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April 07, 1981 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1981-04-07

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Ninety-One Years
Editorial Freedom


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Mostly cloudy with a chan-
ce of slight rain and a high
in the 60s.

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I Vol. XC, No. 152

Copyright 1981, Ihe Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, April 7, 1981

Ten Cents

Ten Poges


Ten Paqes


Belcher wins;
Republieans hold
Council majority

Preparing for take off AP Pho
Astronauts John Young (left) and Robert Crippen hold a replica of the Space Shuttle Columbia, scheduled for blast off
Friday. Late yesterday, the countdown was about four fours behind schedule, but officials believed liftoff would come
on schedule because time has been allowed to handle any problems. The weather continued to look good for Friday's
launch of the first rocket ship able to go into orbit repeatedly.
MJ Soft toilet paper
S p
MSA* res ident1*al hopefuls debate

Last night's city election had few surprises in store as 12
percent of the local electorate turned out to re-elect
Republican Mayor Louis Belcher and reinstate an 11-to-4
Republican majority on City Council.
Democrats Lowell Peterson and Leslie Morris were elec-
ted to the traditionally Democratic First and Second Wards,
handily defeating their Republican opponents. However, in
the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Wards, Republicans Virginia
Johansen, E. Edward Hood, and Lou Velker were elected.
The Sister Lakes Drain ballot proposal passed in all five
IN THE MOSTLY student Second Ward, two-term incum-
bent Leslie Morris defeated student candidate Toni Burton
by an unofficial 778-349.
The Second Ward, which includes all of North Campus and
Central Campus East of State and North of Hill Streets, has
not had a Republican representative on Council since the
ward lines were re-drawn in 1973.
Morris who was refused the backing of her party in
February's primary, said "the story that the Democratic
party is split is utter nonsense. In fact, I have some of the
Republicans voting for me."
SHE SAID SHE garnered Republican votes for her efforts
on the halfway house issue, and added that one of the
problems with this election was that "we weren't able to get
many students-they were very tied up with guess
Mayoral candidate Robert Faber, who received 5,891 votes
to Belcher's 9,555, said he "really didn't understand" his
defeat and also said he had not expected students to turn out.
"If students don't have a better idea of the necessities of
society there's no point in being young and idealistic," he
said. If the young people are like that at this point, he said,
"What are they going to do when they're 35 and 40?"
BELCHER ALSO SAID he was disappointed with the voter
turn-out but, "happy with the percent of Democrats and in-
dependents I got." The student percentage of his vote was
"bigger than ever."
Belcher won precinct nine of Ward Two, which includes
Bursley and-Baits dormitories, by a substantial margin..
Democrats said they were disappointed with the loss of
their ticket leader and expressed pessimism over the future
of human services in Ann Arbor.
PETERSON, WHO WAS victorious in the First Ward, said
although he wasn't surprised by his victory, he was surprised
by the low turnout in his ward.
"Maybe people feel that not much has to be done," he said.
"Or maybe they're still stunned by the November defeat (of
Peterson defeated his opponent, Stephen Brownell, by a
resounding 1553-1035. Brownell, who didn't win his own prec-
inct, said he was "discouraged," and was not sure he would
seek another city office.
This story was written by City Editor Elaine Rideout
with reports from staff writers Debi Davis, Julie Hinds
and Pam Kramer.

Candidates for the Michigan Student Assembly presiden-
tial elections fielded questions on everything from increasing
student activism to soft toilet paper in a debate last night at
the Michigan Union.
The debate, attended by about 40 people, was sponsored by
the Public Interest Research Group in Michigan and allowed-
the four candidates one last opportunity to campaign before
the start of the elections today.
While candidates differed as to what the priorities of MSA
should be, they all agreed to some extent that MSA is not
doing enough to convince interested students to become in-
volved in student government.
RESPONSIBLE ALTERNATIVE party candidate Clarke
Anderson suggested using the Ann Arbor Line, MSA's of-
ficial publication, to list both positions available to students
on MSA's committees and MSA's activities. He added that he
hoped MSA members would conduct more door-to-door ac-
Joyride party candidate Steve Roach said he felt the
writers of the Line should concentrate more on "what MSA is
doing" instead of publishing non-MSA related articles.
But while Anderson and Roach both said MSA should try to
have more personal contact with its constituents, Political
Party candidate Barry Himmelstein placed all of his em-

phasis on bring MSA to its constituents, suggesting more
MSA involvement with students at freshman orientation and
increased dorm visits.
with outside political issues.
"We shouldn't exclude a group (from funding) because it is
a political group," said People's Action Coalition candidate
Jon Feiger.
Feiger said under its current funding system, MSA
"doesn't consider the political affiliations" of a group when
deciding whether to fund it. He added that he would like to
see the current funding policy continue.
"MSA MUST BE political," said Himmelstein, saying that
since politics is a part of the real world it should also be part
of the University world.
. Himmelstein said his first priority is rent control, which
would involve a great amount of work with political bodies
outside the University.
One audience member asked Roach about his party's "soft
toilet paper" proposal, saying that lobbying for such things
was unfair to those who preferred "hard toilet paper."
Himmelstein fielded the question for Roach, suggesting
that a roll of both types of toilet paper be made available to

Doily.Photo by JIM KRUZ
MAYOR LOUIS BELCHER celebrates his victory last night
at the Holiday Inn West Bank with his daughter. Belcher
defeated Democratic challenger Robert Faber.
First Ward, a pie-shaped section of the city stretching nor-
th and northwest from the intersection of Packard and State,
is considered safe for Democrats.
About 15,000 votes were cast city-wide, as compared to
9,300 in last year's city electioh. Most candidates attributed
the increase to this year's mayoral race. But the 15,000
looked small compared to last November's turnout of 54,000.
IN THE THIRD WARD, Republican Virginia Johansen
said the victory "went as expected." Johansen won 13 out of
15 precincts by an unofficial margin of 1,629 votes over her
Democratic opponent Cheryle Brown Griffin.
Incumbent E.. Edward Hood defeated Democrat Mary
Burger by a 1,000 vote margin in the Fourth Ward. Hood said
the timing was right for a victory in his ward concerned
about property tax assessments.
Voters also approved a ballot proposal which would
authorize the city to borrow $575,000 to build a drain system
in the Sister Lakes neighborhood on the City's West side.

