_OPINION Friday, January 16, 1981 Te icanDal Page 4 The Michigan Daily Thoughts on Christ and Constitution' Several years ago I was born again. Though the experiment never really took, its instructional value was immense. My conver- sion occurred not in a Baptist dunking pool or a Holy Roller Group, but in a small apartment in New York City. A female acquaintance of mine, newly and rather confoundingly betrothed to an active Jesus freak, had invited me to a Sunday prayer meeting at a friend's fourth-floor dwelling. Coming Apart, By Christopher Potter It was hardly a bumpkin's affair. The diminutive gathering-not more than a dozen persons-radiated intellectuality over bald evangelism, big-city chic over small-town credulity. Yet the group's vocalized, apparen- tly unaffected commitment to Christ served to cut through its hauteur like a righteous laser. Upwardly-mobile swank was fascinatingly neutralized by pious egalitarianism. CLEARLY, THESE unlikely crusaders felt they were on to something-some inscrutable catalyst which might, they hoped, get under the skin of a confirmed agnostic like myself. Cer- tainly the conditions were right: Feeling down, out, and venomous toward the world in general, I was ripe for metamorphosis, hungry for love and tranquility of any form amidst the aridity of this cruelest of all cities. Near the end of the meeting, the assembled worshippers were asked to bow their heads in silent meditation, to pray for guidance regar- ding some specific problem in their respective lives that was deeply troubling them. Respon- ding to the peer group, I bowed with the rest. Through every molecule in my ingrained' sophistication yelled bullshit, I abruptly decided what the hell did I have to lose? For the first time in my conscious life, I prayed. Almost at once, I felt better. The combination of atmosphere, companionship and my rather desperate accessibility had triggered a star- tling but hardly unpleasurable change: I sen- sed an aura settling around me, protecting me-a miracle, the pious would proclaim. It was an astonishing sensation. I had silently yelled for help, and an unseen something or somebody appeared to have actually respon- ded. I SNAPPED OUT of my meditation in a gid- dy, self-ordained state of grace. I en- thusiastically confessed my experience to my fellow worshippers, who just as en- thusiastically congratulated and prayed for me. I departed the conclave bubbling, bustling, jubilantly determined to dedicate'the remain- der of my life to Jesus. It was so easy. My ecclesiastical euphoria didn't last long. The reality of a less than heavenly world swif- tly reasserted itself; lacking the en- couragement of my spiritual support group,(I had returned to Michigan), I reverted to the teachings of a lifetime: I could not then or now rationalize a just and loving God ruling a world filled with agony. One photograph of a starving Ugandan child or one stroll through the U Hospital 'burn unit (where I once worked cleaning beds) remains sufficient proof to me that if a deity exists, he is either a sadist, an imbecile, or an entity so cosmically distanced from us that he does not even know we exist. Still, my transient discipleship provided an invaluable lesson: It is simple, so incredibly simple, given the right circumstances, to gleefully abandon the principles you have followed for most of a lifetime. For a brief period I saw the world through a glass darkly-a world where old values were not so much lent an evil taint as they were simply rendered meaningless in one's new, ecumenical scheme of things. IT AMUSES ME when my fellow liberals ex- press shock and incredulity over the righteous thunderings of the Moral Majority, whose ideological assaults are so calculatingly geared to gut the individual liberties we take for gran- ted. "Haven't they ever heard of the Con- stitution?" my friends wail. Alas, intellec- tuality and logic bear little relationship to the gut existence of the true believer. Ever so briefly, I believed. And during that time, secular concepts of freedom of speech, of individual expression, of free assembly, even-ironically but most pointedly-of religion, inapplicable to the real world. I knew what was true and right beyond all possible doubt; I now answered to a higher power. What possible use was the notion of free ex-. pression when the only true expression was God's own? Freedom? Freedom for what, from what? The whole idea seemed silly, frivolous. True freedom lay only in service of Christ, and those who practiced otherwise were kidding themselves and hurting others. WHY SHOULD a pro-Communist weekly be allowed to publish? It certainly wasn't God's word. What right did a theater have to show a pornographic movie, a library have to shelve a salacious novel? Blasphemy was just not in Jesus' scheme of things. Such license wasn't just immoral, it