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April 04, 1981 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1981-04-04

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...~.......Ml NINE........*..*......*....W.

MSAelections approach
By BETH ALLEN student population support the gri
adidates from four campus residentl hopefuls project before it receives MSA dol
ididates frm vi fou r campusiy nomet at



ki-ichigan Student Assembly presidency
in elections to be held Tuesday and
Seventy-four candidates are running
for 37 positions on MSA, the Univer-
sity's all-campus student government.
Fifteen candidates are independents.
The rest belong to one of six political
parties on the ballot.
OF THOSE parties, the Joyride,
*Peoples Action Coalition, Political Par-
ty, and Responsible Alternative parties
are running presidential and vice
presidential candidates.
In addition, the MOVE and Society
for the Advancement of Engineers par-
ties are running candidates for school
seats only. The Political Party is run-
ning only presidential and vice
presidential candidates.
PAC, the party with the most can-
didates on the ballot, is uncontested in
12 seats.
NO CANDIDATES are running for

take stands on issues

seats in the schools of dentistry, library
science, public health, and social work,
leaving the positions open for write-in
MSA offers many student services
ranging from low-cost insurance to
legal aid and acts as a liaison between
students and the administration. In ad-
dition, MSA controls $27,000 in funds
which it allocates to a number of
student groups.
Hoping to improve MSA's role as
student representatives, presidential
candidate Steve Roach and vice
presidential candidate Andrew
Zuckerman of the Joyride party said
they plan to put MSA power behind

student efforts to influence the Univer-
sity budget-cutting process.
Since the first cuts will be made in in-
dividual schools and colleges, Roach
said MSA should work to achieve a
louder student voice during that stage.
'Per student, minority
students have more coun-
seling than anyone on
campus. '
-Steve Roach
ROACH WAS critical of MSA's
allocation of funds to student groups,
proposing that students be required to
sign petitions proving a majority of the

currently an MSA concern, should not
be the responsibility of student gover-
nment, Roach said.
"Per student, minority students have
more counseling than anyone on cam-
pus," LSA junior Roach said, adding
that he believed separate counseling
services set up a segregated society by
"setting up boundaries."
SAYING THEY have "heard stories"
of students' displeasure with University
Health Service facilities, Roach and
Zuckerman said they also advocate
future investigation to "clean it up."
One service Roach would like to see
maintained, and expanded, is the of-
fering of educational clinics-such as
this year's self-defense classes-to im-
prove student awareness of campus
Roach would also like to see the Line,

THE PRESIDENTIAL candidates for this year's MSA elections are (clockwise,
from top left): Clarke Anderson, Responsible Alternative; Barry limmelstein,
Political Party; Jon Feiger, Peoples Action Coalition; and Steve Roach, Joyride.

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Ninety-One Years tf tCLOUDY
oft i t I Cooler, chance of showers,
Editorial Freedom with a high in the low 6N~.
Vol. XCI, No. 150 Copyright 1981, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, April 4, 1981 Ten Cents Eight Pages

Signs reading "More Engineers and
Less Queers" and "Feed Jane Fonda to
the Whales" were held high on the
corner of South University and East
University Streets by National
Democratic Policy, Committee mem-,.
bers distributing information and
recruiting members yesterday.
NDPC Ann Arbor coordinator Joe
Durso said the group's goal is to rever-
se the moral and cultural
S"degeneration" Durso claims has.
taken place in the country since the
National Aeronautics and Space Ad-
ministration was scaled down in 1967.
CLAIMING THAT economist Milton
Friedman is a fascist, the NDPC also
promotes increased funding for nuclear
fission development and an active role
for government in economic regulation,
a group spokesperson said.
Also present at the demonstration,
charging that the NDPC has connec-
tions with various right-wing anti-
Semitic organizations, were members
of Students Concerned About a Reoc-
SCAR was recently formed in reac-
tion to literature sent to many Univer-
sity dormitory residents two weeks ago,
stating that the Nazi Holocaust was a
"Zionist myth," a SCAR member said.
THE NDPC SHARES these revision-
ist views, according to SCAR, which
claims ties exist between Lyndon
LaRouche, former candidate of the
right-wing U.S. Labor party, and ND-
SCAR, while not opposing all of ND-
PC's viewpoints, said they consider
NDPC a "dangerous group" which is
posing as a front for other racist
organizations, said SCAR member Don
Rogers said the NDPC is trying to
"legitimize themselves" and garner
student support by focusing attention
on the group's pro-nuclear power stan-
PC denied charges of anti-Semitism,
the group yesterday did distribute some.
See CAMPUS, Page 2

