OPINION Page 4 Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan '0 Saturday, March 14, 1981 The Michigan Daily NewRight moralists threaten to curb individual freedom Vol. XCI, No. 132 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board A step closer to a student voice in 'U' U NIVERSITY President Harold Shapiro and Vice President for Academic Affairs Bill Frye, through their attendance and participation in Thursday night's public forum, have shown their willingness to listen to student and faculty input in the budget- cutting process. It is encouraging that after Thursday night's meeting, at which the University administration's "smaller and better" approach was harshly criticized, Shapiro said he supported such an open exchange of ideas and even suggested that the University should have sponsored the event. The fact that Shapiro and Frye par- ticipated in a critical discussion of the University administration's handling of the fiscal crisis shows they are at least willing to listen. And this recep- tivity can be the first real step toward a truly meaningful student voice in the budget cut decision-making. Thursday night's forum was spon- sored by the It's Our University group, a student-faculty coalition that is critical of the University's "smaller and better" approach to budget cuts. Their efforts to organize students and faculty members and provide a forum where the financial crisis can be carefully examined and analyzed should be commended. budget cuts Thus far, attempts to bring together students and faculty for an intelligent discussion have been scarce. But, the meeting last night can serve as an example of the kind of effective ex- change that can lead to a real student voice in administrative decision- making. The responsible participation of students, faculty members, and ad- ministrators in the IOU forum has laid the foundation for a more active student role in the budget cutting process. For students to have a truly meaningful voice in the decisions that will shape their education, they must be allowed to play a part in the ad- ministration's program reviews. This means a great deal more than simply being allowed to speak during a time set aside for public comments. It means having access to the same vital information that administrators have; it means having a binding voice-a vote-in decision-making.. Students who participated in Thur- sday night's public meeting have proven they have the ability to play a responsible role in the decisions that will chart the future course of their University. It's now up to the ad- ministration to follow through on this initiative. By Rik Radner A few weeks ago, 50,000 anti- abortionists marched on Washington, D.C. At their rally, prominent Congressmen courted support by calling for a con- stitutional amendment banning abortion. Later in the day, President Reagan met with representatives of this group. When those in favor of abortion asked for equal time, he refused to meet with them, clearly showing which side of the issue he supports. The reason these anti-abortion people got such respect from the new government is that many of- ficials believe they owe their political livelihoods to this New Right. This group has now come to collect on their outstanding bills. Abortion is not an isolated issue but is merely the first of a long line of demands on which the New Right wants action, ultimately striving for legislation that will force their beliefs on the rest of the country, If unopposed, these people will have few problems getting Congress to pass legislation supporting their views. YET, DO these people have the support of the country, giving them the authority to dictate policy for the rest of us? Statistics show that these people and their conservative views are not necessarily in the majority; they are just very vocal, well-organized, and ex- tremely well-funded. For instance, concerning the abortion issue, statistics state that a clear majority of the population favors allowing the woman to make her own choices concerning her own body. The problem for the pro-choicers is that those in favor of freedoms are not as well organized. They do not necessarily per- ceive an actual threat to their freedoms, their past successes having lulled them into com- placency. This group is also splintered into many factions organized along other issues such ANTI-ABORTION DEMONSTRATORS march down Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington last January. The demonstrators marched from the Capitol to the White House where President Reagan. as politics or economics which of- ten times set the groups up as rivals (note the factionalism of the Democratic party). THE THREAT TO our freedoms is real and goes much deeper than simply a particular belief. If given a free hand, the New Right and its cohorts in our legislatures will change the whole fiber of American society. The New Right sees as its enemies the very concepts that have made this the most advan- ced society in the world history. Without our beliefs in the per- sonal integrity of each individual - and the right of each to freedom of thought and action, society would have floundered. The great ideas that built modern society would have been quelled before having had the chance to affect it. For instance, our release from traditional religious beliefs concerning the Earth's importance to God has allowed scientists to look at the universe with a different per- spective, leading to our recent representatives then met with explorations of Jupiter and Saturn. IRONICALLY, the media forms the New Right has mastered so effec- tively and which brought it to prominence were the direct result of an environment recep- tive to new ideas. If not for an open society, these media forms may never have come into existence. THE NEW RIGHT perceives these concepts of freedom which allow the individual to create his or her own values, as its enemies because they blame these con- cepts for certain excesses in our society and also for the loss in importance of the family. Analogous to this is their idea that propounders of personal freedom have no morals and con- done wanton behavior. The correlation does not follow. Those who do not believe in forcing one's values on another may have a strong value system. They may behave as they want others to treat them as they believe them- selves to be a model for those in their environment. In any event; because one does not prescribe to traditional religious beliefs does not mean that one lacks morals. The New Right poses a par- ticular threat to this acadeic. community, one in which free thought has flourished. Given t power, these people will dictatq what can be taught, how and with~ what materials it can be taught, and who can teach. This is pota- tially devastating as the ideas that create the future of society often emanate from academia. A STIFLING OF diverse ideas here may create a generation of people