Ninety-One Years Off Editorial Freedom E Mfit tian 1 IaIQ ON WARD increasing cloudiness, and warmer today with a high in the mid 50s. *ol. XCJ, No. 133 Copyright 1981, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, March 15, 1981 Ten Cents Ten Pages U FCC. to investigate WCBN' activities 4 By SUE INGLIS The Federal Communications Commission is investigating WCBN-FM, the University's student-run, non-commercial radio station. The federal inquiry is in response to charges filed by six former and current employees who claim the campus radio station has violated a number of FCC regulations. THE LETTER OF complaint-filed on Jan. 11-alleges the following: " The radio station has maintained an illegal relationship with local concert promoter Eclilpse Jazz; " Disc jockeys have repeatedly broadcast obscene material; m The station illegally broadcasts news from the ABC newsline; and,- " WCBN announcers have not always been properly licen- sed. WCBN General Manager Eugene Lisansky called the letter of complaint "fabrication and outright falsehood." "I DON'T EXPECT thre to be any problems formulating answers to the inquiry," Lisansky said. "There might have been some areas where we've been in ignorance of the laws, but we've tried to correct that as an ongoing thing," he ex- plained. Lisansky said he would not comment on specific charges because he did not want to affect the outcome of the case. The FCC is making "rather extensive inquiries," accor- ding to Stephen Sewell, assistant chief of the Complaints and Compliance Division of the FCC's broadcast bureau. Sewell said the FCC receives and reviews more than 100,000 com- plaints each year. IF THE RADIO station is found in violation of FCC regulations, Sewell said, the commission could exercise a number of options, including: " a "slap on the wrist" telling the station to correct areas of misconduct; e a fine; " renewal of WCBN's broadcast license for fewer than the standard three years; and, " a hearing to determine whether the station should lose its license. Sewell said the last option is. rarely exercised. In response to one of the charges against the station, Sewell wrote the complainants, "As deplorable as certain offensive broadcast remarks may be to some persons, they are not n essarily actionable under the law." However, Sewell said, the FCC will attempt to determine whether the Regents, as licensees, are exercising the proper authority at the radio station. The commission will also in- vestigate what steps have been taken to insulate announcers who work for concert promoters from a conflict of interest, and will check whether WCBN holds a contract with ABC News. THE COMPLAINANTS allege that WCBN regularly broadcasts news from an ABC news feedline. WAAM is the area's ABC-affiliated station and receives the feedline, but WAAM Program Director Doug Hamilton said there is no agreement between ABC-News, WAAM and WCBN which gives the campus station the right to use ABC broadcasts from WAAM. However, Hamilton added, while picking up newscasts off the air and broadcasting them is illegal, "it is a pretty har- See FCC, Page 5 Daily Photo by TRACY CRAWFORD Film prompts pickets Women Law Student Association members protest the showing of the movie, "Dressed to Kill," shown last night by the Ann Arbor Film Co-op. The group opposed the film's suggestion that women want to be raped. Suicide: A macabre success By PAMELA KRAMER Mary, a University student, told each of her five housemates individually that she was thinking of killing herself, and *she asked each not to tell anyone. They respected her wishes, and each one thought that none of the others knew about the problem. Several weeks later, Mary hanged herself in her basement. One of the most popular myths surrounding suicide is that people who threaten will not actually go through with it. "THAT' TJUST NOT true," said Er- nest Rosemond, a peer counselor at 76- GUIDE and founder of Students Con- cerned about Suicide. "Most people who commit suicide have told someone that they were thinking about it. That's a cry for-help." Suicide is the second most common cause of death for people between 15 and 24 years old, and more college students commit suicide than non- college people of the same age. Fifteen out of every 100,000 college students kill themselves, according to Rosemond. 1 In 1980 there was one successful suicide and four attempts by University students on campus, according to an of- ficial of the University Department of Safety. BUT THAT department does not have figures for attempted and successful student suicides that occur off-campus. Rosemond said that two years ago he knew of seven, suicides that had hap- pened within one year, but since then he has stopped keeping records. PEACE (Psychiatric Emergency Assistance Coordination Effort) is currently working on collecting reports of attem- pted and successful student suicides to help guide the University's treatment of the problem. students at a university with the reputation of the University of Michigan are "together enough to handle the stress of a competitive at- mosphere; they aren't the "type" to kill themselves. But there is no "type" of person who is more likely to commit suicide-than someone else, Rosemond said. "I've had undergraduates with problems, that never appeared suicidal," agreed Stuart McDougal;- 'It would be assumed that academics are the major cause of college suicides, but some studies have found that it is lack of emotional in- volvement.' -Ernest Rosemond, 76-G UIDE peer counselor "Students are very grade- conscious," said Paul Panadero, a teaching assistant in the Spanish depar- tment. "I do feel pressure from them. They can get very emotional, but we just sit down and discuss it." Rosemond said faculty and residence hall staff should watch for signs of suicidal potential. These include sud- den neglect of school work, unusual disregard for personal health and cleanliness, and repeated talk of-death, he said. People who kill themselves usually go through five stages. The first is called ideation-a person is considering the possibility of committing suicide. Then, there may be threats to friends, or comments like "I won't see another Christmas. NEXT, A GESTURE may be