MICHIGAN STUDENT ASSEMBLY MSA & CSJ Are Now Interviewing Interested Students For: Election Court Student Organizations Court Court Of Common Pleas Apply To: MSA 3909 Michigan Union Phone: 763-3241 American Association of Uriversity Women BO1OK SALE Preview Sale ($3.00 Admission Donation) Sept. 24, Wed., 7-9 pm FREE ADMISSION Sept. 25, Thurs., noon to 9 pm Sept. 26, Fri., noon to 7 pm Sept. 27, Sat., 9 am to noon Bargain Day on Saturday Michi an Union Ballroom , Page 2-Wednesday, September 24, 1980-The Michigan Daily U.S.S.R. T UR K E YU. S.S. R. TURKEY Caspion Sea * T abr iz M as ul Nineveh*Tha * Tehran Hamadan " IRAN 0 BaghdadDezful Isfahan IRAQ "Ahvaz Basra "* Khorramshahr * Shiraz ShAtta Bouthehr KUW AIT of-Arob ,"rStrait of Hormur Persian SAUDI Guff .- ARABIA 0 150~ i-"--' MILES A AOT AN DESIGNATED CITIES in the above map show where air and ground forces reportedly struck in Iran and Iraq yesterday. Iraq state radio said six airfield and bases were attacked. Radio Tehran said Iraqi troops were routed near Khorramshahr, Iran's main port on Shatt-al-Arab. ' Profs say U.S. neutrality is best policy in Mideast . t "ft i "ti d tin Page I ALTHOUGH LUTHER said he doub- ted the Mideast conflict would affect the global balance of power, Mazrui contended that "This could be the most serious war affecting the Muslim world since 1971.Although it is unlikely at the moment," he added, "There is always the possibility one of the major powers may decide its interests are en- dangered and move in." President Carter yesterday urged the Soviet Union to stay out of the conflict. "This dispute is reaching the dangerous stage right now," Luther concurred. Not only could the conflict deprive the world market of four billion barrels of oil, it could also increase ten- sions in the Persian Gulf. "Although there would not be an immediate world- wide oil glut," Luther said, "the two countries would face severe economic hardships." Prof. Gernot Windfuhr, chairman of the Near Eastern Studies Department, said the Iran-Iraq conflict is just a recent outbreak of an ancient dispute. He attributed the fighting to religious as well as national and tribal differen- ces. IN BRIEF Compiled from Associated Press and United Press International reports Damaged nuclear warhead reportedly flown to Texas LITTLE ROCK, Ark.-A dented nuclear warhead blown from a Titan II missile in an underground silo explosion reportedly was flown yesterday to Amarillo, Texas, for examination at a nuclear weapons plant. Officials would not immediately confirm whether the warhead was aboard the Military Airlift Command C-141 that flew from Little Rock Air Force Base to Amarillo International Airport. Hazardous material is frequently flown into Amarillo because of the Pantex Plant, the final assembly point for the nation's nuclear weapons. As this shipment was underway, an investigation was beginning at the Damascus, Ark., site of the Friday explosion. In Los Angeles, President Carter said there was no radiation at the site. Consumer prices jump 0.7% in August, drought cited WASHINGTON-Led by the biggest jump in food prices in five years, consumer prices in August rose at a rate of 0.7 percent. As a resul, the brief standstill in the overall cost of living ended as the figure climbed to an an- nual rate of 8.6 percent. The big increase in food prices, attributed mainly to the summer-long drought over much of the valuable U.S. farmland, broke the nation's one month respite from inflation in July, when consumer prices failed to rise for the first time in 13 years. Economists in and out of Washington predicted inflation will continue to worsen in the months ahead, exceeding double digits by year's end. Aside from food prices, a dramatic increase in mortgage interest rates was used to explain the surge in consumer prices. Milliken pushes tax plan LANSING-Gov. Milliken asked top lawmakers yesterday to get the wheels turning on his $100 million, three-part tax plan needed to balance the state's 1980-81 budget. Since the state's spending plan is expected to be about $86 million in the red, Milliken last week proposed a hike in the cigarette levy plus new taxes on military pay and capital gains. The governor made his request at another in a series of closed-door meetings with legislative leaders. Republicans and many Democrats are afraid the passage of new taxes would heighten support for the radical Tisch tax cut amendment. But state Budget Director Gerald Miller said the gover- nor told lawmakers he could not have a responsible budget without the tax measures. South Africa benefits In Iraqi -Iranian conflict JOHANNESBURG, South Africa-The Iraqi-Iranian border conflict was bad news that was good news for South Africa yesterday. The reason was gold. International gold prices reached $720 an ounce on the London gold market, due in part to the fighting between Iraq and Iran in the strategic oil-producing Middle East. That was a $46 rise over Friday's price of $674. South Africa is the world's largest producer