OPINION Wage 4 I Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan. Val. X~, No 18420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of The Daily's Editorial Board 4 Reagan takes himself on ONALD REAGAN is in trouble. the frightening implications of Immediately after the Republi- Reagan's economics seem to be having San convention, political pollsters ad- an effect on workers. Why vote for a udged him the leader by a con- man who will move to help the rich get siderable margin, both popularly and richer and who will simply trust the in Electoral College votes. Today, only rich to see to it that the poor don't get two months later, polls show Carter any poorer? lust about even with the challenger While Reagan's economics may be among the voters, with some even disconcerting to the poor, their effect is giving the edge to the incumbent. at least mitigated by the president's ; The Electoral count still shows, poor performance in that arena. Reagan ahead in many of the populous Another problem-one that must Industrial states, but in most his lead prove worrisome to all voters regar- ,ias been diminished and in some dless of wealth-is Reagan's frequent reversed. Texas and California, for in- mishandling of facts, figures, and just Stance, both of which once looked to be plain logic. And that problem is solidly behind the former governor Reagan's alone. now have been deemed toss-ups. The governor's latest display of The reasons for Reagan's slippage ignorance came during Sunday night's ire many, but none is particularly dif- debate, when he assailed John Ander- .icult to understand, and all but one are son's "50/50" proposal, a centerpiece Reagan's fault. The exception, of cour- of the congressman's campaign. e, is Carter's incumbency. Under the Anderson plan, a 50 cent Since September, Carter's cautious tax would be added per gallon of havior has given him a boost in the gasoline. At the same time, the plan rlls. Despite the nation's troubles, would cut Social Security taxes by 50 arter has at least come to represent percent. Thus, consumers would have -isible stability, whereas Reaganis a clear economic incentive to conserve domparatively an unknown quantity, gas, yet would have the expense com- and therefore is viewed as a possible pensated. It seems to be an excellent Yanger. His warlike words during and idea and it has been acknowledged as re the campaign have not helped such by many press and political ob- im on fron servers, including some who do not Only four weeks ago, most black support Anderson's candidacy overall. leaders indicated little preference for either the Democratic or Republican Despite the attention the "50/50" nominee. More recent days have plan has brought, Reagan seemed lirought news of a change in that stan- unaware of its provisions or c, and with it, glad tidings for Carter. philosophy. He commented: "I cannot The National Association for the Ad- see where a 50-cent-a-gallon tax ap- vancement of Colored People, for in- plied to gasoline would have changed stance, has signalled its intent to the price of gasoline.... It would be a publish a candidate scorecard on tax paid by the consumers, and then black-related issues, which would we're asked to believe that some way clearly make the president look better they would get this back.... Why take than his opponent. it in the first place if you're going to The drift of black opinion toward give it back?" Carter, which he clearly cannot do It's difficult for pollsters to ferret out without, is explained better by his op- the specific factors that have been ponent's proclamations than by his puncturing Reagan's lead. The urban own. Reagan's economic proposals centers are essential to Reagan, and center around the standard conser- the growing opposition to the prospect vative dictum: Ease restrictions on of a Reagan presidency among blacks business, lower or eliminate the has certainly played a part in his fall. minimum wage, and watch the dollars His ubiquitous flubs, too, have under- iyoll in as a result of increased produc- standably aroused fear among the tivity. The poor, it is argued, will electorate that President Reagan benefit as well, via the "trickle down" would be thoughtless, narrow-minded, theory of business prosperity. and ill-informed. For a while, it looked as if Reagan Fortunately, it's beginning to look might have had poor blacks and others less likely that we'll have the oppor- fooled, but as November draws near, tunity to find out. Wednesday, September 24, 1980 The Michigan Daily Bobtheengineer /FTI5 7AK5 A QQ/C& 6GLAN/CE AT youk 'ApP//CA74T. I' yI AfR//7'1A P F 'f-E 50 7//WO~' AAI9 8,f /A' /N'A o roi.o,$g'o A4 AI AI/I , ui '- by David Kirby R3oTY PA A'ENYTS E7'n/Vic g~E'ovp. AY EB/ E7W!