was illogical. Why on earth would anyone,-anywhere, think otherwise? It was all so simple, so neatly pre-packaged, so exquisitely comforting. I could bask in my womb of superiority, gazing sternly yet com- passionately down at the Philistines playing their dreadful, meaningless little games below me. Thankfully, I managed to descend my moun- taintop before the sanctimony habit took roo. Yet millions remain up there, zestful and eager to prescribe precisely the remedies needed to deliver us from the arms of Satan and his disguised minions: If Senator Jones favors Salt II, then he is obviously The Devil's henchman and must be punished for it. God smites in- fidels. Such is the rhetoric of the Jesus politics of our time. Its excesses by no means afflict all or even a majority of the pious: Born-againers like Jimmy Carter and John Anderson exem- plify the tradition of dichotomizing one's faith, however passionate, from one's secular pronouncements. Yet for others, like Sen. Jesse Helms, such a dichotomy is not only immoral but impractical: Only in unity under Christ willE America conquer her amassed adversaries, only then will we come into our predestined heritage-and nasty nuisances like the Bill of Rights be damned. IT'S NOW BECOME respectable, even vogue to voice such sentiments; at its current pace, righteousness may shortly replace valium as our current national narcotic. Does this mean that our church-state heritage is crumbling, that theocracy lurks just around the corner? Unlikely-the very cumbersomeness of our governmental process would seem to preclude any swift, radical shift of structure or tradition. Yet who would dare underestimate the power of public sentiment in an era that seems bent on ferreting out scapegoats and villains? Americans in alarming numbers remain frightened, angry, lonely. And in time of stress it's so very easy for anyone-whether an oc- cupant of an Alabama farmhouse or a Big Ap- ple brownstone-to believe. Take it from an ex-member of the club. Christopher Potter is a Daily staff writer. His column appears every Friday. ~5 -Tise li stditganrty tig Edited and managed by students at The University 'of Michigan Feiffer Vol. XCI, No. 91 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board More subsidy for failure T HE AILING Chrysler corporation next $400 million, Chrysler officials has won another $400 million in said. Yet when November came, the federal loan guarantees. Once again, surge was just barely emergent. The vast sums of taxpayers' money are on thought that K-car sales might raise the line. the company out of its slump has ' In recent years the company has become a pipe dream. So, in fact, has failed to meet the demands of the the likelihood that the company can American public. As a result, its sales continue to exist at all, many analysts have slackened to a point where it no believe. The question now seems to be longer can meet its operation costs. not whether Chrysler will fold, but But thanks to effective lobbying by the when it will fold. "UAW and other special interest The thought of Chrysler folding is groups; the number three automaker'i unsettling to most Michigan residen- 'got $1 billion in federal loan guarantees ts-especially those who feel they are this summer. dependent on the automaker for their These loan guarantees pose a very economic existence. But bankruptcy difficult problem-primarily that they for Chrysler will not necessarily kill : are backed by taxpayers' dollars. If the desire for American-made cars. ,ythere is no place for Chrysler in the The demand will be transferred to domestic auto market, then the gover- other auto companies, which will hire :ment should not create artificial more workers to keep up with in- :stimuli at the expense of the tax- creased production. ayers. It's unfortunate to see any cor- Last summer, when the company got poration fall apart. But if such a poor its initial billion, Chrysler analysts economic situation exists, it is not the .predicted a tremendous surge in sales responsibility of the government to nonce K-cars hit the showrooms. This risk millions of taxpayers' dollars with Svould provide the incentive for the only a slim hope of helping it survive. uL-L n6 ARCf i oM OV l 1 1 AMERICA. n~~v KIP PiI C IURSAI. t' SURJ- soeu~s. umuorno eun s -MA OA, S 4~ *1A Pg EW A ME t)6R)'A A COT a~~PS, H f'jHCes6 6 0 agb,"pvw $VO V1CJVTW i , S' E"00KAIJV )Htl? eok a AK8OWt), AQ rOP~$6 't~ H - WATCH PpR ArANN6 ~bMT 130WHITE HOUE! E LETTERS TO THE DAILY: Daily blindly created a major story s t' To the Daily:, The Michigan Daily has again incorrectly reported a story. Again a slandered member of the University community must resort to writing a letter to the editor to explain the actual cour- se of events. a For two reasons, I authored the motion to postpone-NOT REJECT-until next week the recognition