Ninety-One Years
Editorial Freedom
in the lower
Vol. XCI, No. 151 Copyright 1981, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, April 5, 1981 Ten Cents Ten Pages
City elections
City government candidates are handing out their
last fliers today, taking their last steps door-to-door,
nd making their last campaign pitches before Ann
Arbor voters tomorrow decide it all.
Voters casting ballots in tomorrow's city election
will voice their preference for mayor, choose a City
Council representative from each of the five war-
ds, and assess a ballot proposal.
IN THE MAYORAL RACE, Republican Mayor
Louis Belcher will be challenged by former
Democratic councilman Robert Faber, owner of
Faber's Fabrics store.
Belcher is staking a win on his record in office,
while Faber contends his opponent hasn't followed
through his earlier campaign promises. Both can-
idates say they don't expect much student support.
In the First Ward, which includes South Quad and
West Quad dormitories, Democrat Lowell Peterson,
who is advocating low-income housing development
and rehabilitation, will oppose Republican Stephen
Brownell, whose primary concerns ar
police protection and the public school sy:
by Republican Toni Burton, who isr
second bid for the Second Ward nominal
an LSA senior majoring in education, say
For a look at how the City
candidates stand on the isst
Page 7.
better position than Morris to represent
City Council. But Morris, seeking her thir
fice, says she does that already - citing
ple her plans to introduce a proposal r
dlords to offer students an optional+
The Second Ward includes Bursleya
area dormitories.
In the Third Ward, Cheryle Brown
e improving Virginia Johansen are each seeking a City Council
stem. seat for the first time. Johansen is primarily concer-
e challenged ned with high tax assessments in the mainly residen-
making her tial ward, while Griffin has focused her campaign on
tion. Burton, human services threatened by Reagan budget cuts.
ys she is in a In the Fourth Ward, which includes many
.- sororities and fraternities, incumbent Ed Hood, will
Council square off against Democrat Mary Burger. Burger
ues, see says she is opposed to Hood's stand against high den-
sity development in the highly residential ward.
WYFC Christian radio manager Lou Velker will
make his second bid for City Council representative
students on in the Fifth Ward. Velker will be challenged by
rd term in of- Democrat Sheila Cumberworth and Libertarian
as an exam- Glenn Mensching.
equiring lan- Voters will also decide the fate of a general
eight-month obligation bonding proposition to pay for construction
of the Sister Lakes Drain.
and the Hill Polls will be open from 7 a.m.-8 p.m. To find out
which precinct you vote in, contact the City Clerk's
Griffin and office at 994-2725.
1Ist Ward
Glacier Way
"inls ley 2nd Ward
Huron .
Vol" 3rd Word
campus }!
Sth Ward SothUnvesiy .a
4th Ward Gor .
- Ward Boundries
-- Streets
Soviet airlift in
From UPI and AP Soviet airli
WARSAW, Poland - Amid helicopters
heightened Western concern that the long-estab
Soviet Union might intervene in "There
Poland, Polish Parliament postponed a Soviet for
scheduled meeting yesterday because concern,"(
Premier Wojciech Jaruzelski was MEANW
"temporarily indisposed," and leaders said ther
of the Soviet-led Warsaw Pact were Soviet P
reported considering a summit that would pr
could decide whether to intervene. summit m+
There was no way of knowing to coin
whether Jaruzelski, a moderate with Czechoslov
wide support in the Solidarity labor Congress.
movement, had taken ill or was in- tomorrow.