of gold. When troubles loom, nervous investors often head for the security of gold, driving its price up- ward. Gold shares on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange were the most heavily traded and brokers reported many of the buying orders came from U.S. in- vestors. "The Americans are grabbing everything they can get," said one broker. Congress begins action on waste cleanup fund WASHINGTON-The House began action yesterday on legislation that would create a "superfund" for emergency cleanup of hazardous waste dump sites such as the one at Love Canal. The bill would create a four-year Hazardous Waste Response Fund allowing the Environmental Protection Agency to clean tip abandoned hazardous waste sites. The fund would not provide compensation for vic- tims. The size of the fund depends on whether the House accepts the $600 million figure approved by its Commerce Committee or the $1.2 billion amount agreed to by the Ways and Means Committee. Money for the fund would come equally from the chemical.industry and federal appropriations. 6 6 11 It' MASS MEETING WED. SEPT 24 " 12 NOON-i P.M. Marwil loses g e (II 1 1.t ' Engineering Prof Arch Naylor, chairman of the faculty Senate Ad- visory Committee on University Af- fairs, said he felt the Marwil case never should have gone to courts of law, but should have been resolved within the University. That is an opinion shared by many faculty members, who point to the Marwil case as a clear example of the lack of an effective grievance procedure for faculty members within the University. EVEN PRATT appared uncomfor- table about deciding the Marwil case. He wrote: "The court reserves its comment on which forum (the courts or University grievance bodies) is most likely to achieve the proper resolution." Marwil had exhausted all possible routes of appeal within the University before filing his lawsuit. The Senate Advisory Review Committe, the faculty's grievance board which can provide only advisory opinions, CAREER AUD. B federal suit unanimously supported Marwil's request for a tenure review. Marwil later appealed to then- University Vice President for Academic Affairs Harold Shapiro, asking him to direct the humanities department to grant him asixth-year tenure review. Finally, in the summer of 1979, Marwil and several faculty leaders asked the Regents to intervene. MARWIL'S COMPLICATED suit, reduced to its basic components, suggested on the one hand an outspoken professor persecuted by administrators who were ruffled by his frequent criticisms, while on the other hand, a group of department officials-sin- cerely concerned about the damage an -abrasive faculty member could do in a close-knit department-earnestly pur- suing every legitimate avenue to get rid of him. When he originally initiated his suit in August, 1979, Marwil alleged that his right of freedom of speech had been violated by the administrative commit- tee, that committee members had ac- ted with malice when they terminated his contract, and that the University was guilty of several contract violations. A series of dismissal motions made by University attorneys successfully whittled down Marwil's suit to the point where neither the Regents nor the in- dividual faculty members were liable for damages. So, had Pratt ruled in Marwil's favor, he probably would have only granted Marwil a tenure review. ANGELL HALL Planningt Placement i COM~iC COALEXEfnC E Where does science fiction end and reality begin? It's all in the mind's eye. Be it the creative imagination used to produce Star Wars, The Black Hole, and The Empire Strikes Back, or the more scientific approach of hypothesis test- ing and experimentation, the distant galaxies of science fiction coalesce into reality with the advanced technology now being developed at a company called TRW. It was the Defense and Space Systems Group of TRW who made possible the Viking Lander biological experiment which looked for life on Mars and the High Energy Astronomical Observatory Whi ,h Ir-L-e frr - rc ,- xi c,-c ro energy lasers, communications systems, plus other future projects still consider- ed science fiction. A company called TRW will be on campus... OCTOBER 8-10 Sbe ticntiu a ntiQ Volume XCI, No. 18 Wednesday, September 24, 1980 The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings during the University year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 48109. Subscription rates: $12 September through April (2 semesters); $13 by mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tuesday through Saturday mornings. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7 by mail outside Ann Arbor. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE MICHIGAN DAILY, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, MI48109. The Michigan Daily is a member of the AssociatedPress and subscribes to UnitedPress International. Pacific News Service. Los Angeles Times Snydicate and Field Newspaper Syndicate. 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