. ! 0 OPINION Thursday, January 15, 1981 Page 4 The Michigan Daily A' Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Vol. XCI, No. 90 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board MSA misstep on Iranians rE MICHIGAN Student Assembly Tuesday night moved to postpone consideration of an application for of- ficial recognition submitted by a cam- pus Iranian student organization. The Assembly, led by member Bruce Brumberg, voiced concern that the group might be tied to the Iranian government. Brumberg, although he later changed his mind, promised to look in- to the activities and affiliations of the student group, arguing that if the group planned to promote the philosophy of the Khomeini regime, he would attempt to block the group's recognition. "It would be a disgrace," Brumberg has said, "for (MSA) to, recognize any organization that has any association with Iran." This sort of blind, knee-jerk reaction to any person, group, or thing labeled "Iranian" is unfortunately represen- tative of the misunderstanding and mutual distrust that has plagued the Iranian-U.S. deadlock for the past 14A months. We must not allow the frustrations of more than a year to drive us to rationalize discrimination. against Iranians here in the U.S. Brumberg has wisely decided not to follow through on his original plan to investigate the organization. He said after talking with members of the Iranian student group he learned that the organization was indeed merely committed to cultural and educational exchange and was not planning on making the campus unsafe for democracy. Thus, our student government narrowly avoided following the exam- ple of those at some other colleges and universities, where Iranian students have been discriminated against in a number of ways, ranging from attem- pts to oust them from school to outright physical harassment. Patience and understanding are essential to an unravelling of the twisted cultural and philosophical barriers which block the way to a peaceful resolution to the hostage standoff. Frustration and anger must not oversome restraint. Antagonism against Iranian students here can only lead to further conflict. Fortunately, Brumberg has repudiated his blind lashing-out at the Iranian student organization. At next week's meeting, other Assembly members should also put their prejudices behind them and recognize the Iranian student group as the legitimate student organization that it 1i. ARor 4 N"v'1N F~oR 15N G00p FOR AN I1NG au 1%1 'n9 LETTERS TO THE DAILY: I I0 Profs* on Universityretrenchment. ""g Import quotas no answer S TRANGELY, OUTGOING Tran- sportation Secretary .Neil Gold- schmidt sounded quite different when he spoke in Ann Arbor yesterday than he did just the day before ,in Washington. In the study he presented in the capital, Goldschmidt focused on the ills of the American auto industry, emphasizing the solution dear to the hearts of auto executives-severely limiting Japanese car imports. In Ann Arbor, Goldschmidt gave more time to discussing internal chan- ges the Big Three will have to make to revitalize the industry, including some ideas borrowed from the Japanese., We prefer the latter approach. The temptation to aid the ailing domestic auto industry through import restrictions is understandable; quotas, do, to a limited extent, give our com- panies a chance to rehabilitate them- selves and adjust to the worsening fuel and economic situations unpestered by healthier competition from abroad. The merits of import restrictions have therefore attracted the support of such usually sound legislators as Michigan Senator Carl Levin. But supporters of this approach overlook the basic problems $its heart. First, there is the question of whether American car companies really deserve to be freed of com- petitive pressure. They have been rather reluctant thus far to enact a forward-looking emphasis on small car prod ction, indicating that pressure from more efficient imports may be the only spur that can have the needed effect. Furthermore, American car buyers (a considerably larger class than those more directly involved with the in- dustry) suffer for each superior Japanese automobile that is ar- tificially made more expensive or altogether unavailable. It simply isn't fair for already economically pressed Americans to have to bear the cost of Ford's, Chrysler's and GM's bungling. As Goldschmidt suggested in Ann Arbor, the Big Three ought to be imitating successful Japanese methods, not attempting to keep the results of those methods out of American consumer's hands. To the Daily: All members of the University share the serious problems posed by the expected decrease in revenues in the years ahead. We feel that several issues call for more 'detailed examination and more extensive consultation than they have received so far, and we propose that a series of forums be held for this purpose. Among the issues that should be addressed are the following: The implications of the '"sraller but better" policy. goal proposed by the ad- ministration This concept was aired widely in the fall but its potential impact needs to be thoroughly explored. How will this concept affect the University's affirmative action goals? How will it affect the University's commitment to provide _ an education from multiple perspectives and ex- periences for its diverse student body? Can alternatives to the "smaller but better"' policy preserve the present faculty size and diversity? Alternative courses of action for raising funds or reducing expenses We would like to see a com- prehensive investigation of a broad and innovative range of proposals for increasing revenues and reducing costs. For example, we might consider whether non-traditional student enrollment could be increased; whether salary increases could be deferred in the short term as a form of loan to the University; whether the University should _borrow against its endowment or use other forms of deficit finan- cing during the present economic slowdown. The role of research at the University, and the relation- ship between research and teaching Current proposals to em- phasize research over teaching and to develop closer ties with private corporations deserve close scrutiny. If, during a period of scarcity, priority is given to research, will instruction suffer? How do we ensure that teaching and research