trying to solve com- plicated problems with only one perspective. In grammar school, dictated thought is even more threatening because a child's mind may never have the chance to have different outlooks. As the world becomes more complex our societymust not be glued to a set of archaic ideas unable to cope with difficult problems. The power and influence of the New Right must be halted before it can take a deep root in society. The new administration was not - put into power only by a group of fanatical, Bible-wielding conser- vatives. Many of Reagan's votes came from people disenchanted with the Democrat's economic policies. The administration also has a debteto these people and a duty to protect the rights and freedoms of all individuals. As these freedoms transcend the lines of political and economic 'philosophies, a broad spectrum of individuals must speak out by supporting pro-freedom groups. We must protect individual freedoms today not just for our personal happiness but also for the future bf American society or risk a return to the Middle Ages. Rik Radner is a senior in the University 'sSchool of Business. President must dismiss senseless draft proposal IT LOOKS LIKE the Pentagon is out to pull men into the military whether they are needed or not. A Pen- tagon advisory boardshas proposed reviving the draft for six months-af- ter which time men could decide whether to continue in active duty or join the reserve. Pentagon officials claim the move is necessary because of the declining in- terest in the military as a career. However, this seems a futile argument at a time when both President Reagan and former President Jimmy Carter have increased pay for full time military personnel-a move that should aid in recruitment. A further problem with this proposal is that it discriminates against women. If the Pentagon is so insistent on having people ready to defend the country, women should be included as well as men. I However, the most obvious objection to this proposal is that it calls for a draft during peacetime. Given the per- vasive hawkish atmosphere in Washington, such a move may work as an incentive to initiate military action. Under no circumstances should the United States be thrust into a situation conducive to unnecessary military in- volvement. President Reagan has said he is op- posed to peace time draft registration. Hopefully, the president will follow through on his claim and quash this outlandish proposal. LETTERS TO THE DAILY: Reagan cuts endanger University To the Daily: This letter is written to inform members of the University com- munity about certain elements of the proposed federal budget cuts presented to Congress Tuesday, and the impact they will have if they are allowed to pass. The Reagan administration has proposed cutting the budgets of the National Endowment for the Arts and National Endowment for the Humanities by roughly 50 percent. It is asking for a similar cut in the social science portion of the budget of the National Scien- ce Foundation and is proposing to phase out entirely the National Institute of Mental Health and most of its research activities within the next several years. At present, these four agencies are crucial sources of support for the arts, humanities, and social sciences in the United States. The proposed cuts in their budgets are extreme; the expected effec- ts can be accurately described as "crippling." They will mean that the agencies will simply not be able to do their jobs. This will raise the prospect of widespread collapse among artistic, academic, and scientific en- deavors in this country. Perhaps the most severe effec- ts of these developments will be those felt within University community. For instance, the training grants that fund many graduate education programs in the social sciences, and the research grants that provide a large proportion of the financial resources of many faculty mem- bers, come from NSF and NIMH. These facts, combined with the proposed cutbacks in student aid programs, mean that graduate study will simply become im- possible for the great majority of qualified students in the social sciences. This is only one exam- ple; similar scenarios can be en- visioned for anyone included in the 69.9 percent of all students in LSA who are majoring in areas targeted by the budget cuts - economics, political science, history, philosophy, psychology, anthropology, English, the arts, languages, and many others. While the financial issue here is clearly crucial for many Americans, the ideological issue is even greater for the nation at large. The total yearly federal budgets for the arts, humanities, and social sciences form a very small part of the national budget. The money saved by the proposed cuts would not even pay for the renovation of one of the World War II battleships the Reagan administration is con- sidering returning to active duty. The price of these savings will be a nation's abandonment of a large portion of its cultural and intellectual tradition. Not only will these devastating cuts result in minimal savings, but they are also easily avoidable. For example, in the proposed NSF budget, social sciences are cut by 60 percent while natural sciences are cut by 10 percent. If natural sciences were cut by eleven percent in- stead, the cut for social sciences could be reduced to eleven per- cent also, while saving the same amount of money. The message is clear: the Reagan administration intends to cast adrift the artists, scholars, and social scientists. The major options for those hoping to make careers in the areas targeted are threefold: prepare for unem- ployment, enter a field directly concerned with national defense, or protest the plan the president has for them. Congress will be making decisions on the budget during the next few months. They must be alerted to its implications. We are all writing our congressional representatives and we seriously urge you to do the same, even if you have never done so before (as is the case with most of us). This time it is your very own future that is at stake. -Mark A. Archer; John Bargh; Steven D. Cardoze; Geoffrey T. Fonf Nancy Genero. Enid Grube.r; Christopher A. Jepsop; Darrin Lehman; Elizabeth A. Lopiz; John T. Marquz; James Friedrich. Frank P. Martin; Jon K. Matsuokh; Wayne R. McCullough; Kerth O'Brien; Linda S. Perloff. Paula Pietromonaco; Jaclyn Rodriguez; Jeanne M. Smith; Laura Stephens; Aloen Townsend; James J. Widgeon. -March11 VE BEEN f :0 TE (IIIM?!j -..m, % Witt's skewed logic To the Daily: . Referring to "Witticisms" on creationists, (Daily, March 10) Howard Witt is missing the entire point of his own argument. He says fundamentalists want "religious mythology" to be sometimes start out with the wrong assumptions. Take, for example, the ancient idea that the planets, the sun, and the stars revolved around the earth. There exist certain physical facts, but at that time they were L...J0 I .m I