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March 14, 1981 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1981-03-14

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Ninety-One Years
Edtra Freedom



Partly cloudy, highs in the
low 40s.

.Vol. XCI, No. 132

Copyright 1981, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, March 14, 1981

Ten Cents

Eight Pages


Don't count on a loan next school year

University students counting on Guaranteed
Student Loans to finance their 1981-82 school year
may have to look elsewhere if President Reagan's
student loan cutback proposals are enacted.
The Reagan administration wants students to
start paying the 9 percent interest on their GSLs
as soon as they receive the loan. Currently, the
federal government subsidizes GSL interest rates
until after students graduate.
IF , CONGRESS passes Reagan's
proposal-which could happen within the mon-
th-student finances, patterns of enrollment, and
University revenues will be adversely affected,
financial aid officials said.
Banks, credit unions, and other commercial
lending institutions might not want to provide
GSLs if the government no longer subsidizes the
interest rate, University Senior Financial Aid Of-
ficer Carol Raphael said yesterday.

"I suspect a ot of lenders will have to pull out,"
Raphael said, predicting a vast increase in
paperwork and other complications as reasons
why banks would stop sponsoring student loans.
OFFICIALS FROM Manufacturers National
Bank of Detroit and First Federal Savings and
Loan Associatiion of Detroit declined to comment
on possible changes in their loan policies. It is too
early to tell how Reagan administration plans
would affect the availability of student loans, they
Financial aid to University students could be cut
anywhere from $3 million to $33 million if
Reagan's proposed cuts materialize, said Univer-
sity Financial Aid Director Harvey Grotrian.
To handle the revenue losses, Grotrian
speculated, the University might have to rely
more heavily on its reserves and possibly im-
plement further program cutbacks.

- "IT DOESN'T APPEAR the state will relieve
(us)," Grotrian said.
Students from low-income families and out-of-
state students will be hardest hit by the financial
aid cuts, he said.
"This would affect the diversity of the Univer-
sity," said Grotrian. And less diversity would
cause the educational quality of the whole Univer-
sity to suffer, he added.
GROTRIAN SAID without financial aid some
students will have to come up with the money they
need on their own. More parents will probably
have to pay the full amount of a student's
education, and more students will likely be forced
to obtain jobs during the academic year, he said.
Raphael predicted that students would seek
loans through Michigan's State Direct Student
Loan Program if GSLs became unobtainable.
However, the state program, which finances

students whose applications have been rejected by
the commercial institutions, is grappling with its
own funding crisis.
Last November, state education authorities
placed a 90-day suspension on acceptance of
student loan applications for spring and summer
A state-wide increase in applications, coupled
with soaring interest rates, has made it more dif-
ficult to sell bonds necessary to fund state student
loans, State DSLP Director John Hoejke said at
the time the freeze was instituted.
According to Raphael, the state is still having
problems selling bonds, and she said she suspects
"we'll be lucky if they open the program back up
by September."
Daily reporter Charles Thomson also
contributed to this story.

Many University
students, especially
those from out-of-state
and low-income
families, will be forced
to find other ways
to finance their
educations if Reagan
proposals to cut
financial aid are

~1 if

at MSU
budget cut
anguished students' and faculty mem-
bers at Michigan State University at-
tended a public hearing, yesterday to
protest proposed budget cuts and heap
abuse on their author, MSU President
Cecil Mackey.
Mackey-a subject of controversy
since he took over MSU in 1979-has
come under increased fire since
proposing elimination of the univer-
sity's nursing unit and two residential
college programs as part of a scheme to
pare $19 million from the university's
deficit-plagued budget.
MACKEY'S PLAN-which has
triggered almost daily protest marches
on Michigan's largest university cam-
pus-will go to the MSU Board of
Trustees March 26. Yesterday's
meeting was the last chance for public
input on the unpopular proposals based
on recommendations from advisory
Mackey sat silently in the cavernous
MSU Auditorium with eyes averted
while a parade of students and instruc-
tors from threatened schools-many
carrying placards-denounced the cuts
for more than four hours under the wat-
chful eyes of campus security guards.
Several students accused the
president of what they called "Mackey-
avellian tactics" and said his ad-
ministration is "destroying the univer-
"YOU'RE destroying all the
programs here at MSU. You're
destroying the integrity ,of this univer-
sity," said Gary Swanson, junior from
Bloomfield Hills.
"You've been sitting up there like a
robot," Swanson said of Mackey. "This
is pointless."
Comments centered on issues such as
tenure for professors, procedures used
in making the cuts, accreditation and
the alleged lack of other programs in
the state to replace those being cut.
"Is our situation so grim that the
quality of education must be trampled
underfoot?" asked Steven Troost, a
junior from Bloomfield Hills.

Pentagon board
proposes new



WASHINGTON (AP) - A Pentagon
advisory board has proposed reviving
the draft in a new "try it before you buy
it" form giving youths a six-month-long
taste of military life before making
them choose between longer active or
reserve service.
The prop'sal was advanced by the
Reserve Forces Policy Board as a way
of solving a chronic lack of trained
manpower available in the event of
mobilization. The board's chairman,
Louis J. Conti, told Congress the Reser-
ve and National Guard still fall short in
HIS REPORT given to Congress this
week indicated the board primarily is
thinking of drafting young men, but at
one point he left open the possibility of
drafing women, "if mandated by,
As proposed by the board, youths
would be obliged to serve six months on
active duty, starting - with "military
orientation" lasting three to four
weeks, followed by basic and advanced
individual training.
After orientation, the draftee would
be given the option of choosing active
duty of at least three years in the ser-
vice of his choice, enrollment in a
Ready Reserve unit or in the Individual
Ready Reserve of the Army or Marine
THE INDIVIDUAL Ready Reserve is
the manpower pool from which active,

reserve and National Guard units are
reinforced in a crisis and from which
casualty replacements are drawn in the
early months of a war.
Young people who chose active ser-
vice would become eligible for full
veterans' benefits after a three-year
hitch. They would have to serve three
more years in either Ready Reserve
units or in the manpower pool.

