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September 11, 1980 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1980-09-11

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Springsteen coming to Crisler

Rock musician Bruce Springsteen will launch his first
national concert tour in nearly two years with a perfor-
mance Oct. 2 at the University's Crisler Arena.
Major Events Office spokespersons, who announced the
concert yesterday, said tickets will be sold starting
tomorrow at Crisler Arena.
A Major Events official said limits on tickets-priced at
$9 and $10-will be "based on the length of the line" out-
side the arena, which seats more than 12,000.
AN OFFICIAL announcement concerning the perfor-
mance had been scheduled for tomorrow, according to
MEO's Jill Madden, but a disclosure by Springsteen's
agent brought word of the concert to Ann Arbor yester-
day. The announcement was made yesterday after MEO
received a flood bf telephone calls and learned that dozens
of people had already assembled outside the Crisler Arena
box office.
In addition, the date for beginning ticket sales, original-
ly scheduled for Monday, was pushed up to tomorrow.
"We didn't want any long lines out there during the
football game," Madden said, "so we bumped the date
back to Friday."
SPRINGSTEEN'S LAST performance took place on
Jan. 1, 1979. Since that time, he has concentrated on his
upcoming album, entitled "The River," which will be
released in conjunction with his fall tour. Springsteen will
appear with his E Street Band.

Boss fans
queue up
His most loyal fans heard rumors at
least as early as the beginning of last
week. By 5 p.m. Tuesday, the first die-
hard follower had arrived, and many,
many more were soon to follow. They
knew: The Boss was coming to town.
Scores of people braved the darkness
on the edge of town, camping in the
shadows of Crisler Arena and planning
to stay there 'until next Monday,
originally rumored to be the date S
tickets were to go on sale. As hearsay t
See DIE-HARD, Page 3 F

Doily Photo by PETER SERLING
PRINGSTEEN FANS LINE up yesterday at Crisler Arena to be first to get
ickets for his October 3 concert. The sought-after tickets will go on sale
Friday morning.

Ninety-One Years
Editorial Freedom

cl . tr

t19 an

1 ItiI

Skies should be clear today
and the high temperature
will climb to the mid-70s.

Vol. XCI, No. 7 Copyright 1980, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, September 11, 1980 Ten Cents Twelve Pages




bus restored


Experimental 12-2 a.m. service

After a week of meeting with angry
North Campus residents and student
leaders, University administrators an-
nounced yesterday that late night bus
service to North Campus will be
restored beginning tomorrow night.
In making the announcement, Vice
President and Chief Financial Officer
James Brinkerhoff emphasized that the
renewal of service is experimental, and
may not last beyond the fall term. "We
Will continually evaluate the number of
passengers on North Campus buses
running between midnight and 2 a.m.,"
he said.
THE UNIVERSITY cut back late
night bus service to North Campus over
the summer, citing low ridership and
increased costs as reasons for the
schedule reduction. The service cut had
sparked major protests among residen-
ts of North Campus, which is located
several milesfrom Central Campus.
The restored late night bus schedule,
still curtailed from last year's level of
service, will run in a "loop" serving
Bursely Hall, Baits Housing, and the
Northwood Apartments. For two hours
after midnight, campus buses will pick
up students every 40 minutes.
This revised structure meets a
proposal that 13 North Campus residen-
ts brought to President Harold Shapiro

Monday. Shapiro told the residents that
he would "seriously consider" the
compromise plan, and discussed it
Tuesday at a meeting of the. Univer-
sity's executive officers.
transportation department study,
which he received yesterday morning,
before making the announcement.
Acknowledging that the estimated
$11,000 it will take to continue the ser-
vice comes from "non-recurring fun-
ds," Brinkerhoff said that "a per-
manent funding source would have to
be determined if the service is to con-
tinue beyond this term."
In making the announcement,
Brinkerhoff cited the reopening of the
Undergraduate Library (UGLI) until 2
a.m. as a primary motive for the
For those who fought to have the ser-
vice restored, yesterday's announ-
cement signalled an important victory
for students who don't live on North
Campus, as well as those who do.
They see yesterday's agreement as a
shot in the arm for student activism.
"I'M JUBILANT," exclaimed Jim
Gold, a resident advisor at Bursley who
helped orchestrate the protest efforts.
"I think it was a fair and equitable
decision, and I am very pleased that
students have a voice in administrative

