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September 20, 1980 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1980-09-20

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Page 2-Saturday, September 20, 1 980-The Michigan Daily
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Brick ley:
Losses if
Tisch cut

LANSING (UPI)-Lt. Gov. James
Brickley said yesterday even laying off
every single state employee would not
save enough money to make up for the
losses which would be incurred in the
Tisch tax cut amendment passes.
Brickley urged the state AFL-CIO
Committee on Political Education to
endorse instead the Milliken ad-
ministration's more moderate tax shift
warned the Tisch plan, which would cut
property taxes by more than half,

would devastate government services
in Michigan. His proposal would lower
the property tax, but compensate by
raising the sales tax.
Brickley, in remarks prepared for the
COPE convention, said Tisch would
cost the state $2 billion, while the total
payroll of state government is only $1.1
"Even if we let every state employee
go, we would still have to cut nearly $1
billion from our mental health
programs, parks and recreation

budgets, and public assistance and
educational expenditures," he said.
radically undermine these services that
I am convinced the voters of Michigan
will see it for the absurdity it is."
The administration plan "delivers
what Michigan families want: property
tax relief," Brickley said.
"But it provides this relief without
threatening essential public services
which would occur if the Tisch proposal
is adopted."

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Explosion lIn
* -Missile Silo
* f I ~o;~ -

Aging missiles pose
special safety threat

(Continued from Page 1)
the Titan.
IN THE ARKANSAS accident, a
wrench apparently dropped by a
maintenance technician caused a
small puncture in the missile skin.
Fuel began to leak, mixing with
the air in the silo, and causing highly
toxic fumes.
Pentagon sources say the Titan's
nuclear warhead was never in
danger of exploding.
occurred at a Titan missile site last
Aporil 22 at Potwin, Kan.
A more serious leak occurred at
another site at McConnell Air Force
Base, Kan., two yeajs ago, and two
Air Force personnel were killed.
These recurrent problems have
caused Sen. Robert Dole (R-Kan.) to
push for installation of an automatic
warning system at Titan sites that
could alert crews and local residents
to danger.

AIR FORCE missile crews con-
tinually monitor the "health" of the
missiles they control.
Titans are controlled by a crew of
two officers and four enlisted per-
sonnel who serve on 24-hour shifts in
underground control centers near-
To fire the Titans, programmed to
deliver nuclear warheads on Soviet
targets, the president of the United
States must first give the command,
which would be passed to Strategic
Air Command headquarters at
Omaha, Neb., for verification, then
passed on through a special com-
munications network to the missile
To launch, each crew must turn
two red keys-located at least 12 feet
apart-with near-;simultaneous
The 54 Titan silos are located at
Davis-Monthan Air Force Base,
Ariz.; McConnell Air Force Base,
Kan., and near Little Rock, Ark.



QlbuxrrbUlnrnbip *ruceii

1236 Washtenaw Ct.
A Campus Ministry of the Christian
Reformed Church
Rev. Don Postema, Pastor
t 10:00 a.m.-Service of Holy Com-
11:30 a.m.-Lunch.
6:00 p.m.-Evening Worship: "Basic
Christian Concepts and Commit-
* * *
at the University of Michigan
iWIi j (313) 668-6881
602 E. Huron at State
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104
A fellowship, study, and social issues
ministry for the university community.
TOM SCHMAKER, Chaplain/Director
ANN WILKINSON; Office Manager
This week's program :
Sunday, Sept. 21:
Shared Meal and Worship,,6:00 p.m.
Wednesday, Sept. 24:
9:30 a.m.-Human Rights Class
(Wesley Lounge).
Human Rights. Program "Guate-
-mala Salvador; Churchpeople in a
Struggle, Will the United States Inter-
vene Militarily?" by Phillip Berryman
in the Wesley Lounge at 4-00.
Bible Study, 7:30 p.m.
* * *

Serving the Campus for LC-MS
Robert Kavasch, Pastor
1511 Washtenaw Ave.
Sunday Services at 9:15 and 10:30
* * *
(The Campus Ministry of the ALC-LCA)
Gordon Ward, Pastor
801 S. Forest at Hill St.
Sunday, Sept. 21-"Welcome Party,"
6:00 p.m.
Tuesday-Bible Study, 7:30 p.m.

