Ticket to Paradise? Some 'U'n 7u ' A By SUE INGLIS In addition to the 95 Michigan football players who will be making the trip to Pasadena this month, certain University officials; members of the Athletic Department staff and selected student representatives will also receive free trips to the Rose Bowl. Under an agreement with Conlin-Dodds Travel Agency, for every 50 of the more than 500 student tour packages that have been sold, one University representative could be ap- pointed to serve as a tour guide. Those tour guide positions, which include free transportation and lodging in Pasadena, will be offered to selected student leaders and several faculty and staff members. STUDENTS INVITED to serve as tour guides include Michigan Student Assembly President Marc Breakstone and University Activities Center President Neale Attenborough. Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs Chairman Arch Naylor also has been invited. . Additionally, University Health Services will select a doctor and a nurse from its staff, and the Office for Student Services also will name a staff member for a tour package. t' otables get b Furthermore, both Breakstone and Attenborough are each authorized to appoint two students to receive free trips. "I don't think I'm qualified to select those people," said Assistant Vice-President for Student Services Tom Easthope, explaining that he has asked Attenborough and Breakstone "to be careful in their selections." Although At- tenborough said he is not yet sure whom he will appoint, Breakstone said he has appointed MSA Vice-President Virna Hobbs, and "chose out of a hat" MSA member Sheri Young. Homecoming queen Sherrie King also will have her Rose Bowl transportation and accommodations funded. The University's Office for Major Events has agreed to pay for King's transportation and lodging at the request of the Office of Student Services. Band reserves to stay home ree ride' to Rose Bowl By STEVE HOOK "The size of the performing band shall be limited to the actual number of band members or 196, whichever is less." - "Regulations regarding Rose Bowl participation," drafted by the Rose Bowl Committee "I'd love to take the reserves, but we have to follow the rules." -Eric Becher, Marching Band Director Michigan's football team and mar- ching band are preparing for their trip to the Rose Bowl-the tenth such west- ward journey in the University's history. For the first time, most of the reserve bandmembers will stay home, this time around. The Rose Bowl Committee, a group of officials from the Big Ten and Pac-10 athletic conferences, imposes the following limits on Rose Bowl par- ticipants: 95 members of the football team, 196 marching band musicians, and 29 auxiliary band members (cheerleaders, managers, etc.). To comply with these regulations, ban- dleader Eric Becher will bring just four of the 23 reserves to Pasadena. "IT WOULD be nice to bring every member of the band," Becher said, See BAND, Page 8 EASTHOPE SAID he does not yet know which OSS staff member will make the trip to the Rose Bowl, but explained that "it is not a plum for people on the staff." The staff per- son's duties will include "making sure that the travel agency does what it says it will," said Easthope. The duties of the other tour guides involve passing out tickets on the plane on the way to California. Easthope will also attend the Rose Bowl to make sure things run smoothly, but will be paying his own way. The University Health Services has not yet named the recipients of its tour packages. According to Big Ten regulations governing the Rose Bowl, the University will be able to send an "official party," including the Governor of Michigan, the University President, the University Regents, and members of the Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics and their spouses. WHILE ON THE trip, these representatives have no specified duties. Additionally, no more than 95 members of the football team are eligible to have their trips financed by the Big Ten Conference. Eleanor Jessup, a Big Ten Con- See STUDENTS, Page 8 Ninety-One Years CHILLING Of Cloudy and cold with a high Editorial Freedom in the lower 30s. Chance of Vol. XCI, No. 81 Copyright 1980, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, December 11, 1980 Ten Cents Ten Pages Committee emnands am ouster of wsU xeditors By DAVID MEYER A student coalition at Wayne State Upiversity has collected more than 1,300 signatures demanding the dismissal of two student newspaper editors because of their alleged refusal to print dissenting opinions, a coalition spokesperson said. The coalition, organized by the Spar- tacus Youth League, will go before the WSU Board of Governors tomorrow claiming the newspaper, The South End, has refused to present alternative viewpoints on its editorial page. Coalition members will argue that such a refusal constitutes adequate grounds for dismissal. SOUTH END, Editor-in-Chief John Burnett, one of the students targeted by the coalition, called the group's claims "ludicrous." Burnett said the dismissal movement was the result of his refusal to support the opinions of the Spartacus Youth League, the primary critic of the newspaper. "They (the SYL) simply don't like us because we're not supportive of their political viewpoints," Burnett said. "I'm not anti-leftist. But I'm not going to turn the South End into a leftist publication." The coalition, called' the Ad Hoc Committee to Oust South End Apologists for Klan/Nazi Murder, claims the support of many local labor unions, the NAACP, and "many ! prominent Detroit lawyers." THE COALITION'S petitions deman- ding dismissal of the editors, urges students to "reassert control over what is nominally a forum for our diverse opinions and views." Burnett, while acknowledging a change in editorial policy has taken place, said the committee's claim that the South End will not print alternative opinions is "patently untrue." "The truth of the matter is that I won't give them (SYL) a forum," Bur- nett said. "I dion't give them a campus- wide voice." Burnett added that the SYL has its own publication and that it See WSU, Page 2 BreZhnev offers MideL From AP and UPI NEW DELHI, India-Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev offered the United States and other countries yesterday a five-point plan to guaran- tee peace in the turbulent Persian Gulf in place of the "Carter Doctrine" for U.S. defense of the oil-rich area. In a major policy address concluding a state visit to India, Brezhnev rejected Western claims of a "Soviet threat" in the gulf and called on the United States, China, Japan, and other countries to join Moscow in renouncing force, military bases, and nuclear