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September 20, 1980 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1980-09-20

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Page 8-Saturday, September 20, 1980-The Michigan Daily
New issue: Old quotes

WASHINGTON (AP)-Every morn-
ing Martin Franks hands out rolls of
dimes to members of his staff and sends
them to the Library of Congress to read
old news stories about Ronald Reagan.
They use the dimes to make
photocopies of old Reagan quotes which
might be brought back to haunt
Reagan, the Republican canidate for
THE DIMPLE-FACED Franks, 29, is
mining a lode that Jimmy Carter hopes
will help win the election for him. Car-
ter's strategy is to make Reagan the
issue, and he depends for ammunition
on what is dug up by Franks' nine paid
researchers at the Carter-Mondale Re-
Election Committee.
On Sept. 4, a woman in Jacksonville,
Fla., asked Reagan whether he had ad-
vocated making Social Security volun-
tary, Reagan said, "No, I have never
said such a thing, never in my life."

Within 24 hours, the Carter-Mondale
committee cranked out quotes from
1964, 1965, 1966 and 1976 in which
Reagan appeared to be advocating
giving citizens a choice between Social
Security and some other retirement
THAT WAS FRANKS' handiwork. He
has a huge file cabinet of old Reagan
quotes and the pile grows every day.
They are indexed and cross-
referenced in 25 looseleaf binders. And
he treats them like atomic secrets.
"We're sitting on some good stuff,"
he says. "We have enough memorable
stuff to have a quote a day."
CARTER IS making heavy use of the
material, raising on successive days
questions about Reagan's stand on
Social Security and Medicare, and on
civil rights and open housing,
When Carter makes a charge-such

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as his castigation of Reagan for op-
posing the Civil Rights Act of
1964-Franks says he personally checks
the old clippings first to make sure the
charge can be backed up.
Even though Reagan changed his
mind in the 16 years since the civil
rights bill passed, Franks argues that
Reagan's position is valid ammunition
because it goes to such questions as his
"judgment, character and wisdom."
Franks shrugs off the suggestion that
he is working the shady side of politics,
that he is a political garbage collector.
He likes what Harry Truman said: "I
don't give them hell. I just tell the truth
and they think it's hell."
He says GOP National Chairman Bill
Brock "started saying what a mean and
dirty campaign we were running when
all we were doing was quoting their
DETROIT (UPI)-Republican vice
presidential candidate George 'Bush
hammered away yesterday at
President Carter's economic record,
saying four more years of ad-
ministration policies would cause
"quantum jumps" in inflation.
Bush, speaking to the Economic Club
of Detroit, rejected notions that Ronald
Reagan's economic program is
"cruel," "backward" or unworkable.
He said it offers far more hope to the
disadvantaged than Democratic
"IF YOU TAKE a fair, open-minded
look at this model, you'll see there are
no mirrors," Bush said of Reagan's tax
cut- and private sector-geared
economic program. "These numbers
will stand up."
Reagan-even with a proposed
across-the-board tax cut and increase
in real defense spending-would balan-
ce the budget by 1983 and then build a
1981-85 surplus of $73 billion, Bush said.
BUSH SAID that administration
assessments that the economy is tur-
ning the corner especially don't ring
true in auto-dependent
Michigan-which has been the hardest
hit by the recession of the large in-
dustrial states.
"Go talk to the automobile worker.
Go talk to the people in Flint where
unemployment is above 22 per cent, or
Saginaw or Detroit," he said.
"Somebody is getting hurt, and 'it's the
people who want to work for a living."
IN HIS SPEECH, Bush also rejected
efforts to paint the GOP presidential
hopeful's defense policies as
dangerously right-wing, saying Reagan
simplay "has a very realistic look
about the Soviet Union."~

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP)-A grand jury said yesterday
that Pennsylvania's April 24 lottery was rigged when
liquid was injected into numbered pingpong balls used in
the game. The jury recommended charges against six
people, some of whom it said bought more than $1 million
of winning tickets.
Gov. Dick Thornburgh, who announced the recommen-
dations of the statewide grand jury, said the six included
Nick Perry, the television announcer for the daily lottery
drawing at WTAE-TV in Pittsburgh.
THE DRAWING, BEAMED nightly to a statewide
viewing audience, was fixed by injecting liquid into all the
pingpong balls used in the game except those numbered
"6" and "4," the grand jury said.
The balls with no liquid weighed less than the others and
thus floated more easily to the top of the three air
machines used in the drawing. k
Heavy betting occurred on number combinations in-
volving 4 and 6, the jury said. The result was a "666" win-
ning number that paid a record $3.5million.
"THE GRAND JURY found that a small, close-knit
group of persons, including several members of the same
family, purchased extraordinary large quantities of lot-
tery tickets for the April 24 drawing and received tickets
valued at $1.18 million," Thornburgh said,
Acting Attorney General. Harvey Bartle said about
$500,000 worth of the tickets have yet to be cashed, and will
not be honored if they are.
Despite lottery officials' assurances that they had con-
trol of the game "every minute," the grand jury found lax
security. On the night of the rigged drawing, the three lot-
tery drawing machines were left unattended for 30
minutes, the jury said.

