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March 31, 1981 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1981-03-31

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i' .ge 10-Tuesday, March 31, 1981-The Michigan Daily

Assassination try
fails; Reagan fine

. (Continued from Page 1)
Reagan at George Washington Univer-
sity Hospital. They made a 6-inch in-
cision to remove the bullet that had
pnetrated about three inches into his
It lung, missing his heart by several
Reagan's lung collapsed, and the
surgeons inserted two chest tubes to
restore it.
They gave him blood transfusions,
about 2% quarts in all, to replace the
blood he lost.
THE WOUNDED, president walked
into the hospital, "alert and awake" if a
bit lightheaded, O'Leary said. At 70, the
doctor said, Reagan "is physiologically
very young."
"He was never in any serious
danger," O'Leary said.
But Brady was.
"HIS CONDITION is critical," the
doctor said. Brady was shot in the side
of ,the forehead, the bullet passing
through his brain. "He obviously has
significant brain injury and his is in
critical condition," O'Leary reported.
He would not speculate on Brady's
chances of recovery, but said that it is
likely Brady, 40, will suffer permanent
brain damage if he survives.
Lyn Nofziger, a Reagan aide who has
assumed the role of chief press
spokesman, told reporters late last
night that he had talked to the surgeon

who operated on Brady and that "the
prognosis is certainly better than it was
earlier this afternoon."
Kobrige as saying Brady's vital signs
were stable. Nofziger also quoted the
doctor as saying that Brady's pupilary
reflexes were normal, which he said
was an encouraging sign.
He said Kobrine belives there "may
be some impairment but he doesn't
know how much at this time. He said it
might be some time before that is
It began suddenly.
AT 2:25 P.M. EST, six shots rang out,
one hitting Reagan in the left chest'
others felling Brady, a Secret Service
agent and a policeman. Secret Service
agents and police seized John' Hin-
ckley, 25, of Evergreen, Colo.
He was wrestled to the ground outside
the Washington Hilton, pinned against a
wall, taken away in handcuffs.
Hinckley was booked on charges of
attempted assassination of a president,
and of assault with intent to kill a police
officer. He was in FBI custody Monday
O'LEARY BRIEFED newsmen on
the operation and the president's con-
He said Reagan might be hospitalized
for as long as two weeks, but called that

only a guess.
While Reagan was in the operating
room, his aides made a point of em-
phasizing the banter with which he
went to surer , as reassuring evidence . ,,
that he hadn't been greviously woun-
HE WINKED, according to Nofziger, " ,
then saw three top staff members and ' ' 4,'
said, "Who's minding the store?"
"And when he got into the operating ,yA °"'"
room, he looked at the doctors and he " ' ' : Q KI ""' '
said 'Please tell ine you're "'' ''
Republicans.' "According to O'Leary,
the surgeons told him "today everyone
is a Republican."'
The gunman leveled his pistol at
Reagan from amid a crowd of newsmen
and bystanders as the president left the
hotel after addressing the AFL-CIO
Building Trades Council. ;,&-'
THE SHOTS also felled Secret Ser-
vice agent Timothy McCarthy, 31, and >Y B4k
policeman Thomas Delahanty, 45. A _ .
Secret Service spokesman said McCar- ' *;
thy was in "stable condition on the plus
side." He was shot in the chest. 4-,.,, " ,'
Delahanty was wounded at the base of : .
his neck. He was reported in serious AP Pbo
condition. JAMES BRADY, PRESIDENT Reagan's press secretary, lies wounded on a sidewalk outside the Washington Hilton
Hotel yesterday after being shot in the forehead during an attempt on President Reagan's life. In background, secret
service agents and police wrestle the alleged assailant to the ground.
Reagan assailant 'not the type'

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(Continued from Page 1)
activities in the years after high
school-except sporadic attendance at
Texas Tech University-and hints
emerged yesterday of a troubled man
and his weapons.
Roger Young, an FBI spokesman in
Washington, said the weapon used to
shoot the president and three others
was a .22-caliber "Saturday night
special" purchased at a Dallas gun
YOUNG SAID there had been "no
problem" with the suspect's coherence
when questioned by authorities. Young
refused to elaborate on a possible
motive for the shooting.
The operator of a Denver pawn shop
said a man identifying himself as John
Hinckley Jr. of suburban Lakwood
pawned a guitar and a typewriter on
March 11 and said he was "going out of
town." .
The young man was shabbily dressed

and "looked like a man down on his
luck," said Brent Morris, the clerk at
G.I. Joe's Pawn Shop.
IN EVERGREEN, Calo., attorney
Jim Robinson said in a statement from
the suspect's parents that young Hin-
ckley has been under recent psychiatric
"His evaluation did not alert anyone
to the seriousness of his condition," the
statement said. Robinson added that
Hinckley's parents were "hear-
tbroken," but would stand by their son.
Hinckley, 25, is a son of Denver
businessman J.W. "Jack" Hinckley,
president of Vanderbilt Energy Corp.,
an oil and gas exploration company.
The family moved to Colorado in 1974.
Hinckley was born in Ardmore, Okla.,
according to hospital officials there.
FBI AGENTS interviewed Hinckley's
parents in Evergreen, a bedroom
community where they live about 20
miles due west of Denver. .

One neighbor said Hinckley's parents
were "arch-conservative
"He just sort of blended into tht
crowd," said Tom Blackwell, whc
graduated, along with Hinckley, from
Highland Park High School in suburban
Dallas in 1973.
"HE WASN'T a flamboyant type or
anything like that."
The FBI and police in Evergreen
initially said Hinckley had no known
criminal record. However, the FBA
later confirmed he was arrested Oct. f1
in Nashville, Tenn., while carrying
three handguns.
An FBI spokesman said Hinckley was
interviewed at the FBI's Washington
field office late yesterday afternoon
and his arraignment might be delayed
until today.
"All the information we have now
points to the fact that he was the only
one," the FBI spokesman said.

... suspect in assassination attempt

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Legislators, foreign
leaders 'stunned'



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halted legislative business yesterday as
shocked legislators received news that
President Reagan had been wounded.
Shortly after news organizations
reported the president had been woun-
ded, Senate Majority Leader Howard
Baker Jr. recessed the Senate.
SEN. ALAN Cranston (D-Calif.) said
he went immediately to the Democratic
cloak room, just off the Senate floor, to
watch television accounts of the
assassination attempt.
Cranston said Sen. Gary Hart (D-

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Colo.) stood by the television set and
turned the dial from channel to channel
as the senators watched in silence.
Hart winced when it was announced
that the man arrested at the scene of
the shooting was from his home state o
Colorado, Cranston said.
THE DEMOCRATIC whip said Sen.
Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.), who lost
two brothers to assassins, and ,Sen.
Russell Long (D-La.), whose father,
former Sen. Huey Long, was gunned
down by an assassin, were among those
watching in the cloakroom. He said
neither made any comment, although
Kennedy made a speech on the floor.
In Georgia, former President Car-
ter's office issued a statement sayin
he was "anxiously awaiting further
word on President Reagan's condition
and that of the others wounded. He and
Mrs. Carter join the entire nation in
prayer for the well-being of all those
wounded and for their families."
Foreign leaders, stunned by the latest
assassination attempt against an
American president, sent messages
yesterday to the wounded President
Reagan expressing their dismay anl
wishing him a swift recovery.
THE SOVIET new agency Tass filed
a two-paragraph article from its
Washington bureau reporting the at-
tempted assassination without com-

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