OPINION Page 4 Thursday, December 11, 1980 The Michigan Daily, Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Vol. XCI, No. 81. 420 Moynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 k Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board Weasel N1 WEASE:L.I D1PYou G-T u F STUPYIN& PONE FOR C YwU, FINAL? NAPE. TH4 U CUP1 T by Robert Lence C I CANT STUDY UNLESS I HAVE TOTAL SILENCE.. AHD THEN Wt I FNALI'( FiN A PLACE. THPK'S .rICE- ANI QuT.. 'KT \ I .., I FALL ASLEEP. r" Making sense of gun laws T AKING GUNS AWAY from citizens won't eliminate murders in this country. We must teach people not to hate one another-that is the way to prevent murders. This brilliant distillation of the anti- gun control argument was offered by a National Rifle Associatior lobbyist on television this week, during a discussion of the slaying of John Len- non. It makes about as much sense as Lennon's murder. v Sure, taking guns from the Population wdn't stop all mur- 4ers-people will still try to kill with knives or rocks or any other possible weapon. But even the NRA lobbyists ,an't deny that removing the most ef- ticient of all murder weapons from general circulation will bring down the yhurder rate, for to do so would be to deny hard statistics. In England, i'here guns are not allowed, the mur- der rate is far lower than it is in the United States. So, given a choice between a simple way to reduce murders-take away the guns-and an almost impossible one'teach people not to hate one another-the NRA opts for the latter,, fully aware that such pie-in-the-sky solutions will pose no threats to the sacred right to bear arms. It is true the Second Amendment directs that the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be in- fringed. But the intent of the Amen- dment was to provide for the main- tenance of a domestic militia. In the context of 20th-century violence, it is time the Amendment were interpreted anew. Polls have shown consistently that the majority of Americans want some form of gun control. But the NRA doesn't want gun control, so neither do our representatives, who draw generous contributions from the effec- tive gun lobby. And neither does Ronald Reagan, who paid lip-service to Lennon's death by calling it a "great tragedy." Reagan said he believes in tougher sentences for criminals who carry guns during the commission of crimes. "If somebody commits a crime and carries a gun when he's doing it, you add five to fifteen years to the prison sentence," Reagan ex- plained. That, too, makes a lot of sense. Len- non's murderer, under Reagan's ideal solution, would get 15 extra years. Lennon got none. LETTERS TO THE DAILY: Learning about TV on '30 Minutes' 0 To the Daily: We just finished reading "Hold the pancake! It's not professional" by Kevin Tottis which appeared in the Daily on November 15, 1980. In his story, Mr. Tottis says his encounter- with the CBS News broadcast "30 Minutes" was not consistent with news coverage as he knows it. Not only was he surprised we used just one camera to film his interview, he was equally ap- palled when our cameraman rearranged a desk and some newspapers for better pictorial coverage. Unfortunately, our cameraman did not learn the basics of good journalism from the legion of press photographers who, among other things, ask at the start of every baseball season that the first ball be thrown out "justone moretime.f t His remark, "none of the questions asked even suggested spontaheity," sounded to us as though he had more of a pre- determined notion of how the story should be handled than the producer. Especially since Mr. Tottis says to get on the program he "made sure I talked a lot-af- ter all, I figured, they don't want someone for a television show who sits and says nothing." While it's true that along with unin- teresting talking heads a television producer's next night- mare is a non-talking head, we certainly don't expect people to step out of character just so they can be on national television. Were we had?dWe hope not! He was pretty good. By the way, on the matter of Christopher Glenneconstantly assuming how Mr. Tottis felt, we went through the transcript of the interview and could not find Mr. Glenn ever asking "You feel this way, right?" Or Mr.. Tottis an- swering "Well, not exactly:" (What h anens when two iour- nalists stand by their notes? Only ours happens to be a verbatim transcript.) Most importantly, we were' delighted that he did not fault our handling of the content or fair- ness of the story. That would have really hurt! We enjoyed Mr. Tottis' article' as a tongue-in-cheek expose and were glad he didn't allow his tongue to be seen head-on.' Finally, we agree wholeheartedly, with him that when it comes to television, he has a lot to learn. (By the way, "60 Minutes" has only one camera, too. Oc-' casionally, they borrow ours.) -Joel Helier ' Executive Producer 30 Minutes December 3 6 I DJ crass on Lennon GOP unfair to housing bill N 1968, THE