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September 25, 1980 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1980-09-25

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Ninety-One Years
Editorial Freedom


41 igau


eS kP(HAIRN K .rEt
Expect a high in the upper
60s. Scattered showers
should end by tonight when
the mercury drops to 40.

,Vol. XCI. No. 19

Copyright 1980, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, September 25, 1980

Ten Cents

Fourteen Pages


Spanish prof




Because of a professor's admittedly confusing
class announcement blasting the pass/fail
grading system, more than 1,700 first- and
second-year Spanish students will have an extra
two days to decide if they want to take their
language courses pass/fail.
The confusion arose after Spanish teaching
assistants read an announcement in class earlier
this week that discouraged students from selec-
ting the P/F grading format.
THE OFFICIAL LSA deadline for making a
grading system change was yesterday, but LSA
Associate Dean Eugene Nissen said students in
Spanish 100, 101, 102, 103, 231, and 232 will have
until 4:30 p.m._tomorrow in the LSA counseling
center to designatea grading system.
The pass/fail option is especially popular, in
language classes, which many students take only
to fulfill a language proficiency requirement for

Associate Prof. David Wolfe, who is one of two
faculty members who oversee the beginning
courses, instructed teaching assistants earlier
this week to read an anouncement he had draf-
WOLFE SAID THE move was designed to en-
courage students to take the class under an A-B-
C-D-E grading system rather than the P/F
Under the pass/fail option, the registrar
changes C- and better grades to a P while
changing Ds and Es to an F.
But the wording of the announcement apparen-
tly convinced some students that a B average
was necessary to obtain a P.
"The Spanish Division of the Department of
Romance Languages does NOT approve of your
taking any 4 or 8 hour Spanish course pass/fail,"
the announcement began. "The pass/fail system
is deceptive and demoralizing."
AFTER NOTING that a credit-earning D

grade under the pass/fai
into a no-credit F, the a
you take the pass/fail risl
B average in Spanish at al
It was this clause that
the confusion.
Wolfe said he didn't m
necessary to pass the clas
a good idea to maintain a
the term in order to allow
at the end of the term.
classes today and tomorri
LSA's pass/fail systen
those in other University
designed for students who
credit while relieving som
of the course.
P or an F, unlike stan
no effect on a student's
simply determines whet]
ted for the class.

i system is translated LSA REQUIRES either two years of college
nnouncement said, "If language courses or four years of high school
k, you must maintain a language classes if a student wishes to graduate
1 times." with a B.S. or A.B. degree.
caused the majority of If a student chooses not to fulfill the language
requirement, a Bachelor of General Studies
nean a B average was degree-for which concentrations are not
s, but rather that it was allowed-is the only option.
B average throughout Wolfe outlined several reasons for his op-
for a poor performance position to the pass /fail system:
" "The pass/fail students tend to be non-
nent will be read in the contributors to the class," Wolfe said. "They
ow, Wolfe said. huddle in the back, they cut. . . It's demoralizing
n, which is similar to to the class."
schools and colleges, is " "I really get pressure to change grades and I
wish to take a class for don't like to do it," Wolfe said. He said students
ie of the grade pressure who take the class pass/fail but don't make a
grade of C- or better invariably come to him with
dard letter grades, has appeals for a grade change. "The students will
grade.point average. It come in trembling" and practically begging for
her credit will be gran- a C-, he said.
See TWO, Page 6


clarifies announcement

Sbo From The Associated Press
BAGHDAD, Iraq-Iraqi armor and
infantry - pushed deeper into Iran
yesterday, claiming the capture of+
-f three more towns and driving har-
" Iliadpressed Iranian troops away from the
border. The two Moslem enemies urged
k ~their people to fight on in a "holy war." .
SnAs a worried world Watched, the "oil
war" continued as well.
IN WASHINGTON President Carter i
said yesterday that an interruption of
the flow of oil from the Persian Gulf
"would create a serious threat" and the
United States is consulting other
nations on ways to keep oil supplies
from being halted by the war between
Y ,FIran and Iraq.
Carter, in a brief appearance before
APPhreporters at the White House, said the
consetations are aimedatensuring
that the strategic Strait of Hormuz
the 300-pondp e itremains open. Much of the world's oil is
a0ofoshipped through that strait.
"Freedom of navigation in the Per-
sian Gulf is of primary importance to
t jwe AP Photo the whale international community,"
Prete l f or a heif Carter said. "It is imperative that there
A huge befr drinker's friend fascinates Laurie Sheeran, -above, who compares be no in frismetofa freom oPr-
the 300-pound pretzel to its smaller counterpart. Ingredients for the record passageuf sist n rmtePr
pastry included 200 pounds of flour, 60 pounds of water and 10 pounds of butter, siaB ufTregPioEneae hs
Marwl case a lesson



