Special football section inside
Ninety-One Years
Editorial Freedom
Cloudy, with rain expected
by 'kickoff. High in the
upper 70s to the low 80s.
Vol. XCI, No. 9 Copyright 1980, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, September 13, 1980 Ten Cents Ten Pages plus Supplement
0 campaign
passing up
to begin
Although no evidence is yet visible,
University officials say they have been
working 'hard since a mid-August
meeting with Stop Passing Up Now
members to halt the passing up prac-
tice at football games.
Colorful anti-passing-up posters
featuring campus leaders should ap-
pear in dorms by Thursday, following
delays caused by the illness'of a poster
designer and lack of communication
with SPUN members, a spokeswoman
for the University's Office for Student
Services said yesterday.
ELIZABETH Mitchell-Yellin, OSS
associate in charge of the poster cam-
paign, said student leaders from cam-
pus government to fraternity and
sorority presidents to dormitory
resident advisers will receive infor-
' tion about the campaign to stop
passing up.
"'We talked to them (RAs and RDs)
verbally this summer" about the
passing up problem, Mitchell-Yellin
said. "We want to start getting in-
coming students educated."
"Passing up" is a term adopted in
recent years to describe the hoisting of
unwilling and usually female spec-
tators over the crowd at Michigan
Stadium until thiey reach the top row of
seats, where they are set down or drop-
ped. Several victims have suffered
serious injury from the practice, and
practically all victims have reported
bruises and general shock, SPUN mem-
O passing
seM s imited
to Bi Ten,
Officials at many universities have
never heard of the practice of passing
up, but most of those who have say they
wish they weren't quite so familiar with
the custom of grabbing a spectator and
passing her up through the bleachers
during a football game.
No one knows when or where the
practice started,. but according to a
Daily survey of all the Big Ten schools
and various other universities around
the country, the custom appears to be
concentrated in the midwest.
have sustained serious injuries while
being passed up in Michigan Stadium,
other 'srchools reported only minor in-
juries resulting from' the practice.
Many officials say the passing up in-
cidents invariably occur in the student
sections of stadiums, during boring
moments in the game and after studen-
ts have been drinking. %
"We've had a problem in the past
with body passing," said Detective
Karen Hanson from the University of
Wisconsin's campus police department.
She said last year the administration
sent a letter about the hazards of the
practice to students in dormitories,
See PASSING UP, Page 7
TURKISH SOLDIERS barricade the streets in the aftermath of the military coup in Turkey Thursday night
Turkish leaders sai
they'll remain pro-West
From AP and UPI
ANKARA, Turkey-Turkey's new military rulers pro-
claimed yesterday that the strategic NATO country would
maintain a pro-Western foreign policy. They said they seized
power because Turkish politicians failed to cope with rising
terrorist violence and crushing economic problems.
The generals took control in a swift and bloodless pre-
dawn coup that sent tanks, armored personnel carriers, and
jeeps sweeping through this secular Moslem nation's major
cities. No casualties werereported in the coup, and the new
rulers appeared firmly in control by last night.
PRIME MINISTER Suleyman Demirel and other political
leaders were put under house arrest, nationwide martial law
was imposed, the constitution abolished, and all political ac-
tivity suspended.
It was the third such military coup in 20 years and in
Washington, where the news first broke, the State Depar-
tment said was not a surprise. Officials said they expected a
military move in view of Turkey's worsening economic pnd
political problems but denied allegations that President Car-
ter or anyone else had been tipped in advance.
The Soviet news agency Tass said it was "noteworthy that
the first report of the coup came from the U.S. State Depar-
tment" in Washington. The point was also made by the Fren-
ch newspaper Le Monde which said: "That fact alone leads
one to believe that the United States did not discourage the
perpetrators of this operation. ."
But State Department spokesman John Trattner said the
United States was advised of the coup one hour and 15
minutes before it was officially announced. The word was
passed by an officer of the Turkish general staff to the
American ambassador's senior military adviser in an early
morning telephone call yesterday.
