OPINION Tuesday, September 23, 1980 The Michigan Daily Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan What is that damn word? Vol. XCI, No. 17 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, M1 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of The Daily's Editorial Board And the hi winner is Well, the great debate is over, and now it's time to decide who won. That is no particularly easy task. We heard from only two of three major presidential candidates. And those two refused to debate one another directly, preferring instead to answer only six questions from journalists. Further, both John Anderson and Ronald Reagan struggled to pad their answers with as much rhetoric-and as few specifics-as possible. Certainly John Anderson didn't win., He failed to take advantage of his big chance to prove that he is a true in- dependent with new, vibrant ideas. In- stead, he spent much of his response time spouting isolated facts from big- name studies and repeating some pret- ty old ideas. When he was asked what he would do about the poor state of the country's military forces, he spent more than half of his allotted time talking about the poor state of the country's military forces-the very premise of the question. About the only notable idea Ander- son offered concerned a tax cut-he said he would not even consider in- flationary tax relief until the inflation rate showed signs of decreasing. Reagan clearly did not win, either. He reaffirmed his commitment to a sizable tax cut, maintaining it would not fuel inflation. But, in the best Reagan style, he managed to muddle his argument by drawing an analogy to a little boy given an increased allowance-the b6y, he said, would only go out and spend the additional money. That, of course, is exactly the inflationary problem with a tax cut. Reagan did a good job of reaffirming Silencing a F ISH GOTTA SWIM, birds gotta fly, and the military, it seems, gotta refuse to answer any questions about any remotely sensitive issue. That seemed to be the message the Air For- ce was sending out in response to the reasonable inquiries of Arkansas residents about the Titan 2 nuclear missile that exploded Thursday night near their homes. It was impossible for the military to hide the news that the Titan buried un- der Damascus, Arkansas had blown up in its Silo-too many locals heard -the blast and saw flying debris. Despite an initial attempt, word also leaked out that the missile's warhead had been blown clear of its silo, and was lying somewhere in the woods nearby. But every bit of information about the accident that it was possible to conceal, it concealed. The series of events leading up to the explosions began at 8 p.m. on Thursday, but it was several hours before locals were V 11111%,/1 . s . . all his backward ideas about the issues. He could build the MX mobile missile system for less than Carter can, Reagan said, because Carter must build his system (more ex pen- sively) to mneet arms limitation agreements. Reagan, who is opposed to SALT II, would have no such ad- ditional costs. The Republican repeated his plat- form's pro-life plank that would require federal judges to affirm their respect for innocent life, i.e., unborn fetuses. And he had the audacity (or naivete, depending on how you per- ceive him) to suggest that there is no real energy crisis and that there is plenty of easily obtainable oil left beneath the United States. We need only tap protected federal land in Alaska to find it, Reagan suggested. (Only moments before he had claimed he was concerned about conservation, punning foolishly, "Why do you think they call me 'conservative?' ") We shiver to recall Reagan's closing drivel about history, the noble American spirit, and building some shining city on some hill. It's frightening to see what this man who would be president chooses to drone about when given three minutes to speak to the American public. Perhaps the winner in Sunday night's debate was President Jimmy Carter. He gained quite a bit politically by allowing the "two Republicans" to look foolish without exposing himself to public scrutiny. Of course, Carter's refusal to debate did nothing for the American electorate that is desperately trying to decide who is best fit to lead this country. So, in truth, nobody won. " n explosion notified that danger was imminent. The area could have been completely evacuated by the time the blast oc- curred just after 3 p.m. had the Air Force acted promptly. As it turned out, no civilians were in- jured. But it was certainly irrespon- sible of the Air Force brass to suppress information that might have saved people's lives. In the hours following the blast, military officials continued in their tight-lipped fashion. They would not confirm that the warhead was indeed lying on the ground, would not discuss in any detail the possibility of radioac- tive leakage, and would not answer civilian questions about whether the warhead had been recovered. In all, it was another case of secrecy- mad military maneuvering in defiance of the public interest. Americans have come to expect that of the fighting for- ces, but not, we hope, to accept it. You've probably never given it a second thought, because you knew you couldn't find out the-answer anyway, right? That sign over Drake's Sandwich Shop, I mean-You pass