AND LAST-MINUTE drawing preparations were left to
Perry instead of lottery personnel, the jury said.
The grand jury's findings sent shock waves yesterday
through the dozen other states relying on official numbers
gambling for more than $1 billion in revenue this year.
The typical reaction of most state lottery officials was,
"It can't happen here.. . can it?"
"We don't know of any way that it can, but nothing is
impossible," Blaine Lewis Jr., unit chief of the Connec-
ticut lottery, said. "We're sending someone to Pen-
nsylvania to try to learn more about it."
The growing reliance on lotteries as a source of revenue
can be seen in Council of State GoVernments figures which
show gross lottery receipts up from $530 million in 1977 to
$779 million in 1978.
The Pennsylvania scandal was also expected to send
shudders through several other states considering gam-
bling referenda this-November, and to provide ample fod-
der for lottery opponents.
In both Colorado and Arizona, voters in November will
vote on whether they should have state lotteries, and
ballots in Washington, D.C., West Virginia, Missouri and
Texas will also carry initiatives to legalize various types
of gambling.
Officials in other states said Pennsylvania allegations,
believed to be the only such scandal since New Hampshire
started the first of the current state lotteries in 1964, was a
fluke that could and should have been avoided through
better security.
"It would take such a conspiracy between such a terrific
number of individuals that the likelihood of tampering
with the equipment is impossible," Thomas Skarzynski, a
spokesman for the Maryland Lottery Agency, said.

AP Pnoto
A PENNSYLVANIA STATE lottery official draws one of the three markers that made up the winning number in a
lottery last spring that was declared rigged yesterday. A Pennsylvania grand jury recommended yesterday that
six persons be charged in the lottery scandal in which the six apparently made more than $1 million.
Pennsylvania gran jury finds
Sri lottery rged


SOCIAL SKILLS: This therapy group for men and women will focus on
difficulties in initiating and maintaining interpersonal relationships. Such tech-
niques as relaxation, assertiveness training and communication skill building
will be used.
WOMEN WITH WEIGHT PROBLEMS: This group combines discussion, insight,
support and some behavior modification to help women deal with weight
GENERAL THERAPY: Personal problems, particularly those that appear in
interpersonal dilemmas, will be addressed in a coed setting.
MINORITY ISSUES: This counseling-therapy group is designed for black men
and women to deal with minority concerns such as self-concept, procrastina-
tion, racism and coping with the realities of being a black student.
THE SUPERWOMAN SYNDROME: This counseling group is designed for
women in graduate programs who are facing the "-have-to-do-it-all" dilemma.
Areas of focus will be personal values exploration, family and societal mes-
sages, life planning concerns, support systems and models for health living.
FAMILY-CENTERED THERAPY: This is an in-depth therapy group for individuals
who'are concerned about family and relationship issues. Emphasis will be
placed on examining connections between present life situations and relation-
ships and the individual's experiences growing up in his/her family.
This group will be directed at assisting students who are confused about
academic/vocational/lifestyle goals. Men bnd women in undergraduate or
graduate programs are welcome.
ANNE AT 784-1312.

Laxalt: Carter attack 'vicious'


By United Press International
Ronald Reagan's campaign chair-
man yesterday accused President Car-
ter of "one of the most vicious smears
in modern political history" for
suggesting 'that the Republican can-
didate injected racist "code words" in-
to the campaign.
While Carter spent a good part of his
half-hour news conference Thur-
sday night explaing his remarks in
Atlanta earlier this week on that sub-
ject and urged that the issue be drop-
ped, the Reagn campaign sought to
keep him on the defensive.
called a news conference to demand
Carter apologize to Reagan and the
American people for "one of the most
vicious smears in modern political
history"-Carter's accusation that
Reagan used the phrase "states'

Class ifileds

rights" as a racist code word and his
reference to the Republican can-
didate's mention of the Ku Klux Klan.
The president kept walking toward
his Camp David-bound helicopter when
reporters asked him to comment on
what Laxalt said.
Aides said Carter said "everything he
felt he needed to say" at his news con-
ference when he was asked repeatedly
whether he meant to call Reagan "a
racist," and repeatedly said that he did
IN THE TEXT of his Atlanta cam-
paign speech, Carter mentioned
Reagan's opposition to the landmark
1964 Civil Rights Act, a stand Reagan
has since disavowed.
Laxalt called that tactic "a classic
study in hypocrisy." .
At the time, he said, Carter was in the
Georgia Senate "voting for legislation
which for all intents and purposes cir-
cumvented the Civil Rights Act."
newspaper story describing state con-
stitutional amendments aimed at
preventing school desegregation and
barring Georgia counties from enacting

open accommodations and fair em-
ployment laws.
Meantime, independent candidate
John Anderson announced his cam-
paign had filed the required number of
signatures in Arizona and New Ham-
pshire, thereby finally fulfilling ballot
requirements in all 50 states.
Anderson, who also won a' court vic-
tory in North Carolina, said his cam-
paign now expects to be on the ballot
everywhere in November and called his
petition drive success "a milestone in
American political history."
Both Reagan and Anderson sought
equal time from the three commercial
networks to make up for the five-
minute opening statement Carter made
at his news conference, portraying his
administration's accomplishments.
But the networks said yesterday they
do not believe they are obligated to
provide equal time.
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SEPT. 21, 1980
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