U.S. Senate passed the Fair Housing ca, which began to put a crimp in faci ly discriminatory practices of landlords around the coun- 'try. Under the act, which passed in the House and was signed into law by President Johnson, the federal Depar- tment of Housing and Urban Develop- ment can mediate disputes that arise between owners of apartments and houses and prospective tenants who feel they have been discriminated against for racial or religious reasons. The Fair Housing Act is a good law, but not a perfect one: many of those it is supposed to help lack the knowledge or resources to put the law to work. A move to remedy that situation was initiated earlier this year in the House of Representatives with a bill that would give HUD the prerogative to seek out discrimination problems on its own-independent of any com- plaining parties-and bring the matter before a judge. The bill was approved by the House last June. As usual, the Senate has responded to the lower house's liberal initiative sluggishly. Its version of the bill, pushed by Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-- Mass.), succumbed to the "new spirit" two days ago, when the Democratic leadership was unable to kill a Republican filibuster designed to squash the bill. The bill is dead now, at least until the next Senate session, which will be controlled by a slight but significant Republican majority. The necessary strengthening of the housing law seems to have very little hope. Opponents of the bill explain that they object to a clause that allows prosecution of discriminatory landlor- ds even if no specific instances of in- tentional bigotry can be proved. In practice, of course, the question of whether discrimination is intentional merely provides a loophole for those who wish to discriminate, but are willing to do it subtly. The chances of closing that loophole look slim indeed. Senate Majority Leader-to-be Howard Baker is unlikely to want to close it, and come January, he will be the man in charge. To the Daily: A disturbing thing happened to me today which fills me with fur- ther grief for the senseless death of a great person. I was listening to WCBN this afternoon, preparing to leave for a class when the DJ pun- ctuated his repertoire of music with station identification and filler wor-, ds of which I only caught a few until he mentioned something about mood ... the day . . . Beatles music. "Well, you know, it could-a- happened to you," he said. Hearing someone say this in reference to a person's murder shocked me. It was insensitive. Would anyone have said such a thing at Robert Kennedy's assassination? I had to make my outrage known. I called the CBN number and asked if whoever was speaking "was on the air." The voice was that of the DJ, and he said yes so I sim- ply stated to him, "I found what you said to be uncalled for." His respon- se was angry and defensive. "Well, it could have happened to you!" It was uncalled for. . . ", and the man interrupted me and wildly said something about everyone being in such a "down," and that "Why don't you stop being such a schmuck!!" He hung up on me. I am not only disturbed at this unprofessional, hostile reaction to my criticism of the disc jockey's discourse on the air but moreover -that the cheap, affec- ted nature of his comments and his lack of empathy toward the. public's strong emotional respon- se to John Lennon's murder demonstrates "an attitude of heedless "me-ism" which I can- . not tolerate. We must not tolerate it, especially in the University's media. I feel I am justifying myself. There is no reason to. This must not happen again. -Elizabeth Anderson December 10 We mourn Lennon idea DAVK5L I k.T v&4ToL{4bEjq- fill Ilia ( YT 11G L 11Q jJtJrLil w1aG11 Lvrv Jvut To the Daily: It is moving to see the whole world aroused, for a day, over a, tragic death. It seems John Len-, non was a good man. He put a tremendous amount of energy in- to his work, an equal amount into; his relationship with his family: He was a thinking man. Those of us who are tearful today do notgrieve a man we have truly known and loved. Perhaps it's just that we've been forced to remember that even such a full life as John Lennon's can suddenly, unexpectedly end. If a lifelike his can simply stop, like that, what about the rest of us An angry fa To the Daily: Some sickie shot John Lennon Monday night. He shot him with a handgun he picked up for 165 bucks in Honolulu. But this is not going to be a condemnation of handguns, which is done all too frequently without results. This is not even going to be about the terror and fear that people live under like a huge Hefty Trash Bag full of garbage every day of their lives. People are shot and killed every day in New York, Detroit, Chicago. People who were more important to other people than John Lennon; like brothers, sisters, fathers, and mothers. People die violently every day. Famous people, big people; people like Kennedy, Kent reference shocking who plod