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January 11, 1981 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1981-01-11

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-One Years

t t

1E aiI

Cold again today with a
high near 20. The low will
near zero.

Vol. XCI, No. 87

Copyright 1981, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan, Sunday, January 11, 1981

Ten Cents

Ten Pages


Poles skip
want less I


From AP and UPI
WARSAW, Poland-Millions of
workers defied the government and
brought Poland's industry to a near
standstill yesterday by staying off the
job to inaugurate the Solidarity union's
unilateral declaration of a five-day, 40-
hour work week.
The official PAP news agency said
the majority of workers, "guided by
civic, responsibility," reported to their
jobs. But the agency acknowledged
most stayed home in the major in-
dustrial centers of Warsaw, Gdansk,
Koszalit2, Elblag, Walbrzych, Szczecin,
Lodz and Piotrkow.
SMALL.SHOPS, department stores
and offices in Warsaw and other cities
remained open along with transport
and other essential services.
PAP said some activist members of
the independent labor union Solidarity
"undertook to remove" workers who
showed up for the first shift in factories
in Lodz, Poland's second largest city.
"The slowed-down pace of work
Saturday will have its economic effec-
ts," PAP reported. "The economy will
undoubtedly feel the losses resulting
from a shutdown of some of the plants."
NO PRECISE figures were available
on how many workers joined the
protest. But if PAP's estimate that 65

percent of the crews reported for work,
then the number staying home could
have approached 6 million.
Labor Minister Janusz Obodowski
warned on the eve of the protest that
those who failed to show up yesterday
might be docked a day's pay. The
government has said Poland's
weakened economy cannot afford a
shortened workweek.
In Moscow on Friday, the Soviet
Union, in the official newspaper, Iz-
vestia, issued its sharpest attack so far
on Polish labor unrest, saying it was
caused by "counter-revolutionaries."
Saturdays began brewing in late
December when, the government an-
nounced it would give workers every
other Saturday off. In 1980, workers
received an average of one free Satur-
day a month.
Solidarity contends the government
promised, while negotiating an end to
nationwide strikes last August, to im-
plement a five-day, 40-hour workweek
this year.
Those strikes, which began in the
Baltic area over meat prices, resulted
in the ouster of Edward Gierek's
regime and the establishment of the fir-
st independent labor movement in the
Soviet bloc.

THE STRIKES crippled an already
beleaguered economy and continuing
labor unrest raised fears of a Soviet-led
military intervention like that of 1968 in
Czechoslovakia. U.S. intelligence
reported Soviet and Soviet bloc troops
massed near Poland's borders in -a
state of preparedness still in effect.
The strike-ending agreement, signed
Aug. 31 in Gdansk, set no deadline for
the new workweek to take effect. The
government said it would implement
the new schedule over a five-year
period to allow the economy to adjust to
the change.
The government has said it would
agree either to allow workers every
other Saturday off this year or to give
them every Saturday but with an extra
half hour added to each of the five
working days. Solidarity, which claims
some 10 million members, said either
plan would violate the terms of the
Gdansk agreement.
Next Saturday had already been
slated as a day off.
The Warsaw branch of Solidarity said
the Spolem food and restaurant
organization had declared Saturday a
"dry" day throughout Poland, with no
alcoholic drinks available, to guard
against possible violence.
No violent incidents were reported.

Doily Photo by DAVID HARRIS
CUSTOMERS OF Tanfastic, an Ann Arbor salon on Maple Road, get Florida tans in ultraviolet light booths disguised as
bamboo huts.
Floridat, minust
gene atedat lcal alon

