01 OPINION Saturday, April 4, 1981 :1e eaidaUn Man Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan 'When guns are outlawed, 0 only outlaws will have guns Vol. XCI, No. 150 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board Feiger obvious MSA choice J ON FEIGER and Amy Hartmann are clearly the best choices for Michigan Student Assembly president and vice president. The two candidates offer both a realistic and responsible approach to several important issues currently confronting students. One severe problem with many of the MSA presidential candidates is that they are unaware of several significant issues or how MSA, as the campus student government, can deal with them. The areas in which Feiger has concentrated his campaign, however, are central to student in- terests. And, for the most part, he has suggested concrete ways for the Assembly to deal with them. Unlike his opponents, Feiger has presented a substantive platform con- centrating on areas such as campus security, student housing, University investments, minority services, and, most importantly, student par- ticipation in budget cuts. Feiger has also suggested ways in which MSA can deal with problems in these areas. For instance, he and Har- tmann have identified high crime risk areaas throughout the campus and will posh for increased lighting in those areas. The two also intend to continue t r. valuable work of the MSA's Security Task Force. student input in University budget decisions will be essential in the up- cQlning year. Given the University's continuing reluctance to listen to any student voice, the task of com- mbnicating the needs of students in relation to budget cuts will be difficult. Hartmann has served on the Budget Priorities sub-committee, on Michigan Media, and is already familiar with tactics employed by the University administration to thwart student input. Her experience will be a valuable tool inr ensuring that the student voice is heard on budget cuts. Feiger and Hartmann have not neglected minority services in their platform. They recognize that Univer- sity concern for minorities should not be limited to the time span im- iediately surrounding the presen- tation of the Minority Enrollment Report to the Regents. They support tle needed centralization of the University's maze of minority coun- seling service. They also recognize the need to step up recruitment efforts, although neither could suggest specific programs. Two other groups' candidates see MSA's rapport with its constituents as a top priority. We could not agree more. Unfortunately, neither group could offer reasonable ways for developing this contact. Steve Roach and Andrew Zucker- man, of the Joy Ride Party, suggested revamping MSA's newspaper, the Ann Arbor Line (formerly the Maize) as a means of reaching students. They also suggested looking into Health Service. Although Health Ser- vice is important to many students, the Joy Ride candidates have neglected many more significant issues. Mark Bonine and Clarke Anderson of the Responsible Alternatives Party also suggested revamping the Ann Ar- bor Line to reach more- students, but also thought that going door to door in University dorms would be a good way to reach students. Although such a move would be commendable, it is foolish to believe an MSA president or vice president could continue this once in office. The candidates who have offered the least realistic approach to MSA are Barry Himmelstein and Sid Chait of the Political Party. Other than suggesting that MSA could work for housing reform, their proposals seemed to have little basis in reality. They :suggested, for instance,; that rather than making the University smaller, it should expand to encom- pass the Ann Arbor community. They said the University should create a department of physical arts, dealing with "healing arts" such as transen- dental meditation, yoga, and massage. The two men have failed to realize that the role of MSA is not so much to redirect the entire set-up and concept of The University of Michigan, but rather to work to promote student in- terests throughout. Generally, Roach, Zuckerman, An- derson, and Bonine have some good proposals, but their programs need help on specifics. Feiger and Har- tmann have demonstrated the willingness, determination, and the ability to serve as competent and progressive student leaders. They are definitely the finest choices in Tuesday's MSA elections. The Daily, following the shooting of President Reagan, argued in an editorial that the need for federal handgun regulation is more apparent than ever. Is it? Don Kates and Carol Silver have argued from the results of a study done for the California Department of Justice: Even ex- cluding bias from misreported or ancient in- cidents by excluding 90 percent of the self- defense uses claimed by respondents, and by spreading the rate of incidence over 15 years rather than the survery's two, they concluded that self-defensive use of handguns occurred 15 times more often than criminal homicidal misuse. (Self-defensive use can range from scaring a would-be murdered away to killing him.) SELF-DEFENSIVE USE of handguns save at least 15 times as many lives as han- dgun crimes take. Shall we disarm people and legally prohibit effective self-defense? Hundreds of documented examples exist of women successfully using firearms against male attackers. Lorraine Copeland, an authority on rape victimization, prevention, and resistance, reports that in the entire cor- pus of rape literature not one case of a woman having her gun taken away and used against her is revealed. In 1966, in Orlando, Fla., police instituted a well publicized program training 6,000 women in the use of handguns. By 1968, rape dropped 90 percent. In short, the self-defensive use of handguns by women is neither impractical nor ineffective. EVEN SOME radical feminist groups recognize this and advise women to train themselves voluntarily. Shall we tell women to "lie back and enjoy it" rather than risk harm, or to kick, or to try and poke a rapist with her keys, and enforce this futility by prohibiting the possession of handguns that are proven effective in repelling rapists? Who really has the women's interests in mind: the anti-handgun forces or those who believe in LETTERS TO THE DAILY: By David Stewart the right to use effective weapons for self- defense? In Puerto Rico, where strict anti-handgun laws effectively disarmed the public, the murder rate is extremely high. Knives are used, instead of guns. In Switzerland, where every man is required by law to keep at least one gun in his home, "the rate of crime in- volving the use of firearms is so low," Cam- bridge criminologist Colin Greenwood repor- ts, "that it is not recorded." IT IS NOT guns, but people, that kill - an- d taking away guns will only create more vic- tims, as is evidenced above. Handgun access is particularly vital to poor and minority men and women who live in ghettos where police have given up on crime control. In a Chicago ghetto, a man raped a woman and threw here out of her fifteenth- floor window. He escaped