* * *
CHAPEL (Catholic)
331 Thompson-663-0557
Weekly Masses:


409 South Division
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Rev. Steve Bringardner, 761-5941
Sunday: .
Christian Education-9:45 a.m.
Service of Wrship-11:00 a.m.
"Time of Meeting" (evening
vice)-6:00 p.m.

Sat.-7:00 p.m.
Sun.-7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 10:30
a.m. (after 10:30 upstairs and down-
stairs) 12:00 noon, 5:00 p.m. (upstairs
and downstairs).
North Campus Mass at 9:30 a.m. in
Bursley Hall (Fall and Winter terms).
Rite of Reconciliation-4 p.m.-5 p.m
on Friday only; any other time by
* * *
502 East Huron
Sermon title for Sunday, Sept. 21 is
"The Anachronism of Lust," by Dr.
"American Baptist Campus
All students and faculty are invited
to attend worship service at 10 a.m. in
the sanctuary and Sunday School
Classes at 11 a.m. in the Guild House.
Theology Discussion Group every
Thursday at 6 p.m.
(Complimentary brupch on second
Sunday of each month.)

120 S. State St.
(Corner of State and Huron)
Worship Schedule:
8:30 a.m.-Holy Communion in the
9:30 and 11:00 a.m.-Morning Wor-
ship in the Sanctuary.
Church School for All Ages-9:30
a.m. and 11 a.m.
Choir Rehearsal Thursday-7:15
Dr. Donald B. Strobe
Rev. Fred B. Maitland
Dr. Gerald R. Parker
Education Directors: Rose McLean
and Carol Bennington
Huron Valley Mission
809 Henry St.
Rev. Marian K. Kuhns
Free Wednesday Night Workshops,
* * *
1420 Hill St.
10:00 a.m.-Worship Service
* * *
1432 Washtenaw Ave.-662-4466
(between S. University and Hill)
Campus Ministry Program
Campus Minister-Carl Badger
Worship Services-Sunday 4:00 p.m.
(French room). Dinner $1.50. Bible
Orientation-6:30 p.m.
Tuesday-Bible Study, 8:00 p.m.
Wednesday-Morning Breakfast,
7-8 a.m.
Theology Seminar and Discussion
Group Thursday at 6:00 p.m.

Dorm woes
hit foreign
(Continued from Page 1)
allocation for international students
and improving the conditions of that
"The few allotments made are unfit
for human conditions," Hartmann said.
"We are definitely going to put
pressure on the University."
"I would hope that the University
would help us on this problem," Har-
tmann continued. "But if they're going
to put up a fight, I guess we'll put up a
fight too."
OFFICIALS OF the International
Student Center and many of the studen-
ts determined to eliminate the housing
shortage insist that special steps need
to be taken because of the unusual
background of the foreign students.
"We're not asking for privileged con-
sideration of foreign students," said
Ellen Kolovos, a program director for
the International Center, which is
responsible for finding the temporary
housing for the foreign students.
"But we do see that there need to be
special considerations to meet special
needs," Kolovos added.
FIRST, KOLOVOS and the students
argue, cultural differences multiply the
initial burdens of adjustment. "We're
running into people who are simply not
familiar enough with our culture to find
their own housing," Kolovos said.
"They aren't aware that admission to
the University doesn't include
Second, a significant number of the
incoming international students are
either the sons and daughters of foreign
dignitaries or are government officials
themselves in their countries.
Situations such as the temporary
housing crunch, International Center
officials assert, can detrimentally af-
fect these future leaders' perception of
the U.S.
"They're (the international students)
people who in their countries are
making decisions-are making
policies," said Jaime Izaza, a returning
international student.
"THEY HAVE THE potential to in-
fluence important world decisions in
coming decades," Kolovos said. "It's
just an embarrassment to me that this
is their first view . . . of our country."
Kolovos said she supports guaranteed
housing for incoming foreign students
similar to that assured University
freshpersons. "I'd recommend that
foreign students should move into
another category where they are
guaranteed housing," she said.
University Housing Director Robert
Hughes said that he "would certainly
take a look at their proposal," but war-
ned that guaranteed housing for
another student group would result in
further cutbacks in dormitory space for
returning students.
Study claims
pot leading
( continued from Page )
characteristics of the daily high school
pot smoker. Based on the results, the

