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March 21, 1981 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1981-03-21

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The Michigan Daily-Saturday, March 21, 1981-Page 7

Armed band jailed in Florida

From AP and UPI
INVERNESS, Fla.-A heavily armed band of men,
cressed in camouflage fatigues with their faces
smudged with black, were jailed yesterday following
their arrest at a Florida ranch where they had set up
a jungle warfare training camp.
Officials said two of the arrested men were from
Citrus County Sheriff Charles Dean said the men
told him they had been hired to do "deep jungle-type
warfare, survival and defensive posture." The sheriff
said he did not know who did the hiring, but said the
men had no connection to the American military.
THE 13, ALL described as "clean cut, straight-
looking guys in their 20s and 30s," were arrested late
Thursday on felony trespassing charges on a ranch
adjacent to Florida Power Corp.'s Crystal River
nuclear power plant. Officials said there was nothing
to indicate the men posed any threat to the plant.
"I don't think it had anything to do with the plant,"
which is about 70 miles north of Tampa, Dean said.
"They just picked a bad place for their training."

He said he doubted the men knew about the plant
before they arrived because the maps they carried
were of 1954 vintalge, long before the plant or the
nearby Cross Florida Barge Canal were built.
IN WASHINGTON, federal law enforcement sour-
ces, who declined to be identified, said that based on
the interviews there did not appear to be any
violation of federal law.
The Soviet AK-27 rifle and the Israeli submachine
gun were not rigged to fire, officials said.
Authorities identified the leaders of the band as
Franklin Joseph Camper, 34, of Dolomite, Ala., a
Vietnam veteran who said he recruited the man
through an advertisment in "Soldier of Fortune"
magazine, and Robert Lee Lisenby, 30, of Troy, N.C.
AFTER HIS arraignment, Camper told reporters
he had been training mercenaries since 1969. He
refused to say whom he has trained or whom he
works for, but he has said the operation had "ab-
solutely no military or CIA ties."
He said he made a "bad tactical error by landing on
private property. It led to all this."
The others were identified by Citrus County of-

ficials as: Don Wilson, 45, of Miami; Russell Rogers,
42, of Forest City, Fla.: George Bucko, 29, of
Chicago; Charles Holt, 30, of Decatur, Ill.; Robert
Kezer, 22, of Delta Junction, Alaska; Terrence
Parker, 30, of Royal Oak, Mich.; Jerry Poole, 41, or
Briddle, Ore.; Kenneth Roland, 40, of Davison,
Mich.; Ronald Scott, 33, of Houston; Tibor Szijarto,
32, of Toronto, Canada; and Alberto Rodriquez
Canada, 35, of Jalapa, Vera Cruz, Mexico.
EARLIER THIS month police in a neighboring
county were swamped with calls about low-flying,
unlighted jet helicopters and other aircraft.
The Pasco County sheriff's office said it originally
was told by U.S. Customs officials the night of the
sightings that it was a refueling maneuver involving
six jet-powered helicopters and a C-140.
But customs officials in Miami later said the
sheriff's office had misunderstood what the federal
agency hadsaid and said they knew nothing about
Military officials also denied having any helicop-
ters in the area at the time and their identity still is a

White House
predicts stable
economic period

APP roto
CITRUS COUNTY FLORIDA Sheriff Jerry Hytry displays weapons found
Thursday on a private ranch in the possession of thirteen men wearing Army
fatigues. The men are being held on felony trespassing charges.
~ "
*Two Atlanta vigl antes
rrested by p1oic

ATLANTA (AP) - Two gun-wielding
nn were arrested yesterday by police
who were on hand for the start of a
housing project's self-defense patrol to
protect youngsters against Atlanta's
child killers.
Younger members of the patrol, who
carried baseball bats, were not stopped
but those carrying weapons were
questioned by police. The two arrested
were charged with possession of deadly
weapons at a public gathering
ABOUT 40 POLICE officers, in-
cluding several members of the police
special weapons and tactics unit, met.
the patrol as it left a community center
at the Techwood Homes housing
Community activist Chimurenga
Jenga, who was carrying an M-1 car-

bine, struggled with officers as they
tried to place him inside a police van,
police said. Leon Hall, Atlanta's com-
munity affairs director, identified the
second man arrested as Gene Fergur-
son, who was carrying a pistol.
Deputy Police Chief Eldrin Bell said
the men, both "people who live outside
the neighborhood," were charged with
violating a state statute which prohibits
possession of deadly weapons during a
public gathering.
"They were adequately warned. We
put them on notice," Bell said.
When a third armed man was con-
fronted by police, he returned to the
community center and later left
without the weapon.

