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September 06, 1980 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1980-09-06

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Ninety-One Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. XCI, No. 3 Copyright 1980, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, September 6, 1980 Free Issue Sixteen Pages

*Low funds
may keep
'U' band
at home
Financial strains may prevent the
familiar sound of "The Victors" and the
high-stepping Block 'M' formation of
the Michigan Marching Band from
gracing the field when the 'Wolverines
play at Notre Dame and Ohio State this
In fact, it's likely the band will miss
all the team's away games.
Paul Lehman said Thursday that funds'
allocated by the Athletic Department
were "not enough to take the band to
any of the games." He said the band
hopes to go to the away games, but does
not know where the money to send them
will come from.
The athletic department reportedly
budgets $15,000 to cover the band's ex-
penses and transportation costs. Ad-
ditional funding traditionally has come
*from private sources. But, Lehman ex-
plained, inflation and business con-,
ditions have affected contributions.
The associate dean said the Music
School 'has had no direct contact with
the athletic department during the past
few weeks regarding arrangements for
See NO, Page 3

Defeat of education
bill may imperil 'U'

financial aid

The future of the University's federal
student financial aid programs is in
limbo following the defeat of an
S=.educational reauthorization bill by the
U.S. Senate Thursday, said University
Associate Director of Financial Aid Jim
"The authorization of the bill involves
money our office is counting on because
the bill allows the continuation of essen-
tially all the federal aid programs in
education," explained Zimmerman.
The National Direct Student Loan,
Guaranteed Student Loan, Supplemen-
tal Education Opportunity Grant,
Work/Study, and the Basic Education
Opportunity Grant programs are direc-
tly connected to the bill, said University
Director Harvey Grotrian. These
programs (not including the GSL) con-
Daily Photo by PAUL ENGSTROM tributed almost $21 million to the
EXHAUSTED FROM ANOTHER grueling practice (back to front), LSA sopho- University's student financial aid
more Hal Wolfe, freshman Leonard Johnsor and sophomore Scott Small prepare program last year, he said.
for the upcoming Michigan Marching Band season. Due to cuts from the athletic GROTRIAN ADDED that if Congress
department, the band may have to eliminate away games from its schedule. continues to delay the reauthorization

bill an act passed by the House Ap-
propriations Committee last year will
allow the federasl aid programs to be
funded at slightly higher levels through
Oct., 1981, and thus negate the Senate's
move Thursday. The reauthorization
bill was slated to take effect Oct. 1, 1980.
The bill, which was passed over-
whelmingly by the House but shot down
by the Senate by a 45-43 vote, would
have extended the operation of the
federal aid programs through 1985.
Over the five year period the bill would
" increased the maximum grant for
the BEOG from $1750 to $2500 per year;
,increased the maximum GSL from
$2500 to $3000 per year, and raised the
aggregate amount an undergraduate
can borrow from $7500 to $10,000;
* increased the interest rate on the
GSL from 7 per cent to 8 per cent; and
* increased the interest rate for the
NDSL from 3 per cent to 4 per cent.
Grotrian added that the bill would
have also removed an indivdual's
family assets (house, property, etc.)
and $10,000 of his liquid assets (money,
bonds, etc.) from his financial aid
evaluation. He added that the bill would
have established a commission to study
financial aid programs, too.
According to a legislative assistant to
U.S. Rep. Carl Pursell (R-Plymouth)
the Senate voted to send the bill back to
the separate House and Senate commit-
tees rather than return it to the Joint.
Conference Committee. "The commit-
tee members feel freer to negotiate in
their 'private' committees," the aide
said. "If they debated about it in the

joint committee they would have to
write a report. This way it will come
through more informally."
been a large increase in the number of
students applying for GSLs.
"We've had a 97 per cent increase
since last year," he said.
Applications for other federal
programs, including BEOG,
Work/Study, and National- Direct
Student Loan have gone up 8.5 per cent
this year, which Zimmerman said was
normal. "We anticipate 10 per cent
increase in application volume every
year," he explained.
Although the Financial Aid Office is
processing applications faster than
ever before, the increased volume ,of
requests makes it extremely difficult
for the office to keep up with the
workload, according to Zimmerman.
"So- far this year we've completed
processing 5,528 GSL applications,
while last year at this time the figure
was 2,221. That represents an increase
of 149 per cent, but we still have more
applications left to process this year
than we did at this time last year," he
Zimmerman explained that a high,
priority in the office now is the
development ofa new computer system
to support the increase in applications.
"The computer system we're working
with now is one that was put in during
1969-70, and we've simply outgrown it.
With the new system, we hope to even-
tually be able to sit down at a terminal
and look on a screen at a student's
financial aid record."


