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January 16, 1981 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1981-01-16

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Ninety-One Years
Editorial Freedom

Cl bt

Ait 43U


Cloudy today with light
snow. Temperatures
ranging in low to mid 20's.

Vol. XCI, No. 91
tax cutw
*plan gets
ALANSING (UPI)-Gov. Williai
Milliken's call for prprytax reli
and a tuneup for Micia' putterir;
'auto-oriented economy drew mix(
reviews yesterday from legislatii
Milliken's record 13th State of tl
State address, which lasted about
minutes, was interrupted, seven tim+
with polite applause-mostly when tl
governor mentioned his property t(
reduction plan and mostly "from Al
Republican side.
Growth Plan" with an emphasis
diversification which includes
''economic summit'' on the state
financial future, more spending
business and tourism promotion ai
agricultural research, funding f
technological innovation and creation
'a research facility to attract new
dustries in Michigan;
The governor reiterated his propos
t for a 35 percent property taxc
coupled with a one percentage poi
sales tax, increase.
* Milliken conceded the recessi'
wracked state faces a. ".very diffici
year," but insisted "out future
dress was warmly praised' by fell(
See VIEWS, Page 6

Copyright 1981, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan, Friday, January 16, 1981

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages


By DEBI DAVIS sworn in
The University yesterday joined up the pr
community residents and city officials expresse
in protesting a halfway house proposed Decembe
for up to 70 prisoners near North Cam- female ca
pus. bed to d
The state Department of Corrections picked u
hopes to lease 1700 Broadway-near house at
University co-ops, Bursley and Baits Timothy
residence halls, anl Northwood Apar- in the mu
tments-and oper te it as a "com a Pinckn
munity residence home" for prisoners same eve
awaiting parole. CITY
THE REGENTS passed a resoltuion mayor, a
yesterday opposing the proposed criticized
facility, despite some questions among The state
Board members about a possible con- Dr. Arno
flict of interest. In December the controve
University made an offer to purchase resident
the property and building as part of a teenager
"long range land acquisition plan." If, year.
as predicted, the zoning for the halfway City Z
house project is not 'approved by the man Ed
city, the University is one of several of protes
bidders hoping to acquire the property. nesday.7
University President Harold Shapiro to approv
said the University "should not inter- allow a h
fere with an activity (rehabilitating not confo
convicts in a residential setting) which "I have
would otherwise be beneficial to the on this. I
community," but he added that the Hood (D
safety of the students and their parents' A RES
concerns must also be considered. to regist(
Regent Nellie Varner (D-Detroit) city will1




to office yesterday, summed
rotesters' sentiment when she
ed her concern over the
er 22 murder of a 19-year-old
ab driver, who was found stab-
eath several hours after she
p an inmate at the halfway
1124 E. Ann St. The inmate,
Hughes, 39, has been charged
rder and in the knife assault of
ney woman that occured the
.nd many area residents have
d the proposed halfway house.
e would lease the house from
ld Kambly, who operated the
ersial University Center-,a
ial treatment home for
s-before it was closed last
oning Board of Appeals Chair-
Hood, predicts a "full house"
ters at a public hearing Wed-
The board will decide whether
ve the zoning of the property to
halfway house, a use that does
rm to the city's building plan.
e a strong, unalterable position
t has to fail," said councilman
-Fourth Ward).
OLUTION requiring the state
er all halfway houses with the
be submitted at the City Coun-



cil meeting Monday, said Councilman
Earl Greene, (D-Second Ward).
But, according to state and city of-
ficials, the state has the legal authority
to overrule the city on issues involving
the location of state correctional
J. G. Putnam, assistant deputy direc-
tor of the Department of Corrections
said the state may deal directly with
the landlord, but "prefers to work with
the local community."
THE PROPOSED facility, and the
recent murder attributed to the half-
way house resident, brought up many
questions about the impact of the
state's program to place inmates in
residential areas.
Mayor Louis Belcher said the state
was not adequately policing its halfway
houses in the area, calling the concept
"a prison system without a prison."
"It's like having time bombs all over
the city ready to go off and not knowing
where they are," Belcher said.
THERE ARE currently 17 prisoners
living in halfway houses in the city.
Shortly after the cab driver was mur-
dered three other houses-1122 E. Ann
St., 1124 E. Ann St., and 1125 E. Huron
St., owned by Louis Rome and super-
vised by the state-closed when the
employees quit. They left due to

