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Ninety-One Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. XC, No. 4 Copyright 1980, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, September 7, 1980 Free Issue Fourteen Pages
ROTshows 30 enrollment increase
By JULIE SELBST A TOTAL OF about 530 students are in the * sure you get in (to medical school)," he said. because I can always get out. I don't even worry
..*A-..6three branches comnared with about 390 last \ 1 i 1 S1 i de1eto Erwin said the recent concern over registration about the draft."
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ROTC programs are boasting a 30 per cent
enrollment increase this year in the Army,
Navy, and Air Force officer training programs,
and officials attribute the increase to a trend
toward conservatism in the country.
Lt. ol. Joseph Blair, chairman of the Army
Officer Education Program, Reserve Officer
Training Corps said the Army program has in-
creased from 78 students last year to 111 students
Dt present. This year's enrollment of freshper-
sons is the highest in ten years, he said.
Precise figures for the Navy and Air Force
programs were not available, but ROTC officials
estimate enrollments at 210 for the Navy and 200
for the Air Force.
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While hypothesizing about reasons for the in-
crease, Blair said, "It's very difficult to make a'
thesis on what (the reason) is. The Russians in-
viting themselves to dinner in Afghanistan has
brought about an awareness about our military
posture and our strength as a power. I think
that's a part of it. It may be a part of the whole
conservative swing this country is experien-
Freshperson members of the Army ROTC
program attributed the decision to enroll to other
reasons including the financial incentive the
programs offer.
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NEARLY ONE-THIRD of the students in Ar-
my ROTC receive some sort of scholarship
through the program. In the Air Force, as many
as 75 per cent of the students have received full
or partial scholarships.
Rick Erwin, an Army freshman, cited finances
as his primary reason for signing up. Erwin
plans to pursue pre-medical and medical studies.
"My grandfather says, if they're going to pay
your way through school, they're going to make
for the draft had nothing to do with his decision.
"IN CASE OF a war, the president can-still
draft you with the rest of them," he said. "We
had to sign a lot of forms about that."
Laura Gerber, who is the recipient of an ROTC
scholarship, also said she was unconcerned
about the registration and the possibility of a
draft. "I figure if there's registration, there's a
registration. If there's a draft you have to go."
Bob Bedford decided to join mostly because he
thought "Captain Pearson (a recruiting officer)
was a nice guy."
"Besides," he added, "I figured I'd try it,
LT. BLAIR IS encouraged by the increased
enrollment in this year's class of freshpersons. A
turnaround, he said, began last year after
several years of declining enrollment.
Blair mentioned that during the past 10 years
dress codes became more lenient and remain so,
despite waht he sees as a return to conservatism.
"When I first started, I had white sidewalls,"
Blair said. His hair is somewhat longer now.
But standards for facial hair, which was once
taboo in the Army, represent the biggest change.
See ROTC, Page 2
Kania takes office
after fierce struggle
WARSAW, Poland (UPI)-A fierce was "political"-a face-saving way of
power struggle. preceded Stanislaw removing him from office.
Kania's selection as Communist Party They noted the statement describing
chief yesterday to replace Edward. Gierek's condition was nearly identical
Gierk, who was ousted for the economic to the one that ushered in the downfall
policies that put 'Poland's workers on a of his predecessor, Wladyslaw
collision course with the state, Gomulka, following similar but less
diplomatic sources said. wide-spread labor strife ten years ago.
Kania, 53, was elected unanimously Gomulka is still alive at 75.
by the 116-member Central Committee THE USUALLY SLOW-moving Cen-
in a midnight pleanry session, an of- tral Committee hurriedly called an
ficial announcement said. overnight session to name Kania as '
BUT DIPLOMATIC SOURCES and Gierek's replacement. 3
observers said there were strong in- Experts noted that new party leaders
dications the change was not smooth usually address the nation to disclose
and that it was preceded by fierce in- their programs as soon as they are
fighting. chosen. But Kania has made no such j
Gierek, 69, at first held tenaciously to statement and a speech he made at the
his position as the recent wave of Central Committee meeting has been
strikes rippled acrioss Poland sparked kept secret.
by demands for labor and political Observers and diplomats interpreted
reform. But his grip began to slip when this as another sign of infighting at the
he lost his powet base in the southern top.
