faculty staff
list inside
Ninety-One Years
Editor1ial Freedom
iii ai1
Partly cloudy and cold
conditions throughout the
day with a high tem-
perature in the upper 20s.
Vol. XCI, No. 80 Copyright 1980, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, December 10, 1980 Ten Cents Twenty-two Pages
salary release
controversy wanes
On Oct. 26, 1979, the state legislature
passed a law ordering the University to
release salary information pertaining
to its faculty and staff members to any
individual or organization that
requested it.
Last year, faculty members and ad-
ministrators protested the law,
claiming it was an invasion of privacy.
that could lead to controversy among
faculty members if they were easily
able to find out how much their
colleagues are paid.
publication of the University Faculty
and Staff Salary Record, the controver-
sy has died down considerably. Many of
the foreseen problems never came
about, and this year's edition was
released with little or no protest.
"The publication of the salaries has
not to date brought about any new
critical problems for the University,"
said University President Harold
Shapiro. "No serious situation has
Come to my attention."
Last year, the primary complaint of
many faculty members was that the
law resulted in an invasion of their
privacy. Jay Robinson, chairman of the
English department, said that although
gpposition to the law is not being voiced
... no serious situations
that after the initial negative reaction
to salary disclosure, the issue basically
died out.
"I made a copy of the Daily with the
salaries in it available, and only two
people asked to see it," Paul said.
"There was not much curiosity."
LAST YEAR WHEN the Graduate
Library acquired a copy of the Salary
Record, a reserve room supervisor said
that there were about two requests per
hour to look at it. Now, according to a
reserve desk employee, "we probably
this year because they know there is
nothing they can do about it, explained
Stafford. He said that some faculty
members felt that publication of the
salaries would lead to a tendency for
salaries to become uniform.
Professors would see the pay differen-
ces between themselves and their
colleagues and question the difference,
Stafford said.
think this would happen. "The Univer-
sity of Wisconsin has done it for several
years (published faculty salaries), and
It hasn't led to salaries equalling out."
/ The best professor should logically be
getting the highest pay, Stafford said.
The top economist here is obviously
superior, and makes more than other
economists, he said.
Shapiro also expressed concern over
the impact of salary publication and
what it could mean for the future of
salary determination.
"THERE MAY BE no problem in the
future," Shapiro said, "as long as we
don't allow this publication to interfere
with our commitment to a merit salary
Shapiro said that it is possible that
departmental salary managers could
react to the public status of faculty
salaries by giving everyone the same
basic amount, which would in effect
damage the merit system for deter-
mining salaries.
"It would take a few years for that to
be noticeable, if in fact it happens,"
Shapiro said.
ALL UNIVERSITY faculty salaries
are determined by the merit system,
but the criteria used varies from
college to college and among depar-
tments. f
Paul said that in the College of
Pharmacy, the merit faculty salary
system is based on teaching (both
quality and quantity), research, and an
appraisal by the dean in a yearly inter-'
view. "A professor's performance and
progress is discussed, and a salary is
stated," Paul explained.
In the area of research, Paul said that
full professors are expected to publish
more material than assistant or
associate professors. This is an
evaluation based on quantity. The
quality of a professor's research is ex-
See HEAT, Page 5
'The publication of the salaries has not to
date brought about any new critical
problems for the University.'
-University President Harold Shapiro
Lennon st
byex ro(
in premed
.# i
AP Photo
JOHN LENNON, SLAIN Monday night, is shown packing up his equipment
after a recording session for his recently released album, Double Fantasy.
Mark Chapman, a 25 year-old former mental patient, was arraigned on
second-degree murder charges in connection with the shooting-death of
Campus stunned
slaying of form
An atmosphere of pessimism and gloom prevailed on tinual popular
campus as both students and faculty members - mem- last ten years I
bers of contrasting generations which were both deeply many fans.
affected by John Lennon - discussed and mourned the teher," was
Monday night slaying of the former Beatle.
Stereos blasting Beatle music all day long, scattered While studen
posters taped up at various city sites ("Peace. Love. Lmnnseatd
John." marked one kiosk), and thousands of disillusioned L n Sevea
faces were constant reminders that fans felt a deep loss Beral alu
with the death of Lennon. record, Doubm
Many students, like LSA sophomore Pam Staal, spent ererhi faul
all day yesterday stunned at the story of the man who eairthsal
gunned down Lennon in front of the musician's apartment "We're out
building in Manhattan. Beatles (albu
"I was very shocked and amazed," Staal said sadly. "A Leonard. "Wh
very creative mind was totally destroyed."
"I feel it's a real loss ..,. his talent was never really A Schoolkids
recognized," said Engineering student Dave Turner. about 60 Doubl
For many, the shooting finalized the death of the ds. The store h
Beatles, the members of which went on to pursue solo non's other sol
careers after the formal breakup of the group in 1970.
Constant speculation of the group's return and the con-
A pudgy ex-i
John Lennon, 1
whose music s
bulent 1960s, f
and then sh
said yesterday
Mark Chap
was charged
murder for all
outside his ap
had been see
days - "ina
and intelligen
this year, there is still a feeling among,
some professors that their privacy has
been invaded.
"THERE ARE MANY people, in-
cluding me, who felt it was a real in-
vasion," Robinson said. "It's a way of
singling out a group of people, and
saying they don't have the same kinds
of rights as others," he said.
Pharmacy Dean Ara Paul said he felt
most of the faculty members in his
school were not pleased to see their
salaries published. He added, however,
m APand UPI
rock musician stalked
the mop-haired Beatle
et the beat of the tur-
or at least three days
ot him dead in a
d execution," police
man, 25, of Honolulu,
with second-degree
egedly killing Lennon
artment - where he
n loitering for three
cool, calm, rational
it manner" Monday
get only two or three requests a week."
