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Ninety-Oine Years
Editorial Freedom
Mostly cloudy today with
occasional snow flurries.
The high will be in the mid
Vol. XCI, No.79
Copyright 1980, The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, December 9, 1980
Ten Cents
Ten Pages
'John Lennon
shot to death
'in Manhattan
NEW YORK-Former Beatle John Lennon was shot and
killed in front of his Manhattan home last night, police said.
A police spokesman said a suspect was in custody, but he
had no other details of the shooting.
"This was no robbery," the spokesman said, and said Len-
non was most likely shot by a deranged person.
Lennon was shot three times, police said, and was taken to
Roosevelt Hospital, where he died in surgery. His wife, Yoko
Ono, was with him.
"There's blood all over the place," a hospital worker said
when Lennon was brought into the hospital. "They're
working on him like crazy."-
Police said the shooting occurred at 11 p.m. EST outside
the Dakota, a giant stone cooperative apartment building on
Manhattan's West Side where Lennon had an office and a
Police said they had a suspect and described him as "a
local screwball" with no apparent motive for shooting Len-
-- - - -- -
Polish, Soviet newspapers
report growing instability
From AP and UPI
MOSCOW-The official Soviet news
agency charged yesterday that "coun-
ter-revolutionary groups" have
penetrated Poland's independent
Solidarity trade union movement and
aggravated the country's political
In the latest expression of Soviet con-
cern, Tass said the anti-government
groups, operating under the cover of
local Solidarity sections, "are turning
to open confrontation" with Polish
Communist Party officials.
POLAND'S ARMY newspaper
Zolnierz Wolnosci yesterday warned of
mounting concern in the Polish military
that "social unrest" was getting out of
hand it this Soviet block country. The
Soviet Union and hard-line Warsaw
Pact members leveled new charges
that "counter-revolutionary groups"
were endangering communist rule in
The army newspaper hinted Poland's
army may be forced to intervene to
restore order in a nation gripped by
political and economic problems that
have alarmed the Soveit-led Warsaw
Pact and triggered fears in Western
capitals that the Red Army may move
into Poland.
But Poland's independent labor
movement, focus of much of Moscow's
concern, denied Soviet and East Ger-
man reports of new labor unrest and
there were no reports of new strikes.
TASS SAID in dispatch from Warsaw,
"It is indicative that a campaign has
been started in a number of Solidarity
committees in recent days of replacing
trade union workers by persons who
openly adhere to anti-government
"These and other facts",show that.
"counter-revolution" is leading toward
"further 'destabilization, toward the
aggravation of the political struggle,"
the agency asserted.
Similar charges were made by the
East German news agency and repor-
ts of a "concentrated attack on
socialism" in Poland were carried by
the Czechoslovak Communist Party
paper. Both East Germany: and
Czechoslovakia have adopted Moscow's
hard line toward formation of labor
unions independent of Communist Par-
ty control and have joined Moscow in
expressing alarm about events in
AMID CONTINUING reports that
Soviet troops on Poland's borders were
poised to intervene. Poland's own army
indicated it could be preparing for a
crackdown. The official army
newspaper said "the soldiers of the
Polis People's army share anxiety and
concern" about "prolongation of social
unrest in our country."
Library emp ee assaulted
Three thugs assaulted and robbed a ANN ARBOR Police Capt. Calvin
Graduate Library employee in her Hicks said the woman surprised three
eighth floor office last night, police men going through her desk at about 10
said. p.m. last night. They had taken her
The woman was treated for a head in- wallet and a small transistor radio.
jury at University Hospital and was ex- When she yelled for security officers,
pected to be released late last night. one robber knocked her against a wall,
Police have one male suspect in Hicks said.
custody and are searching for two The suspects fled down a staircase,
others. See LIBRARY, Page 3
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EXPERTS SAY ENGLISH twins Greta and Freda Chaplin are so much alike
they seem to be sharing one mind between two bodies.
the dual meet.
P Chic pair in,
double trouble
LONDON (AP) - Greta and'
Freda Chaplin, 37-year-old identical
twins, are so alike in the way they
think, speak, move, dress, look, and
live that children have thrown
stones at them and called them wit-
ches and adults have spat on them in
the street.
But the women's extreme
closeness has also intrigued the
scientific world, and some experts
say they genuinely appear to share
one mind between two bodies.
THEY DO everything together,
scream or sulk if parted, and, most
uncannily, talk in unison when under
stress. They. speak the same words
in identical voice patterns that
create a weird echo effect.