weapons from the strategic area. BREZHNEV TOLD the Indian Parliament that, "In contrast to the imperialist doctrine with regard to the Persian Gulf countries, we propose a , doctrine of peace and security." In Washington, State Department spokesman Jack Cannon said the issue of military withdrawal from the gulf ist 1 would have to be addressed by the differences Reagan administration when it takes was no sigi office Jan. 20. - any promis "To the extent that the Soviet 'occupation president was talking about main- Westerne taining peace in the Persian Gulf, our 85,000 men. interests would coincide. We are highly supportive of maintaining peace in the Persian Gulf and elsewhere," Cannon said. LAST JANUARY, responding to Soviet intervention in Afghanistan, President Carter announced the United States would erect a military shield around the Persian Gulf ,to safeguard oil supplies vital for the West. In what was called the "Carter Doctrine," the United States sent aircraft carriers and other naval units to waters near the gulf and declared the region off-limits to the Soviet Union. In an earlier 80-minute meeting, Brezhnev and Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi failed to resolve their .. .prop s over Afghanistan. There ;n the Soviet president made ses to withdraw the Russian army, which according to estimates numbers some Brezhner oses five-point peace plan ...:. ..... ......... ... .... ..... .. ... .... .. ... ... ... ...... ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ .:.. .. .... ... .. .... .. .. .... ..... ... ... .... ...... City, 'U' launch energy Casting the family tree Jim Higginbotham, a senior anthropology student, pours plaster into the mold of a skull of one of man's ancestors to create a replica of the hominid's head. See story, Page 3. An apology A story in yesterday's issue of the Daily made an inappropriate reference to the 1970 tragedy at Kent State University in which four per- sons were killed at an anti-war demonstration. The story; a preview of last night's Michigan-Kent State basketball game, attempted to draw a crude parallel between the fates of the four victims and the predicted fate of the Kent State basketball squad. Such an insensitive comparison, never should have been printed. The staff members responsible for the writing and publication of the story have acknowleged the poor judgment that accompanied the, decision to print the offensive por- tions of the story. The Daily apologizes for the ill- considered remarks and regrets any feelings of resentment they may have foster.ed among our readers. -Mark Parrent Editor-in-Chief conservationi Editor's note: This is the first in a two-part project analyzing past, present, and future energy programs in the city and at the University. By ELAINE RIDEOUT In hopes of averting future energy shortages, city and University officials are taking the first steps toward im- plementing conservation measures. "It is appropriate for local government to assume leader- ship in conservation activities," said Larry Friedman, coor- dinator of city energy programs in the city Community Development office. "It's easier for local agencies to get things done because they can easily work with residents and businesses to carry out energy conservation activities," he explained. FRIEDMAN SAID the city and University are working together on energy answers because "the end is in sight" if local energy consumption continues at its present rate. Without some form of solid waste recycling, the city lan- tcampaigns dfill will be filled within ten years, Friedman said. And according to a University Utility System study com- pleted in 1979, future energy needs of the University will have to be met by alternative fuel sources. "WE SPENT A total of $23.2 million state-wide on energy costs last year," Jack Weidenbach, director of the University Office of Business Qperations said recently. But, he said, various energy conservation measures have saved the University $9.9 million over a 6-year period. Although the University has been studying and implemen- ting cost-effective means of energy conservation since 1973, a similar energy program for the city was begun only last January. SINCE THEN the city has applied for and received federal and state grants to fund energy conservation awareness programs. The Michigan Energy Administration has spon- sored a $25,000 bicycle promotion program, for example, and provided $10,000 toward an AATA ridesharing program. See CONSERVATION, Page 5 ......................................:......... r:::::.{":":"::ii"i;": :............................}%... :."i i"..... TODAY Vacation bus service NORTH CAMPUS University buses will run every 40 minutes from 7 a.m. to 11:05 p.m. from December 21 to January 3. No service will be provided after 7 p.m. on Christmas Eve, and no buses will run on Christmas Day and New Year's Day. Commuter buses will not be in operation December 22 to Jan. 4..E For $8.95 a prospective foster parent can buy a clutch of 12 tiny robot eggs in a special environment called a "robotorium." And, says Mendelssohn, this is no consumer con. If the eggs don't hatch within the next 1,000 years a buyer will receive his money back-doubled. Mendelssohn neglected to say whether guarantees paid in the year 2,980 would be. adjusted for inflation. [] Un-con-ventional cleansers Clogged sink? Try Break-Out, the drain cleaner recom- mended and manufactured by inmates at the North Dakota Penitentiary. Frisk, another prison product, will strip the Divine scholar God has decided to go back to college, and though His scholastic scores are heavenly and His personal qualifications are divine, He may have trouble getting into his first choice-Princeton University. Along with the about 10,000 applications Princeton's Office of Admissions received recently was one completed and signed, in Hebrew lettering, from "God." In the personal information section of the application, God listed "B.C." for birthdate, both male and female for sex. and checked all the ontions under She has cane, is able Thugs in Atlanta, Georgia,will probably stay away from one apartment building for the elderly-at least while Dorothy Pugh still lives there. The 73-year old lady got up- set when she saw a young man trying to rob her 80-year-old neighbor Ralph Davis, so she grabbed a cane and whacked the assailant on the head about six times until he fled. "Mr. Davis is just a little bitty thing," the heroine said when the incident was finished. "He couldn't defend himself." As for Davis, he plans to get better acquainted with his rescuer. "She knocked the fool out of him," Davis exclaimed. "I love hpr T pn hniiiht hpr a cnfrrinni, ft.r it me cnlniv,"t" i , i