place now."
The board serves as a principal
policy adviser to the secretary of defen-
se "on matters relating to the reserve
components." It includes senior of-
ficers in the reserve forces and on ac-
tive duty as well as civil officials.
Defense Secretary Caspar Wein-
berger and President Reagan both have
voiced strong opposition to reviving the

"Registration has been a significant step in the
right direction; (but) some -hard -but necessary
decisions about the Selective Service system remain
to be made."
Louis Conti
Chairman, Reserve Forces Policy Board

Doily Photo by JACKIE BELL
.initiation recipe
New members of the Vulcans, the engineering college's secret society, were
initiated in a cermony Thursday night and early yesterday morning. A por-
tion of the ritual took place near the Vulcans' anvil, located near the
Engineering Arch on the edge of the Diag. The anvil is covered with shaving
cream, mouthwash, and after shave. See story, Page 3.

Those who chose the reserves after
the six months of active duty wodld be,
required to spend an additional 7/z
years with a reserve unit or 9 years in
the manpower pool.
THE BOARD recommended changes
in the existing registration laws to
require classification, which is not now
carried out, and to move toward
establishment of local draft boards to
"enable the deferment process to take

draft and have indicated misgivings
about peacetime registration which
began last year on orders of former
President Jimmy Carter.
Conti said the board "feels that
registration has been a significant step
in the right direction" but "some hard
but necessary decisions about the
Selective Service system remain to be

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bad ha bits in
psych, course

LSA senior Karla Hall was the victim of a problem faced by
many University students: her social life was taking
precedence over her academic life.
"My problem was I would always accept a date even
knowing I had work to do," explained Hall.
BUT INSTEAD OF allowing her popularity to lead to
plummeting grades, psychology and journalism major Hall
improved her study habits, increased the amount of time she
studies, and made her boyfriends more interested in her
homework-all with the help of a "self-change project" in
her psychology class.
The class, Introduction to Behavior Modification
(Psychology 474), requires that each student design a
behavior modification plan, called a self-change project,, to
attach such common quirks and foibles as overeating,
smoking, and fear of exercising.
The project lets students apply principles taught in the
class to their own lives. The course is required for psychology
concentration, but is elected primarily by non-psychology
"ONCE YOU'VE examined your behavior and recognized

the stimuli in which it occurs, you're in a position to do
something about it," said Psychology Prof. James Papsdorf,
the course's instructor.
To modify their undesired behavior, students first record
how often the behavior is repeated. Factors which affect the
behavior-such as location, situation, and people who help
provoke the undesired behavior-are also noted.
Students then keep daily charts of their behavior. Positive
decreases, for projects such as reducing smoking or
overeating, are recorded as are positive increases for
behavior such as becoming more verbally assertive.
WHEN THEY SUCCEED, participants reward them-
selves. Typical rewards include attending social events,
buying clothes or records, or eating candy.e,
But a good grade in the course is never the ultimate
reward. Instead, students are graded on how well they apply
the principles taught in the plass.
STUDENTS CAN USE many different techniques to com-
bat their undesired behavior. Pep talks, for instance, are
helpful in fighting anxiety situations, Paspdorf said.
A student with test anxiety can modify his or her habitual
See STUDENTS, Page 8

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Identity crisis
CASE OF MISTAKEN identity can pose a real
problem-especially when one is running for
mayor. In a letter to the editor of The Ann Arbor
News recently, mayoral candidate Robert Faber
complained that many of the people he has met while cam-
paigning have confused him with another-namely News
columnist Don Faber. "I was hoping that when Don Faber.
... shaved his mustache the problem of identification would

through just fine. A grand old lady." Wouldn't a large dose

psychological paralysis that, stills my tongue. I don't ac-
tually take credit, but I simply smile wanly and wander off,
hoping no one will ever put this prescient person wise."
Faber, owner of Faber's Fabrics store, said he hopes he is
not "doomed to go through political life being falsely
praised and condemned." So what's in a name, anyway? ED
Heavy operation
Before dentist Pete Emily could perform his latest root-
..... in a -c. -tin ...ar ciw mn}ilioni t ... tttt ..;1M .

through just fine. A grand old lady." Wouldn't a large dose
of laughing gas have made it easier? Ql
Newark Police Detective David Martinez was driving to
the scene of a burglary when he gazed out the window and
spotted his own personal car which had been stolen for two
days. "He knew it was his because even the license plates
were the same," said Lt. Armondo Fontoura, a department
spokesman. Martinez pursued the 1976 Chevrolet for four
blocks and stopped it, but the two young men in the car
Pe.nnpiA r in tnva ,vmtnit. rmnx _ Fnnnura said Mar-

from the top floor of a residence hall, plopped on the roof of
a nearby car, causing $150 damage, campus security of-
ficials said. Linda Cone, who owned the auto which absor-
bed the blow, said she was just cruising along, and then
pulled over to drop off a friend when the ballons splashed
onto the roof. She probably never thought a little water
could cause that much damage. Happy landing; and keep
an eye on the sky, Linda.
On thinsuie




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