made. "This can be anything fromtaking four aspirin to ,lightly cutting yourself with a pencil," Rosemond explained, adding that the difference between a gesture and the next stage, the attempt, is that the attempt is intended to be lethal. The final stage, he said, is called the "success." "Intervention should not be seen as an invasion of privacy, but an act of caring," he said. "Talking to someone See STRESS, Page 2 "It would be assumed that academics are the major cause of college suicides, but some studies have found that it is lack of emotional involvement," Rosemond said. "But each case is in- dividual. There are economic reasons, personal problems, and parental pressures, also." A COMMON assumption is that associate professor of English. "But then, I had an acquaintance in college who committed suicide, and I wouldn't have called him suicidal, either." STUDENTS attending a workshop on college suicide yesterday said the pressure of knowing their parentsare paying $7,000 for their education can cause severe feelings of anxiety. To aVoid gallows, U.S. must. "l AP Photo A PAKISTAN INTERNATIONAL Airlines jet arrives in Aleppo Syria, with freed Pakistani prisoners and Pakistani officials yesterday. The prisoners were freed in accordance with demands of hijackers holding hostages in a jetliner parked at Damascus International Airport. Pakistani hijackers hand over hostages *mend its ways, B By MARK GINDIN The cure for America's economic and domestic problems is long-term institutional change, reaching as far as the Con- stitution. It's not a simple solution, and the process will be painful. But the' country is approaching the gallows and has no alternatives THAT'S THE VERDICT former Secretary of the Treasury Michael Blumenthal voiced to more than 50 students at AIESEC's spring regional conference yesterday. "If you look at the numbers," he said, "you will see that real growth of domestic production has been declining since 1960 and even 1950." Since our current problems have their origin in history, Blumenthal said, the country must realize that a long-term plan is essential to prevent future (collap- se. The government would be a good place to start making iumentnai says, some necessary changes, Blumenthal said. One six-year term for the president and a three- or four-year term for representatives would eliminate the year-round cam- paigning by public officials. PRIVATE ENTERPRISE is not exempt among in- stitutions needing changes, Blumenthal said. Multi-year company plans and better management-labor relations are needed to increase productivity in the private sector, Blumenthal said, citing the success of Chrysler's new board member, United Auto Workers President Douglas Fraser. Fighting about "who gets the biggest piece of the pie" is overshadowing the actual production of the pie, Blumenthal said. If we worked together to make a bigger pie first, he ex- plained, we could later decide who gets which piece. President Regan has reached many people with the recognition of the need for a larger pie, and "he should be See BLUMENTHAL, Page 5 From AP and UPI DAMASCUS, Syria - Three Pakistani hijackers surrendered Saturday after 13 days and released more than 100 hostages when a planeload of freed Pakistani prisoners arrived here after an odyssey around the, Mediterranean. The hostages, -freed from history's second-longest case of air piracy, were taken to a nearby military hospital. The sudden end to what was also one of the most bizarre hijackings on record came at 4:15 EST, shortly before the arrival of a second plane carrying 54 political prisoners freed by Pakistan in exchange for the hostages, who included three Americans. Officials said the hostages all ap- peared to be in good condition. They left the plane one by one, a few crying, some still in a daze but most wearing a smile that had been saved up for 13 terrifying days. THE PRISONERS came to Syria shortly before midnight local time after Libya, reneging onan earlier agreement to give them asylum, an- nounced it would not accept them when their aircraft was 30 minutes away from the Libyan capital of Tripoli. Libya's official JANA news agen- See HIJACKERS, Page 5 Blumenthal ... says institutional change warranted i ToDAY- Unrequited love OTORCITY MAD MAN Ted Nugent had something to be mad about Thursday night. While the rock and roll singer was performing M at Kalamazoo's Wings Stadium, vandals were ripping a hood ornament off his 1975 Bronco and etching their initials on the truck with their fingers. Several teen- t but he'll probably just grin and bear it. On Wednesday, Patrolman David Franck rescued an 11-inch teddy bear from a South San Francisco highway where it was disrup- ting traffic as animal lovers swerved to avoid it. But in- stead of reporting the rescue to his superiors, Franck took home the road-worn teddy and cleaned it. For that, the patrolman received a mild reprimand, which will go on his record. The rescued bear, which was moved from Franck's residence to the Highway Patrol's found property room, has yet to be claimed. It doesn't pay to be a good Samaritan anymore. EQ Oldenburg's interpretation of one. The flashlight/monument will be installed on the University of Nevada-Las Vegas campus this week. The sculpture arrived Tuesday after traveling 4,500 miles from Olden- burg's studio in New Haven, Conn. The flashlight will be in- stalled in a mall area between the Judy Bayley Theatre and Artemus Ham Concert Hall at UNLV. It was paid for through a private grant and a matching grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. Michiganders shouldn't be too concerned about this one-upmanship, though. After all, Detroit's sculpture-the world's largest assistance, but when none arrived right away, he got in his car and pulled up by the fleeing felon. "He opened the door and when he looked inside and recognized me, I said Hi, Ivory, you're under arrest,' " Kelly said. Kelly said the disgruntled hitchhiker "just swore and got in. I just couldn't believe it. He was just standing out there on the street." Taylor was transferred to the county jail and was to appear on a bench warrant issued when he failed to return to court following a lunch break Monday. ~ ~1-------- .I i i