, his approach would still have been highly questionable. He assailed an accepted University policy in front of a large contingent of relatively naive students who might have' feared to make a decision against his wishes. He failed to note that decisions on grading are confidential, and that his students would therefore be safe from reprisals for electing courses pass/fail. Had Wolfe been willing to present both sides of the argument, naming the good as well as the bad points of the pass/fail option, his vigorous ex- pression of his own views might have been appropriate. But the good professor did nothing of the kind. Students, not administrators - should control the Union If India plays with matches we all could get burned F THE UNITED STATES were a parent and India its offspring, we would be raising one confused and ill- disciplined child. The U.S. has in effect given India matches, watched India start a fire, scolded India for starting a fire, given India more matches, and asked India to promise not to start another fire. And from all this, we expect India to learn some sort of lesson. The matches are supplies of atomic fuel-in 1963 the U.S. agreed to provide India with enriched uranium for a nuclear reactor near Bombay; on Wednesday, the Senate narrowly voted to approve a uranium sale to India. The fire is India's testing of a nuclear bomb in 1974 and the country's consistent refusal to agree not to divert the fuel to weapons use. President Carter, who actively urged senators to approve the fuel shipment, has used his best childrearing sense to determine that giving the Indians the uranium will make it easier to persuade them not to use it to make bombs. In fact, the decision to sell the fuel to India-which has refused to signthe Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty-will only show the world that the U.S. is committed to halting the spread of nuclear arms except when it means alienating a possible ally in the volatile Southwest Asia region. We hope the world does not get bur- ned because the U.S. let India play with matches. Who should set priorities for programming and resource allocation in a student union? We believe that there is only one reasonable answer-students. There are more than 200 Univer- sity buildings in Ann Arbor, and in eachrbuilding, University bureaucrats determine the priorities. Perhaps that is ap- propriate for other University buildings, but not for a real student union. We recognize that student ser- vices professionals can serve as a valuable source of continuity and ideas. Professional Union ad- ministrators are also more capable of dealing with problems such as personnel management, continuing operations, and other day-to-day matters. But ad- ministrators are not particularly well-suited to make value judgements concerning students' needs. UNFORTUNATELY, Univer- sity administrators are not always willing to admit this shor- tcoming. The administrators usually prefer to relegate studen- ts to an advisory role, reserving for themselves the privilege of deciding what is in the "students' best interest." Perhaps certain sensitive, and talented higher level student services professionals are capable of ef- fectively determining what students need in a student Union, but these people are the excep- tion, not the rule. To have a viable student Union at Michigan, the Union must ef- fectively serve student needs. To effectively serve student needs, students must have the principal voice in setting programming and space usage priorities. The current prospects for gaining student decision-making authority in the Michigan Union appear to be small. On the other hand, it is often possible to alter others' perception concerning issues by either logical discussions or expressions of popular opinion. While the administration and student positions concerning Michigan Union governance seem currently to be conflicting, they will undoubtedly be gradually reconciled through good faith and discussions and compromises *iade possible by the common desire to redevelop the Michigan Union as a true student center. TO HELP the Union realize this goal, a group of students concer- ned with the future of the Michigan Union has been engaged in the task of developing structure for effective student participation in Michigan Union decision-making. This group, the Student Advisory Committee, has prepared a draft Charter for the Michigan Union. The Charter would establish a new decision- making structure for the Michigan Union. Basically the By Joe Daniels and David Schaper Charter provides that an Executive Comnittee for the Michigan Union (with a majority of that body being students) shall determine Union user needs and set priorities con- cerning space utilization and programming. The Charter for the Michigan Union will be discussed at open student-Union staff ad- ministrative and governance structure is needed. The Director of the Michigan Union and his/her staff shall manage and operate the Union. The Director will be responsible for personnel management, building operations, usage, and main- tenance. The Director is also members. These will include the Director, two alumni0 representatives from the Alumni, Association, two faculty representatives appointed by the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs, one member apiece from Student Services and University Relations and Development, and eleven studen. members. One of the student members-shall be from MSA and two from UAC since these two organizations are currently in&. volved in Union planning and usage. The remaining eight student representatives will be selected at large from the general student populace. There will be at least two undergraduate and two graduate members. The MS Permanent Interviewing Com mittee (augmented by one memo ber from UAC and two from th. current Executive Committee, will interview interested can: didates. A list of qualified can- didates will be presented to then current Executive Committe which will interview and may veto any candidate. Once nominees are approved by both the interviewing CommitZ~ tee and the current Executive Committee, their names will b put before the MSA Assembly. Each will take his/her seat on the- new Executive Committee unles rejected -by the MSA Assembly. TEMPORARY PROVISIONS The Executive Committee shall' function once ten of the eleven student: members have been selected. All meetings will be open hearings and the time and location will be publicized in ad-@ vance. Decisions and actions of each meeting will be compiled and made available to the public. The initial Executive Commit- tee will be established as previously outlined, except there will be no Executive Committee review of student appointments. The current Director will con- tinue to serve as the initial Direc- tor under this charter. AMENDMENTS Amendments to this charter will be proposed to the Executive Committee, which will forward them, along with recommen dations, to the Regents, Vice President for Student Services, and MSA. Approval of these three groups will be, necessary tQ amend the Charter. The charte: will become effective upon ap. proval by the same three groups. Joe Daniels and David Schaper are members of the Michigan Union Student In- terim Advisory Committee. / .7' hearings next Monday, Wed- nesday, and Thursday (Sept. 29, Oct. 1 & 2) at 7:00 p.m. in the Kuenzel Room of the Michigan Union. Subsequently, the Charter will be presented to the Michigan Student Assembly for its review as the students' initial bargaining position. The, provisions of the Draft Charter are summarized in substantially condensed form below. PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES The Michigan Union should be a student center which supports and enhances the quality of cam- pus life. It should have clean, at- tractive, convenient facilities and other conveniences appropriate to a student center. These should be used for social, cultural, and recreational activities, as well as a place where various members of the University community can meet, relax, and associate with each other. UNION DIRECTOR To achieve these goals, a joint responsible for the financial management of the Union, and is expected to encourage and assist student programming. The Director shall be appointed by the Vice President for Student Services from among applicants interviewed and nominated by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee constitutes the formal mechanism for user input into Union operations. This Committee will provide advice and policy guidance to the Direc- tor concerning usage, leasing, scheduling, and design for Union properties. The Committee will also make periodic market studies, revise the budget and capital planning, evaluate the Director's performance, and monitor and review all long- range planning to insure that the Union is responsive to user needs. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The Executive Committee will consist of eighteen LETTERS TO THE DAILY: Reagan's abortion view hypocritical To The Daily: Viewers of the presidential "debate" Sunday heard can- didate Reagan proclaim ad nauseum: "Let's get government would also be banned, and the sale or use of contraceptives would be prohibited. The passage of an anti-abortion amendment to the U.S. Con- government out of the lives of the people-but only selectively. He would abolish or weaken any program or piece of legislation that could benefit the average tion. Apparently, Reagan and I mean very different things by the word "people." For candidate Reagan, "people" is synonymous with "business" or with "large : . W wiii0 F AM m