Daily Photo by BRIAN MAsCK
Over Tim
Indiana's Isiah Thomas (left) attempts shot ofer Wolverine Tim McCormick
in last night's Michigan 55-52 overtime victory against the Hoosiers.
Wolverine Marty Bodnar watches in foreground. See story, page 10.

I a


Iran sends 'different'

From AP and UPI
WASHINGTON-The United States received a
"very complicated" new proposal yesterday from
Iran on terms for freeing the 52 American hostages.
Informed sources said it was not clear if the long
awaited response would speed their release and end
the 14-month-old stalemate.
Describing the Iranian message as "very com-
plicated," the sources told The Associated Press it of-
fered "a different kind of approach" to key issues.
TOP-LEVEL WHITE House, State Department,
and Treasury officials met late yesterday to weigh
the latest Iranian terms. One source said a decision
on an American reply would be made by President
Carter by this morning.
"I don't know if it's more feasible than we got in the
past," one source, who asked not to be i'entified,

Meanwhile, Secretary of State designate Alexander
Haig was at the State Department last night and in-
dicated he has been briefed on the Iranian response.
QUESTIONED BY reporters as he was leaving,
Haig said, "I've been following it very closely and
leave any comments on it to Mr. Muskie, at least until
next Tuesday."
Asked about the possibility of a breakthrough, Haig
said, "I'm not going to make any comments at all of a
substantive character."
Earlier, administration officials said the proposal
"warrants close and intensive study."
In Tehran, Iran's chief hostage negotiator Behzad
Nabavi met Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini to discuss
the terms of a deal to exchange the hostages for an
estimated $6.6 billion in Iranian assets frozen in the
United States.
The hostages would be freed under the U.S.

proposal simultaneously with delivery of the first in-
stallment to Iran.
Iran's "final reply" was handed to Algeria this mor-
"The U.S.A.," he said, "has until tomorrow
(Friday) to reply.
"The Iranian government's view is that the U.S.
government has only up to the end of business
tomorrow, Friday, to carry out a really practical step
in connection with the transfer of Iran's agreed
deposits to the central bank of a third country,"
Nabavi said.
In Washington, a State Department spokesman
said the latest Iranian message "warrants close and
intensive study, which is now being undertaken both
by the American delegation in Algiers and officials in

The University's 3,400 clerical,
employees will decide in February
electionswhether they wish to be
represented by a union, University
spokespersons said yesterday.
The Michigan. Employment
Relations Commission (MERC)
recently affirmed that the
Organizing Committee for Clericals
(OCC) has established the required
minimum show of interest in
organizing a union. At least 30 per-
cent of the work force had to sign a
petition to make the election
legitimate under state law.

THE CLERICALS will have the
chance to choose between "no
union" and representation by the
OCC. University officials have "no
problems" with the idea of the elec-
In November 1978, University
clericals voted down an OCC bid to
become the collective bargaining
agent for the group. In 1976, the
clericals voted to disband their local
of the United Auto Workers that had
been formed in 1974.
Some of the previous attempts to
unionize were aided by the
American Federation of State,
County, and Municipal Employees.