the police, but they did arrest her roommate for carrying the handgun she use to prevent the rapist from dealing her the same fate. Many people urge that we ban at least the notorious Saturday Night Specials - yet these may be the only guns poor people can afford to buy to protect themselves. Where is the liberal concern for the poor when it comes to handguns, and liberals sit in well-guarded high-rises out of sight of the victims of their wonderful gun laws? Who is being victimized here? THE ORIGINS OF handgun restrictions are edifying: their original intentions, as well as their present effects, were to disarm blacks, the laboring poor, and inmmigrants.. (Handgun prohibition became a "liberal" cause only after Prohibition failed to prevent violent crime.) Presently, racist groups such as the Ku Klux Klan keep large caches of weapons, and train in guerilla warfare. Would anything please them quite so much as seeing law- abiding minorities or impure whites totally: disarmed? I think the recent incident at, Greensboro will demonstrate the results of such a policy. When the Nazis invaded Czechoslovakia, they immediately disarmed the people (using gun restriction lists to facilitate location of gun owners). When Castro seized power, he repeated the disarmament; in 1967, the Greek military junta did the same. SHALL WE IGNORE Thomas Jefferson's- warning: "what country can preserve its liberties if its rulers are not warned from time to time that this people preserve the spirit-of A resistance. Let then take arms."? The Second. Amendment is not a guarantee that a stan- - ding army may bear arms; it is a restraint ow state and federal firearm restrictions. asserting an individual, not a collectiv'e,. right-and its aim is to prevent us from suf- fering the fate of the Czechs, the Cubans, the Greeks, and many other people victimized by dictators who thought that "only police ani military personnel should be allowed to own guns." The Daily's "liberal" stand is a sure waybf creating a society of victims, a populace at the mercy of armed thugs who don't give- a damn about gun laws. It consigns women and the poor to that status of helpless wards f police departments that can hardly be effdc- tive in preventing most violent crimes. :It could easily put us at the mercy of armd racist hate-groups or dictatorial designs by our power-loving leaders. "When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns" is a cliche with the rare virtueof also being true. To this I would add, "and the rest of us will be easy victims." David Stewart is a student at the University. Breakstone wipes away the mud 6 To the Daily: As the Michigan Student Assembly election approaches next week, beware of the mud- slinging marksmen. Normally I am humored by the fantastic tales that many MSA hopefuls conjure up. However, I feel com- pelled to respond to the numerous diatribes by the Responsible Alternative political party direc- ted against me, not because I am offended by them, but rather because I would like to point out their deliberate falsifications. In their literature, Responsible Alternatives refers to the "current political factions which paralyze MSA." I would argue, and believe that most Assembly members would agree with me, that MSA has been an unusually cohesive body throughout the past year. Responsible Alternative asser- ts that MSA has neglected the basic needs of students. Praytell: Defend that point against our record of accomplishments over the last year. Some of these contributions to student life have included: restoration of late night north campus bus and UGLI hours, free distribution of two issues of Course Encounters, organizing the MSA Security Task Force, the voter registration drive, the fight against the Tisch tax cut amen- dment, the free blue book distribution, and decent housing for early arriving international students. Even the Daily has praised MSA's numerous accom- plishments. They also claim that the "current MSA leadership" has not responded to the budget crisis. I view this assertion as an outright lie. Much of MSA's effor- ts havenbeen focussed onbehind the scenes lobbying of virtually every key administrator from President Harold Shapiro down. I am convinced that MSA pressure was an important force in moving the administration to hold open meetings for students on the discontinuance review for the Geography Department. In addition, MSA was the organizer of mobilizing students to speak out at the Recreational hear- ings. It surprises me that Respon- sible Alternative overlooks these points. Especially since at least three of their candidates were on the Assembly at the same time that these efforts were underway. In its primary piece of cam- paign literature, Responsible Alternative lambasts the current Assembly. The points it makes are consistently contradictory to the truth. They criticize MSA for not taking action on issues such as student housing, campus security, minority enrollment and student lobbying of the state legislature. Yet in all of these areas we have either wonsignificant victories or- have initiated long-range efforts. Except for its call for credit union membership for students, which I have been a strong sup- porter of for the past several weeks, Responsible Alternative concerns itself exclusively withp criticizing what has been a very good year for MSA. Its proposed innovations to MSA consist of globs of naive, uninformed rhetoric. From this it is obvious to me that the people running the Responsible Alter-,,- native campaign have no sense of how the University works. I caution all students to see through the shallow, rhetorical slop that Responsible Alternative is spewing out. -Marc Breakstone President Michigan Student Assembly April 2 - ., x T4 (r Freedom of assembly at Hash Bash I To the Daily: For the past 10 years or so, April 1 has marked the occasion for mass assembly on the University Diag in celebration of the annual Ann Arbor Hash Bash. Originally conceived as a student-organized and dominated demonstration in protest of pot- smoking laws, it has undergone a great change in form over the years. Pot laws have long since been relaxed and this year it was expected that a mere 10 percent of the crowd on the Diag would be University students, the rest coming from high schools and out of town. It is, apparently, this lack of in- terest by students and the influx of outside elements to the area which has prompted many students and local officials to at- tempt to bring an end to the event. The Hash Bash is already being hailed as a thing of the past - its original motives forgotten, and its perpetrators as unwanted intruders to the University. Having witnessed the Hash Bash Wednesday I am doubly ,1 °E *.t 4 ~ r t* t TWO ANN ARBOR POLICE officers question a participant in the annual Diag earlier this week. right of free assembly is the at- titude of local officials and students toward the 90 percent of of the ordinary happened. Because of their obvious non- student status, the officers took class student community. As long as this behavior is coi- doned, it will provide a sad coni- a