Bus service .CaU5(

Two University administrators are
still at odds over who should fund the
now-defunct late evening-early mor-
ning North Campus bus service.
University Vice-President and Chief
Financial Officer James Brinkerhoff,
whose office funds the University
buses, has said the financing for the ex-
tended bus service could come from the
Office for Student Services, headed by
University vice-president Henry John-
"He (Johnson) can make whatever
priority he wishes for the funds,"
Brinkerhoff said yesterday, referring
to the Student Program Funds, which
he claims can be designated to finance
the bus service.
But Johnson has said he dges not have

the funds to finance the extended hours.
"(The bus service) is not a student
program," Johnson said yesterday,
"The Student Program Fund is used to
fund student programs. It's not inten-
ded to fund (the buses)."
The University cut back late night-
early morning bus service between
North Campus and Central Campus this
summer, because of lack of ridership
and high costs of operating the buses at
the late hours.
Johnson explained that University
funds are designated for specific pur-
poses, but that funds have not been set
aside for the buses.
"It's (the bus service) a University-
wide service, so it should be addressed
as a University problem," Johnson
The vice president noted that he in-

/sfun din
tends to place the transportation
question on the executive officers'
agenda for their meeting on Tuesday.
The executive officers are the Univer-
sity vice presidents.
"I want some resolution of the
problem," Johnson said. /
LAST YEAR THE buses ran until
2:15 a.m: nightly But under the new
schedule, the buses operate until 12:15
a.m. Sunday through Thursday, 1:00
a.m. Fridays, and 1:20 a.m. Saturday.
The new schedule affects North
Campus residents most, since they
depend on the buses for transportation
to Central Campus. But it could also
prevent Central Campus students from
utilizing some North Campus facilities
which remain open all night.
Meanwhile, students at Bursley Hall

Probe into alleged sex bias in
U' athletic dept. to start in Oct.

g fe .ud
have organized a committee to protest
the bus service cutbacks. The so-called
North Campus Bus Protest' Committee
is devising several strategies, including
petitions and letter-writing drives, to
try to bring back the late hours.
One member of the committee, who
asked not to be identified, said the
group plans Monday to ask each of Bur-
sley's 1,300 residents to sign each wait
list for dormitory changes when the
lists become available Sept. 15.
members is that $10,000 was spent to
refurbish University President Harold
Shapiro's football box at Michigan
"Ten thousand dollars went to
Shapiro's box, that would have funded
us for the rest of the year," said com-
mittee member and Bursley Resident
Adviser #Jim Gold, adding that the
group was planning "to redirect out ef-
forts to Shapiro.".
Gold, who organized a mass meeting
in Bursley Thursday night that ap-
proximately 800 North Campus residen-
ts attended, said the student-committee
met yesterday with Harlan Mulder,
assistant to the vice-president and chief
financial officer, and a member of the
original University committee that
recommended the cutbacks.
The LSA senior said Mulder told the
.committee he would be willing to call
members of the University committee
together to hear the group's appeal, but
the meeting would have to wait until
Mulder returns from his vacation next
him the University cannot afford to
finance the buses, but Gold said, "I find
that hard to believe."
Operating the buses at the extended
hours costs the University $11,000 per
The University attempted a similar
cutback in services two years ago, but
agreed to continue financing the buses
See STUDENTS, Page 11