She said some students ask. to see the
record, but the majority who ask are
faculty. members, often from other
schools as well as the University.
The reason that there is little protest
this year against publishing faculty and
staff salaries may be because it has
become an accepted University policy,
said Frank Stafford, chairman of the
economics department.
Professors who object to having their
salaries disclosed may not be saying so
Reagan transition budget
gmoo . r %
The world mourns the death of
John Lennon, See story, Page
Assistant district attorney Kim
Hogrefe said authorities had "a very
strong case" against Chapman for
the "premeditated execution of John
THE DISTRICT attorney's office
saidHChapman, who lived in Georgia
Sand Alabama before moving to
Hawaii several years ago, had no
criminal record. Police earlier con-
fused him with another man and
said he had a long arrest record.
Meanwhile, about 1,000 fans
brought red roses, newspaper clip-
pings and poignant, hand-written
notes to the musician they loved
yesterday, affixing them to a tall,
black iron gate - a dozen feet from
where Lennon died in a hail of gun-
fire hours before.
See EX-ROCKER, Page 22
by tragic
er Beatle
ity and salability of Beatle records in the
has kept the group together in the minds of
always a hope that they would get back
d Beth Fein, a Residential College student.
ts mourned the murder, people working irk
fields were also affected by the effects of
I record stores reported increased sales of
s and Lennon's solo albums. His latest
e Fnatasy, was completed and released
of Lennon's albums, and almost out of
ms)," said Discount Records Manager Jim
hat else would you expect?
' Records employee said the store had sold
e Fantasy albums and many Beatle recor-
ad previously exhausted its supply of Len-
o albums.
See CAMPUS, Page 22
overspent by
President-elect Ronald
Reagan, riding into office on
a budget-cutting pledge, is
overspending his $2 million
government transition
budget by 50 percent, aides
said Tuesday.
Verne Orr, who is in
charge of the budget, said
private donations would be
sought to help make up the
difference between the,
government-allocated amount
and the $3 million in expec-
ted spending "which is about
what we had planned all the
Reagan aides noted that
Congress had not increased
the $2 million budgeted for
President-elect Jimmy Car-
ter's transition to the
presidency four inflation-
filled years ago.
Reagan team was em-
barrassed by the budget
overrun, in light of the
president-elect's reputation
for fiscalkconservatism,
press spokesman James
Brady said no.
He lamented that $2
million "just doesn't buy
what it used to," and he
estimated that "$2 million in
1976 dollars is worth
$1,351,000 today."
Orr added that the in-
coming administration
50 percent
"didn't have the slightest in- White House. Others are
tention" of holding spending assigned ,to individual agen-
within the $2 million budget. cies to assess policies and
"We all anticipated that if $2 projects Reagan will inherit
million was the right figure from the outgoing Carter
last time, $3 million would be administration.
about right this time."
HE OFFERED few Meanwhile, Reagan plan-
specifics on expenses but ned to begin unveiling some
said high telephone and air- of his Cabinet selections
plane travel expenses had later this week amid reports
contributed to the deficit. thatchoices for two top posts
Orr estimated that about remained unsettled.
1,000 employees are working His Cabinet selections
on the transition effort. have become bogged down
Some are at the new ad- over two controversial
ministration's Washington names, Gen. Alexander Hail
headquarters sifting through Jr. for secretary of state and
the names of prospective Citicorp Chairman Walter
appointees and planning for Wriston for secretary of the
Reagan's move into the Treasury.
'U' transition begins
THE TRANSITION has begun at the University
Cellar, where employees are packing up fall term
textbooks from the shelves, ordering textbooks for
winter term, and generally hunkering down for
the ,"rush" that will begin in the Union Ballroom on
January 2. According to Ginny Ambrose, an office worker
at the Cellar, sales of fall term books ended Monday, and
the conclusion of researchers who found that the shopper
who likes prominent designer symbols views the world as a
competitive place where one must be noticed to succeed.
"The people that we studied want to project an 'I'm on the
fast track' image. They are aggressive competitors who
need to be noticed and are seeking prestige," according to
Rolph Anderson, a professor of marketing at Drexel
University in Philadelphia. The researcher surveyed more
than 600 customers with charge accounts at large depar-
tment stores and trendy boutiques in New York,
Philadelphia, Washington, and Baltimore. The study
reporters were working. "We heard screams and a com-
motion," said Steven Pollack of the City News Bureau..
"Then this guy casually walks in,-nods a 'hello,' and walks
over into a side room where the furnace is." Out in the hall
was 250-lb. Theodore Sadowski, a sheriff's deputy. He was
out of breath after chasing and looking for Michum.
Sadowski, 60, was led to where the prisoner was hiding, ap-
prehended him, and led him back to the pokey. F]
Super turkey
A London butcher bought the world's largest turkey,
Toledo. But hopes were dashed when the team arrived in
the northwestern Ohio city after a three-and-one-half, 150
mile trip and found the school did not exist. No one had told
officials at the Dayton school that Spencer-Sharples was
among 11 buildings closed this year as part of a $4.3 million
slash in the Toledo public schools budget. "When we pulled
up into the school, there was nobody anywhere," Neal
Huysman, Colonel White's coach, recalled Tuesday. The
coach had not received any scouting reports on the Toledo
opponent, but said he had not been concerned. Hilton
Murray, administrative assistant to the Toledo superinten-
dent of schools in commuinity rela~tinsnd niI thlgetipcscsaid'