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January 14, 1981 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1981-01-14

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With Al's own comics
from the L.A. Comedy Store

Page 2-Wednesday, January 14, 1981-The Michigan Daily
Officials warn budget
may see more cuts

Mich. Union
9 pm

l1 yAdVliesomw

(Continued from Page 1)
Clay noted some of the shortfall may
be covered by normal surplusses or
lapses. These are expected to fall far
short of the $60 million which normally
is left over.
OTHER SOURCES of money are the
voluntary pay deferral program with
$10 million, one-day layoffs worth about
$15 million to the general revenue fund,
and the beleaguered Budget
Stabilization Fund which could chip in

1st night



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about $10 million.
A further budget cut is "an alter-
native that one would always have to
consider in principle," Clay said, ad-
ding budget officials still are studying
the "degree of shortfall and trying to
tighten down the estimate of lapses."
Also yesterday, Milliken revealed a
new property tax cut plan - expected
to be the key feature of tomorrow's an-
nual State of the State address.
The proposal would cut most proper-
ty taxes by 35 percent while hiking the
sales tax to five percent.
Budget cuts
result in
dismissal of
(Continued from Page 1)
present budget.
carillon curriculum in the country here
at the University. With his departure,
the program-which students oc-
casionally take as an elective-will still
continue, although no students will be
admitted until renovation on the 46-
year-old Baird carillon can be com-
pleted, according to Boylan.
Ladd, who termed his position "the
number one post in the country," said
he has "no idea who would have the
credentials to (teach), unless they
bring in someone from Europe."~
The 36-year-old carillonneur said he
has not found a carillonneur position
elsewhere but expects to go back to
graduate school to study something
else. Ladd called carillon playing "a
growing art" that "might be stymied
because of the economic condition, but
administrators are not going to be able
to stop it."
LADD, A NATIVE Californian, said
he first heard a carillon in 1968 in Am-
sterdam. "I fell madly in love with the
instrument," said Ladd. "My father
was bound and determined his sons
would end up in medicine," he said.
Ladd studied at the Netherlands
Carillon School at Amersforrt for two
years under the instruction of Leen 'T
Hart. After he graduated with honors in
1970, he came to the University to
study. One year later he replaced Per-
cival Price as University Carilloneur.
"I feel married to the. istrument
said Ladd, who was awarded the Prix d-
Excellence, the highest honor one can
achieve in the art. Ladd was the first of
only two Americans to have ever
received the award, which is considered
similar to a Ph.D. and is awarded
through the Netherlands government.

to plea

CHICAGO - Former fugitive
Weather Underground leader Ber-
nadine Dohrn was sentenced yester-
day to three years' probation and
fined $1,500 on charges stemming
from the 1969 Days of Rage distur-
bance in Chicago.
Dohrn, 38, faced a maximum
penalty of up to eight years in
Yesterday Dohrn, who was ac-
companied by former Weather Un-
derground member and University
graduate William Ayres, agreed to
allow attorneys to negotiate a plea
bargain regarding the charges
facing her.
Circuit Court Judge Fred Suria
told Dohrn that she will not be
required to accept any offers that
are made. He also said that she
would be entitled to a trial if she
rejects any settlement offer.

Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press international reports -
Poles stage brief strikes
WARSAW, Poland - Workers staged one-hour strikes yesterday in
more than 100 factories to protest the use of hundreds of riot police to break
up the occupation of government offices in a town near the Soviet border.
Other workers who are seeking an independent union for Poland's five
million private farmers, continued a separate sit-in and threatened a wave
of strikes today because government officials failed to meet their deadline
for negotiations.
The strike threat appeared to signal a split in Poland's newly-formed in-
dependent union movement since the national Solidarity organization said
no strikes - regional or national - had been called and they could be or-
dered only at the national Solidarity level.
Dohrn sentenced, agrees,

Monday, January 19

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Haig denies involvement
in Watergate scandal
WASHINGTON - Alexander Haig called the Watergate scandal "illegal
and stupid" yesterday and denied he was involved in any way as a trusted
aide to President Richard Nixon. '
Haig, who is President-elect Ronald Reagan's nominee to be secretary
of state, portrayed himself instead as a White House chief of staff who fought
to keepNixon from becoming enmeshed in criminal acts in the final months
of his presidency.
On the fourth day of his confirmation hearings before the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee, the retired four-star general and former NATO com-
mander exploded in anger under persistent questioning from Sen. PaulSar-
banes, (D-Md.), who sought Haig's "value judgments" about the right and
wrongs of Watergate.
Haig acknowledged that "mistakes were made," but said he wasn't at
the White House when the break in at the Democratic National Committee
took place in June 1972 or when senior White House officials tried to cover up
Israeli official-loses immunity
JERUSALEM - The Knesset stripped Religious Affairs Minister
Aharon Abu-Hatzeira of parliamentary immunity yesterday, clearing the
way for his trial on bribery charges.
The action in Israel's Parliament makes Abu-Hatzeira, 42, the first
Cabinet Minister in Israel's 32-year history to face a criminal trial.
The Abu-Hatzeira affair has not implicated Prime Minister Menachem
Begin, but it reflects badly on the integrity of his government at a time when
it is on the brink of collapse over economic policy.
Abu-Hatzeira is accused of accepting $15,000 worth of bribes in 1979 in
return for funneling public funds to Jewish religious institutions.
Paper to print leftist
propaganda to save judge
ROME - While members of Parliament exchanged blows on the floor of
the Chamber of Deputies, Rome's largest newspaper announced yesterday it
will publish radical leftist propaganda in an effort to save the life of a kid-
napped judge held by the terrorist Red Brigades.
Breaking ranks with the rest of the nation's major papers, whose editors
have refused to yield to what they call terrorist "blackmail," I1 Messaggero
said it will accede to the demands of the captors of Judge Giovanni D'Urso.
The Red Brigades said the judge would be "executed" unless the
nation's major newspapers printed the leftist proclamations by yesterday
The Communists have demanded a no-deals policy with the Red
Brigades, who kidnapped and assassinated former Premier Aldo Moro in
1978. The Radicals broadcast the urban guerrillas' statements on their party
radio station after an appeal from the wife of D'Urso, who was abducted in
Rome Dec. 12.



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Vol. XCI, No.89
Wednesday, January 14, 1981
The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at The University
of Michigan. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings during the
University year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48109.
Subscription rates: $12 September through April (2 semesters); 13 by mail
outside Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tuesday through Saturday
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Arbor. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POSTMASTER:
Send address changes to THE MICHIGAN DAILY, 420 Maynard Street,
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The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and subscribes to United Press International,
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