Ninety-Oine Years
Editorial Freedom
. eH tI U
Cloudy today with scat-
tered snow flurries and a
high in the upper 30s.
Vol. XCI, No. 137
Copyright 1981, The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, March 20, 1981
Ten Cents
Twelve Pages
Washington debates student loan
Hoping to escape looming federal cutbacks in
guaranteed student loan programs, many
students are wondering if Fall 1981 GSL ap-
plications turned in now might slip by before
new laws are imposed. '
" Despite students' anxieties about paying next
fall's tuition bills, both University and federal
financial aid officials are saying, "It's just too
early to tell."
Nowack urged students to send in their ap-
plications as soon as possible to secure the
necessary funding from participating banks
and other lenders.
However, other officials cautioned that the
date GSL forms are submitted may make no
difference at all, and might even delay a
student loan if applications have to be updated
this summer to meet new federal requiremen-
"It all depends on the language of the bill
Congress comes up with," Jane Bryson, direc-
tor of the GSL policy section under Secretary of
Education Terrel Bell, said in a telephone in-
terview yesterday.
CURRENTLY, A full. or part-time un-
dergraduate can receive a GSL through a bank
or credit union of up to $2,500 per year. The
federal government subsidizes the nine percent
monthly interest until the student graduates.
Students then have 10 years in which to repay
their loan:
The three proposals President Reagan hopes
will carve as much as $138 million from the
GSL programs are:
* Eliminating the federally subsidized in-
terest rate while the student is in school,
" Allowing the current nine percent interest
rate to rise to the current commercial rate of 17
percent, and,
" Requiring a need analysis placed on GSL
applications. The borrowing limit might then
be the difference between the required family
contribution, plus any grants, scholarships, or
work-study, and the total cost of attending the
THE FIRST proposal is receiving serious
consideration in Congress, Bryson said.
"If that bill (removing the federal subsidy)
was formed today, it would say 'effective for
loans dispersed after July 1,' " Bryson said.
This bill would apply to all Fall 1981 GSLs,
since banks and other lenders never disperse.
funds until after the beginning of the academic
year, Nowack explained.
HOWEVER, IF THE bill specifies loans
approred after July 1, GSLs processed and
approved before that deadline would not be af-
fected by federal cutbacks, said Senior Finan-
cial Aid Officer Carol Raphael.
Another student pitfall could arise if a future
bill places a need analysis similar tq the one
currently required to determine eligibility for
Basic Educational Opportunity Grants
Such a change would cause "massive delays
and problems," Nowack predicted, since all
applicants would have to be re-assessed before
receiving their GSLs.
NOWACK SAID that some students eligible
under the old system might not be eligible if
Reagan's cutbacks are approved.
The wording of the bill is difficult to predict
since congress has not started drafting a
proposal yet.
First, the Senate and the House of Represen-
tatives' budget committees must set ceilings
for spending amounts, not only for educational
programs, but also for the entire 1982 federal
See CONGRESS, Page 2
for Mo-Jo
Mounting pressure from Mosher-Jor-
dan residents has spurred the Univer-
sity to make several changes in its win-
dow replacement project at that dor-
mitory, a Housing Department official
announced yesterday.
Norman Sunstad, the associate direc-
tor of residential operations, said that
there will be a change in the caulking
used to seal the new windows because
the caulking has irritated residents
with its strong fumes. The new caulking
will be a milder, "butyl-based" com-
pound, Sunstad said.
SUNSTAD ALSO SAID that workers
will, apply much less caulking corm
pound on the remaining windows - just
enough to make them secure - and
workers will return this summer to ap-
ply: thfll vlrehtlruiling
"It's not the most efficient way to do
this," Sunstad said yesterday. "But we
try to meet the needs of the residents
when they express concerns."
"The University has been totally un-
derstanding about our needs," said
John Maksym, Mosher-Jordan's House
Council spokesman. "We showed them
that there was a real problem here, that
this wasn't just a facade we were
throwing around. We're glad that the
'U' is listening."
YET THE NEW PLANS still don't
address a primary Mosher -Jordan
complaint, Maksym explained. The
complaint concerns the manner in
which the project is being executed. He
said that many rooms are being entered
without the resident's consent, and that
there is insufficient security personnel
on hand to supervise the workers.