the damn thing several times each day and you see that enigmatic blacked-out word, followed by "ice cream," "candy," and "im- ported teas," but you never lost any sleep over it. Well, I have. Many are the times I have wracked my brain trying to figure out just Witticisms By Howard Witt ,: , . t_ ' what word was so terrible that they had to cover it up. "Absinthe"? Well, Drake's is very old and they might have sold absinthe long ago, but, no-the letters just don't seem to fit the blacked-out space. OKAY, OKAY, SO the Drake's sign is just one of life's little mysteries that are better left unsolved. But what about the doors to the Modern Languages Building, not 100 yards from Drake's? How do you explain why most of the doors are marked "No Entrance"? I missed a language proficiency test during my freshperson orientation session two years ago because of those doors-I couldn't find one marked "Entrance." Now, I'll grant you thatathe MLB doors, like the Drake's sign, are not a major issue-most people enter and exit the MLB without regard for which doors they are using, and most people buy their Parisian Mints at Drake's without the slightest bit of curiosity about the blacked-out word. BUT IF YOU think about it for just a moment, you will realize how much there is on this campus that is bizarre and incom- prehensible. Back to the MLB for a moment-this time we'll march brazenly through, the "No En- trance" door. Have you tried the elevators? If you can get the doors to stay closed (they snap open about four times before the elevator starts its ascent), ride up to the four- th floor (it will take ten minutes). Then walk down the stairs-and notice how they grow much wider as you descend from 4 to 3 to 2. Why? A campus mystery. SPEAKING OF elevators, try the Haven Hall lifts for a change of pace. But move quickly-many bodily extremities have been amputated by the guillotine-action doors. I remember the time the elevator was really packed, and thw woman in the front lost her nose. Why are the elevators so vicious? A campus mystery. Why is the Fishbowl called the Fishbowl? Why are.English classes scheduled in the C. C. Little Science Building? (Perhaps the formaldehyde odors permeating every room help preserve the classics being read?) Why is the Undergraduate Library, so ap- propriately called the UGLI, so hideously ugly? Why? Why? Why? Why are there "'No Smoking" signs in every classroom on campus? Everyone knows the real smoking rule: There's no smoking in classrooms except when there's smoking in classrooms. SIMILARLY, WHY are those automatic banking machines advertised as working 24 hours a day, seven days a week? They offer 24-hour banking except during 23 hours on Saturday and Sunday, when they are out of money. If you haven't been inspired by any of the mysteries I've so far described, here's one to worry about: Why are there dozens of new computer screens at CRISP? Actually, I have an answer for this one: 'Now you can watch your academic fate flash before you in living green and white as your five class selections are input and five cathode-ray "CLOSED" words are output. It really is a vast improvement* over the old computer terminals without screens-with those the best you could do was study the facial expressions of the typist during those few agonizing moments before five CLOSED's would print out, trying to guess from his or her errant smile or furrowed brow whether CLOSED would print out. Beyond the CRISP screens, beyond the "No Smoking" signs, and beyond the MLB doors is perhaps the most unusual campus oddity I have discovered in my years here: The use of grocery store cash registers during the Ballroom Bookrush. WHILE STANDING in one of those endless lines two weeks ago, I started watching the dozens of windows in those dozens of cash registers as they registered those hundreds of books. The cashier would grab a calculus book, punch in the price, and up would pop a red "Meat" sign. Sartre's Being and Nothingness was entered and the blue "Dairy" sign jum- ped up. A geology book for an easy "cake" course caused the green "Dessert" sign to appear. Books for a non-traditional Women's Studies course were rung up under "Misc." I don't know who chose grocery store cash registers to be used at bookrush, providing a nice touch of poetic justice to the unpleasant be ginning-of-term book-buying ritual. Maybe it was the same person who blacked- out the word on the Drake's sign. It's just another campus mystery. Howard Witt is the co-editor of The Daily's Opinion page. His column ap- pears every Tuesday. Refusing to be a shop rat i."0 FLINT - When Mark Alvarado graduated from high school last June, he was sure of one thing: He did not want to become a shop rat. Even if the auto industry should somehow miraculously recover, recall its thousands of laid off workers and start hiring again, Mark wanted no part of it, no matter what the pay. He meant to get more from life than a lot of money in exchange for his youth. The word that kept cropping up as he described what he wanted was "experience." SO, AFTER a lot of thought and considerable doubt, looking over all the possibilities in view, Mark enlisted in the Army, becoming. one of the many young people from this recession-struck area who have swelled the ranks of the Armed Forces. He did not join up, like some other