Even in the dead of a Michigan winter there is a place
with clear blue water, sandy beaches, exotic trees, and
bamboo huts where someone can acquire a golden suntan.
The tropical surroundings are accomplished by a mural
of a sea and sand scene and creative interior decorating at
a place called Tanfastic, one of several area tanning
INSIDE INDIVIDUAL tanning booths disguised as
bamboo huts, customers )are exposed to ultraviolet rays
over a series of visits.
There are two types of tanning facilities at salons like
Tanfastic. One is a European Tanning Table on which the
customer rests horizontally. The customer rests on a.
"bed" containing lamps that emit ultraviolet rays. A
similar "bed" of lamps is above the customer. The lamps
emit long ultraviolet "A" rays, similar to the rays given
off by the afternoon sun.
The second type of tanning device is a booth which
resembles a shower stall with walls covered with reflec-
ting material. Six foot lamps run vertically along the
walls and are enclosed by safety screens. These booths
emit short ultraviolet "B" rays like those given off by the
sun at noon.
A typical customer might visit the salon 10 times over 12
days, at a cost of $24.
The time of exposure to the tanning rays is determined
for each customer.

"THE COMPANY HAS a computer tape which asks the
customers questions about their personal skin type and
things like that," explained Diana Kale, manager of Tan-
fastic which is located on Maple Road. "The computer
prints out a schedule that gives a stand-up time for the
booth and also a time for the table," she said.
Most of the people who use these facilities are middle-
aged couples. "We get a lot of husbands and wives. It's
something they can do together, it's relaxing and a lot of
them say it's great therapy," Kale said. "There are
probably more middle-aged people that come in than
others," said Kale.,
"Some of our customers were referred to us by their
doctors and radiologists," Kale said, for treatment of skin
problems. "It's the same treatment and it's cheaper than
a doctor's visit."
VIC TANNY, in Ypsilanti, also has tanning facilities.
"We mostly use them as toning facilities to replace small
amounts of vitamins in the skin," said Michael Brown, a
Vic Tanny employee.
"We mostly recommend them to members as
relaxation facilities, then over a long period of time
customers have the option of lengthening their exposure
time," he said.
Joseph Lech, a customer at Vic Tanny, said, "What they
have here heips you more to maintain a tan than to get or

Begin government
edges on collapse'

. .o.:.,

JERUSALEM (AP)-Prime Minister
Menachem Begin faces the probable
resignation of a Cabinet minister today,
almost certainly leading to collapse of
his tottering government. Israel Radio,
quoting Begin's closest aides, said
yesterday that he has decided to step
down if his government is further
The radio said elections would be held
in June, five months ahead of schedule.
Although he has survived previous
political crises, Begin this time was up
against a virtually irreconcilable
Cabinet split over the issue of teachers'
wages. Today's Cabinet meeting is the
deadline for a compromise.
vitz has vowed to quit if pay raises
recommended by an arbitration panel

are implemented. Without his support,
Begin will be left with a minority in the
Parliament, or Knesset.
If the pay hikes are rejected,
Education Minister Zevulun Hammer
is likely to quit in sympathy with the
educators, in which case Begin could
lose the backing of Hammer's National
Religious Party, a key partner in his
coalition. -
"It's . a question of principles," a
Begin adviser told The Associated
Press. "Neither minister can give in.
The end of this government is very
OPINION POLLS predict a solid vic-
tory. for the opposition Labor Party
over Begin's Likud bloc in an election,
See BEGIN, Page 5