These practices amount to an "in-
fringement" of the residents' leases,
according to Maksym. Despite this, he
said, "we have abandoned plans for
legal action."
Sunstad said he and his associates
have been surprised by the vocal com-
plaints registered by Mosher-Jordan
residents because they have supervised
similar projects in six other University
residence halls "with very few
"The hoopla at Mosher -Jordan was
quite startling to us," he said.
Although the installation of new win-
dows remains mandatory for all rooms
in Mosher-Jordan, University President
Harold Shapiro is considering a request
to ,make it optional for the remaining
rooms, according to Maksym..
Either way, residents at the hill dor-
mitory have been promised that the
project will be halted by April 3 so
they'll have "time to study for exams,"
Sunstad said. "We dearly hope to be
done this summer," he added.
didn't play that'
By MARK FISCHER chance here wew
special to the Daily ter job containing
SYRACUSE, N.Y.-Maybe it was the to keep them und
bright lights above their heads at the SYRACUSE, (
huge Carrier Dome. Maybe it was the trip to the NIT se
television cameras. Or maybe it was City, was asr
the 20,695 wildly screaming Syracuse Orangemen shot
fans. from the floor in
Whatever the reason, the Michigan almost unbelieva
basketball team didn't seem to be second for a gam
ready for action in its National In- "They were ju
vitation Tournament quarterfinal game they missed a sh
last night, as the cagers fell to Michigan's leadi
Syracuse, 91-76, to finish their season at ts.
19-11. Syracuse's (
"Syracuse really played well," said Schayes, who w
Michigan head coach Bill Frieder. "We field, led a balan
well. For us to have a
would have to do a bet-
g their scorers. We had
er double figures."
21-11), which earned a
emifinals in New York
ready as ever. The
a sizzling 61 percent
n the first half and an
able 88 percent in the
e total of 72 percent.
ust hot. I didn't think
ot," said Mike McGee,
ng scorer with 30 poin-
6-11 pivotman Dan
ent 10 for 14 from the
ced Orangeman attack
which included four players with at
least 16 points apiece. "Schayes was in-
credible," noted McGee.
BUT 6-4 Orangeman forward Erich
Santifer was even hotter. The former
Ann Arbor Huron star missed only 2 of
11 field goal tries for 21 points. But the
man who brought the partisan house
down was 6-4 Tony "Red" Bruin, who
slammed home a total of five two-hand
dunks on his way to eight of 10 from the
field and 18 points.
Despite Syracuse's torrid pace, the
Wolverines did manage to keep pace in
the first half, as they' went into the
locker room at halftime down by only
four, 46-42.
See RED-HOT, Page 10
Doily Photo by BRIAN MASCK
'U' OFFICIALS and vineyard owners are disputing over the right to use the
M-Go-Blue' slogan.
Sour Grapes
Who has riht
to 'M-Go-Blue?
Regents hear both sides
of U' minorities report
It may be difficult to bottle the
University's school spirit, but John
Colman of Vendramino Vineyards is
certainly giving it the old college
Three years ago the vineyard star-
ted bottling and selling "M-Go-
Glue" wine. Now the Regents are
trying to stop the corporation from
using the University's slogan as its
"The slogan is ours, not theirs.
They have no right to use it and we
don't want them to have a right to
use it,' University attorney
Roderick Daane said.
"M-GO-BLUE isn't exclusively
owned by the University of Michigan
... We suspect that others have used
it," claims Vendramino Vineyards'
attorney, Robert Sloman. To
demonstrate his point, he cited the
companies that manufacture Go-
Blue bumper stickers.
Danne said he is "uncertain of the
facts" regarding other companies
that sell Michigan memorabilia.
"There are pirates out and about
you know," he said. "Some of them
may be legal and some may be
illegal." J
Another product using the slogan
is "M-Go-Blue" potato chips,
Coleman said. But according to
Daane, that slogan is also being used
unlawfully, although the University
has not opposed the firm before the
Office of Patent and Trademark ap-
peals because it never registered the
slogan as its trademark.