rarnan terri

assurance that the United States is
staying out of the fighting between Iran
and Iraq and cautioned other nations to
do the same. He again denied Iranian
charges that the United States is spon-
soring the Iraqis in the war.
"Although the United States is in no
way involved in this dispute and
charges to the contrary are obviously
and patently false, it is important to
make clear our position in this mat-
ter . .," Carter said. "There should be
absolutely no intervention by any other
nation in this conflict."
Meanwhile, Secretary of State Ed-
mund Muskie also revealed the ad-
ministration is planning strategy to
keep oil flowing from the Persian Gulf.
He stressed that current U.S. policy is
to promote a ceasefire through the
United Nations.
"I THINK THIS is the kind of
situation best addressed through an in-
ternational institution of this kind,"
Muskie told reporters after returning to
the United Nations in New York from a
White House meeting called to consider
the Middle East conflict:
He said the first priority is to seek
implementation of an appeal issued by
the Security Council urging Iran and
Iraq to cease fighting.

Muskie said he would urge Soviet
Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko to
recommend the Kremlin use its in-
fluence in support of the Security Coun-
cil's appeal.
IN THE MIDEAST, flights of U.S.-
made Iranian fighter-bombers and
flotillas of gunboats attacked Iraqi oil
installations for a third day, and
Tehran said far-ranging Iraqi war-
planes had attacked Iran's giant Kharg
Island oil terminal. The important
Iranian refinery at Abadarr was repor-
ted still burning, two days after Iraqi
warplanes and artillery began bom-
barding it.
The Persian Gulf oil shipment
facilities of both nations were reported
shut down.
Military observers said the Iraqis
apparently were trying to cut off Iran's
major oil centers in the south from the
capital of Tehran. But Iraqi Defense
Minister Gen. Adnan Khairallah told
reporters yesterday his country had no
intention of seizing the oil-rich
Khuzestan province in southwestern
"YOU KNOW VERY well we are not
in need of oil from Arabistan,"
Khairallah aid, using the Arab world's
name for Khuzestan.

President Saddam Hussein's gover-
nment repeatedly has charged Iran
with oppressing thev rights of the
Arabic-speaking minority in the
province, which numbers more than
one million of the three million
inhabitants. Baghdad also has repor-
tedly given arms aid to separatist
rebels in the area.
Khairallah reiterated his gover-
nment's accusation that Iranian
violations of a 1975 territorial
agreement prompted the border war.
"We wanted to hold Iran by the neck
until they recognized our legitimate
rights," he said.
were being rushed to the flashpoint
areas along the 300-mile war front,
Tehran Radio said. The beleaguered
defenders of the Iranian oil-refinery
city of Abadan apparently were holding
out doggedly against an Iraqi siege,.
.The Iraqis claimed to have captured
at least three more Iranian towns in the
central border region 350 miles south-
west of Tehran. Iran's government
conceded its forces had made tactical
The Iranians asserted that four
Americans, whom they did not identify,
were captured with Iraqi soldiers in the
border fighting north of Abadan,.

Blue blood
5 carry on parents' 'U' tradition

A Daily News Analysis
When Harold Shapiro was just
another professor in the economics
department, he "never knew if (the
department) even had a grievance
He also had only a "vague idea",of
the definition of a tenure review.
president of the University. And those
days of blissful naivete on the part of
the faculty are gone for good.
If terms like "tenure review,"
"grievance procedure," and "non-
reappointment" were not every day'
jargon among faculty members before
Jonathan Marwil sued the University,
they almost certainly will be now.
Marwil, a former assistant professor
1 in the engineering humanities depar-
tment, lost his long struggle for a
review of his qualifications to receive
tenure Tuesday, when a federal district
judge in Detroit dismissed his suit
against the Regents and three
humanities department ad-

MARWIL, WHO HAS been off the
University payroll since May, 1979,
claims he was unfairly denied a tenure
review in his sixth year at the Univer-
sity-a review many faculty members
regard as customary in a professor's
sixth year.
Humanities department admin-
sitrators claim Marwil - was
"abrasive," "contentious," and "in-.
temperate," and contend they were
justified in terminating his contract
because he was a divisive influence in
the department.
Marwil took his case for a tenure
review to the dean of the engineering.
college, the faculty's grievance board,
then-Vice President for Academic Af-
fairs Shapiro, the Regents, and finally
federal district court, picking up sup-
port from fellow faculty members
along the way.
NOW, FACULTY leaders are trying
to assess what went wrong with the
University's grievance procedure and
how to avoid another case like Mar-
wil's, which they believe never should
have gone outside the University.