fellows he knows, for the "three hots and cot," when no other work was available. He enlisted because recruiters per- suaded him he could advance his long-term goals through military service. Law enforcement is his career objective, but because of the recession he may have to wait quite a while for a chance to become a police officer, even if the Army provides the required training. MARK IS intelligent, thought- ful, and ambitious. He is one of those young people who burn with an energy that can either lead them to high achievement or con- sume them. Will the Army offer him the opportunity he seeks? Or will he be one of those who enlist with hope but return angry and bitter? Not only Mark's future but that of America is involved in the answer, for right now the military appears to be one of the few avenues toward advan- cement for many young people. Had Mark been born in a dif- ferent place-in a college- By Rasa Gustaitis when he was small, in a neigh- borhood of small houses on the northern edge of Flint, the city where General Motors shapes values, visions, and possibilities and where nearly everything revolves around the production, sale, and purchase of cars. People in Flint tend to choose what they do in life early and to marry imme'diately. Almost everyone depends on the auto in- dustry for a living and-far more than they realize-a view of the world. Now, with employment at 25 percent, highest in the nation, simple economic survival is the number one issue on everyone's mind. IT CASTS a shadow on youthful dreams and falls heavily across the eyes of those entering adulthood. Just when imagination is most essential, it constricts the mind and binds it to vanishing prospects. School had been easy but boring for Mark. Nevertheless, he en- joyed literature and Greek mythology, both taught by An- drew Trotogot, who was also his wrestling coach and whom he admired. But much of what was taught in class did not seem to pertain to what mattered. "Mark was stifled in our school system," said Trotogot. "He has a good mind, the sort that questions. And many teachers don't like questioning." Financial pressures and the recent thrust toward more job- related classes has led to cut- backs in advanced studies which might have opened new frontiers of knowledge. "We lost physics," said Trotogot, who has taught at Hamady High School for 14 years. "Advanced biology, calculus, chemistry are offered alternate years. The English requirement consisted of three them for another, which isn't there." Much of what Mark learned in school about such questions came through sports. Here he studied how energy moved, how you could tell what someone would do before he made the slightest gesture. Here he could be buddies with blacks who otherwise moved behind a wall of hostility that separated races in the school, as the neighborhood was changing. Mark was good at sports and in 10th grade he knew that football might be a route toward a college scholarship. But he wanted more than sports. In the 12th grade he quit football, "to find out what it would feel like to walk home afer school when others did," he said. He found an after-school job in- stead and bought a car. TWO OTHER things Mark loves: The Michigan woods where he has spent time hunting and fishing and just listening, and Laurie Murphy, a competent and lively young woman who lives on a curvey road behind the country club on the other side of town. She is in her second year of business school, and works in a maternity shop owned by her family. They have set a wedding date for May, 1981. Looking at his future, con- sidering the people he knew who were doing things that seemed in- teresting, Mark chose a vocation that would require fast thinking, dealing with people, knowledge of" law, time outdoors, and would of- fer experience. He decided to become a police officer. "It kind of runs in my family," he said. "I have a cousin who's a state trooper and there are a couple of other people who are policemen, and my mother is a deputy sheriff. (She is also a social worker for the retarded.) I've been studying law since the sixth grade." So he took the exam and came in fourth out of 100 for the Flint police reserve. With the current economic situation, however, it is not clear when that might tran- slate into a chance to enter the force. It was for this reason that he enlisted. The way he understands it, the Army has an obligation to delivered what it promised, and that means, most especially, a chance to learn and to advance. He expects to be assigned to Colorado after basic training in Alabama, and to have Laurie join him there as his'wife. Unlike many of his fellow high school graduates in and around Flint, Mark Alvarado has not been cast adrift because General Motors is no longer hiring. He never intended to be a shop rat-and won't be. Rasa Gustaitis is an editor of the Pacific News Service, ',for which she wrote this ar- ticle. rLI 9 fA INY THE MILWAUKEE JOURNAL 4? LETTERS TO THE DAILY: Don 'tforget to register 01 To The Daily: This election year is turning out to be an exciting one-yet many students are reluctant to vote because they don't think their Kathleen O'Reilly and incumbent Carl Pursell which presents a clear choice on many issues af- fecting students. We can have an impact on November 4! If you want to vote, you must