Michigan Student Assembly
President Marc'Breakstone, who lob-
bied for the-restored bus service, called
yesterday's announcement "great."
"It was definitely the most well-
organized protest effort I have seen
during my three years at the Univer-
sity. It shows that when students
organize in a concerted effort and
assert reasonable demands, there
will be results, and quick results."
Breakstone criticized the ad-
ministration for making the decision to
cut bus service while students were on
vacation. "One of the most important
things we can learn from this is that the
University will take the opportunity to
take action when students' backs are
turned-namely during the summer,"
he said.
Both Gold and Breakstone agreed
that there had been a surplus of North
Campus bus service last year-the
majority of post-midnight buses, which
ran every 15 minutes until 1 a.m., with
three additional runs until 2:.15, were
less than half full, and some were
nearly empty. But they felt the decision
to cut off service altogether was ex-
"The services should have been cut,"
Breakstone said. "No one wants to see
empty buses." He and Gold agree that
the adopted formula should keep the
buses filled up without overcrowding.

Daily Photo by PEIER SERLING
A recline by the bovine
Jean-Marc Bouet, a French student studying at the University, enjoys the shade afforded by a cow on the Diag yester-
day.,The cow was attempting to draw attention to a benefit dance tomorrow night for SEVA, an international public
health organization. The dance will be held in Schwaben Hall, 217S. Ashley, at 8 p.m.


Libya, Syria declare merger

From AP and UPI
DAMASCUS, Syria-Libya and Syria, separated
by 700 miles, proclaimed their merger into a single
Arab nation yesterday and vowed to "liberate
Palestine" and oppose American-sponsored
Mideast peace moves.
The merger was declared in a joint communique
broadcast by Damascus and Tripoli radios at the
end of two days of talks in Tripoli.
The communique pledged "total economic,
political and military" merger aimed at uniting
Syria's 9 million people with Libya's 3 million in an
anti-Israeli front dedicated to "Arab revolution."
BUT GIVEN THE failure of previous Arab
unity attempts and the fact that Libya and
Syria are 700 miles apart, there was skepticism that

total merger would be accomplished. The two
leaders said they; would meet within a month to
form a common government.
There was no official comment from Israel
because of the start of the Jewish new year holiday.
But Prime Minister Menachem Begin said Tuesday
that Syria needed the merger because of domestic
difficulties and that Israel was concerned that some
Libyan weapons could be transferred to Syria.
President Anwar Sadat of Egypt, when asked
about the merger plan, said with mock seriousness,
"That's very encouraging," and then laughed.
Sadat has termed the plan a "childlren's game."
DAMASCUS RADIO broadcast the communique
after Assad returned from Libya. Tripoli radio said

Libyans were dancing in the streets of the capital at
the news.
The proclamation listed 13 principles of the new
state, including using it as "the base and the tool for
confrontation with Israel and the liberation of
The new state "will be the base of all op-
positionagainst imperialism and Zionism and the
backbone of the Palestine liberation movement,"
the communique said, adding that it would oppose
the U.S.-sponsored Camp David accords that led to
a peace treaty between Egypt and Israel.
THE NEW STATE will be a center of "confron-
tation against the parties of Camp David, represen-
ted by American imperialism, the Zionist enemy
See LIBYA, Page 7

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Uncooked goose
amphlets and posters urging people to help save
the whales and otheranimals under the threat of
extinction can frequently be spotted on campus.
Yet no one seems to be passing out "Save the Geese" but-
tons. Well, maybe its time someone did. Recently, an
Australian goose at the Columbus Zoo was fed to cheetahs.
The unscheduled feeding occured, according to zoo director

of the nearest fast-food dispenser, of course. But once the
neighborhood diner was more than something from an Ed-
ward Hopper painting-it was the joint with all the action.
This week the largest item on the menu of the Englewood
Diner, an eatery on Boston's South Side, was the diner-a
to-go offering that went for $8,000. It will pack up and
probably move elsewhere. The 39-year-old Englewood was,
well, let's say cosy, seating 18 customers in wooden booths
and a dozen more at stools at a marble counter. No Gandy
Dancer, this: the most costly item on the menu was a $3.95
sirloin steak. "I'm looking for new horizons," explains Jack
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Stop the meter
Though parking fees in Ann Arbor are high they don't
come close to a tab run up in Orlando, Florida. No one is
quite sure who is going pay a $2,300 storage bill for Larry
Lorenzen's stolen car. The state Highway patrol recovered
the car just hours after it was taken, but Lorenzen wasn't
notified until 14 months later. Spokespeople for the Orange
County sheriff's office and the Florida Highway Patrol, say
they fed all the data into a computer but failed to locate
Lorenzen. The car now belongs to an insurance company
which payed Lorenzen's claim for a stolen auto.


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