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September 12, 1980 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1980-09-12

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Ninety-One Years
Editorial Freedom


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Occasional light
day, with high
tures in the mid
tonight in the 50s.

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70s. Low

@101. XCI, No. 8

Copyright 1980, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, September 12, 1980

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

Long lines
form as
*Boss fans
wait for
best seats
Beer and books in hand, more than
400 students prepared yesterday after-
noon for the long, and possibly wet, wait
for Bruce Springsteen concert tickets at
the Crisler Arena box office. More than
600 should be in line by the time the
tickets go on sale this morning, Major
Events Office officials predicted.
The first people in line, sophomore
Mark Kenen and junior Tom Goldf ogle,
took charge of line order and policy last
*'uesday afternoon. Relieved of their
duties yesterday evening by Major
Events workers, the two listed all the
line members in order, and, assisted by
friends, called roll at unannounced in-
tervals to make sure no one left for'
more comfortable quarters.
"WE'RE JUST TRYING to keep it
semi-orderly," said John Bienieck, one
of the roll-takers. "MEO is going to
handle it from now on." Another line
member, junior Mike Krell, said, "The
ine at these concerts starts, and MEO
hows up three days later."
Karen Young, the Office of Student
Services associate in charge of Major
Events ticket distribution, said long
See STUDENTS, Page 7

Local 'sting' project
nets $67,300 in
goods, 13 suspects

A year-long Washtenaw County
"sting" operation, controlled by six
government agencies, resulted in 13
arrests and the recovery of about
$67,300 worth of stolen goods, county
prosecutor William Delhey announced
The plan, called Project 911, resulted
in the confiscation of about two dozen
items, including several automobiles,
bicycles, and televisions.
SPEAKING AT A press conference at
the County Building, Delhey said the
operation began last September when
the six groups began coordinating their
efforts. Each group donated $2,500 and
one person toward the effort, he said.
While Delhey would not divulge the
complete story behind the sting, he did
say the project coordinators set up a
shop called Merchandise Unlimited in
April. He also said the location of the
store was secret but was "somewhere
in the eastern part of the county."
The store has a listed, Ypsilanti-area
number. The phone is answered by a
tape recording: "Hi, this is C.W. and
Jim. We can't get to' the phone right
now, so if you don't mind, leave your
name with the answering service. If we
have your number, we'll get back to you

as soon as possible. If we don't have
your number, leave it. Here comes the
beep ...,
MORE THAN $4,000 of the sting
money was used to purchase the stolen
goods, which would supposedly be sold
through the store later, said Ann Arbor
Police Chief William Corbett, who
worked on the project.
Corbett explained that all the agen-
cies had to do to open up the store was
spread the word in the criminal com-
munity. "We don't want to get into the
details of how we spread the word. We
have our methods," he added.
He said members of the operation
tried to attract their marks with offers
such as: "Say, there's a fencing
operation. Let's all make a buck.
"WE DON'T WORRY abut entrap-
ment because entrapment is supposed
to occur in the minds of the officer. In
this case, the other person stole the
goods-he's already looking for a place
to fence them."
Delhey said "sight-sales" (store
sales) were videotaped, but the
majority, of transactions were untaped.
Delhey said the investigators
received tips from several residents
who live near the store, claiming they
saw "suspicious looking characters"

around the store. The suspicious
looking characters, however, were the
police involved in the investigation.
legitimate business, such as a tax
agency, made an inquiry at the store,
the police identified themselves and
asked them "to get out of our hair."
The original persons involved with
the project were Delhey, Corbett, Yp-
silanti Police Chief Jimmy Moore,
Washtenaw County Sheriff Tom
Minik, and Michigan State Police
Lieutenant Don Flood.
Delhey said he was pleased with
the operation because it showed "we
can have close cooperation and we do
have it ... Jealousies don't happen here
(in Washtenaw County)."
CORBETT AGREED, saying, "The
cooperation in this effort was just
phenomenal. We know, assist; and work
with all the organizations quite well."
Recovered items in the arrest were
eight 10-speed bicycles, , three
televisions, two motorbikes, six motor
vehicles, two portable power
generators, a drill press, and one
automatic typewriter.
The 13 suspects were arraigned
See STING, Page 7

Daily Photo by USA KLAUSNER
HUNDREDS OF BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN fans camp outside Crisler Arena
yesterday to ensure they get tickets for his Oct. 3 concert here. No doubt
that the opening of the box office this morning was a welcome relief to the
Boss' fans, some of whom began their vigil Tuesday.

Shah's book hints that
U.S. aided Khomeini

......... ................

.. . ..:..... .... V. :

By The Associated Press
In the posthumously published American edition of his
memoirs, the deposed Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi
suggests that a U.S. Air Force general dispatched to Tehran
in the dying days of his regime worked with a "traitor"
Iranian officer to pave the way for Ayatollah Ruhollah
*0Khomeini's takeover of Iran.
The revised edition of Pahlavi's "Answer to History," fir-
st published in French last year, is described as the
"definitive text." It is bitter in its assessment of the Carter
administration's actions as Khomeini's revolution neared
Its U.S. publication by Stein and Day comes just as
William Sullivan, the former U.S. ambassador to Iran, has
stirred another dispute over what happened in those final
days of the Iranian monarchy.
IN A RECENT MAGAZINE article, Sullivan says
presidential security adviser Zbigniew Brezezinski asked
him late in the crisis whether he could arrange a militage
coup to stop the revolution. Sullivan says he made an "un-
printable" reply to that suggestion.
A Brzezinski spokesman called the Sullivan article "fac-
tually inaccurate," but Brzezinski has not made a point-by-
point rebuttal.
In his book, the ex-shah mentioned no Brzezinski "coup"
suggestion, but he did write that Brzezinski telephone him in