/ G4NE A'6 /o/,'p t ADEAONEE/GTH Y X l . E9fN Y1 r T o sf/ 1 I'/V V siR vvy//A7r! 1 r'E- S\l l \I . t / FINANCIAL AID) N ( l . '5,., AL F FfAlb L C( - ~~ N l N ANWC A Air~ ,flIcoY(&AI-Y, Taiwan support safe for U.S. According to press reports, certain Republican governors have advised Ronald Reagan to cease making comments on foreign affairs and to concentrate upon domestic issues. This is like advising the cap- tain of the Titanic to concentrate upon the comfort and entertainment of the passengers and to pay no attention to the surrounding waters. It must be obvious to the meanest intellect that the well-being of the U.S. people is inex- tricably intertwined with events taking place in foreign countries thousands of miles away. The production of attractive and relatively inexpensive cars in Japan results in the unemployment of workers in the U.S. automobile industry; the escalating price demanded for the oil of the oil-producing countries contributes to the inflation which reduces the amount of food which can be pur- chased by the dollar of the American housewife; and the "inescapable duty" to cooperate with the "historic forces" which have ordained that the entire world shall be ruled by communists has led the Soviet leaders to create a mighty military machine which can only be matched by prodigious U.S. expenditure. Any president concerned about unemployment, inflation, education, and crime must pay attention to foreign affairs. THE CENTRAL PROBLEM of foreign af- fairs is the existence, nature, programs, and objectives of world communism, which exert great influence on the lives of the citizens of every country. To assume that the American people are so stupid that they cannot see and understand this is to hold them in low esteem indeed. Theeadvice lavished upon Ronald Reagan was stimulated by his statements concerning the advisability of reestablishing official government relations with Taiwan. These statements induced nightmarish visions in certain quarters of an insulted Communist China breaking relations with the United States and leaving this country to face the might of the Soviet Union in lonely isolation. Some feared that, if such relations were established with Taiwan, it might cause a reconciliation between China and Russia. I recently returned from a visit to Taiwan. This visit was not an official junket, but was privately arranged so that I could deliver a series of lectures on the nature of com- munism to a conference of students. The con- ference was arranged by an organization called Chinese for Christ. By Fred Sch warz I LAST VISITED Taiwan 20 years ago, and to say I was impressed by the transformation that has taken place in the interim would be an extreme understatement. Each citizen of Taiwan produces six times as much as his mainland cousin, and he or she is obviously enjoying the fruits of productive labor. Homes are being constructed everywhere while the streets are full of cars and motorcycles. Driving is an exercise of faith-faith in the brakes of all the other vehicles. From the manufacture of ships to the microscopic components of computers, the Taiwanese economy is booming. The labor force is obviously highly skilled because the most sophisticated products are produced. THE CONVICTION THAT the Chinese Communists would abandon their relation- ship with the United States if this country of- ficially recognized Taiwan reveals a failure to understand the dynamics of the policies chosen by the mainland Chinese. Their' leaders have not developed their present relations with the U.S. because they like the American political and economic systems or policies, but rather to serve their own in- terests. The current Chinese policy of alliance with the U.S. is grounded in devotiontocom- munism and in the leadership's deter- mination to continue ruling China and, ultimately, the world. They would renounce the advantages their association with the U.S. offers only with the greatest reluctance. Whatever attitude the U.S. adopted toward Taiwanv it is probable that the pragmatic-pardon me, dialectical-Chinese leaders would find a face-saving way of adap- ting to it. An understanding of the foregoing places Chinese Communist foreign policy in true perspective. Surveying the world, they profess to observe two imperialisms, namely, the imperialism of the United States and the imperialism of the Soviet Union. They acknowledge that the Soviet Union was originally a socialist country, ruled by true Marxist-Leninists, but they affirm that it has ceased to be socialist and has become Social- Imperialist. As such, it is actively seeking world hegemony. OF THESE TWO imperialisms, the Chinese Communists have decided that Soviet im- perialism is the more dangerous. They believe the power and aggressiveness of the Soviet Union is increasing while that of the United States is diminishing. Therefore, the conflict with the Soviet Union is the major contradiction. The attention and energy of the entire Chinese nation must, therefore, be focused upon- defending the challenge im- posed by Soviet imperialism. Applying these principles, the Chinese Communist leaders are seeking, with con- siderable success, to build an alliance of anti- Soviet nations. The sole criterion for mem- bership in such an alliance it antagonism to the Soviet Union. Thus, China seeks to build an alliance with the USA, Japan, western Europe, Southeast Asia, and the nations of the Third World. The nature of the government of each country, and the way the government treats its own citizens, is irrelevant. This does not mean that the Chinese Com- munists have renounced communism. They are acting scientifically or "dialectically.' This often demands retreat in order to advan- ce. The Chinese Communists believe that the Russian Communists are apostate heretics; they are not true communists. Their plans to conquer the world must be defeated. THE MORE INTENSELY people believe, the more bitterly they quarrel. The conflict between the Russians and the Chinese is very intense. It is fueled by the conviction of the leaders of each side, that they represent the ''Forces of History."