The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, January 13, 1981-Page 9
Art ormsfeatured in
East Europ
Nobel laureate Czeslaw Milosz's speech last night and
poetry reading tonight kick off the Center for Russian and
East European Studies' four-month Cross Currents Festival.
Billed as a festival of arts and humanities, Cross Curren-
ts "is an attempt to put together the diverse art forms of East
Europe," according to Bob Taylor, promotion coordinator
for the program.
ARTWORK, MUSIC, drama, poetry, and film from
Poland, Rumania, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia,
Bulgaria, and the Soviet Ukraine will be presented during the
winter term.-.
Featured on the lecture series in addition to Milosz is
Czech scenographer Josef Svoboda. Svoboda is well-known
for his work in theater design.
A collection of works from 11 Czech artists - some of
ean estival,
which have never been shown before - opens Thursday for
three weeks in the Rackham galleries. Many of the works
were not done in the tradition of East European art. Rather,
Taylor said, the collection is of "important, innovative art
The film series addresses many aspects of East European
life, according to Taylor. "The films are the types that are on
the edges of tolerance," he said, referring to the restrictions
placed on film directors by some governments. The films will
be presented on 10 Sundays throughout the term.
Sponsored in part by the Michigan Council for the
Humanities, the festival is designed to attract both the Ann
Arbor audience and East European communities in
southeastern Michigan. Planning for the festival began two
years ago.
Nobel winner tells of life as poet
(Continued from Page 1)
meanings. He said he feels one of the
major problems of poetry is his
inability to "control translations" from
Polish to other languages.,
Concerning his life in Poland at the
time of the Holocaust, Milosz said,
"Anybody who survived these events in
Europe (at that time) must feel some
guilt. (The Holocaust) pollutes the soil
on which it took place. I feel that maybe
translating the Bible is the best act of
The poet continues to teach at
Berkeley. Even as reporters badgered
him for interviews after the announ-
cement of his award, he said he "didn't
miss one class." He still enjoys
teaching and tries to separate his
classes and his poetry. He has never
given a poetry reading on the Berkeley
Milosz teaches a survey of Polish
literature. He looks at the course as 'a
way of teaching (the) history of that
part of the world." A specialist in
Doestoevski, he also teaches courses in
Russian literature.
The poet told the story of a young
Polish girl who wrote about his depar-
ture from Poland. She wrote, "He wan-
ted to protect his sovereignty."
AP Photo
Presidential horseplayAP
Ronald Reagan steadies his gift from President Jose Lopez-Portillo of Mexico-a seven year-old Arabian stallion
named Alamain. Reagan's gift to the Mexican leader was a hunting rifle.
Ronald Reagan takes the presidential,
oath of office next Tuesday, his prospec-
tive Cabinet will include two Schwenk-
Reagan's choice for secretary of health
and human services, and Andrew Lin-
dsay, "Drew" Lewis Jr., the designated
secretary of transportation, are social
friends, longtime political cronies,
neighbors, and former Sunday school
teachers for the Schwenkfelders, one of
the world's smallest organized chur-
If they are confirmed after being
formally nominated with Reagan's
inauguration, they will be making
decisions that affect every
American-the poor, the sick, the
retired, the car owner, the truck driver,
the bus, and train rider.
No members of any religions
denomination -ever had such influence
in proportion to their numbers.
WHO ARE the Schwenkfelders?
There are fewer than 2,700 Schwenk-
felders in just five, congregations
located in and near Philadelphia and
Valley Force. All members are descen-
dants or followers of Caspar Schwenk-
feld von Ossig, a 16th century Silesian
nobleman and Protestant Reformation
contemporary of Martin Luther and
John Calvin.
"That's all there is in the world," said
Dr. Jack Rothenberger, pastor of the
Central Schwenkfelder Church here.
Schweiker, a former Republican
senator for Pennsylvania, and Lewis,
once a candidate for governor, are
among its 1,350 members, the largest of
the five congregations.
ROTHENBERGER, in his January
church letter, asked members to pray
for Dick and Drew as they give witness
to their Christian faith and ideals in
their important new responsibilities."
"What makes this so special to us is
that two of our members will serve as
:advisors to our president' on his
-Cabinet. In a way they follow in the
-steps of Caspar Schwenkfeld von Ossig,
-who was an adviser to his duke in the
:courts of Silesia in the 16th century."
Rothenberger, quoting church
'documents, said: "Schwenckfeld
-sought no following, formulated no
creed and did not attempt to organize a
-church based on his beliefs. He labored
for a reformation of life, for liberty of
religious beliefs, for a fellowship of all
believers, for one united Christian
church, the, ecumenical church."
