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April 14, 1981 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1981-04-14

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Page 2-Tuesday, April 14, 1981-The Michigan Daily
Faculty rejects geography report

(Continued from Page 1)
review committee and supported its
conclusion, a substantial number of
faculty members faulted the review
process for bias of two committee
members, failure to demonstrate that
geography is the weakest department,
lack of comparitive data, failure to
demonstrate that elimination of
geography would generate substantial
savings, and insufficient data.on
student quality.
SOME FACULTY members charged
review committee members Harvey
Brazer, professor of economics, and
Sidney Fine, professor of history, were
biased against the geography depar-
tment because of their membership on
a 1975 review committee which gave
the department a negative review.
"I do not want to impugn their in-
tegrity," said Norman Owen, professor

of history. There is not one of us here
in any department or program which
does not have its critics." He added that
if the administration "is allowed to
name critics to a review committee,
then it is a review with bias."
Knott said when he and the executive
committee initially selected Brazer and
Fine to serve on the committee, they
were "not aware" of their previous par-
ticipation on a committee which
reviewed the department.
learned of their membership on the 1975
committee, they did not feel there was
"sufficient" reason to disqualify from
serving on the 1981 committee.
"I think we should judge the report"
rather than the integrity of the in-
dividuals, he said.
"Geography has been under the gun
for several years," said Sociology Prof.

David Goldberg. "The review should
reflect long-range" analysis, not cylical
or temporary data, he said.
Economics Prof. Tom Weisskopf said
although the committee based its
recommendation on the belief that
other departments would be targeted,
and therefore did not feel obligated to
demonstrate geography was the
college's weakest department, "It
seems if we're going to take the
momentous step to discontinue a depar-
ment, that department ought to be the
weakest department in the college,"
Weisskopf said. He added that reviews
of units should be conducted
John Nystuen, chairman of the
geography department, noted the
report lacks comparitive data. "What
comparison they make is that we're the
most expensive social science," he
said, adding that in the entire college
geography is a "middle range depar-
"I'M PESSIMISTIC about saving
money," Nystuen said. "It's incon-
venient that the department got to the
point that there were so few tenured
faculty members." 'He suggested
geography was targeted because so few
faculty members would have to be
placed in other departments. "Part of
the calculation in savings is that when
tenured faculty are placed in other
departments, they will want to leave

