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September 23, 1980 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1980-09-23

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The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, September 23, 1980--Page 9

Fitness course
Perrier water and exercise. Two of America's more noticeable trends are com-
bined in the Parcourse Fitness Circuit inauguration yesterday on North Campus.
The Perrier company, which had provided the course construction materials,
supplied the refreshments for the opening run yesterday, but left the exercising up
to the campus athletes.
Just take a shot of Perrier and you'll be ready to sprint down the track," ex-
lained Mike Stevenson of the University Athletic Department.
Arraanged around North Campus, the year-round, cross-country course includes
designated stops for stretching, working out, and cooling down along a 2.6 mile
walking circuit.
A group of twenty or thirty athletes, including course designers Ken Wanty and
Dave Kubany, followed Parcourse representative Kathy Copeland through the cir-
According to Assistant Director of Recreational Sports Ellen Gold, the Parcour-
se "combines cardiovascular fitness with flexibility and strength, and is thus an
overall fitness program."
At each of the 18 fitness stations, a marker describes the exercise and sets a
"par" for each of three fitness levels. The par is the recommended number of
times a "starter," "sportsman," or "champion" should perform the designated
The course is designed so that even an inexperienced athlete can start an exer-
cise routine safely.
All of the participants yesterday managed to complete the course and appeared
to enjoy themselves. No one had a chance Ao get thoroughly tired since the large
group stopped for explanations at each exercise station.
Cooling down afterwards with a bottle of Perrier, University student Karl
Huggins commented, "They make great courses, but they make terrible water."
The University course is one of 100 Parcourses sponsored by the manufacturer of
Perrier water. Copeland, who flew to Ann Arbor from San Francisco to launch the
new course, said the course was donated to the University because of the "high
evel of participation in recreational sports" here.
The Ohio State University Parcourse attracts 6000 students a day, said Copeland,
directing a challenge to the Wolverine students trying out the course.
University Athletic Director Don Canham helped kick off the trial run, but
declined to run the course. He did share the sparkling water with the participants,
"It's just like soda, it's good if you're thirsty.'
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NEW YORK (AP)-Outfielders Steve
Kemp of the Detroit Tigers and Al
Oliver of the Texas Rangers have been
named co-winners of the American
League Player of the Week award for
the period ending Sept. 21, it was an-
nounced yesterday.
Kemp batted .474 last week-with 9
hits in 19 at-bats. His hits included two
doubles, a triple and two home runs. He
also drove in 15 runs, with one six-RBI
games included in his production.
Oliver batted .429 for the week with
12-for-28, including the 2,000th hit of his
major league career. He had five
doubles and a triple while driving in six

Doily Photo by JIM KRUZ
As five fitness buffs, including course designers Ken Wanty and Dave Kubany, look on, Parcourse fitness expert Kathy
Copeland demonstrates the bar vault, stop 12 on the fitness circuit just opened on North Campus.


Jenkins reinstated

TAMPA, Fla. (AP)-Coach John
McKay, feeling his houng quarterback
receives unjust criticism, said yester-
day it's time that third-year pro Doug
Williams is judged on his performance,
not on his color.
The description of Williams as a
"black quarterback" rankles- McKay,
who says he detects racial overtones
what place unfair pressure on his quar-'
"THERE'S CERTAIN people in this
country determined to continue to call
him a black quarterback-'Can a black
quarterback make it?-and in my
opinion, I think they're inferring in-
telligence and they use his gram-
matical mistakes to heighten that, and I
think that is poor," McKay said.
Club spokesman Bob Best said
*ewspapers in other National Football
League cities usually focus on whether
a black quarterback can succeed, with
apparent implications that a black
quarterback can more easily be out-
smarted by defenses.
"In Dallas, there was an article.
saying the defensive secondary was
going to try to switch things to 'confuse'
Williams," Best said.
"THE PROOF OF the pudding is in
the eating. He took us to the champion-
ship last year and he had one of his best
games-over 300 yards-against the
mighty Dallas Cowboys Sunday,"
McKay said.
The issue surfaced when writers
criticized Williams' performance after

the Bucs bowed to Dallas 28-17.
McKay said after the game:
"I thought Doug played well. He had
quite a few drops by receivers. So that
gives you sports writers another chance
to say what a poor quarterback and
passer he is. It'll just give another
racist a chance to say that Doug's not a
good quarterback, and I'm getting sick
and tired of it."
"Doug Williams is a young quarter-
back. He's not a 'black quarterback.' If
he is a 'black quarterback,' David
Lewis is a 'black linebacker,' and O.J.
Simpson is a 'black running back.' It's
time people grew up. Every time I read
something, it's 'black quarterback."'

NEW YORK (AP)-Baseball's per-
manent arbitrator, law professor
Raymond Goetz; restored pitcher
Ferguson Jenkins to active duty with
the Texas Rangers yesterday, rever-
sing the suspension imposed two weeks
ago by Commissioner Bowie Kuhn.
It was the first time that an action of
the commissioner has been overturned
by an arbitrator.
decision, Texas club spokesman Burt
Hawkins said Jenkins left immediately
to join the Rangers in Minnesota where
he will pitch in the series against the
Jenkins had been sent to the sidelines
by ,Kuhn on Sept. 8 after the pitcher
refused to answer any questions from
the commissioner's security staff
following his drug-related arrest in
Toronto two weeks earlier.
The pitcher was detained at the
Toronto airport when small amounts of
cocaine, marijuana and hashish were
found in a routine check of his luggage
on the Rangers' last trip to Canada,
A court hearing on the case is
scheduled for mid-becember.
Jenkins was yanked from a scheduled
start in Toronto Aug. 25 but then was

returned to the Rangers' regular
rotation and made two starts for Texas.
Meanwhile, Kuhn summoned him for a
hearing in New York where he was
;questioned about the drug matter. He
remained silent on the advice of his at-
torney and, shortly after that, Kuhn or-
dered the suspension.
"THERE WAS NO way I could an-.
swer those questions without
prejudicing myself, or giving them the
players' names they wanted," Jenkins
"What this decision says," said Ed
Greenspan, Jenkins' attorney, "is it
suggests to Mr. Kuhn that he has great
power but that power must be tempered
by fairness and decency and
reasonableness. He can not exercise
that power arbitrarily."
Kuhn disagreed.
"In my judgment, the arbitrator's
decision regarding Ferguson Jenkins is
wrong," he said. "It does a grave
disservice not only to those of us in
sports administration, but to concerned
parents and citizens everywhere."

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