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March 29, 1981 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1981-03-29

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Page 2-Sunday, March 29, 1981-The Michigan Daily

compiled by Maureen Fleming

Initiation practices common
The University is not alone in the hazing
rituals that take place on its campus-three in-
cidents of hazing were reported this month at
three separate universities.
At the University of Oregon, two Kappa Sigma
pledges were hit by a car while walking with
seven other pledges along a dark country road.
The nine men were left off after dark and told to
find their way back to the campus as part of a
fraternity "togetherness" exercise, according to
Dean of Students Bob Bowfin.
THE STUDENTS flagged down a fire truck
and were asking for a ride when another car
came around a curve and struck two of the group
members, the sheriff's office said.
Both were listed in serious condition at the
time of the incident.
At Washington State University, members of
the Delta Upsilon fraternity were charged with
hazing following a paddle-swatting incident
during the fraternity's initiation week.
An out-of-town official from another fraternity
chapter happened to peer through a window in
the DU house last month. The traveling
secretary observed-and reported to the
National Fraternity Council-that members
were swatting pledges with paddles.
THE FRATERNITY faces possible probation
or suspension as an approved university housing
group. The Dean of Students is to decide on

disciplinary action.
And at the University of Maryland, an Omega
Psi Phi fraternity pledge was arrested for
allegedly stealing $15 from an area store.
According to a campus police detective, the
pledge supposedly took the money because it was
a task he had to perform to get accepted into the
fraternity. l
Copy killer
A game similar to the University's "Killer"
game is gaining popularity at the University of
Maryland. The latest rage is called "Survival,"
and has about 300 students participating.
The Ellicott Area Council stuffed mailboxes
with applications for the game and a Survival
Recruitment Center was set up in the dining hall.
Each applicant was supplied with an agency
survival kit, which included the name of a
suspected double-agent and several agency ap-
proved methods of exterminating the possible
traitor. Agents kill their victims by getting them
in a room alone, informing them that they are
being killed, and telling them which weapon is
being used. Agents can use guns, hand grenades,
knives or poison.
When agents complete their assignments, they
take on their victims' old assignments. The
number of agents will keep decreasing, leaving
only one survivor, who will receive $20 from the
Ellicott council.
Ancient civilization tapped
SAN JOSE, Calif.-San Jose State University
students have discovered that rocks and pebbles
unearthed at a site near Highway 101 in San Jose

bear the markings of an ancient civilization
dating back some 13,000 to 16,000 years.
The study of the area is being conducted by
Environmental Research Archaeologists. Most
of the crew members are SJSU students and
Native Americans.
THE STUDENTS have dug as deep as nine
meters with each level or strata of earth ex-
posing older time periods. No one expected the
finds to be discovered as deep as they were, one
student archaeologist said.
The first artifacts found were "projecta poin-
ts," or stone tools and weapons. Arrowheads
were also discovered, indicating that the
primitive society hunted.
The students have also found burnt and but-
chered bones from a variety of animals, and a
human skull fragment.
Smurfs a new craze
NORMAL, Ill.-Move over Ziggy and Snoopy.
Your fan clubs are leaving you for Smurfs, the
newest craze in miniatures currently taking the
Illinois State University campus by a storm.
Smurfs were developed in 1958 by a Belgian ar-
tist named "Peyo" as a series of cartoons and
books. The trend for the dolls began in the United
States in 1979.
There are Smurf characters in almost every
profession and hobby, with the biggest seller to
date at an ISU bookstore being the Smurf with a
beer mug.
The miniatures currently have houses, cars,
and farms, and are doctors, nurses, hockey
players, roller skaters, and even baseball
players. They range in price from $1.50 to $10.

Please return your survey response
as soon as possible.

'U' student Halperin
takes rights to court

(Continued from Page 1)
because I would be a prime target if
anyone was prosecuted.
"In a way, I felt that it was against
my principles to register, but it's not
completely giving myself up. It's not a
draft. That's where my principles
would be violated," he continued.

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No action has been taken in
Halperin's sex discrimination case
because another similar case is already
before the Supreme Court. However,
the suit questioning the use of Social
Security numbers has already been
ruled upon by the District Court and
will soon be heard in the Court of Ap-
The District Court ruled late last year
that a person shouldn't be required to
include his Social Security number
when registering. But, upon accepting
the government's appeal, the Appeals
Court temporarily stated that men
registering for the draft would still
have to include their Social Security
number until the court makes a formal
decision later this year.
"We have an excellent chance of win-
ning the case because the draft
registration violates the privacy act of
1974 which declared that Social
Security numbers could only be used in
instances specifically requiring it,"
Halperin said.
Halperin has receivedmuch media
attention and some harassment for his
activism. He said he remembers being
harassed by several women after his
appearance on the Phil Donahue show.

Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
Hijackers seize Indonesian jet
BANGKOK, Thailand-Armed hijackers demanding freedom for
"political prisoners" in Indonesia seized an airliner with 57 people aboard,
including three Americans, and diverted it to Bangkok yesterday. Indonesia
was reported ready to meet their demand for release of 20 prisoners.
Thai officials said Indonesian President Suharto had agreed to the release.
Indonesian airline officials said their country's chief negotiator, Air Marshal
Sugiri, had been told Suharto was prepared to provide a DC-10 aircraft with
long-range flight capabilities to take the hijakcers to Sri Lanka, as they had
Charn Angsuchote of the Thai prime minister's office said Suharto, in a
telephone conversation from Indonesia, had asked negotiators to tell the
hijackers it would take time to round up the 20 prisoners from prisons on
Java and Sumatra and make arrangements for a destination.
There was no immediate word of the hijackers' response.
Amtrack service threatened
DETROIT-The Reagan administration's proposed budget cuts could
eliminate Amtrak service in Michigan by October unless Congress boosts
funding for the federally subsidized rail system, officials warn.
Chris Knapton, Amtrak's midwestern director of corporate com-
munications, said the current proposed appropriation would force Amtrak to
discontinue everything except service between Boston and Washington,
D.C., when the 1982 fiscal year begins Oct. 1.
The administration is proposing a 1982 budget for Amtrak of $613
million-$253 million less than the service requested. The House and Senate
budget committees are scheduled to start drawing up the 1982 budget April 6.
John Delora of the Michigan Passenger Foundation predicted a 50-50
chance the budget will be passed.
Suspect charged in Chicago
housing project shooting death
CHICAGO-Police charged a suspect yesterday in the death of a convicted
drug user at the Cabrini-Green housing project, and a spokesperson for
Mayor Jane Byrne said the 11th killing there in recent months would not
alter the mayor's plan to take an apartment at the crime-ridden project. -
The slaying came a few hours after Byrne announced she wants a former
Green Beret commander to take charge of security for Chicago's public
housing, and six days after the mayor announced she and her husband plan-
ned to move to Cabrini-Green as part of an anti-crime effort.
Investigators said James Lawson, 28, was charged with murder in the
shooting death of a convicted drug user, although he is not believed to be the
one who actually did the shooting. Another man is being sought as the actual
Alabama hanging victim buried
MOBILE, Ala.-Beefed up police patrols cruised Mobile's streets yester-
day to guard against any disturbances arising from the funeral of Michael
Donald, a black youth whose body was found a week ago hanging from a tree
in a racially-mixed neighborhood.
In jail, unable to post bonds of $250,000 each, were three young white men,
known to police as troublemakers and drug-users. They face arraignment
Tuesday on charges or murdering Donald, 19, a part-time newspaper
mailroom employee who was studying to be a mason.
Over 2,000 mourners, including a few civil rights leaders from other cities,
overflowed the Revelation Missionary Baptist Church for the funeral
yesterday. Several police cars were parked outside the church.
Police say they had failed to establish a motive for the killing, but Donald's
brother said he may have been mistaken for another black who had been
dating a white woman.
Political Action Committees
spent record amount in 1980
WASHINGTON-The special interest groups that President Reagan con-
tends are trying to thwart his budget crusade spent a record $130.3 million
during the 1980 elections, the Federal Election Commission reports.
The commission said in a report released yesterday that Political Action
Committees raised at least $136.7 million during the 1979-80 election cycle.
"How much of this money was spent on behalf of federal candidates is still
unknown," the commission said. "However, preliminary data indicates that
by Oct. 15, 1980, at least $50.7 million had been contributed to 1980
congressional races.
PAC expenditures included at least $1.8 million for presidential candidates
and another $3.2 million for debts from old campaigns and gifts for future
Search for missing
Atlanta children continues
ATLANTA-Volunteers seeking clues to the killings of 20 black children
and the disappearances of two others rushed to a southwest Atlanta neigh-
borhoodsyesterday after a searcher reported seeing a black teen-ager mat-
ching the description of yet another missing boy.
Police Capt. O.W. Sheriff said the 100 volunteers, who had fanned out over
a 10-square mile area, would regroup and concentrate on the area where a

youth resembling 13-year-old Timothy Hill was seen.
The case of Hill, who disappeared March 11, is being investigated by the
missing persons unit and police say they consider him a runaway. Any
missing teen-ager draws attention in Atlanta, where a special task force is
investigating 22 deaths and disappearances of black children since July 1979.




Vol. XCI, No. 145
Sunday, March 29, 1981

The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at The University
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Name j

Editor-in-Chief..................SARA ANSPACH
Manoaging Editor.............JULIE ENGEBRECHT
University Editor................LORENZO BENET
Student Affairs Editor............JOYCE FRIEDEN
City Editor.....-................ELAINE RIDEOUT
Opinion Page Editors..............DAVID MEYER
Arts Editor.......................ANNE GADON
Sports Editor.................MARK MIHANOVIC
Executive Sports Editors.......,...GREG DEGULIS

Business Manager..-...-..... . ....RANDI CIGELNIK
Sales Manager.-..................BARB FORSLUND
Operations Manager.............SUSANNE KE LLY
Display Manager.:..........MARY ANN MISIEWICZ
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Finance Manager--------------..GREGG HADDAD
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BUSINESS STAFF: Bob Abrahams. Meg Arrnbruster.
Joe Broda. Maureen Detave, Judy Feinberg, Karen
Friedman, Debra Garofalo. Peter Gttfredson
Pamela Gould.Kathryn Hendrick, Anthony interrante.




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