prototype smoker is white, male,
liberal politically and religiously, has
relatively little academic ambition
(although he works at a regular job
more than his non-smoking peers), and
leads an unusually hectic social life.
IN ADDITION, the results indicate
that daily marijuana smokers are more
apt to use other drugs-and with
greater frequency- than non-smokers.
These other drugs range from alcohol
and nicotine to illicit drugs like LSD
and PCP. "I consider the high overlap
in these two drug habits to be a basis for
some real concern about the long-term
physical health of this segment of the
population," Johnston wrote.

Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
Economy drops at sharpest
rate since World War II
WASHINGTON-The nation's economy plunged in the second quarter
at the sharpest rate since World War II as a recession slowed consumer
spending for housing and cars, the Commerce Department reported yester-
The inflation-adjusted value of all goods and services-the Gross
National Product-fell at annual rate of 9.6 percent in the April-June period.
Th previous worst postwar decline was a rate of decline of 9.1 percent in
the first quarter of 1975, at the bottom of the last recession. Reaal GNP grew
at an annual rate of 1.2 percent in the first quarter. The Commerce Depar
tment originally had estimated on July 21 that the GNP had fallen at a 9.1
percent annual rate during the second quarter. That figure was adjusted
downward to 9.0 percent on Aug. 19.
Total GNP, including artificial increases caused by inflation, increased
at a rate of 0.1 percent during the quarter, to a seasonally adjusted annual
rate of $2.52 trillion.
PLO, Syria call for 'holy
war' against Israel, U.S.
FEZ, MOROCCO-The Palestine Liberation Organization and Syria
proposed to Islamic countries yesterday a sweeping "holy war" strategy
aimed at the United States and Israel including an oil embargo, general
mobilization of manpower and PLO guerrilla recruiting offices throughout
the Moslem world.
The program was jointly submitted to a ministerial meeting of the
world's Islamic countries by PLO "Foreign Minister" Farouk Khadoumi
and Syrian Foreign Minister Farouk Shraa.
Conference sources said such an extensive program had virtually no
chance of adoption by the foreign minsiters who mostly represent conser-
vative Islamic governments.
The sources noted, however, that the Islamic countries include a
majority of the members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting
Countries and could theoretically make an oil embargo highly effective if
they chose.
Border fighting intensifies
between Iran and Iraq
Iranian and Iraqi forces battled on the ground and in the air yesterday
along their disputed border and the Iranian military command said naval
clashes are "likely" in the next few days, Tehran Radio reported.
The radio also said Parliament members will visit the "spy nest" U.S.
Embassy in Tehran on Monday. to talk with militants about the American
hostages now in their 321st day of captivity.
The fighting has intensified since President Saddam Hussein's announ-
cement Wednesday that Iraq was abrogating the 1975 border treaty with
Iran. Hussein vowed to "liberate" territory along the frontier.
Flood devastates India
Monsoon rains and -a broken dam left widespread destruction and
thousands of homeless and marooned people yesterday in southeastern In-
In response to pleas, the central government said it was rushing more
rescuers to assist military doctors and divers already in the hardest-hit
states, Orissa and Andhra Prades. Navy helicopters and boats rescued
thousands of marooned people but reports said almost 40,000 still were
"The death toll could be anybody's guess since the flooded regions are
still inaccessible," said a state government spokesman in Bhubaneswar, the
capital of Orissa. "It may be well over 100 although we have counted only 19
Police: Argentine terrorist
led Somoza assassination
ASUNCION, Paraguay-Police sources said yesterday that an Argen-
tien terrorist killed in a police raid was the leader of the hit team that
assassinated former Nicaraguan dictator Anastasio Somoza.
As Somoza's body was flown to Miami, Fla., for burial, police mounted a
nation-wide hunt for a suspected woman terrorist believed to have links with
a member of the ruling Sandinstia junta in Nicaragua.
An Argentine news agency reported that the woman, Silvia Hodgers,
had been arrested in Asuncion but police sources later denied the report.
Police said Hugo Irurzun, an Argentine terrorist known by the
codename of "Captain Santiago," was shot and killed late Thursday in a raid
on a house in suburban Asuncion.
Oswald grave opening halted
FORT WORTH, Texas-The brother of Lee Harvey Oswald won an
appeal to halt the opening of the Oswald grave to determine the identity of
the body buried there, in Fort Worth, Texas yesterday.