GEN. KENAN EVREN, 62, told his 43 million co
the army stepped in because the politicians had fai
the- sick economy or stamp out the left-versus
terrorism that has claimed more than 5,000 victir
the past two years.
He pledged the country would be returnedt
rule as soon as the "peace and order of the
restored." In the meantime, he said, Turkey woul
of its commitments to NATO, the Western allianc
Turkey, by virtue of its strategic position sepa
Middle East from the Soviet Union, is a key membe
Initial foreign reaction expressed concern for th
the country of 45 million people that anchor
southern and eastern flanks. Turkey, straddling E
Asia, shares borders with the Soviet Union, Iran, Ir
Bulgaria, and Greece, which put troops along i
border on alert.
ALTHOUGH NATO headquarters had no official,
members of the 15 national delegations said pri
alliance's greatest fear was a violent reaction to thf
taleover. Some pointed to growing Moslem fundan
in Turkey that opposes Turkish membership in NATI
with the Common Market.
Turkey has long held a critical place in the NAT
plan, with its 566,000-member military force ont
Union's southern border and controlling Soviet ace
the Black Sea to the Mediterranean through the
The collapse of the regime of Shah Mohamn
Pahlavi in neighboring Iran enhanced Turkey's ro
the United States lost important Iranian bases and
posts for monitoring Soviet activity.
From AP and UPI
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini said
AP Photo yesterday he will free the 52 American
., hostages if the United States returns
the late shah's wealth, frees Iran's
frozen assets, and promises never to in-
tervene in Iranian affairs again.
In what appeared to be one of the
most significant developments in the
hostage crisis since it began 314 days
ago, Khomeini broke his long silence on
the issue with a list of four demands he
said the United States must meet to win
the hostages' release.
untrymen no mention in his list of the public
led to cure apology that Prime Minister Moham-
-right-winmad Ali Rajai and other Iranian of-
ms during ficials have demanded from the United
to civilian By saying the hostages could go free
state are if his four conditions were fullfilled,
d honor all Khomeini also appeared to be taking
e of which the crisis out of the hands of the Iranian
rating the parliament, which he had previously
,rntecharged with deciding the -hostages'
e future of fate.
s NATO's The parliament, in turn, had been
urope and favoring spy trials for the captives.
~aq, Syria,
ts norther IN WASHINGTON, President Carter
was cautious in assessing Khomeini s
comment, remarks, saying only that they were
vately the being exami ed "very carefully."
e military "We've learnedsto be very cautious
mientalism about statements from Iran," the
mantis president toldreporters. "We'll be
monitoring what is going on and
CO defense analyzing the statements further."
the Soviet State Departmentspokesman John
cess from-Trattner added that returning the
straits ofshahs wealth was not as simple as the
Iranians seemed to think. "We don't
nad Reza know where the wealth is, or even how
le because much there is," he said.
d listening KHOMEINI'S DEMANDS, contained
in a "message to Moslem pilgrims" and
broadcast over Tehran Radio, said the
hostages "will be freed as soon as the
deposed Shah's wealth is returned, all
U.S. claims against Iran are canceled,
there is a guarantee of no U.S. military
or political intervention in Iran, and all
our funds are freed."
He said he had passed on these direc-
tives to his parliament "so they can
decide on any course of action in the in-
terest of the nation."
Meanwhile, Iran rushed more troops
to its battle-torn border with Iraq and
called upon all of. its citizens to donate
medical and other supplies to the army,
which reportedly suffered heavy losses
in the latest frontier fighting.
Iranian radio reports, monitored in
Kuwait, said army reinforcements
were being sent to the southwestern
frontier with Iraq, which claimed Thur-
sday to have captured a 50-square-mile
slice of territory whose ownership the
two countries have disputed for years.