~ The favor of the Chinese Communists is lavished upon those nations which oppose the Soviet Union effectively. They desire a United States which is militarily strong and which has the will to resist Soviet advances. To build U.S.mmilitary strength and to oppose Soviet hegemony is the pathway to the respect and affection of the Chinese Com- munists. To believe that the Chinese Communists would jettison their entire philosophy and in- ternational program because the U.S. established formal relationships with Taiwan is extremely simplistic. It is sound foreign policy for the U.S.A. to prove that it is a faith- ful ally to its established friends and that it will not forsake them in order to curry favor with new allies because they appear more powerful. Fred Schwarz has been president of the Christian Anti-Communism Crusade sin- ce its inception 26 years ago. This article is excerpted from the CA CC newsletter, of which Sch warz is the editor. 0 LETTERS TO THE DAILY: Mr. Tisch jilts Ann Arbor crowd To The Daily: May I share with your readers the following letter I have sent to Robert Tisch? Dear Mr. Tisch: On August 28 you and I had a telephone conversation in which I invited you to speak at a forum in Ann Arbor at which proponents of each of the three tax proposals would speak. After hearing my explanation of what we were asking you to do, you accepted my invitation and agreed to come to Ann Arbor at 8 p.m., September 18. To make cer- tain that everything was clear, I sent you a letter on August 28 con- firming what was said on the phone and giving you my name, address, and telephone number in the event there were" any misunderstandings, changes in plans, etc. Two days before the forum was to take place, I again got in touch with you by telephone in Corunna. You were at a Board of Canvassers meeting, but your secretary assured me that our forum was on your calendar and you would be there. Last night the forum was held. We packed the room at the Ann Arbor Public Library to over- flowing, but you failed to show up. Moreover, you failed to give me any advance notice that you would not be there. Why? There were reporters there from three newspapers and four radio stations. The fact that you would be there had been widely publicized, so I felt that I owed an explanation to the audience and the press and radio reporters. And incidentally, there were that many reporters there because you made it a condition of your coming that we have, as you put it, "heavy media coverage." I explained that you had simply broken your promise to come. The forum was a success and its sponsors, the Ann Arbor Democratic Party, were gratified by that. Neil Staebler and Perry Bullard lucidly ex- plained proposals A and C. Dan Fuself, the moderator, did a superb job of presenting-and defending-the logic behind the Tisch Proposal. So, you might wonder, why do I bother you with my letter? I bother you, Mr. Tisch, because your behavior was rude and irresponsible. Since you're a public official, I think you and the public need to know about such conduct when it occurs. Do I im- ply your, proposal is without merit because you were, in this instance, boorish and irrespon- sible? I do not. Fortunately for you, you and your proposal must be judged separately. -Robert Weeks professor, College of Engineering September 19 * AIRPORTJ 'aOA BUR S.. * "MYA Iy The rich run the show Pentagon poses danger To The Daily: "The best defense is a good offense," says the Pentagon, slipping a bloody hand into the social programs till and slipping out $150 billion. Meanwhile, Mur- and discreetly checked out of the USA. Pentagon officials, noting the departure of a much-disliked guideline, threw a party. Newspapers across the country did not carry news of the depar- To The Daily: The quest for the presidency of the United States has con- sumed needless amounts of press space and broadcast time. The characteristics and capabilities of the person rich enough and privileged enough to get on the ballot have been well known without that ballyhoo. Space and time~ wunui1R have hPin h t impa will we realize that it is we, the people, who have designed: the tools and machinery of produc- tion 'and have operated them. Why should a few rich and super- rich own them or use their wealth to control both industry and government in their narrow in- terests? How can we most effectively 0