disposed for other reasons. "It's sti
ALTHOUGH THE situation in Poland summit w
itself was calm, speculations about rumors tha
Soviet intentions ran towards the alar- a sourc
ming in Washington and other capitals. Czechoslov
Reagan administration officials said Defense
yesterday a Soviet military airlift into NATO has
Poland is heightening concern that the on possib
Soviet Union may be ready to intervene measures
in force to crush Poland's independent Soviet Un]
workers movement. added then
"It all started with a troop exercise, taking plac
but there is activity consistent with a Presiden
move to go into Poland," said Secretary Monday's
of Defense Caspar Weinberger. "There briefed att
is a lot of activity going on that is not of detail"
consistent with a maneuver by the Council mi
Russian troops that was supposed to Deputy W
end last weekend." Larry Spe
WARSAW PACT forces have been In the M
taking part in the "Soyuz 81" traveling
maneuvers for the past 15 days. Alexander
In Washington, U.S. officials, asking Polish c
not to be identified by name, said the Solidarity
the "Athens of the Midwest;" Faber criticizes his opponent for ignoring human ser-
6 1City- U ies a comm--.on
the-me in mayoral race
ift is bringing in ammunition,
s, and other war supplies to a
lished Soviet base in Poland.
are unusual movements of
ces that are causing great
one official said.
HILE, EAST Bloc sources
e were strong indications
resident Leonid Brezhnev
eside over the emergency
neeting, which was expected
cide with the 16th
vakian Communist Party
The congress opens
ll not clear what level the
ill be, but no one is denying
at Brezhnev is coming," said
e with close ties to
vakian government.
Secretary Weinberger said
been working for some time
le political and economic
that would be taken if the
ion intervenes in Poland. He
re is much diplomatic activity
ice because of Poland.
nt Reagan, recovering from
assassination attempt, was
the hospital "in a fair amount
after a National Security
neeting on events in Poland,
hite House Press Secretary
akes told reporters.
Mideast, a senior U.S. official
with Secretary of State
r Haig said the challenge to
ommunist leaders by the
labor movement may have
It has been a decade since the
student voice has been heard in city
politics. In those days, Vietnam and
Watergate picqued the interest of
the newly enfranchised 18- to 20-
year-olds, luring them into activism
at City Hall.
But, in spite of an exciting
mayoral campaign this year, the
student voice will probably by con-
spicuously silent tomorrow, when a
mayor and five city council mem-
bers will be elected.
FOLLOWING A steady decline
over the last decade, last year's
voter turnout was the lowest in the
city's history at 11.6 percent. And
with candidates citing property
taxes and planning as major issues
in this campaign; there appears to
be little to attract students to the
polls tomorrow.
Mayoral candidate Rober Faber,
a Democratic councilman during
those "tumultous years" of the early
1970s, says he has given up on the
student vote-a potentially powerful
voting bloc, with nearly 35 percent of
the city population.
"I don't have the student
vote-nobody does," Faber says
simply. "And I'm not going to
manufacture a student issue like
marijuana reform or rent control to
buy student votes," he adds.
ALTHOUGH student apathy is a
fact of political life in Ann Arbor,
Mayor Louis Belcher and challenger
Faber have made the University-
city relationship a prime campaign
Belcher, seasoned in city politics
through three years as mayor and
three years before that as a coun-
cil member, says the University and
the city have "grown up together."
He says under his administration the
city and University have numerous
formal ties in the areas of planning,
transportation, police and security,
industry recruitment, and energy
However, Faber, owner of Faber's
Fabrics at Briarwood, says there is
"more expertise at the University
being wasted than another com-
munity could find in a lifetime."
FABER, energetic and idealistic
after a six-year retirement from
politics, proposes to aggressively
pursue city-University cooperation.
Some of Faber's specific plans in-
clude merging of the University and
Ann Arbor Transportation Authority
bus systems, soliciting the aid of the
University's Institute of Geron-
tology to develop programs for the
elderly, and asking PIRGIM's
Women's Safety Task Force and
other student groups to be directly
involved in city crime prevention.
In the tradition of the classic
Republican-Democrat polarization,
Belcher and Faber often differ
markedly on a myriad of other
issues as well.
THEY SEEM to see the city in dif-
ferent lights. Belcher paints a rosy
picture when he says other Michigan
cities look up to Ann Arbor, and
claims others refer to the city as
"the Athens of the Midwest."
Faber, however, sees a city tinged
with grey. "We have a mayor with a
record-an inadequate record.
There is nothing you can point to
with pride," he contends.
