OPINION ,age 4 c Mt tgan tls Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Tuesday, January 13, 1981 Theh Atrip to Fun ity Michigan Daily Vol. XCI, No. 88. 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board I a, ; : The Ku Klux Klan revival Out came my student ID, my driver's licen- se, my meal card, my dozens of notes to myself reminding me of dentist appointments long past. I emptied my wallet of everything of value, leaving only $4, a traveller's check, and a medic-alert card indicating I wear con- tact lenses. I was ready-ready for my first trip into Fun City, the Big Apple, New York. Or so I thought. COMING AS I do from Chicago, I thought for sure New York couldn't be all that dif- ferent from the, Number Two city in the nation. It couldn't be as big, or as dangerous, or as outrageous as everyone says. It wasn't. It is bigger, more dangerousand more outrageous. We (two friends and I) drove into the city on New Year's Eve day via the Lincoln Tunnel. For something like $2, you get the exclusive privilege of zooming through this endless cavern hundreds of fathoms beneath the Hud- E ' J r i / ' # , - ' 1 r j t /1 1' I~ T'S FRIGHTENINGLY reminiscent of L the racial situation 60 or even 100 years ago. But it is increasingly charac- teristic of today. It is the almost unrestrained terror of the Ku Klux Klan. Hooded Klansmen illuminated by the fire of a burning cross may seem to many merely an ugly chapter in American history. Some may breathe a sigh of relief that the unharnessed Klan terror of threats and violence ;against minorities and those that sym- pathize with their cause is behind us. But it is not true. Klan activity is alive and well-and growing. Its members now operate both in the open, at public 'rallies and meetings, and in a, clan- destine nationwide network. Earlier this week, a minister and his :wife were forced to flee from their rural West Virginia parish after what the minister described as "a six-month campaign of terror." Local Klansmen threatened on numerous occasions to :kill the minister, the Rev. Michael -Curry, arid to rape his wife, Ella. The Klansmen apparently wanted to drive Curry out of the area because he would :not cooperate with their activities. Curry said he denied their request to recruit members during his Sunday sermons. He also twice refused to donate money to the Klan. Curry said that although the state police were helpful and provided protection during his sermons, he began to suspect Klan connections in the local police and even on the board of his own church. The terror and physical harassment ended only when the Currys fled the state. Members of the Klan also appeared recently at a Louisiana courthouse in full regalia to protest a controversial plan to desegregate a nearly all-black school. In the past year, there have been a number of public rallies in major cities all around the country. the Klan is making a frighteningly well-organized and well executed comeback. It needs only an environ- ment of passivity to cotinue to grow, playing on the public's fears and prejudices. If the Klan's growth is to be stopped, it will require an active effort on the part of both governmental and private sources to crack down. Response to Klan terror is one issue that need breed no division between decent responsible members of the left or the right. It must be stopped, and soon. a Witticisms By Howard Witt L I ,; , Begin's final days at last OR ISRAELI Prime Minister prochement between Egypt and Israel F Menachent Begin's governmet, did not even begin to adequately ad- ~it appears that long last the party is dress the Palestinian problem. Instead. ovei'. With the resignation Sunday of of moving toward the only realistic Finance Minister Yigael Hurvitz, hope for peace - recognition of the Begin has lost his slim Parliament Palestinians' national aspirations - ~majority. The only question now seems Begin has raced backward. He has to be exactly when new elections will supported the Israeli rightists in set- be held - their outcome is considered tling the West Bank, land which may to be a certain victory for the op- have to be ceded to the Arabs if a position Labor Party. secure peace is ever to prevail. He has Ths tumon li y.refused to allow Palestinian refugees, The turmoil in Jerusalem this week to return to their homes, and has would seem to offer a sign of hope that allowed the military to clamp the Jewish state could be on its way out repressive measures on Arab residents of the quagmire of complex and of the West Bank. manifold problems that now beset it. The Labor Party, with Shimon Peres Begin's singular triumph - the 1977 at its helm, will almost certainly accord with Egyptian President An- return to power later this year. Peres war Sadat - pales somewhat against has made no promises of reform with the realities of Israeli-Arab relations regard to foreign policy. Yet the mere that have since revealed themselves. fact that he is new to the top post may Sadat is not well-liked by most of the make a difference. He will arrive other national leaders in the Arab without the reputation of intractability world; as such, the Camp David that aptly trailed Begin into office. If agreements have only isolated him he can push forward with a flexible even more from Israel's other neigh- Palestinian policy, the troubled bors. Furthermore, the rap- Mideast may yet see peace. son River, wondering what would happen if one of the walls collapsed. And then=-we emerged into the bitter cold daylight of a New York City afternoon. God, the place is big. It sure isn't any Chicago. It's more like two Chicagos. Dorothy, I said to myself, we're not in Kan- sas anymore. WE STOPPED AT a red traffic light, im- mediately tipping off the locals that we were tourists-red lights to New Yorkers mean "Drive right through." (Green lights mean "Drive right through really fast.") Just ahead of us was another carload of tourists, and their windows were really dirty, what with the slush and salt of winter streets. But three New Yorkers, always eager to help, swarmed around the car and-believe it or not-washed the windows! Then they went over to the driver's window, probably to say "Glad to help" or something like that-I couldn't quite tell what was going on. ALL OF A SUDDEN, and for no apparent reason, the three started smashing the same windows, they had just washed. My. frien- ds--experienced New York visitors that they were-explained that we had just witnessed an attack of the infamous "window washers," derelict hoodlums who wash the windows of stopped cars-whether the occupants want the service or not-and then demand payment of several dollars. If you don't pay, the win- dow washers provide free air-conditioning for your car on the spot. There aren't any window washers in Chicago. If you want your windows washed in the Windy City, you pull up to a self-serve Sunoco and grab a