"I wish we had found a better way to
dispose of (Marwil's) case than we
did," said History Prof. Shaw Liver-
more, chairman of the Senate Advisory
Review Committee, the faculty's
grievance body. SARC, which most
faculty members consider virtually im-
potent because it has only advisory
powers, had unanimously supported
Marwil in his quest for a tenure review.
The chairman of the faculty's
executive committee put it more blun-
tly. "We don't have in place enough of a
grievance procedure to prevent falling
into a similar trap," said Engineering
Prof. Arch Naylo-r', chairman of the
Senate Advisory Committee on Univer-
sity Affairs.
SHAPIRO COULD scarcely disagree
more with Naylor's assessment. In an
interview conducted in July while
Marwil's trial was in progress, Shapiro
said, "We have all kinds of grievance
procedures even if SARC dropped out
of existence. If we err anywhere, we err
in most cases on the side of too many
See MARWIL, Page 6

Michigan students are often accused of harboring a
fanatical devotion towards the University. Five students
stand as proof that this maize-and-blue attraction may
even be passed on genetically.
Karil, Kent, Kirsten, Lee, and Sandra Kochenderfer.
of Royal Oak, are all children of Music School Alumni
Nancy and Vincent Kochenderfer. And all five are curren-
tly enrolled in the University as undergraduates.
Although Mom and Dad Kochenderfer say they never
pressured their offspring to attend the University, fresh-
man Kent recalls wearing a "Go Blue" bib in his toddler
days, and 21 year-old Karil, a senior studying consumer
research, remembers that "as kids we were always
dressed in Michigan stuff."
EACH OF THE KOCHENDERFERS listed the school's
"superb academics" as a reaon for choosing the Univer-
sity. Sandra, 23, who transferred to Michigan from
Kalamazoo College claimed she was searching for a
larger school and felt "oriented towards Michigan."
Before any of the children were of college age, the
family took frequent trips'to Ann Arbor to attend concerts
at Hill Auditorium (a favorite pasttime of their Music
School days), football games, and Band Days, the latter
as part of Mr. Kochenderfer's job as music director of a
suburban Detroit high school.
Football Saturdays provide an opportunity for the whole

family to get gether. The four elder Kochenderfers have
tickets together on the 45 yard line.
Father Kochenderfer especially enjoys this. "I never
got such a good seat during my days at Michigan," he
THE FAMILY MUSICAL tradition is carried on by
Karil and Kirsten, who are both members of Choral
Union, a campus singing group. The senior Kochenderfers
also belonged to Choral Union during their undergraduate
years at the University.
Mrs. Kochenderfer fondly recalls, "My husband and I
dated through musical events and our participation in
musical groups." This harmonious romance resulted in-
their marriage at the time of their graduation in 1949.
Having siblings at the University apparently has
academic advantages. Karil and Kent are both taking
Astronomy 101 this term. "I have Kent take notes for me
when I want to skip class," Karil said.
The Kochenderfer children spend their summers
working to earn the bulk of the money needed to pay
college expenses.
The family also receives financial aid from the state of
Michigan via BEOG, the Michigan Competitive Scholar-
ship, the College Work Study Program, and other scholar-
"BY THE TIME WE were juniors in high school we all
See MAIZE, Page 8

The old rugged archesk
T O SOME PERSONSy there is nothing more
heavenly than a quarter-pounder with cheese,
a large order of fries, and a medium-sized soft
drink in a Ronald McDonald glass. This isn't
the case with a group of outraged Vero Beach, Fla. clergy-
Mani A lrwn] rildinna tha~t has nlaol chrh rosses inf


The times they
are a-changmn A
Ten years ago former
Yippie leader Jerry Rubin
urged his college-aged
followers to tear the a
American capitalist system
down, and was lauded by Cheers.
many for doing so. Six years:

applauding enthisiasts of the same ago. Liddy earned the
kudos at the close of a two-hour "dialog" with 1,600 Univer-
sity of Massachusetts students in Amherst, Mass. The
Watergate figure alternately cajoled and charmed the
group as he warned against criticism of the late FBI Direc-
tor J. Edgar Hoover, lectured on the technique of knife-
fighting, and lamented theAmerican tendency "to live a
life of illusion." Just moments away at Brandeis University
in Waltham, Mass., Rubin told students to make capitalism
work for better social values. He also told the group not to
smoke too much marijuana. The former activist, who

Atlantic Ridley turtle. Officials of the New England
Aquarium say that Studley is in for a round-trip, all-
expense-paid airline ticket to Florida where he will be met
by two females of the rare and vanishing species. Studley
will also enjoy first class accommodations at the Miami
Seaquarium. The lucky turtle ,will stay "for an indefinite
period of time" in the lavish "Lost World" exhibit which
replicates the Key Biscayne area of Florida (prior to its
massive tourist development). Aquarium officials hope
that Studley will be enamored with the two lovely turtles-m-
waiting, with little Atlantic Ridleys resulting from the



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