Belcher, co-owner and vice
president of First Ann Arbor Corp.,
an aeronautical management and
consulting firm, brings a heavy dose
of corporate attitudes to City Hall.
He prides himself on a "lean City
Hall organization," which he
streamlined by cutting city em-
ployees from 1,200 in 1970 to 826 at
BELCHER SEES the role of city
government as one which provides
only basic, services such as police
and fire protection, sewerage, and
In each of his three years as
mayor, Belcher has rolled back the
city millage rate, and he hopes to do
so again this year.
Faber, on the other hand, has of-
ten chastised Belcher for neglecting
See MAYORAL, Page 2
.says NATO
formulating sanctions
gone so far that the Soviet Union can
no longer tolerate it.
However, he told reporters that the
Soviets do not appear to be trying to ex-
ploit Reagan's injury in connection with
the Polish situation.
Reagan, other victims
continue to improve
From AP and UPI
WASHINGTON - Doctors for
President Reagan, White House press
secretary Jim Brady, and the two
security officers wounded in last week's
assassination attempt reported yester-
day all four patients continue to im-
Reagan, his temperature back to
normal, received detailed briefings
yesterday on the Polish crisis and paid
tribute to the Secret Service agents who
protect him.
VISITED BY wounded Secret Service
agent Timothy McCarthy in the
presidential suite, Reagan told the
agent that when his children visit him,
"You tell them this: Their father put
himself between me and that guy. I'm
proud there are guys around to take
those kinds of jobs."
Hearing about progress being made
by the others wounded in the
assassination attempt, Reagan said,
"That's great news, just great,
especially about Jim. We'll have to get
four bedpans and have a reunion."
Brady's doctors are testing his
recovery from brain surgery with a
volley of questions, and they said
yesterday his answers indicate he is
making "extraordinary" progress.
BRADY, WHO WAS removed from
the critical list Friday and taken from
intensive care yesterday, was asked by
the physicians to explain what his job
involved, according to a medical
bulletin released by the White House
press office.
"I answer questions," was his reply.
See REAGAN, Page 2
... makes "extraordinary" progress
Briton runs
LONDON MOTORIST'S high-speed dash to a
men's room recently cost him 30 pounds sterling,
according to the London Times. Lawrence White,
of King's Norton, West Midlands, drove through a
police radar trap at 90 mph in his mad rush to the lavatory.
But after telling a magistrate: "I had diarrhea and was
anxious to get to the toilet," White was let off with a light
fine. In his testimony White said "I should have stayed
that mean?" Haig replied, "It means it's not true." It's all
that mean?" Haig replied, "It means it's not true:" It's all
Greek to us. El
The Anaheim Rams?
Look out, Los Angeles Rams fans-this National League
Football team may have to change its name. A California
assembly committee has approved a bill that would bar a
professional sports team from using the name of a city or
county in which it does not play its home games without
permission. The Rams, who moved last year to Orange
County, were not specifically named in the legislation. Last
year the Rams played their home games at Anaheim
ved. Vineland Mayor Patrick Fiorilli claims his town is the
"dandelion capital of the world." Vineland farmers sold
more than 27,000 crates of home-grown dandelions last
year, and dandelion greens are shipped as far west as
Chicago, Fiorilli said. OL
Outstanding students
When DeSoto County deputies responded to the distur-
bance call, they had no idea what they'd find. But purple
college stuents wearing only fishhead necklaces wasn't a
possibility they had considered. "They had some kind of
purple stuff all over them," said Sheriff Denver Sowell of
Lack Cormorant, Miss. He didn't know what the substance
studying to enter the wrong profession. "Maybe we should
have been lawyers," he said. 2
Mission from God
A lighthouse in the middle of a drained lakefield near San
Antonio, Tex. now has a resident preaching the word of
peace. Police say they don't care if he stays up there. The
man, who identified himself as "John," says he is on a
mission from God to preach for three days from the
lighthouse tower. "I'm just following God's blueprint," said
John. Woodlawn Lake Park Ranger Alan Robinson said the
man is not breaking the law by staying in the lighthouse,
and he had told his rangers not to disturb him. The only
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