squeegee. A little shaken by our near miss at the traf- fic light (we rolled down our windows as the trio approached us), we parked our car about 15 blocks from our destination-Times Square. WE DESCENDED the steps of the nearest subway station into the netherworld of New York rapid transit. My friends briefed me on a few survival rules as we purchased our tokens: srDon't stare at anyone, no matter how strange they look; - Don't step in any puddles (you never know if they're nature's water or somebody's water); " Don't stare at anyone; " Don't stand so near the tracks that someone is tempted to shove you in front of a speeding train; and, 51 W-19 ST BITC8ES I, 675 801 * Don't stare at anyone. Our subway experience was rather uneven- tful by New York standards-we only saw one policeman beating on a crumpled body. At last we were in Times Square, so named, I learned after suffering much humiliation for asking such a stupid question, for The New York Times, which is located in the area. THIS IS THE only place in the country where huge billboards cover entire sides of buildings, windows and all. It's the only place in the country where slick-looking dudes will walk up alongside you and mumble what sounds like a foreign language-until you realize they are reeling off the prescriptive merchandise they have for sale. It's the only place in the country where you can buy hot salted pretzels every 15 feet. And, it's the only place in the country where you can play that most challenging of New York games, 3-card Monte. Ah, how, tordescribe this spectacle. Typically, a proprietor of the game will establish himself on any street corner with several cardboard boxes stacked upon one another and three playing cards, two black and one red. The object of the game is to pick out the red card after the dealer has moved the three cards (face down) around on his makeshift tables-it's much like a shell game. The stakes vary, but usually a $20 bill will buy you one guess; if you win, you get $40. IT SURE LOOKS easy, to the naive passer- by. Two or three players will be jumping up and down, winning all sorts of money as they consistently guess correctly. So naturally, you saunter up and try your luck. And you lose. And you lose. And you lose. The game, you see, is marvelously rigged. The three players you see winning all the money are "shills"-they work with the dealer to lure passersby into the game. The dealer will let them win, but he won't be so generous with you. And, to make your ex- perience especially memorable, while you are losing twenties left and right, another ac- complice is picking your pocket. Where are the police during all this, you ask? God only knows._ In two hours of wat- ching suckers get taken at h 3-card Monte, saw only one policeman-and he looked like he might want to play. AS THE SUN was setting on this New Year's Eve festival; the neon lights of the 42nd street area started jumping with life. This* is the lechery district, with more topless/bottomless XXX-rated porn theatres and shops and bars than there are possible zip code combinations. There's something here to please every aberrant taste-except for one. I_ couldn't find any emporium in which to in- dulge my personal sexual fantasy-having Gloria Vanderbilt read Yeats to me as I watch "The Waltons." We were going to stay in Times Square to watch the stupid little ball drop from the top of the Allied Chemical Building, but decided that might not be such a good idea as we read the afternoon papers-the police were war- ning that they could not prevent at least some of the fatal injuries that were predicted to oc- cur during the festivities. So we left the city for the evening. As the New Year came in, we were busy planning our next excursion-into Spanish Harlem, the South Bronx, and the Bowery. V0 $25GESYUA mini session~ Ho ward Witt is the co-editor of Daily's Opinion page. His column pears every Tuesday. the ap- A ! ! . . : 1 . ! I + j 1 4 r s t LETTERS TO THE DAILY: R ose Bowlfree rides appalling " il To the Daily: The following is a copy of a let- ter I sent to Regent Sarah Power prior to the Rose Bowl. I am appalled by the revelation in recent news articles that the University will be spending some $600,000-or "at least $1,045 a piece"-on its contingent of non-paying guests to the Rose Bowl, "most staying in $90-a- night rooms at the swank Cen- tury Plaza Hotel." The expen- ditures include unrevealed out- pourings for an unidentified num- ber of spouses and children of the football team, of athletic depar- tment staffers, and of goodness knows who else. It looks as though the budget for the "wives' party," in fact, is bigger than that for the splendid but ill- favored Marching Band. But all this is all right, reasons Regent University, I venture to say, based on past amounts, that the $600,000 figure is at least three times as great, and $1,045 is un- doubtedly higher than the expen- ses for the individual female athlete. Indeed, is there any ac- tivity whatever on which the University would spend $600,000 for the glory of female students? I remember Mr. Canham's much-publicized lamenting just a short while back that putting out $80,000 for women's sports was going to "break the back" of the men's program, since men's in- tercollegiate gate receipts, arising basically from football and basketball, had to fund the rest of the athletic program for both sexes. I remember his great distress that Title IX might require him to spend the same $7,000 (the cost in 1975) to fly the Rose Bowl munificence do not have to be made known because the moneys are derived from -gate receipts, then why shouldn't the whole athletic program's financing be none of anybody's business (as many of us have concluded it is when we have tried to determine actual athletic and scholarship outlays over the years)? The point is that athletic ac- tivities are carried out in the name of the state University for the sons and daughters of the taxpaying public, and revenues and expenditures must be ac- cessible for accurate review to ensure that they are handled reasonably and equitably, no matter what the precise source of income. The ease with which $600,000 ie being located and spent for Rose Bowl purposes (in funding), without public itemization or pre-planned allocation from the University's central planning office begs for a different process of oversight in the management of athletic finances, in which moneys from any source would go into a general fund and be budgeted justly, openly, and with foresight, according to an educationally sound and consistent means of determining the needs of each program. For whatever reason you and Robert Nederlander are not taking advantage of this costly trip, I applaud you, at this time of extraordinary financial hardship for the citizens of Michigan and of pending financial crisis for the University. S - -Marcia Federbush January 12 I