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the University to teach elsewhere,
Nystuen said.
Albert Cain, review committee
member and professor of psychology
responded to criticism that the savings
generated by discontinuance would be
minimal, saying that revenue
generated would not be a "minor mat-
ter." Cain said that discontinuance of
the department would save LSA
$500,000 in 3 years.
"It seems to me that the college
executive committee was not in error
when it set up a review committee,"
said History Prof. Brad Perkins, ex-
plaining criteria in the Regents'
guidelines for discontinuance and the
evidence produced a prima facie case
for examination of possible discon-
tinuance of the geography department.
Perkins added that it was not possible
for the faculty to judge whether the
department should be eliminated based
on the review report because it does not
specify faculty members in the depaar-
tment who are weak.
SIDNEY FINE, review committee
member and professor of history, said
the report of the peer review commnittee
does not contain names because "we
were warned that we dare not comment
on individuals."
Other faculty members echoed
Perkins' remark, saying the faculty
was not equipped to make a decision on
the matter.
"It is terrible to think that we could
accept or reject the (review commit-
tee's) report in light of not having the
evidence of the dean and the executive
committee of the overview of the
college," Physics Prof. Sam Krimm
said. Krimm, a former associate dean,
served on the executive committee 15
years ago. "This kind of decision can't
be made in this kind of situtation," he
Correcti on
The Daily incorrectly quoted LSA
junior Paul Avery in Sunday's story on
student reaction to the geography
review committee repojt. Another
student, not Avery, said "Alumni are
buying cars for football players, in-
stead of saving departments."
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Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
Violence in West Germany
BONN, West Germany-Supporters of 26 jailed terrorists staging a hunger
strike to dramatize their demand for prisoner-of-war status were blamed
yesterday for sabotaging a rail line, the latest incident in a string of violent
protests backing the prisoners.
Hundreds of rampaging youths smashed windows in over 200 shops and
overturned cars along the fashionable Kurfuerstendamm in Berlin on Sun-
day after rumors spread that two of the strikers had died.
State authorities in Lower Saxony said yesterday they found handbills
supporting the hunger strikers strewn in the area where a cable was placed
across an electrified rail line, delaying a U.S. military train bound from
Hanover for Berlin late Sunday.
The terrorists are demanding to be treated as POWs in accordance with
the Geneva Convention, which would outlaw their solitary confinement,
segregation from other prisoners, and speeial restrictions on mail, visits and
other privileges.
Some of Atlanta slayings
'substantially solved'
ATLANTA-The slayings of as many as four of the 23 young blacks killed
here since July 1979 have been "substantially solved," FBI Director William
Webster said yesterday.
Webster, in an interview with The Atlanta Constitution, said the four
killings are not related to each other or to the remaining murders of young
blacks being investigated by a special police task force.
Webster said authorities believe that between 12 and 16 of the slayings
were committed by one person.
The paper also reported that Atlanta police were checking the addresses of
former prison inmates with known homosexual records, and planned to
question those who live in the city's neighborhoods where most of the victims
Inflationary fears play
havoc with financial markets
NEW YORK-Turbulent interest rates and rekindled fears of inflation
played havoc with financial markets yesterday, causing prices of stocks,
farm commodities and gold to plummet.
The dollar, which is more attractive when interest rates in the United
States rise, was strong most of the day in foreign exchange trading around
the world, but declined slightly in late trading.
Bond prices fell to new lows and silver plunged in early trading, but later
both ended the day with modest gains.
Experts said the volatility was caused by gyrating interest rates, which
rose sharply late Friday and most of yesterday before dropping back late in
the day. The turbulence made speculation in the markets even riskier than
usual, analysts said.
Acting mayor of Annapolis
shoots himself in the head
ANNAPOLIS, Md.-Just before he shot himself twice in the head, the ac-
ting mayor of Maryland's capital wrote a note describing his depression
over the city's financial troubles, authorities said yesterday.
Gustav J. Akerland, 60, remained in critical condition in Anne Arundel
General Hospital yesterday, two days after he shot himself with a .22-caliber
rifle he had purchased earlier in the day.
Akerland, a member of the city council, became acting mayor recently
when John C. Apostol resigned to take a job in Florida.
Akerland is described by colleagues as a "tense" and "meticulous" in-
dividual. "He tried to run everything himself instead of conferring with
others," one city official said.
Teachers go back to work
RAVENNA, Ohio-More than 100 striking teachers dropped their picket
signs yesterday and picked up their roll books, ending the nation's longest
teachers' strike ever with some apprehension but mostly with relief.
The teachers voted Thursday to end their 85-day walkout which began
Nov. 12 under a new contract which spells out teachers' rights but doesn't
provide any increase in pay.
The long walkout was marked by constant picketing, tumultuous school
board meetings, and the arrests and brief jailings of 18 strikers that divided
this town of 12,000 residents into two camps. More than 90 percent of the 210
members of the Ravenna Education Association participated in the job ac-
Reagan won't compromise
on his economic plan
WASHINGTON-Despite the claim of a key Democrat, a convalescing
President Reagan relayed word yesterday he is in no mood for compromise

on his program of tax and spending cuts since "the American people ... do
not want it watered down."
White House spokesman Larry Speakes said Reagan made clear to his
three closest aides at a morning meeting that "He had authorized no one.. .
to offer legislative compromise on his program for economic recovery."
Jbje licbigan Bail
Vol. XCI, No. 158
Tuesday, April 14, 1981
The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at The University
of Michigan. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings during the
University year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48109. Sub-
scription rates: $12 September through April (2 semesters); $13 by mail
outside Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tuesday through Saturday
mornings. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7 by mail outside Ann
Arbor. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POSTMASTER:
Send address changes to THE MICHIGAN DAILY, 420 Maynard Street,
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Editor-in-Chief .................. SARA ANSPACH
Monoaging Editor............JULIE ENGEBRECHT
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Student Affairs Editor ............JOYCE FRIEDEN
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