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April 08, 1981 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1981-04-08

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Page 2-Wednesday, April 8, 1981-The Michigan Doily

House pan
WASHINGTON (AP) - The House Budget Com-
initte dealt President Reagan his biggest
congressional defeat to date yesterday as it dumped
his budget blueprint in favor of a Democratic alter-
native with smaller deficits and tax cuts, more spen-
ding on social programs and less on defense.
Vice President George Bush declared the action
unacceptable and vowed that "If we're going to have
some battles on the House side, we're prepared to do
FLANKED BY SECRET Service agents, Bush told
an impromptu news conference at the Capitol that
"We understand people doing their own thing, but we
are determined . . . that this package that the
president has proposed will get a chance ... and get
this country back to work."
'the House panel took its action over the solid op-
position of outnumbered Republicans as Speaker
Thomas O'Neill predicted that House Democrats,
would be able to pass their own plan on the floor as

el dumps
Democrats in the House are urging slightly deeper
budget cuts than Reagan wants overall, and recom-
mend a balanced budget in 1983, a year ahead of the
BUT THEY ALSO reject. the administration's
proposal for a. three-year, across-the-board cut in in-
come taxes, substituting a less expensive one-year
plan instead.
O'Neill, in two meetings with reporters, conceded
that last week's assassination attempt against
Reagan generated a strong sympathy vote that ham-
pered Democratic efforts to counter the ad-
ministration's plan.
Democrats held the line with only one defection in
the House Budget Committee, where the panel is set-
ting guidelines to be used by Congress later this year
as it makes decisions about spending, taxes and the
size of the deficit.
THE COMMITTEE STILL can change the figures
contained in the overall totals, but the vote placed the
panel squarely behind the Democratic plan and

eagan plan
aganst Reagan's.
All 12 Republicans on the committee were joined by
Democrat Phil Gramm of Texas in supporting the
president's overall .proposals. The opposition votes
were all cast by Democrats.
The Democratic approach calls for spending next
year of $713.5 billion and a deficit of $24.6 billion.
The budget Reagan submitted to Congress earlier
this year calls for spending of $695.5 billion and
carried a deficit of $45.2 billion. But Democratic
economists in Congress refigured the ad-
ministration's proposals using less optimistic
assumptions about inflation and interest rates and
said they would really amount to spending of $717.8
billion and a deficit of $50.4 billion.
Overall, Democrats propose spending about $4
billion less than the administration. They also want to
restore about $7 billion in Reagan-backed cuts in
social programs such as health, education and
nutrition, and reduce the administration's defense
budget by about $4 billion.

Man arrested for threat
tot assassinateReagan

NEW YORK (AP) - A 22-year-old
man who once lived 20 miles from John
Hinckley Jr.'s family and shares his
fascination for actress Jodie Foster
was arrested with a loaded revolver
yesterday by Secret Service agents who
accused him of threatening to kill
President Reagan.
Agents said Edward Michael Richar-
- - - dson of Drexel Hill, Pa., was arrested
at 1 p.m. carrying a .32-caliber revolver

The Center for Japanese Studies
presents a
Status Politics in Japan:
The Revolt Of
The Tea-Pourers
In which a small group of women bureaucrats
rebel at pouring tea for their
male fellow bureaucrats.
Department of Political Science
University of Wisconsin, Madison

aboard a bus in Manhattan's Port
Authority terminal. The bus was
scheduled to go to Philadelphia.
RICHARDSON HAD left .32-caliber
bullets and two letters in the Sheraton
Park Plaza Hotel in New Haven, Conn.,
in which he said Reagan was "targeted
for death," federal authorities said.
The letters were found yesterday mor-
ning by a cleaning woman at the hotel.
Hinckley was arrested last week and
charged with attempted assassination
of the president after Reagan and three
other men were shot in Washington.
Authorities said he had written love let-
ters to Miss Foster, a freshman at Yale
University in New Haven, and had
vowed to kill Reagan to impress her.
The Sheraton Park Plaza is the hotel
at which Hinckley was reported to have
stayed last fall and again last month in
an attempt to make contact with ac-
tress Jodie Foster.
ASKED WHETHER there was any
connection between Hinckley and
Richardson, Special Secret Service
Agent James D'Amelio said "the in-
vestigation is continuing. We can't
comment on that."
Richardson once lived in Lakewood,
Colo., 20 miles from Evergreen, Colo.,

where Hinckley's family lives.
D'Amelio said the possibility the two
could have met while living in Colorado
was being investigated. He also said
there was no indication Richardson had
ever attempted to contact either
Reagan or Miss Foster.
RICHARDSON HAD checked in to
the New Haven hotel on -April 4,
D'Amelio said, and checked out yester-
day morning without paying his bill.
Police had not had Richardson under
surveillance, he said.
The letters found in Richardson's
hotel room were handwritten and the
one threatening Reagan's life contained
a photo of the president, authorities
RICHARDSON WAS described as
unemployed, although D'Amelio said
he had held a job for two days during
the past month. D'Amelio, a special
agent in charge of the Secret Service's
New York'field office, did not elaborate
on the type of employment.
In New Haven, the FBI said Richar-
dson left bullets in his hotel room along
with a note that "Ronald Reagan will be
shot to death and this country turned to
the Left."

Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
Abbie Hoffman receives
three-year sentence
NEW YORK-Abbie Hoffman, Yippie leader of the 1960s who eluded
federal authorities for six years, was sentenced yesterday to up to three
years in prison for selling cocaine despite lobbying by various liberal
The sentence was imposed in spite of pleas from hundreds of his suppor-
ters that he be freed, among them author Norman Mailer, actor Jon Voight,-
poet Allen Ginsberg, former Attorney General Ramsey Clark, and Doctor.
Benjamin Spock.
Hoffman, who spoke in Ann Arbor earlier this year, will have to serve at
least one year in a state institution before he is eligible for parole. He is to*
surrender April 21.
Fire scorches 2,000 acres
ATLANTA, Mich.-A forest fire swept by highwinds destroyed over 2,000
acres of pine in dry northern Michigan yesterday, threatening the habitat of
the endangered Kirtland's Warbler before being contained by firefighters. .
About six persons were forced to evacuate their rural cabins as the fire
burned a northeast path toward some residential areas before the wind died
down. No injuries were reported in the blaze, which was said to be one-mile
wide and five to six miles long.
Flames and smoke billowed up to 100-feet in the night sky as the fire
roared down both sides of highway M-33 some 11 miles north of Atlanta, the
state Department of Natural Resources said. It began in Montmorency
County but burned one-mile into adjacent Presque Isle County by sunset.
Agent leaves hospital
WASHINGTON-Secret Service agent Timothy McCarthy, who threw
himself in the line of fire when a gunman started shooting at President
Reagan last week, was discharged from the hospital yesterday with tearful
thanks to a stranger who cared for him as he lay wounded on the sidewalk.
In an appearance before reporters, he got as far as saying, "We'd also like
to thank the gentleman who helped me on the street.. .". Unable to continue,
he turned to his wife, Carol, who finished: ". . . and we'd like to also know
who he is. We never got his name."
McCarthy, 31, the son of a Chicago policeman, looked well, with color in his
cheeks. When his wife finished his statement, he grinned and called out, "It's
great to be alive. It's great to be Irish."
Lebanese battle escalates
BEIRUT, Lebanon-Syrian troops and Lebanese Christian militiamen ex-
panded fighting for key highways in eastern Lebanon yesterday,ignoring in-
ternational appeals for a cease-fire.
In Beirut, Syrian troops exchanged rocket and heavy artillery fire with;.
Lebanese army units and militiamen of the right-wing Phalange across the
Green Line dividing the Moslem and Christian sectors of the capital. The
state radio said the military hospital of Beirut received several direct rocket
Emergency talks between Syrian Foreign Minister Abdul Halim Khad-
dam and the Lebanese government of Christian President Elias Srkis and
Moslem Prime Minister Shafik Wazzan failed to produce a cease-fire =
agreement. Seventeen cease-fires have collapsed since fighting broke out
April 1 in the Christian city of Zahle, 30 miles east of Beirut.
El Salvador slum massacre
leaves 30 people dead
SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador-Men in uniform and civilian clothes drove
into a poor suburb of San Salvador before dawn yesterday, pulled 23 people
from their homes and shot them dead in the street, witnesses said. Seven
more people were slain in their homes in front of their families, they said.
A Defense Ministry spokesman denied there had been a premeditated
massacre, and said the shooting started when an army patrol was fired
upon. He said four government soldiers were killed in the exchange of fire,
but he did not identify them.
When reporters arrived in the suburb of Monte Carmelos, 23 bodies ripped
by automatic weapons' fire were strewn for 100 yards. Two homes were bur-
ned, apparently by fires started by bazooka rounds.
Silos explode in Texas
CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas-Six huge silos exploded in flames yesterday
during a shift change at a public grain elevator, killing at least three
workers and injuring at least 22 others-including seven federal inspectors.
The explosion occurred about 3:10 p.m. at the elevator, owned by the
Nueces County Navigation District, as workers from the day shift were

leaving and those on the evening shift were arriving..
Authorities said many employees may have been trapped in the elevator,
which was still burning two hours after the explosion.





Professor Pharr, Phd. Columbia Uni-
versity, is the author of numerous
articles on politics and status of
women in Japan. As the subject for
her lecture comes out of research on a
ew book, Political Women in
Japan, which will appear in May.

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If you do, we want
you to work for the
New. Staff Meeting:
Wed., April 8, 7:00 p.m.
at Student Publications


Vol. XCI, No. 153
Wednesday, April 8, 1981
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