Doctors report they've never
before encountered such a case and
say the twins are so close they
almost seem linked by telepathy.
The twins first became news last
July when they appeared before
magistrates in their home city of
York to plead guilty to breach of the
peace. The charge was relatively in-
nocuous. The facts revealed by
police were bizarre.
FOR 15 YEARS the unmarried
twins have shared an ob-
sessional romantic fixation on truck
driver Kenneth Iveson, 56, a former
neighbor. He used to chat to them
but dropped the friendship when he
The twins began hounding him,
constantly following him to work
and hanging around outside his
home and the club where he drinks.
Eventually they took to screaming
abuse at him in the street. When
they threw themselves in front of his
car, Iveson went to the police. The
charge resulted.
The magistrates sent the twins to
a remand center at Durham Jail for
medical examinations. When they
appeared again July 22, Dr. David
Westbury, a psychiatrist, reported:
See TWINS, Page 3
Judge Keith
gives verdict
to graduating
law, students,
Fifty-seven University law students who have
been courting passing grades for the last three
years were delighted by a favorable decision that
they received Sunday: There is "no reason to
doubt" that they will graduate.
The Senior Day ceremonies, traditionally conduc-
ted at Hale Auditorium prior to final exams for the
graduating law students, were chaired by Law
School Dean Terrance Sandalow. He congratulated
the future graduates and told them "the few exam-
s and papers due in the next few weeks are minor
obstacles after what you've been through."
MAKING THE keynote speech during the
ceremony was Judge Damon Keith, who sits on the
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit.
Keith, who is known for his support of civil rights
issues, told the students that it is their "sworn
obligation to afford equal justice for all Americans
in the 1980s. One person can make a difference in
the course our country will take."
spurs rise
in campus
The holiday spirit appears to have
inspired ,campus-area larcenists.
The thieves are becoming more
generous than ever-at least when it
comes to helping themselves to
other person's property.
The University Department of
Safety has reported a sizeable in-
crease in the number of larcenids
that have occured on University
property since mid-November.
Eighty eight thefts took place in
University buildings and residence
halls during the 12-day period bet-
ween Nov. 20 and Dec. 2, according
to department records.
FIFTEEN thousand dollars worth
of University and personal property
was stolen during the period, with
items ranging from $2,000 computer
See CAMPUS, Page 10
JUDGE DAMON KEITH addresses law students during Senior Day
Oldies but baddies
THEY'RE NOT GETTING older, they're getting
better ... at armed robbery. The Over-The-Hill
Gang has struck again, holding up two more
Dallas-area grocery stores. Police believe six
senior citizens have been involved in at least 20 armed rob-
beries in the Dallas-Fort Worth area during the past year.
In the latest robbery, one elderly man walked to the
grocery store office about 2:30 p.m. and pulled back his
sidering the goals he has set for himself. "I hope to live to
know what matters in the real world," said Jane Fonda in
the January Quest-81 magazine. That may also be true of
Ann Arbor, but the similarity ends there. Fonda thinks'the
emphasis on fancy cars, expensive clothes, and elaborately
crafted guest lists in Beverly Hills can kill the creative
spirit. "If you're trying to make movies that matter, you
can't live that way. Reality passes you by," she said. Fonda
apologizes for sounding self-righteous, but adds, "I grew up
in it. I've been there. Nobody is immune.. . It's poison." []
Happy birthday, Strom
sidering the goals he has set for himself. "I hope to live to
120," he quipped at the party. r y
Lois gets her man
The cat's out of the bag. Lois Lane is finally going to get
her Superman. Yes, the lovelorn Lane who swoons over
Superman but won't even look at his alter ego, Clark Kent,
will win Supe in a forthcoming sequel. This information
comes from the ultimate source: the superhero himself...
at least, Christopher Reeve, who played him in the movie
Sprman. Re eve.who drew thebiggcrod orulfthe v
he is rotund in'the same way and place as a pregnant
woman, Jones said. He continued that Santa gives things
and comes down the chimney, the same characteristics as
the ever familiar stork possesses. Santa comes at "a
critical time in the solar cycle that has long been
recognized by all agrarian peoples," Jones said. "Santa is a
very obvious fertility symbol, and a sexist one at that. (He)
represents the possibility of rebirth at a time of great
seasonal change ... That this harabinger of rebirth is por-
trayed by a male figure is a fairly common sexist theme in
folklore through which male characters usurp female