Page 6-Thursday, September 25, 1980-The Michigan Daily SAYS TITAN II ESSENTIAL PREmMED MASS MEETING Air Force raises THURS. SEPT . 25 WASHINGTON (AP)-Air Force of- ficials said yesterday that the aging Titan II missile still is an essential part of the nation's strategic defenses, but conceded that last week's accident at an Arkansas missile site has raised safety questions. Secretary of the Air Force Hans Mark told Congress that the explosion last week , at a Titan site near Damascus, Ark., left many unanswered questions about the adequacy of safety procedures. HE SAID HE hoped to have some an- swers in about a month when the Air Force completes a study of the ac- cident, which killed an Air Force main- tenance man and injured 21 others. Last June, in a report to Congress, the Air Force defended the safety record of the Titan system. Mark refused to say in public whether 12 NOON-1 P.M. CAREER AUD. B Rent a Carf Econo-Car Econo- Car ECONO-CAR" 438W. Huron 6-CAR 761 -8845A GELCO COMPANY U of M students 19 years old and older Rent a Ford or another fine car safety question the nuclear warhead on the Titan the House Armed Services Committee missile in the Arkansas silo ever was in that the Titan II "is required in our danger of detonating. He said he would - strategic force. It accounts for about only answer questions about the one-third of the destructive power of nuclear device to the members of our land-based missile force. There is Congress in private. no near-term replacement." One question Mark said he cannot an- THE SECRETARY said he feels the swer is the reason there wasn't enough Titans are needed more now than when water at the site to flood the silo that they were first deployed in 1963 because houses the massive Titan II in an effort "the strategic balance with the Soviet to prevent the explosion that occurred Union is not nearly as much in our favor when a fuel line was broken. as it was then." "IF YOU COULD fill up the entire There are 84 Titan II sites in Arizona, silo you could prevent it-the ex- Kansas and Arkansas, and each missile plosion-from happening,"he said. can carry a nuclear payload about 1,000 Mark also testified that the Strategic times as great as the bomb that Air Command overruled the advice of destroyed Hiroshim'a, Japan, at the end an Air Force safety team, which of World WarII. proposed allowing the fuel fumes inside The Titan was designed primarily as the silo to escape. The air command-in- a threat to Russian cities and in recent stead followed the recommendation of years the United States has developed the missile contractor, Martin Mariet- the more accurate Minuteman missile, ta, to forego the venting procedure. designed to knock out the enemy's Mark told a hastily called meeting of nuclear defenses. Two days left to elect Spanish pass/fail (Continued from Page 1) ANGELL HALL Planning $ Placement " Wolfe claims many pass/fail students will just barely maintain a C- average throughout the term with the objective of not doing any more work than is absolutely necessary. But he said a blunder at the end of the term could then mean an F. "We're not out to flunk students, we're out to pass them," Wolfe said. Instructors are not supposed to know whether a student is taking a course pass/fail, but students often make the fact known in hopes of receiving a sym- pathetic C-, Wolfe said. The pass/fail dilemma may be especially acute in the Spanish division because the language is regarded by many students as the easiest way to meet the foreign language requirement. Wolfe acknowleged that such a sen- timent exists among students searching for an "easy" language, but dismissed it as a "myth." "Take ranch, add 'o', and you have Spanish: rancho," Wolfe said sar- castically. "This is total mythology." Wolfe said Spanish is relatively easy in some areas, such as spelling and pronunciation, but is difficult in areas such as verb conjugation and other grammar. 0 Marwil case a lesson (Continued from Page 1) grievance procedures." Shapiro said he believes SARC cannot have more than an advisory function until the faculties of the University's individual schools and colleges are willing to give up some of their self- governing powers. SARC, or any other faculty body, cannot have power to enforce decisions until the individual faculties are ready to surrender some of their rights "to a pan-faculty group," Shapiro said. "IF THE FACULTY were united in the first place, it's much less likely the administration would have gotten in- volved in the Marwil case," Shapiro said. The administration supported the Colierbur LAST 3 NIGHTS TONIGHT 8 PM humanities department decision not to reappoint Marwil or give him a tenure review. Much of Marwil's case centered around understandings and inter- pretations of University rules and customs regarding appointments, non- S reappointments, and tenure reviews. In the end, the University's inter- pretations of the rules won out-but that only underscores what Naylor sees as a major problem. "MOST FACULTY members are not terribly familiar with things written down. Most are familiar with customs as they see them. Most have an under- standing of the way they think the University works. When' something happens that seems to fly in the face of those understandings, they are under- standably upset," Naylor said. There is a great fear among faculty members that in the aftermath of the Marwil case, the administration will begin to tighten up rules relating to ap- pointments and tenure reviews, thereby eliminating a flexibility of in- terpretation that many consider impor- tant. Whether this occurs may depend in large part upon opposition by the faculty. For now, as Livermore obser- ved, faculty members are just "scurrying around; trying to see exac- tly what rules pertain to them." In 1821, the Northwest Company and the Hudson's Bay Company were merged under the latter's name. presents " Canterbury Loft 332 SOUTH STATE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN 48104 313 665-0606 MAJOR EVEN TS presents 5S 4 } 4 r' 'x . A 0