ON AUGUST 19, 1980, Vendramino
Vineyards published the "M-Go-
Blue" trademark for "opposition" in
the offical Patent and Trademark
Several months later, the Univer-
sity filed an opposition with the
Board of Patent and Trademark Ap-
peals in an attempt to stop
registration of the trademark.
probably not reach a decision regar-
ding the vineyard's use of the.
trademark for a long time, accor-
See WHO, Page 5
Minority students and University
administrators offered differing inter-
pretations of this week's minority
enrollment report at yesterday's
Regents meeting.
While Vice President for Academic
Affairs Bill Frye-acknowledging that
the administration is still "concerned"
about the declining figures-stressed
the "positive features" of the report,
minority students saw "no reason to
rejoice" over the current situation.
Frye cited the decline in the pool of
high school seniors, the cost of higher
education, and high admission stan-
dards as factors which contributed to
the diminishing numbers of minority
students on campus.
BUT FRYE emphasized the Univer-
sity's successes in dealing with the
problem of too few minority students.
The University "is making con-
siderable progress in recruitment,"
Frye said.
The University has made con-
siderable gains in the retention of
minority students, according to the vice
president. He noted "the remarkable
improvement in the academic perfor-
mance" of minorities and said the drop-,
out rate has declined considerably,
compared to only four or five years ago.
Frye added he would like to see
future reports contain more of the
positive steps that the University has
taken to improve the status of campus
minorities and concentrate less on
GEORGE GOODMAN, director of the
Opportunity Program, a University-
wide counseling and academic support
system, said the University must ac-
tively recruit prospective high school
students well before their senior year.
"We have to look at students in 11th
grade, 10th grade, and junior high.
school," Goodman said. Many
"youngsters hear negative experiences
(about the University) in early, im-
pressionable years . . . one bad im-
pression lasts for many years," he said
Goodman said he thinks some of the
problems minority students encounter
at the University stem from a lack of
communication with faculty members.
HE ADDED that faculty members
"need to understand and appreciate
cultural differences" between minority
students and other students.
"The current status of financial aid
will be a problem in helping minority
enrollment," Goodman told the Regen-
ts. "If this institution can not "stay
competitive with respect to its financial
aid package, we will slip farther in our
ability to bring minority students to this
campus," he said.
Goodman urged the administration
and Regents to keep in mind the fact
that minority students, proportionally,
look more at the availability of finan-
cial aid than other students.
ALTHOUGH THE Opportunity
Program director encouraged the
University to "highlight its success
stories," Valerie Nims, an LSA junior,
said the University must "give a
realistic view to high school students."
And that would include many negative
experiences, according to Nims.
"Things are not as rosy as you may
think they are," Nims told the Regents.
She described a black student's
situation at the University as
"desperate" and called it "a matter of
survival" for them.
ON A RELATED subject, Regina
Hunter, a representative from the,
Council of Black Student Organizations,
repeated her plea for a black counselor
in the Office of Minority Student Ser-
She said the needs of black students
See REGENTS, Page 9
Fr ye
relates minority successes
Course Encounters
MICHIGAN STUDENT Assembly has released
a second "updated" edition of Course
Encounters, an LSA course and teacher
evaluation guide. The booklet, which was
probation listing of 26 professors who have consistently
received low evaluations. Fiarman expressed concern that
future issues of the course evaluation guide are jeapordized
by a lack of students committed to working on the project.
"There's so much that can be done, but we're barely able to}
retain the progress we have made so far," he said. Let's
hope for the best for Course Encounters of the third
_' T_ T..
The 13th
You may have made it through Friday the 13 without a
mishap, but today is the day you should really be wary of.
Today is the first day of spring, and the first time in
possibly 100 years that the vernal equinox coincides with a
full moon. And that means the superstitious will tread
especially lightly. "Friday the 13th is a superstition that
doesn't have much occult significance, in my opinion," says
bona fide occultist Richard Miller. "It doesn't have any
major energy to it. Seasonal changes are much more
White House. "We made out a requisition for that one," an
aide was quoted as saying. In addition to National Review.
the two aides asked for free copies from Newsweek, Human
Events,, Commentary, The Nation, The New Republic,,
Time and Forbes. The publisher of the business-oriented
Forbes, said he was happy to make a relatively small con-
tribution to the feds, as opposed to what he pays in cor-
porate and personal income taxes. But the publisher of The
Nation said he sent a bill for $17, the student rate, "since
they're in the learning business."