lose cabinet minister

.. mayI

Mayoral candidates

sp eak up on issues

Belcher focuses on

taxes, development
By ELAINE RIDEOUT participation in street programs, planning for next
year's summer repertory festival, the energy
Pot holes and $5 pot fines have faded into history. So program, and joint development sessions as examples.
too, it seems, have the controversial issue-oriented BELCHER SAID one priority is city council's review
*.ampaigns of past city elections. of long-term land use plans as proposed in past zoning
Instead, 1981 Republicans and Democrats, incum- ordinances and by a current study, analyzing planning
bents and challengers alike, cite a variety ofless con- options for transitional and vacant land areas.
troversial "issues," and none can agree there is a "WE'D ALSO LIKE to streamline the planning
major issue, not to mention naming one. process without lowering any of our standards to try
WHILE HIS challenger Robert Faber sees crime and and get some of these things done within a reasonable
city-University relations as major 'issues' of the 1981 time span," he added.
mayoral election, two-term incumbent Louis Belcher Belcher said if re-elected he will try to keep the city
identifies taxes and city development as primary con- budget and operating millage to a minimum although
cerns. he said he "can't promise anything."
He said he does not consider crime an issue in Ann He pointed out that while the council reduced the
Arbor. "I was wondering what the Democrats would millage by 2.4 mills three years ago and .5 mills each
use for an issue," he observed with a chuckle. year since then, the state of the economy would make a
Belcher disagreed with Faber's position on matching reduction difficult this year.
city/University relations. The city has become more BELCHER SAID he is consulting other Michigan
involved with the University in the past year than it has mayors in an attempt to come up with "meaningful"
ever been before, he emphasized, citing University See MAYOR, Page 2

Faber calls for
strong initiative
While Mayor Louis Belcher is basing his April 6
reelection bid on his record and pointing to the
relatively good condition of the city, challenger
Robert Faber is not satisfied with the way the city
has been managed. The Democrat says stronger
leadership and more imagination are needed to
solve what he sees as major local problems.
"I think the issues in this election are leadership
and imagination," Faber said, clairning that when
the city government acts, it is only in response to
outside forces rather than on its own initiative.
"LOU BELCHER is not a bad man, but we can
do a lot we're not doing '(in the city)," Faber, the
chairman of the city Democratic committee, said.
"For instance, I can't stop rape, but organizations
like PIRGIM and the Women's Crisis.Center have
ideas, and they haven't been asked (by the city)

IWelche r Fabe r

... says city in good shape

wants citizen participation

See CITY, Page 2

New movie guide
HE PUBLISHER IS ecstatic.. . and claims the
public is equally thrilled. "The public reaction has
been so nicV. . . you feel like you're (providing)r
something everyone is using," said Tim Kunin,
the co-publisher of Sports Guides, Inc., an Ann Arbor
publishing firm. Kunin is excited about the first edition of
the Michigan Cinema Guide, which was distributed free
this week. The Guide condenses into one booklet all the
schedule rd c'risnina nf Annf Arhnr' nrn er film

first edition of the guide covers movies through the first
week in March, and Kunin says Sports Guides Inc. plans to
produce the schedule twice each -term. The guide is
available at most Ann Arbor bookstores and at all the Ann
Arbor film societies' showings. _
No uncertain terms
Everyone reaches an age at which it's time to leave the
nest, but for those who choose not to face that situation,
there is the alternative of continued co-habitation with good
old Ma and Pa. But what if the old folks are tired of having
iunior rrnnr9One nounle in Cpnterville wan't ahnt to

made a prediction about Kenny's future at the house, but
one might say the handwriting's on the lawn. F7
Wayward withdrawal
What do you do when you're poor and desperate? You try
to rob a bank. What do you do when you're mixed-up? You
try to rob a bank but end up in the wrong venue. Shelton
Kirkman was apparently in the latter category Thursday.
Sophie Wisowaty thought Kirkman was joking when he
walked into the headquarters of the Niagara Mohawk
Power Corp. in Syracuse, N.Y. and announced a bank
holdup. After Kirkman made his announcement security

behind these days, one designer is simply trying to get
someithing on the rears of hospital patients. The new "rear
modesty panel" on hospital gowns allows patients to rest
and recuperate without baring their bottoms, unlike
traditional hospital gowns. The new design is currently in
use in Louisville and Los Angeles, and if the reaction is
good, the manufacturers say, the new gowns will be sold to
hospitals around the country. "Our challenge was to keep
the back closed but yet keep it functional. We developed the
idea of a deep pleat held by snaps at the neck line," said
designer Stan Herman. Herman has also designed outfits
for McDonald's, TWA, United Airline, and Avis. With his
ltoct Pfnrz i is nlkr-m at hill hn --- of h i;


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