coal fields, where miners joined the Even Moscow, in a puzzling delay,
strikes. was silent at first, waiting for 16 hours
His authority was further eroded by before sending Kania a congratulatory
revelations that his best friend and telegram signed by Soviet President
relative, the former head of Poland's Leonid Brezhnev.
state television, was embroiled in a Kania, a Politburo member who Kania
multi-million dollar embezzlement has been in charge of security, repor-
scandal. .. wn oersrgl
ACCORDING TO OFFICIAL accoun- tedly visited the Baltic port of Gdansk
ts, Gierek was removed from office af- during the labor unrest that started the former locksmith from a village in
ter suffering a heart attack early there. He was said to have ruled firmly the south was made a member of the
Ferda. sagainst using force to crush the strikes Central Committee in 1971 and elected
FBut ydiplomats and observers said and neutralize their leaders. to the Politburo-the party's inner cir-
they believed Gierek's supposed illness A veteran of 35 years of party work, cle of power-four years later.
WMIJpartybeco-mes riot;"
Daily Photo by LISA KLAUSNER
ED KIRTNER, 26, stops in Ann Arbor during his 5,000-mile cross-country bicycle campaign for John Anderson.
Biker pedals for Anderson
Ed Kirtner is 26 years old but he has never voted in a
presidential election. And until eight weeks ago, he hadn't
ridden a bicycle in 10 years.
r The factor changing those two aspects of Kirtner's life is
independent presidential candidate John Anderson.
Kirtner, a 1980 graduate of Virginia Tech University, is
following a 5,000-mile path on bicycle from Portland, Ore.,
to Portland, Me. stumping for the Illinois congressman.
DURING A STOP in Ann Arbor yesterday at Anderson's
Main Street campaign headquarters, Kirtner said he un-
dertook the journey because he finally has found a can-
didate he can believe in.
"I never voted before because I was apathetic," said the
soft-spoken Virginian. "Now I have an excellent can-
didate to support and I'can tell others not to waste eight
years like I did."
Kirtner estimated he has covered some 2,500-2,800 miles
since July 11. After a painful first week of pedalling, he
said he has settled into a routine where he's comfortable
travelling 60-90 miles each day. Kirtner's plans call for
him to be in Norfolk by election day.
THE ENGINEERING graduate borrowed money on his
car to pay travel expenses.
The Anderson campaign people were not aware of Kir-
tner's trip until three weeks ago when he was in Nebraska.
"I get an indirect subsidy (from the campaign)-places to
stay in towns," he said.
Kirtner has followed Anderson since he threw his hat in
the ring as a GOP candidate. The Illinois congressman
announced April 24 that he was splitting with the
Republicans to pursue an independent course.
See CYCLIST, Page 2
Anderson gets Liberal Party nod
From AP and UPI
NEW YORK-The policy commit-
tee of the Liberal Party in New York
state voted overwhelmingly yester-
day to endorse John Anderson's in-
dependent campaign for the
presidency, breaking a 36-year-old
tradition of supporting Democratic
Party candidates. Raymond Har-
ding, leader of the party, had said
before the vote that he was certain
the party would follow the commit-
tee's recommendation.
The convention, which meets next
Saturday to formalize the endor-
sement, has never-failed to accept
the committee's recommendation.,
THIRTY-TWO OF the 36 commit-
tee members voted to recommend to
the full party the endorsement of
Anderson in the Nov. 4 general elec-
tion. Two members recommended
endorsing President Carter, one ab-
stained and one was absent.
Anderson said he won the vote
"despite an intensive pressure cam-
paign mounted on committee mem-
bers by agents of the Carter cam-
paign." He called the recommen-
dation "important to my campaign
both in New York and throughout the
Local Carter campaign aides
denounced the action and conceded
'it would make the president's bid for
New York's 41 electoral votes "more
York campaign coordinator, told
reports that Anderson was not a true
liberal. He said the action heralded a
"repeat of 1968" when disaffected
Democrates deserted Hubert Hum-
phrey and allowed Richard Nixon to
win the White House by a narrow
"Two to three committee mem-
bers had concerns, as we all have, of
the actions of the liberal party elec-
See N.Y., Page 2
16 arrested t
For the second year in a row, an annual back-to-school par-
ty near the Western Michigan University campus in
Kalamazoo exploded into a riot involving about 2,000 students
and 200 police officers.