Inflation up


jobless rate steady
From AP and UPI

WASHINGTON - Surging energy costs in the wake of
President Reagan's lifting of oil price controls and a new rise
in food prices pushed wholesale prices up 1.3 percent to an
annual rate of 16.2 in March the highest mark in eight mon-
ths, the government reported yesterday.
While national unemployment remained unchanged from
February, unemploymenft in the state fell one point last mon-
th to 13.2 percent - chiefly because of auto industry
callbacks. But, state officials were not ready to proclaim the
beginning of an economic upturn.
EVEN WITH THE improvement, Michigan's jobless rate
was the nation's highest - nearly six points over the national
Meanwhile, the national econ'omic statistics discouraged
President Reagan's top economic advisers at a time when
the administration is scoring substantial victories in
Congress in efforts to slash federal spending by more than
$47 billion in fiscal 1982.
The soaring energy prices in March, nearly twice !the 3.6
percent increase in February, accounted for the fifth straight
monthly advance in fuel costs.
INCLUDED WERE A 9 percent increase in heating oil
prices and a 7.5 percent rise in gasoline prices.
It was the highest gasoline price hike at the dealer level
since March 1980, when a price increase by the Organizagon
of Petroleum Exporting Countries was blamed for a
wholesale gasoline price increase of 8 percent.

"This upward movement reflected the impact of the lifting
of controls on the price of domestic crude oil earlier in the
year as well as the continued pass-through of the latest round
of imported oil price increases," the Bureau of Labor
Statistics said.
ED ROTHSCHILD, ,a; representative of the consumer
group Energy Action, declared that "It is clear the ad-
ministration's promise to do something about the nation's in-
flation rate is an empty one. Its policies to decontrol oil and
natural gas prices are wreaking havoc on industry and the
consumer alike. The only way to get control over inflation is
to get control over energy prices."
While the wholesale fuel inflation was generally expected,
the sudden increase in food prices was not. Finished fod
products ready for market went up 0.8 percent in March, af-
ter falling 0.6 percent the previous month. Fresh vegetables,
led by a tomato, potato and onion shortage, climbed 19.4 per-
cent in one month.
Murray Weidenbaum, chairman of the Council of
Economic Advisers, said the latest figures "underscore the
need for rapid action to turn around the economy because
quite clearly we are still suffering from double-digit in-
On Capitol Hill, William Cox, acting chief economist for
the Commerce Department, said there will be little expan-
sion in the economy through the rest of 1981.

Students join in a Memorial Service held on the Diag yesterday to com-
memorate Holocaust victims. Sponsored by Students Concerned About a
Reoccurrence, the Memorial is part of SCAR's efforts to warn students of
what they fear is a surge in the activities of anti-Semitic groups on campus.

Administration seeks
increased aid f or NATO

administration yesterday requested
$1.2 billion in foreign aid it said was
aimed primarily at strengthening
Turkey, Greece, Spain, and Portugal as
allies on NATO's southern flank.
The request, outlined by Assistant
Secretary of State Raymond Ewing
before the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee, is part of a $6.6 billion
economic and military aid package for
the 1982 fiscal year starting Oct. 1. The
proposal for southern Europe includes:
" $703.5 million for Turkey to help its
military government modernize
weapons systems and stabilize the
economy. Included are $400 million for