From UPI and AP
As government economists yesterday
predicted a period of economic'
stability, President Reagan last night
told his longstanding conservative sup-
porters "our time is now, our moment
has arrived,' and declared that his
economic program is but a first step in
reordering the relationship between
citizen and government.
Addressing his audience at the Con-
servative Political Action Conference
as "fellow conservatives," Reagan
said, "We stand together, shoulder-to-
shoulder, in the thickest of the fight."
IN HIS MOST political speech since
taking office, he said, "We are not cut-
ting the budget simply for the sake of
sounder financial management. This is
only a first step toward returning power
to the states and communities."
' Meanwhile, the administration
remains .cautious" on the economic
future, although new steel and
aluminum industry business and defen-
se orders reported by the government
yesterday more than made up for
downturns elsewhere in the economy in
The Commerce Department reported
February's orders for manufacturers'
durable goods increased slightly, at a

rate of 0.45 percent. January's decline
in the closely watched indicator was
revised to be less than first reported, 1.6
percent instead of 2.2 percent.
the latest indication the economy is not
-slowing down as many economists and
the administration expected.
"It suggests a period of stability, I
would think, not of rapid growth but not
of much decline either," for the next
few months, said William Cox, the
Commerce Department's acting chief
A high Treasury official said
Secretary Donald Regan told staff
members yesterday the administration
"may be a little under-optimistic in
some of our projections," and he was
"a little amused at the apparent
strength of the economy through the
first quarter."
BUT, SAID THE official, "We are
going to continue to be cautious."
President Reagan's economic
recovery plan assumes the gross
national product will go down some
time this year and end up in the fourth
quarter having expanded at a rate of
only 1.4 for the year.
But GNP appears to be growing at a
surprising 5 percent clip this quarter,
according to preliminary readings
disclosed earlier this week.

Cellar to cut trade book dept.

(Continued from Page 1)

However, wtrade book department
employee lu bjorklund said she felt her
:department provided an important ser-
vice to students. "I think in general,
college trade book stores provide great
services because they carry books that
other book stores won't carry," she
said. "We take chances on books and
other stores won't."
SHE AGREED THAT the depar-
tinent has suffered financial losses.
"There's no figures that can contradict
the figures the board has," bjorklund-
Unlike most stores, the University
Cellar is decentralized by department.
Each department has its own employee
contract. As a result, when a depar-
tment such as the trade book depar-
tment is closed, workers may not
"bump" employees in .other depar-
tments. U-Cellar employees have
fought in past years to maintain this
Unless the employees' union
negotiates otherwise, bjorklund said,
there is little chance the five full-time
trade book employees will retain their

WHEN ASKED IF they still favored
the decentralized system they fought
for, bjorklund and two other co-
workers, Janice Selberg and Walter
Bilderback, hesitated.
"This shouldn't happen if the idea is
working correctly," Selberg replied.
"It's clear the store council has been
ineffective," Bilderback said. The store
council, the operation's central gover-
ning body, is made up of represen-
tatives from each of the departments.
management as another reason for the
department's demise.
Bjorklund said she had favored
reorganizing the department. But ac-
cording to board member Richard
Barr, the department members were
given that opportunity last spring.
When the budget was approved in the
fall, he said, a $40,000 loss was ap-
proved for the department, but mem-
bers agreed to cut this loss to $20,000
this year and break even the following
SIX WEEKS AGO, Barr said, the
board decided to review the trade

department again and gave them the
opportunity to provide alternatives.
Three weeks later, they brought "in-
formation that was very lacking in sub-
stance and significance," Barr said.
According to Barr, the employees
came to Thursday's board meeting with
no plan.
"We gave them every opportunity
and we bent over backwards," he said.
"It got to the point'where they couldn't
argue their own existence."
The Cellar may extend other depar-
tments to make up for the loss in the
trade books department.
A similar cut was made last year
when U-Cellar cut its popular records
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sisters and brothers:
it will go on-
'.. our fight will go on
in the land,
4{ u in the factories,
in the farms,
in the streets ,
the fight wil go on,
and then-
out ofs ence
1 I1t I th vomiestwiil rise


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