early November 1978 and advised that he take a hard line
against his opponents, who were staging a series of mass
protests and strikes.
BRZEZINSKI "CALLED ME. . to urge that I establsh
law and order first, and only then continue our
democratization program," Pahlavi wrote.
The American officer who was sent on the secretive
mission to Tehran in January-February 1975 was Gen.
Robert Huyser, deputy commander of U.S. forces in Europe.
U.S. officials and Iranian revolutionaries have already given
conflicting accounts of the purpose of his assignment, and the
ex-shah's book offers yet another version of events.
The Carter administration said Huyser was sent to
Tehran to persuade Iran's generals to work with the weak
new government of Prime Minister Shahpour Bakhtiar, and
not push it aside with a military coup aimed at crushing the
anti-shah opposition.
The United States publicly backed t e pro-Western
Bakhtiar, who was appointed by Pahlavi just before the em-
battled shah left Iran, and apparently was anxious to preser-
ve the Iranian armed forces as a unified, anti-communist
bulwark in the region.
But the Iranian revolutionaries later contended that
Huyser's goal was just the opposite-that he laid plans with
the Iranian generals for a military takeover.


Daily Photo by USA KLAUSNER

Ann Arbor Board of Education President Wendy Barhydt and teachers' association representative Donald McEwen
meet with Ann Arbor students and parents at a rally on the steps on Pioneer High School. Barhydt and McEwen
answered questions on the status of negotiations in the ten-day old strike. See stories, Page 3.

to receive
'new view,
of coumses

When you are deciding which courses to
select next term you'll have the opinions of
7;543 other students at your fingertips-com-
pliments of the Michigan Student Assembly's
course evaluation project.
MSA President Marc Breakstone estimated
that 65 percent of LSA students who registered
at CRISP last spring completed a course
evaluation questionnaire, which asked them to
rate the workload and pace of the course and
grade the instructor on several points.
Breakstone said he is confident the 65 percent
figure represents an accurate sample of the
student body.
STATISTICS FROM the survey are currently
on a computer file, and a program is being
prepared to analyze the data for publication.
Breakstone said he is not sure yet of the method

of distribution, but he promised the booklets
will be free and said they should be available
before December 1.
The booklet will give faculty letter grades,
and responses to the question concerning
workloads will be listed with an adjective such
as "heavy" or "light."
Information on the number of students in a
class versus the number of students responding
to the questionnaire will also be provided. If too
small a percentage of students from any given
class responded, statistics for that class will be
dropped from the book.
Other information will include the number of
respondants who took the course as a part of
their academic major. This data will give
readers some perspective of the type of studen-
ts responding to the questionnaire.
BREAKSTONE, AS last year's MSA

academic affairs coordinator, was the prime
mover behind the organization's involvement
with course evaluations. He said he had expec-
ted only 4000 responses, and was overwhelmed
by the 7400 figure. Breakstone said he hopes "if
the first run is successful, the response rate
will rise in the future.
"A responsibly administered evaluation can
benefit everyone," Breakstone added. He said
the advantages of an accurate course
evaluation are three-fold:
" Instructors can use them to get personal
constructive criticism ;
Administrators can use them to make per-
sonnel decisions, e.g. tenure, salaries; and
* Students can use them to make "market
decisions" on instructors and courses.
Breakstone said he began his effort in hopes
of someday starting a University-wide
evaluation system, in which students complete

a form in a classroom setting. But, he added, to
move the procedure into the classroom, the
group must first get permission from the
The implementation of course evaluations
has caused conflicts between faculty and
students for many years. Breakstone said he
believes faculty members fear these
evaluations may jeopardize potential
promotions or influence some other job action.
In the past, course evaluations were done
only at the request of specific departments, and
students did not have a chance to comment on
almost half of the courses in LSA, according to
The course evaluation book will include a
disclaimer stating that its results are not scien-
tifically conclusive due to the restrictions
placed on the survey.

.. . ....

Don 't say your prayers
GOD IS NOT a person. And furthermore, anything
you pray may be used against You. The British
Columbia Appeals Court decided Wednesday
that what you say to God can be used as evi-
dence in court. Morris Davie, of Prince George, British

privacy offer no indication that a speaker's statements to
God, a family pet, or his dead mother are due the same
protection as a communication between people. O
Facing up to facts
Clothes might make the man, but according to a leading
Hollywood beauty consultant, cosmetics make the can-
didate. Daniel Eastman, a cosmetologist who tends to the

elegant, pretty ... and she's been getting facials since the
late 60's.'0

according to St. Louis baker Fred Heimburger, Ronald
Reagan leads President Carter 100-85. The innovative
baker has offered his customers the choice of Carter peanut
butter loaf, Reagan California souardough, or John Ander-
son dark-horse pumpernickel. Ronald Reagan's sourdough
contains no artificial coloring, and Carter's loaf has no in-
visible ingredients, Heimburger claims. Heimburger also
sells Walter Mondale Scandinavian onion rye, George Bush
Texas barbeque bread, and Patrick Lucey whole-grain high
protein bread. Although Heimburger admits his friends
think he's "crummv " he elims. "this is not a half-baked


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