Civil District Judge James Wright issued a temporary injunction again-
st British author and attorney Michael Eddowes who had sought to perform
an autopsy on the corpse to prove or disprove his theory that a Russian agent
assumed Oswald's identity and killed President John Kennedy in Dallas on
Nov. 22, 1963.






Psalms 2:1 and Acts 4:25

Volume XCI, No. 15
Saturday, September 20, 1980
The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at the University
of Michigan. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings during the
University year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48109.
Subscription rates: $12 September through April (2 semesters); $13 by mail
outside Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tuesday through Saturday
mornings. Subscriptionrates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7 by mail outside Ann
Arbor. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POSTMASTER:
Send address changes to THE MICHIGAN DAILY, 420 Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, MI 48109.
The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and subscribes to United Press International,
Pacific News Service, Los Angeles Times Snydicate and Field Newspaper Syndicate. I
News room: (313) 764-0552, 76-DAILY; Sports desk: 764-0562; Circulation: 764.0558; Classified advertising:
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Not long ago a policeman said to the writer: "You better
keep your eye on these kids, some of them will kill you."
We quoted from a letter from a lady who wrote. "I know we
have a lot of fine young people, but we also have some of
the meanest that ever lived, all about."
From the following news items it appears these folks
knew what they were talking about. A recent paper told of
some young people in a car shooting others in another,
car. On one morning we read of a teenager killing another
one with a knife! And about the day before we were
treated with a story of a boy going to a closet to get a tool
to do some work for his father, but instead of getting the
tool he picked up a shotgun and killed his father! I think it
was reported that he said he did not know why he did it!
1-#,- ---£ £.-... i. ..Im....u rE maoadM nlcala kili.

Did you ever hear one ask the question: "Why don't God
kill the devil?" Reckon maybe sometimes God answers
back and says: "Why don't you kill him? Have I not told
you to 'Resist the devil' and 'Give no place to the devil?'
Have I not given you plenty of commands in My Word,
pointing out circumstances and details, and the perilous
results of disobedience? It appears you desire to have the
devil 'abide with you always, even unto the end!"
The writer recalls reading when a boy about a farmer
shooting a boy he found up in his cherry tree. I suppose
the reason I remember it so well is on account of how it
frightened me - maybe not having enough scruples to
keep me from doing the same thing if I was sure of getting
by with it! In those days no one blamed the farmer, and no
onn umnathize t with th hnv tn the extAnt of Axcusing or

Editor-in-Chief..................... MARK PARREN-T
Managing Editor.................. MITCH CANTOR
City Editor.....................PATRICIA HAGEN
University Editor................. TOMAS MIRGA
Opinion Page Editors ...............JOSHUA PECK
Magazine Editors.................ELISA ISAACSON
Arts Editors .....................MARK COLEMAN

Business Manager .........ROSEMARY WICKOWSKI
Sales Manager................KRISTINA PETERSON
OperationsManager............KATHLEEN CULVER
CO-Display Manager. ............. DONNA DREBIN
Co-Display Manager ......... ROBERT THOMPSON
Classified Manager................. SUSAN KLING
Finance Manager................ GREGG HADDAD
Nationals Manager................LISA JORDAN
Circulation Manager ......... TERRY DEAN REDDING.



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