Police used tear gas to quell the disturbance and arrested
16 persons near a residence on Lafayette Street.
Two police officers were treated for cus at Bronson
Hospital. Eight other officers experienced minor injuries
during the riot.
Last year police also used tear gas to control a riot in-
volving between 600 and 1,000 students at a party at the same
Sgt. James Jenkins of the Kalamazoo City Police Depar-
tment said the students at the party Friday "were getting out
of hand."
"They were smashing cars and breaking bottles," he said.
Jenkins said party goers gathered Friday night on the nor-
thwest Kalamazoo street but did not have a permit for the
bash, tagged "The Tear Gas Party."
Because of the disturbance last year, scores of officers in
riot gear were stationed near the site earlier in the evening.
"At 11:51 p.m. we told them they were blocking the street.
We issued two more warnings to clear out, and then, a little
after midnight, we began to get pelted by numerous rocks
and bottles;" Jenkins said. "After that we moved in with tear
gas to disperse the crowd. It took about an hour to clear
everyone out."
Jenkins said 16 people were arrested on charges ranging
from "inciting a riot", which carries a maximum penalty of
ten years in prison, to "unlawful assembly," which carries a
maximum sentence of two years in prison.
He also said several warrants for arrest were issued and'
several people involved in the incident were arraigned in
court yesterday. He noted that none of the 22 people arested
in last year's riot were sentenced to jail.
WESTERN JUNIOR Steve Callens, who attended the bash,
said most of the partygoers were freshpersons attracted by
publicity about last year's party, which was called "Lord
Mountbatten Memorial."
Jenkins said there was minimal resistance from the crowd
while the arrests were being made.
.... ......
Kids for Carter
Is M OMMY, ""TEACHER," and "God" were also-rans.
.L.Tweety Bird, once a big vote-getter, didn't even
get a chirp. Jimmy Carter topped them all-and swamped
rival Ronald Reagan as well. Carter was the landslide
presidential choice of an electorate that won't be choosing a
president for at least one decade-a group of more than 300
first, second, and third grade students in Chicago, New
York, Baltimore, and California. In a poll conducted by ad-
vertising executive Jack Goldenberg of Evanston, Ill., 82
Wild moose chase
Animal control officers in Salt Lake City, Utah went on
a wild moose chase when a young bull moose lumbered onto
a hillsidenear an oil company office building. An employee
of Peerless Oil Co. spotted the beast Friday morning, and
by late afternoon plant workers, animal control officers,
and state Division of Wildlife Resources personnel had suc-
ceeded only in tiring themselves out, and not capturing the
moose. Jim McAllister, a Peerless Oil salesman, said the
moose spent most of the day roaming up and down a nearby
All-Star Johnny Bench has taken a back seat to a 240-pound
pumpkin-well, at least in the heart's of some residents of
his home town. Until now, Binger, Oklahoma's claim to
fame was being Bench's birthplace. But Merl Sims, main-
tainance supervisor at Binger schools, grew a pumpkin
measuring seven feet and three inchesaround. "The fair is
going on here, so ... we took it down to the grain elevator
and weighed it," said School Superintendent Merrell
Dilks. "It weighed 240 pounds." A folder from the South
Dakota company that supplied the seeds mentioned a pum-
pkin grown a few years ago reputed to be the world's
largest. Dilks said he called the Guerney Seed Co. at
V.rbf a Cn ._"A fn*'A h fhl r**nr -- **no .n
pointments should be made before September 12 at the of-
fice of the University Musical Society in Burton Memorial
Tower. Interested persons should call the office at 665-3717,
or apply in person between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday
through Friday and Saturday mornings. Men are en-
couraged to apply. Donald Bryant, conductor, will hear all
applicants, and selection will be made before the first
rehearsal on Monday, September 22. Rehearsals for
"Messiah" will continue on Monday evenings, 7-8:30 p.m.,
through the time of performances on December 5, 6, and 7.
After January 1, the chorus will prepare for their perfor-
mance in the Ann Arbor May Festival singing with the