are mutually enhancing? To what extent will the University's ideal of freedom of research be compromised in joint enterprises with cor- porations? Will tenure decisions be influenced by a faculty mem- ber's ability to command large corporate support for research? Justification of policy choices to the State of Michi- gan We have experienced a decrease in state support. Could legitimate' expectation that the University should meet students' educational needs? Mechanisms for decision making Any failure to respond democratically to the crisis we face could undermine the sense of community and mutual respect essential to our well being. If policy decisions adversely affect primarily the weaker and less established members of the University, might not more ex- tensive damage be done than by the budgt crunch itself? How should we decide? Who should decide? What criteria of "quality" are to be used? If such issues are not addressed prom- ptly, we may find that important decisions affecting all of us have already been made. The questions we have raised are complex, but they are critical for our definition of the Univer- sity and for our understanding of our responsibilities. The issues require full examination and ex- tensive consultation with all sec- tors of the University. We therefore propose that a series of forums be held this wintergterm to examine in detail a full range of possible policies and their potential impacts. We urge all members of the University to participate. -Buzz Alexander, English; Bazel Allen,- Center for Afroamerican and African Studies; Walter Allen, Sociology, Center for Afroamerican and African Studies; W. H. Locke An- derson, Economics; Loren S. Barritt, School of Education; Alton Becker, Linguistics;L. S. Berlin, School of Education; David Bien, History; Robert Blackburn, Center for the Study of Higher Education; Robbins Burling, Anthropology; vern Carroll, -Anthropology; Mark A. Chester, Sociology; Francelia Clark, English; Michael Clark, English; Sarah Conly, Philosophy; Paul N. Courant, Economics; James E. Crowfoot, School of Natural Resources; Norma Diamond, Anthropooogy; Elizabeth Douvan, Psychology; Penelope Eckert, Anthropology; Claude A. Eggertsen, School of Education; Jeffrey Evans, Residential College; Daniel R. Fusfeld, Economics; Bill Gam- son, Sociology; Zelda F. Gamson, Center for the Study of Higher Education; Stephen Gill, School of Education; Hugh A. Gilmore, Anthropology; Susan Harding, Anthropology, Residential College; Robert H. Hauert, Ethics and Religion; Max Hierich, Sociology; Kenneth C. Hill, Linguistics; Bert Hornback, English; William Hunt, History; Murray Jackson, Center for the Education; R. T. Lenaghan, English; Frank B. Livingstone, Anthropology; Ralph Loomis, Engineering; Glenn C. Loury, Economics; Ali Mazrui, Political Science; T. McCarthy, Philosophy; Edwin J. McClen- don, School of Education; Leo McNamara, English; Allen Menlo, School of Education; Alfred Meyer, Political Science; Michael Mills, Center for the Study of Higher Education; Eliana Moya-Raggio, Residential College; Norman G. Owen, History; Warren G. Palmer, School of Education; Lyall Powers, English; Sherry B. Or- tner, Anthropology; Adrian M. S. Piper, Philosophy; Peter Railton, Philosophy, Society of Fellows; Rajam Ramamurti, Linguistics; Roy Rappaport, An- thropology; John Reiff, Residen- tial College; Christopher D. Roberts, Anthropology; Matthew Rohn, Residential College; William Rosenberg, History; Daniel L. Rubinfeld, Economics; David Schoem, Pilot Program; William D. Schorger, An- thropology; Art Schwartz, Mathematics; Rebecca Scott, Society of Fellows; William G. Shepherd, Economics; Elizabeth B. Spencer, Institute of Geron- tology; Leonard Suransky, Cen- ter for Afroamerican and African Studies; valerie Surap4 sky, School of Education, Society of Fellows; Michael Taussig, An- thropology; Robert Thomas, Sociology; Charles Tilly, Sociology; Louise Tilly, Historf; Matthew Trippe, School of Education; Philip Uninsky, History; John Vandermeer, Biology; Joel Veroff, Psychology; Alan Wald, English; Martin Walsh, Residential College; Sarah Warren, Residen- tial College; Steven B. Webb,@ Economics; Thomas t. Weisskopf, Economics; Stephen L. White, Philosophy; Gavin Wright, Economics; John Wright, English; Aram A. Yengoyan, Anthropology. January 13 ... and on the Teach-in . a *V i a e 40 To the Daily: On Tuesday, January 20, 1981, Ronald 'Reagan will be inaugurated as President. During his campaign for the Presidency, Reagan advocated policies that could reshape priorities within the University in both the short and the long run. His appoin- tments since being elected in- dicate that he plans to carry through on those policies. What are the prospects for af- firmative action, and for minorities in general, in the University under Reagan? What effect will high-level discussions about constraining liberal and left groups have on academic freedom and freedom of speech on campus? How will Reagan's defense and foreign policy affect University research grants? In most general terms, how will the Reagan Presidency affect in- tellectual inquiry, instruction, staffing, admissions, and decision-making at The Univer- sity of Michigan? Questions such as these lead us to endorse the Inauguration Day Teach-in that is being organized by a coalition of student groups, People United for a Human Future. We plan to discuss the teach-in panels, speeches, and workshops with our students beforehand and to encourage them to attend. We urge our colleagues to join us in focusing attention on the st- ate of the nation, the world, and the University on Inauguration Day. -Loren S. Barritt, Ann Coleman, Guild House Donald Coleman, Guild House James E. Crowfoot School of Natural Resources Penelope Eckert Anthropology William A. Gamson, Sociology Zelda F. Gamson, School of Education & Residential College Susan Harding, Anthropoligy and Resi- dential College Bob Hauert, Office of Ethics and Religion Linda Kaboolian, Sociology Joyce Kornbluh Residential College Ann E. Larimore, Geography and the Residential College Peter Railton, Philosophy John Reiff, Residential College Matthew Rohn, Residential College David Schoem, Pilot Program Robert J. Thomas Sociology Alan Wald, English Thomas E. Weisskopf, Economics and Residential College Susan Wright, Residential College January 12 A& a w