Clerical employees
to vote ofln UfllOflZLtlOfl4

. .
' '

Blood shortage at 'U'
Hospital delays surgery

Severe blood shortages at the University Hospital have.
required postponement of major operations, including open
heart surgery and liver transplants, a hospital spokesman
said yesterday.
According to Joseph Owsley, acting director of relations in
hospital administration, the operations have been put off for
the past two days and will probably be put off today.
"WE WOULD LIKE to operate on schedule but there is no
immediate health risk so long as the delay is not indefinite,"
Owsley said.
According to a spokesman for the American Red Cross,
which supplies blood to the University Hospital, local collec-
tion projections were not met because of a blood drive can-
cellation by a large automotive plant.
The drive was halted after layoffs had severely depleted
the number of donating employees, said Cornelia Fry, direc-
tor of the local Red Cross office.
SHE ALSO REPORTED that many regular donors cannot
give because of the flu or similar illness. "We have had the
highest deferral rate in the past three years because of the

flu," she said.
The Detroit-based Red Cross supplies blood to 75 hospitals
over a five-county area including Wayne, Oakland, Macomb,
St. Claire, and Washtenaw counties.
Fry said that blood type O positive is needed the most right
now, but all types are needed. "I don't go to the media unless
it is really serious," she added.
THE UNIVERSITY is supplementing its supply with blood
from a list of special donors, hospital staff, and faculty,
Owsley said. He added, however, that, "we don't have the
facilities to collect blood from the general public."
The local Red Cross will be sponsoring a student blood
drive to be held Jan. 26 through Feb. 2. According to Fry, the
drive will attempt to raise a total of approximately 1,500 pints
of blood.
Collection sites will be at Bursley Hall on Monday, Jan. 26,
at Markely dormitory on Tuesday, Jan. 27, the Union
ballroom Wednesday, Jan. 28 through Friday, Jan. 30, and at
Couzens Hall on Monday, Feb. 2.
Blood collections will also be made at the Red Cross office
between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. at 2729 Packard.

RegentdebutDaily Photo by DEBORAH LEWIS
l bRegent de bDa
Nellie Varner is sworn in as University Regent by Judge Damon Keith (right) in the Administration building yesterday.
afternoon. Varner's nephew assisted in the ceremony.

Lugage 0, Gorilla 1
watching gorilla
at the Atlanta Zoo
recently went up
against a piece of American
Tourister luggage in a re-
creation of a popular com-
mercial and tore the

pummeled it. He proceeded to rip the leather-like cover off
the hard-sided suitcase, tore it open, and ripped the halves
apart at the hinges. As if adding insult to injury, Willie B.
then took one of the halves over to his water fountain, held it
under the spigot, and drank from the water-filled
wreckage. Reporters from an Atlanta television station
gave the ape the suitcase as part of a consumer report on
luggage that was aired on Wednesday. John Weatherford,
the reporter who did the story, said spokespersons for.
American Tourister told him they thought the ape in their
commercial was a gorilla. But Weatherford said he found
out after oheokine that the ae in the nmmercial was a

sidewalks, cars, and buildings. People were getting bom-
barded also. Police Chief Bob Shaw decided enough was
enough, and the City Council agreed. It was time to fight
back, they decided. The city doled out $158 worth of shot gun
shells and recruited residents for the assault against the
birds. So, from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. three days last week,
the shootout took place. Officials estimated that 1,000 crows
were killed during the confrontations, with no injuries to
residents. Some downtown store windows were cracked,
however, apparently by stray shots. Crows, as migrating
birds, are protected under federal law. But the law allows
them to be shot if they commit, or are about to commit, a

which consists of old papers, coupons, cereal boxes, and
other debris of modern life. As they watched, Dave
Mikolas, a 19-year-old astrophysics student, pounded out
Christmas carols and old standards on the electric'
piano-stark naked. Mikolas said he made his buff piano.
appearance at the request of the artists involved in the
project, but insists there was nothing shocking about it.
"There wasn't any particular set of clothing that would'
have added to the effect so it really wasn't necessary to
have clothing, he said, quipping, "It was warm enough so
that I didn't need them."



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