Czech leader blasts
instability in Poland

MSU School of Nursing
saved; faculty faces layoffs

From AP and UPI
'PRAGUE, Czechoslovakia-
Backed by a solemn Leonid
Bre zhnev, Czechoslovakia
yesterday escalated the Soviet-
bloc attack on Poland's leader-
ship for failure to restore order
in the crisis-racked country.
Gustav Husak, Czechoslovak
Communist Party head, said in
a three-hour speech to a Com-
unist Party Congress that
olish leaders had admitted
two months ago the country
faced anarchy but still had not
restored order.
"THE FACT that the political
crisis is still continuing and in-
tensifying fills us all the more

with apprehension," declared
Brezhnev, the Soviet
president and party leader, is
the only foreign head of state at
the congress and his surprise
attendance has the Reagan ad-
ministration paying close atten-
tion to the session.
Warsaw Pact military exer-
cises continued in and around
Poland in what U.S. Defense
Secretary Caspar Weinberger
said was apparently an attempt
to intimidate the Poles.
HUSAK equated demands by
Poland's independent union
Solidarity with the revolt in
Hungary in 1956 and a

liberalization drive in
Czechoslovakia in 1968-both
crushed by the Red Army. He
declared that Soviet block coun-
tries would "defend their in-
terests and the socialist
achievements of their people."
"We are not hiding the fact
that our people are following
the events in fraternal Poland
with disquiet," he said. Husak
called for a conference of world
-communist leaders, saying the
West has tried to "pull one or
the other country our of the
socialist family" and is doing it
again in Poland.
The East German news agen-
cy ADN said East German
See CZECH, Page 8

MSU's Board of Trustees announced Saturday
that the School of Nursing will not be eliminated,
but about 140 tenured and near-tenured faculty
throughout the university may be laid ofl at the
end of the next academic year in the school's at-
tempt to slash $16.5 million from its 1981-82
The Board also spared the James Madison
Residential College, Abrams Planetarium,
humanities and religious studies, and other
programs previously targeted for elimination by
MSU President Cecil Mackey.
UNDER THE BUDGET plan, the number of
freshpersons entering the School of Nursing will
be reduced from 125 to 100 next year. An un-
specified number of the school's non-tenured
faculty and staff members will also be laid off
over the next two years. The Board must still

decide whether to follow a Mackey recommen-
dation calling for a 72 percent increase in the
nursing school's tuition.
"That (the tuition increase) would be out of the
price range of everyone," nursing sophomore
Rochelle Loyer said. "It (the School of Nursing)
would be eliminated, but slower:"
Mackey suggested last month that the nursing
school should be closed, stressing that it was
duplicating programs at other state universities
and was too expensive to maintain.
"MACKEY SHOULD HAVE realized how vital
the School of Nursing was," Loyer said. "Its
elimination shouldn't even have been recom-
The Board had estimated a $29 million deficit
for the 1981-82 academic year. But according to
See MSU, Page 2

... under fire for layoff plan

And the winner is.. .
LECTIONS FOR the Michigan Student Assembly
are being held today and tomorrow at polling
places around campus. All currently enrolled
students who have valid yellow University
identification cards are eligible to vote. Polling places in-
clude the Michigan Union, the Fishbowl, the dormitories,
and offices in various schools and colleges. Ql
A-1 . .'

hang up when they realize they've been had. Ross noted the
originality of one joker. "We got a new one this year," she
said. Someone asked for a 'Tad Pole.' " Q
Prison pranks
Once word of this gets out, there may be a significant
number of inmates calling themselves "Arnold" at the
brand-new, $1.8 million Lee County Jail in Fort Madison,
Iowa. To test the jail's security system before real inmates
were admitted, State Sen. Lowell Junkins and DistrictG
Judh nDavid Hendricksnn volintried tn sain inil ner.

added that the sheriff "is happy that we showed a weak
spot." E
Chinese baby still 'at large'
Super baby is growing and growing and growing. Jim
Rui, China's super baby, is now 2 years and eight months
old, weighing in at 89 pounds. Yes, that's right, 89 pounds.
At birth, the boy, born to a peasant family in Quinshan
Commune in Hubei Province, weighed almost 15 pounds.
Within a month his weight had doubled and he has since
been growing at a rapid pace. "In addition to being breast

their curb instead of waiting for back-door collection, the
Metropolitan Arts Council has launched its Glamorous
Garbage Can Project. "The new curbside pickup service
makes our garbage cans very obvious indeed," said Ruth
Ann Davis, an interior designer who is directing the
project. "If the cans must stand in front of our homes, we
should at least make them beautiful." The Omaha World-
Herald is contributing $500 for prizes for garbage cans
judged most gorgeous, most graphic, most gauche, most
goofy, and best-of-show,. pl





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