of the Student Association of the United Friends of the Islamic Republic of Iran. First, it has been alleged by the FBI that Iranian student associations in the United States have formal ties with the Khomeini government. It is believed that Iranian student associations are taking money and orders from Iran. If this is the case with the local association, then it is not a legitimate student organization and under the MSA constitution can be denied recognition. Second, what is the purpose of this group? I do not feel that MSA should recognize a group whose major purpose may be to promote the views of a gover- nment that has taken 52 Americans as hostages and has repeatedly said that it is at war with the United States. After Tuesday's MSA meeting I spoke with a member of the group. He explained that his association was entirely cultural and non-political. Moreover, he understood the problems with the "Islamic Republic of Iran" part of the name. People tend to associate it with the Islamic Republican Party, the ruling par- ty in Iran. I immediately called the Michigan Daily and explained that my questions were answered and that I did not object to the group's recognition. Clearly I was not acting irrationally or in- decisively as your paper suggested in a front page story and in an editorial. You claim I "blindly lashed out" at this group. On the con- trary, you blindly created - a- major story. In the future, I hope your paper, will show greater: judgment on sensitive issues. -Bruce Brumberg January 15 Begin has served well - , , 4, r 'I Something to laugh about To the Daily: As a woman who has spent nearly 15 years of her life typing, filing, and "gophering," I would like to address a question posed by Anne Gadon in her review of Nine to Five-"It's funny, but what's the point?" (Daily, January 10). It is certainly true that seeing Nine to Five won't change the behavior of "asspat- ting" chauvinistic bosses, but what mere movie would? In my opinion a story of three female of- fice workers who, by working through appropriate "channels" and not negotiating with ad- ministration, achieve massive gains in status for the lower level employees of a multi-million- dollar company would also be a romp through fantasyland. Although I have not experien- ced the "fantasy" segments of the movie, I have certainly en- dured the reality. Nine to Five gives secretaries something to laugh about, and we need all the laughs we can get. -Kathleen Malley, Secretary, University of Michigan January 9 To the Daily: I would like to comment on your editorial "Begin's Final Days at Last" (Daily, January 13). In your zeal to have Begin prematurely ousted from office, you have misconstrued several important facts and left 'out several others altogether. First, you totally downplay Begin's major accomplishment, the Camp David agreements. You call it a "singular triumph." Do you not realize the significance of the Camp David accords? Never before has an Arab country been at peace with Israel. In fact, before Begin and the Likud party came to power in May, 1977, no single Arab leader had ever even offered to negotiate peace with Israel since its independence in 1948. In those twenty nine years, only one Arab leader, a prince from Jordan, had the integrity to speak out publicly for peace with Israel. He was promptly assassinated. Second, you condemn Begin's support of the religious right wing and, consequently, Israel's control over Judea and Samaria (more commonly referred to as the West Bank). You do not, however, mention that since Israel took control of the area, the holy sites in the Old City of Jerusalem are available to all Third, you claim that Begin ha$ "allowed the military to clamp repressive measures on Arab residents of the West Bank." You attempt to equate Israel's military with the Gestapo. You forget, however, that theso "repressive measures," as you call them were in direct respon. se to violence on the West Bank including attacks on Jewis students in Hebron, riots after the car bombings of three West Bank mayors, and the assassinations of pro-peace Arabs in the West Bank and in Gaza. You also fail to note that when the mayors returned to a clearly pro-PLO welcome; Israel's military did not inter- vene. Finally, you hail Shimon Peres as the savior of the Middle East peace talks. Yet, Peres, too, has had his share of problems. If he and Labor are returned to power; it will be interesting to see how long they hold power before in- curring the public's wrath. Thus, I would like to reassert my point that Begin has been a fine prime minister for Israel and regardless of how much you try to efface that fact, history will prove otherwise. /i , / / '' 3 ) ?/ ' '_ pm, Redirection discussion set To the Daily: The letter on redirection which discussion is planned is in the Senate Assembly. Starting next i - K~ I