military credit sales, $300 million in
economic support loans and $3.5 million
for military training.
" $260 million in military credit sales for
Greece plus $1.9 million for military
Secretary of State Alexander
Haig and Defense Secretary
Caspar Weinberger left last
night on a four-nation tour of
the Middle East. See story,
Page 2.
training to improve the forces Greece
reintegrated last October into NATO.
" $159 million for Spain, which Ewing
said is "crucial to our own security

because of the access it gives us to im-
portant Spanish air and sea facilities."
"$82.2 million for Portugal to modernize
military forces and strengthen its
economy. The request includes $20
million in economic aid, $60 million for
military credit sales and $2.2 million for
military training.
" $7.5 million in economic support loans
for Cyprus, primiarly for relief and
rehabilitation of refugees.
Ewing said the administration plans
to provide $45.2 million in earthquake
disaster relief to Italy and has commit-
ted $600,000 in similar funds to Greece,
$20 million to Romania and $10 million
to Yugoslavia.

Rec Sports budget
reduction finalized
The University's Budget Priorities effectively in spite of the proposed
Committee formally approved yester- reductions.
day a recommendation to decrease the The proposal for Rec Sports is the
Department of Recreational Sports fourth and final major budget reduction
Budget by $130,000 - a cut that would - designed to cut $3 million out of the
allow the department to keep its total General Fund by July 1 - to be
buildings open at existing hours. approved by the BPC.
University Vice President for This last recommendation is the only
Academic Affairs Bill Frye asked a one to have changed direction
subcommittee last January to assess significantly during the review process.
the impact of a proposed $250,000 cuts, The recommended cuts for the Univer-
but' the subcommittee reported last sity Extension Service, Michigan
week that such a reduction was "unac- Media, and,the Center for Research on
ceptable." Learning and Teaching all passed
The BPC approved the subcommit- through the BPC and its subcommittees
tee's proposal to cut the budget $130,000 at originally proposed or greater levels.
and increase user fees by 50 percent. The University's Executive Officers
Rec Sports Director Michael Steven- still must make the final decisio on the
son said that although he would prefer budget, but they will wait until after an
to see the budget not cut at all, he open hearing on all the proposed reduc-
believed the department could function tions, to be held April 9.

A good deal
L OOKING FOR A good buy on stereos, candles,
running shoes, health club membership, and
more? Look no further, because this weekend
marks the Third Annual 50%-Off Extravaganza,
to be held today from 10 a.no. to 8 p.m. and tomorrow from
-10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the University's Track and Tennis
Building. The sale is put together by local merchants. LD

because he is not a full-time student, as required by the

because he is not a full-time student, as required by the
student elections commission.ms n
Bums are Beautiful
Hundreds of hobos, led by folk singer Utah Phillips in
tails and top hat, traipsed through Portland, Oregon's skid
row district Wednesday to celebrate the opening of a new
transient mission, Baloney Joe's, which was christened
with a bottle of cheap wine. In what organizers billed as
Portland's first hobo parade, balloons, signs that read
"Bums are Beautiful," and old pickup trucks filled out the
neaesinn The nriginal Balonev Joe's was named for its

Pranksters put painted cardboard bearing Mickey's image
on each side of the red brick tower on April Fool's Day. The
portraits were taken down by campus employees on Thur-
sday. In an unofficial statement, university spokesman
Ross Cornwall said, "We think campus police have a
suspect, D. Duck." University police insist that they are
still searching for a suspect as well as for clues. Chief Jack
Ferguson says police are looking for a pro: "Whoever did it
sure is talented. At least it's decorative vandalism. When
the flowers start to bloom on college campuses across the
country, you can eynect these things," he said. Q

minutes of parking. "I've invested my life savings in this
business," Rounseville lamented. "Now people are in the
store 30 minutes, and they start looking at their watches."
Meanwhile, Rounseville also said motorists who get tickets
elsewhere in the city can hand in their citations to him to
qualify for a monthly drawing. The winner gets a free din-
ner for two in any Quincy restaurant. There's just one cat-
ch-the restaurant must have free parking. El
On the inside




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