along and eventually die (fat, we hope, with several gran- dchildren)? The desire for the life 4f comfort and security is shared by human beings throughout the world; we need not deny it in our- selves. I think it is reasonable to believe that each of us desires as well the uncomfortable, thinking life Lenron represented; the denial of that is the real tragedy lived out in individual after in- dividual. We cannot really grieve a man we do not know. We grieve an idea, an idea of what we might be. -Elizabeth DeLap December 9 rn 's lament the Detroit Lions, you don't shoot the Chicago Cubs. You don't kill a frosted mug of cold beer poured just right so that the head floats gently and just barely over the rim. You don't murder my evening pool game, you don't put bullet holes in my bourbon. These are my things. Politicians die, wars rage on, children starve, people are tortured. Americans are held captive for-I-lost-count- how-many days. Joplin, Morrison, and Hendrix fade themselves out into psychedelic, amorphous deaths. But you DO NOT, I repeat, you DO NOT kill my images, my escape, my things . . . you don't shoot the Beatles. Some sick bastard shot John Lennon Monday night To the Daily: The senseless killing of four students at Kent State in May, 1970 is an event that deeply affec- ted the lives of many of us in the campus community. Im- mnediately after the shootings, schools throughout the country were closed by a national strike in protest of the expansion of the Vietnam War and in mourning over the deaths of our fellow students. I find it difficult to express my shock and disbelief when your reporter, Mark Fischer, used a poem, "Four Dead in Ohio," written by Neil Young in memory of the slain Kent State students as the opening lines in a story about the upcoming Michigan-Kent State basketball game (Daily, Decem- ber 10). Fischer adds, "If the Blue cagers have their way, there will be 'four dead in Ohio' when the season's over. Four, dead hoop squads, that is. You see Kent State is only one, of four Ohio teams that Michigan hoop- Band reserv To the Daily: As a member of last year's Michigan Marching Band, and a true band fan, what's happening to some members of this year's band concerning the Rose Bowl is disgraceful, disgusting, and downright unfair. For those of you who don't know, the band is divided into the "Main Block" (the people 'you see performing during football games) and the reserves. Reserves are members of the band who put just as much time in, are required to be at all the practices and performances, but don't get to perform unless someone in the Block is ill or otherwise unable to attend the performance. Last year the entire band, reserves and all, went to the Gator Bowl, but this year, 19 members of the band (who are reserves) won't be on the plane to California. Instead, they'll be sit- ting at home watching the game on TV because Don Canham won't put out the extra money for these people to go. Unfair, you say? Yes. Especially when they were told at the beginning of the season by sters play this season ..." It is probable that Mr. Fischers and the editor of the Daily who, approved the story are too young: to sympathize with the sense :of' grief which the incident at Kent State left on students ands teachers at that time. However it is completely tasteless and: in-, considerate to equate Miehigant basketball victories with the murders at Kent State. This ar- ticle is an unfortunate example g. the insensitivity and politic4l apathy that appear to be .n0 creasing on college campuse today. I did expect more of the; Daily. I think you and Mr' Fischer owe your readers an apology. -Carl Simon Departments of Mathematics and Economics December1 Editor's note: The Daily regrets the insensitive nature of the story. An apology is on Page 1. es degraded Eric Becher, the conductor, that wherever the rest of the band went, the reserves would go too. It wasn't until after the Ohio State game that these people found out otherwise. What's even more degrading is that everyone in the band, including these 19 people, had to write a thank-you letter to Don Canham for "allowing" the Main Block to go to the Rose Bowl! My, that was big of him. Just think how the "prestigious" University' of Michigan would look if one of the, best bands in the nation didn't get to follow its football team to the biggest of all bowl games! Fur thermore, even though these' people won't be enjoying Califor nia, they are still required to at- tend all practices until the Band leaves, just to pass the class. To Don Canham and the rest of the athletic department, I hope the' money you save from those 19 people does something fantastic for athletics at Michigan! -Heidi R. Smith Michigan Marching Band Alumnus December 5 I I I A till 0 .. f y o .l !t , 4 Women 's right to control To the Daily: I have a few comments to make on the issue of abortion. Pro- a woman's alternative to these circumstances, you are taking - -- -Il v I ioll J