In other developments, Iranian exile
factions are planning to form an exile
government with the shah's son, Crown
Prince Reza Cyrus Pahlavi, as the
figurehead monarch, the Atlanta Jour-
nal and Constitution reported in com-
bined Saturday editions.
In a copyright story from
Washington, the newspapers quoted
unidentified sources in Paris, London,
and Washington as saying exiled
Iranians have been meeting in Paris to
plan a coup d'etat to be launched within
a few months.
Pahlavi's father, Shah Mohammad
Reza Pahlavi, was ousted in January
1979 by Moslem revolutionaries, led by
the Ayatollah. The shah died in July in
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'U' factio
rs unite against
By JULIE ENGEBRECHT PROPOSAL D'S OPPONENTS-in- battle the proposed Tisch tax cut with Y
Two years ago, Proposal D-a state cluding most members of the Univer- all the ammunition and strength they
referendum that raised the drinking sity community-fear that Robert can muster. With slide presentation in
age to 21-inspired the wrath of most Tisch's remedy for reducing property hand, the University group-as well as
college students. taxes might just force the University groups from all the state's colleges and
The Proposal D of 1980 has met into relative obscurity. Or, as the universities-plans to travel from
similar opposition on campus, but it's presidents of the state's colleges and Chamber of Commerce to alumni
not only the students who are worried, universities told Gov. William Milliken meetings. The crusaders want a spot on
And this time the ballot issue doesn't in June: "Higher education in our state, the agenda of any civic group.
have anything to do with drinking; it as we know it today, could not survive." THEIR PURPOSE: TO convince
has to do with taxes, not the most If your job-and your voters that Proposal D is bad for the
engaging topic, education-were at stake, you'd worry state, for higher education, and for any
The passage of the new Proposal D, about it too. That's just the point a individual who has a stake in either of
also referred to as the Tisch Tax-cut group of administrators, faculty, staff, those two institutions. 'IPhoto by
proposal, would slash property taxes. and students would like to bring home. STUDENT LEADERS and administrators disss tactics
But, it's not exactly that simple. Like an army, they're preparing to for fighting a tax-cut plan that could spell disaster for the Univers
Ticket troubles
T HE UNIVERSITY'S Athletic Department will
most likely abandon its system of mailing foot-
ball tickets to students, according to Allan Ren-
frew, assistant professor of physical education
and department 'manager of Tickets and Promotion. The
method, which was tried for the first time this year, has led
to problems because "too many people aren't at the same
address," Renfrew said. "The tickets are supposed to come
back to us, and ninety percent of the time they do," he ad-
ded. Renfrewsanid the nostal authorities are investieatine
Voter registration
deadline Oct, 6
The deadline to register to vote for this November's
presidential election is October 6, a City Hall spokesperson
said yesterday. The City Clerk's office plans to be open until
8:00 that evening but only to register voters. Mark Bonine,
an Ann Arbor voter registrar, said that campus-area
residents can register at the Secretary of State's Office on-
Church Street, City Hall, located at the corner of Huron and
Fifth streets, and at the MSA office on the third floor of the
ticket sales, according to chapter vice-president Roger
Jahnke. Anyone who already has a ticket can get a refund
by stopping by the Jaycees' local office at 2074 S. Main
Street. Q
Springsteen sold out
Less than 8 hours after the Crisler Arena box office
opened yesterday, tickets for the Oct. 3 Bruce Springsteen
concert were sold out. Tickets were also sold out at nearby
HuAenn's ednrtmcnt 0nrD %Sn if v, nnt nt nP ofhepn
three oil wells thanks to the generosity of a millionaire far-
mer from Lapeer County. The oil wells are part of the $1.2
million estate left to MSU in the simple one.paragraph will
of Homer Nowlin-self-educated grade school graduate
whose only known ties with the university were through its
extension service. "He kept abreast of farming develop-
ments with contact with the extensionservice, which is the
university's arm out here in the countryside," said federal
(agriculture agent Robert Linck of the farmer who died last
October at age 866