The federal investigation to determine whether the
University discriminates against athletes on the basis of sex
is slated to begin in early October, a Department of
Education spokeswoman said this week.
The University is one of eight schools the Department of
Education will investigate on sex discrimination charges
.next month. The year-old federal department has also plan-
ned investigations of at least 10 additional universities in
months to follow, department official Jane Glickman said.
The probes are a response to 124 complaints the federal
government has received since anti-discrimination act Title
IX became law in 1972. Glickman said approximately 80
*complaints were received about universities, and eventually
the department will respond to every complaint with a full
FEDERAL OFFICIALS contacted by The Daily would not
discuss the specific complaints against the University
Athletic Department, but Glickman said there were
"multiple allegations," including charges of sex
discrimination in granting of scholarships, assignment of
Binding arbitration
A N IOWA man and woman seeking to settle a "business"
argument in a Fort Dodge motel only settled their
lodging facilities for the night: They both landed in the
slammer. It seems the man had agreed to purchase the
woman's services for the evening for $100. After the ser-
vices had been rendered, the man felt cheated and offered
t av nl r,n Wa hs- m - an .4- thnnnr to e a hi

coaches, and use of facilities and equipment.
Associate Athletic Director for Women Phylis Ocker said
she did not know the original complaint made against the
University but speculated that it may have been one of
several made six or seven years ago, "most of which have
been remedied." She said she recalled a couple of complaints
from 1973 and 1974 such as one about the lack of a male
volleyball team and another concerning the lack of a female
golf team.
The investigations will be "detailed," said Glickman, and
all aspects of a school's program-not just the area in which
the complaint was made-will be thoroughly probed.
THE OFFICE OF CIVIL Rights in Chicago will be conduc-
ting the investigation at the University. Peter Fountain,
"team leader" of the University's probe, said he was not sure
exactly when the investigation would begin and did not know
how many people from his office would be involved in the
The first step, according to Glickman, will be to send a let-
ter to the University stating that there will be a probe and
requesting data such as budgets for men's and women's
See DEPT., Page 9

uists Cmuit~r
ousta aiin
Polish leader 4
From AP and UPI
WARSAW, Poland-Communist Par-
ty Chief Edward Gierek, whose regime
v * x..,was jolted by the worst labor unrest in a
* ~ ~ ,decade, was removed from his post
yesterday bytthe party's Central Com-
* .mittee, the Polish news agency PAP
It said Gierek, who suffered an ap-
parent heart attack yesterday, was
replaced by Stanislaw Kania.
Gierek met the same fate as his
predecessor, Wladyslaw Gomulka, who
was removed as party leader in
December 1970 after he used force to
crush strikes in the port cities of Gdan-
sk and Szczecin and 45 workers were
around 1:30 a.m. (7:30 p.m. EDT)
following an emergency meeting of the
Central Committee at party headquar-
ters in downtown Warsawyv
PAP reported: "In connection with
the serious illness of Edward Gierek,
the Central Committee released him
Gierek from the function of first secretary and
... strikes his downfall See POLISH, Page 9

potatoes. They're busy whipping up the world's largest bat-
ch of mashed potatoes and gravy. As part of the Seventh
Annual Potato Festival, the villagers will put 2,000 boxes of
mashed potato mix into a cement truck, add water and
dump the results in the middle of the street. And the Man-
tuans won't miss the gravy train, either-some 55 gallons of
the liquid will crown the white mass. The Guinness Book of
World Records is aware of the stunt and notes the Ohio ef-
fort as the first attempt at plopping 9,000 lbs. of mashed
potatoes onto a street. A large industrial tank truck
carrying a pump will suck up the splattered spuds and

continued his speech without pausing or even changing his
expression. O
Bert Parks he's not
For one quarter of a century tearful television viewers
and Miss America pageant winners were soothed by Bert
Parks' soulful rendition of "There She Is." This year, the
crowds and contestants will be serenaded by the pre-
recorded warblings of a former television Tarzan. Ron Ely,
the , monn, :n pw Amr .mw llmae hic. lrc a trt i,

Thesp iritofgiving
Most cries wouldn't urn down gifts from generous
citizens, but the city of Des Moines, Iowa has gone so far as
to print a 10-page catalog listing presents the city would like;
to receive. In exchange for the gifts, the benefactors get a
tax break. Gift items in the city's catalog-the cost of which
was donated by. the, Independent Insurance Agents of
Iowa-range from an $8 phonograph record to an $800,000
library. D

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