SCHWENKFELD's followers were
prosecuted for centuries by Europe's or-,
thodox churches. In 1734, 184 exiles
from the Prussian state of Silesia-now
part of Poland-immigrated to Pen-
Schweiker traces his ancestry on his
mother's side to the Rev. Christopher
Schultz, who was on that first voyage
across the Atlantic and who kept the
Schwenkfelder faith alive/in America
through worship in homes,
"They just wanted to be left alone,"
Rothenberger said. "They didn't want
to force their ideas on other people or
convert other people.
"The primary interest was
education, and they built schools before
they built churches. Their schools were
open to the public, and they taught,
reading, writing and arithmetic, not
Rothenberger was headmaster of the
Perkiomen School in nearby Pennsburg
before he became pastor of the Central
church, which has owned the private
college preparatory school since 1891.
Few of the students are Schwenk-
. "Half of our members' today come
from other denominations. We are a
community church. It is not a weird
sect. It is the mainstream of the
Protestant church."
Daily 9-6, Closed Si
0~ 0.A.,ot urmA
dth1112Soth ecr 3
undays and holidays 1112 South Universty 6&3 553
A University of Michigan
Public Forum
The Japanese Automotive Industry:
Model and Challenge for the Future?
Wednesday, January 14, 1981
Power Center
Free Admission-Faculty, Students, Staff
Registration 12:30-3:30 Auditions begin at 1:00
Ann Arbor, MI Mon., Feb. 2
Michigan Union-Kuenzel & Welker Rms.
Bowling Green, OH Tues., Feb. 3
University Union
Also at Cedar Point Jan. 31 & Feb. 14
Please send resumes by Feb. 1.
For other audition
sites and further information contact:
Cedar Point, Sandusky, OH 44870 (419) 626-0830
1pe m ,e sarI. a
What does the future hold for the North American automotive industry?
Japanese automotive competition is hitting us where it hurts. Do we
take it as a challenge? Do we look to the Japanese system as a model
for the North American automotive industry? Do we combine the best of
both ideas? The issues are complex. There's no single, simple answer.
This public forum will attempt to separate fact from-fiction, along with
discussing ways of responding to the challenge. Two important themes
will be stressed:
" How Japanese imports are affecting our auto;-industry.
* The business practices that are making for Japan's success and a
whether they can be adopted by American manufacturers.
737 N. HURON
Top speakers from government, the
academic community, Japan, labor and
industry will address critical topics:
DAVID E. COLE, Director, Office for the Study
of Automotive Transportation, The University of
Analysis of U.S. and Japanese Automotive Tech-
ROBERT E. COLE, Professor of Sociology, and
Director, Center for Japanese Studies, The Univer-
sity of Michigan
Quality Control Practices: U.S. and Japan
DONALD EPHLIN, Vice President, United Automo-
bile Workers
Labor and the Japanese Challenge
NEIL GOLDSCHMIDT, Secretary, U.S. Department
of Transportation, and WILLIAM BECKHAM, JR.,
Deputy Secretary, U.S. Department of Transporta-
Government Policy, Revitalizing the American
Automobile Industry and the Japanese Challenge
JOHN JACKSON, Professor of Law, The University
of Michigan; Former General Consul, Office of the
Special Trade Representative
Moderator, The Academic Perspective
KAORU KOBAYASHI, Professor of the Institute of
Business Administration and Consultant to Over-
seas Enterprises Institute, Japan.
Prospects for Personal Practices and Labor Rela-
tions in Japanese Auto Plants in the United
PAUL W. McCRACKEN, Edmund Ezra Day Distin-
guished University Professor of Business Adminis-
tration. The University of Michioan
IRA C. MAGAZINER, President, Telesis, Inc.
Source of Japanese Automobile Growth: Indus-
trial Policy in Japan
DAVID S. POTTER, Vice-President and Group Exec-
utive, Public Affairs Group, General Motors Cor-
The American Automotive Industry and the
Japanese Challenge
The Legislative Response to Unemployment in
the Auto Industry
JOHN SCHNAPP, Vice-President, Harbridge House
Analysis of U.S. and Japanese Automobile Man-
agement Practices
FRED G. SECREST, Consultant and Former Executive
Vice-President, Environmental Safety and Industry
Affairs, Ford Motor Company
The American Automotive Industry and the Jap-
anese Challenge
HAROLD T. SHAPIRO, President and Professor of
Economics, The University of Michigan
The Scope of the Challenge
YASUHIKO SUZUKI, Vice-President, Nissan Motor
Corporation, USA
U.S.-Japan Trade Relations: Reaching an Accom-
Jointly presented by The University of Michigan's:
Center for Japanese Studies
Office of the President
Industrial Development Division, Institute of
Science and Technology
Office for the Study of Automotive Transporta-
tion .nlao f Fnaineerinn
Wednesday: STRUT
2 for 1 DRINKS until 10:30
r wwk, C nr IAI C