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March 11, 1981 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1981-03-11

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Ninety-One Years
Editorial Freedom


lilt 43v


Partly cloudy, high in the
low 40s. -

-Vol. XCI, No. 129

Copyright 1981, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, March 11, 1981

Ten Cents

Ten Pages





protest cuts

Daily Photo by JOHN HAGEN
ROBERT BUTSCH, Director of University Exhibit Museums, displays a partially completed diorama to be used to help
display the wonders of science through an artistic medium. Butsch has spent 35 years creating the miniature models,
which tan be seen in the University's Natural History Museum.
Indian history brought
,to roo life truhpo' hnd

Special to the Daily
EAST LANSING-More than 500
Michigan State University students and
faculty members waved signs and
chanted "No more cuts!" yesterday to
protest MSU President Cecil Mackey's
$16.5 million budget-slashing proposals
released Monday.
To help head off MSU's expected $30
million shortfall for the next academic
year, Mackey's report proposed
eliminating the colleges of Nursing,
Urban Development, two small
residential colleges, and the Depar-
tment of Urban Planning and Architec-
"WE'VE GOT TO stand together and
keep the administration from
destroying us," shouted a Save Our
Campus Coalition speaker while other
members circulated petitions opposing
Mackey's recommendations.
The petition, which calls for a state
auditor general's investigation of the
president's report, will be presented to
the MSU Board of Trustees before they
vote on Mackey's recommendations
later this month.
Administrators at The University of
Michigan have been grappling with
similar financial problems this year. In
their attempt to carve $11 million from
the University's 1980-81 budget, ad-
ministrators have proposed cutbacks in
such areas as the Department of
Geography, the Extension Service,
Recreational Sports, and Michigan
HOWEVER, MSU officials have been
forced to take more drastic measures to
solve their fiscal crisis, said MSU Prof.
Gerald Miller, spokesman and liaison
for the president's Select Advisory
A three percent decrease'in 1980-81
state appropriations combined with
high, inflation .and a :worsenin state.

economy led to the Trustees' decision to
declare MSU in a financial crisis last
month, Mackey's report stated.
Ten faculty members, selected by
Mackey from a list of 18, made up the
president's Select Advisory Committee
which worked to compile a list of
budget priorities and suggested cut-

vague administration rationale for
budget decisions flew across campus.
Officials from the College of Nursing
cited a state-wide, shortage of nurses,
the school's excellent placement
record, and tle difficulty nursing
students would have in transferring as
reasons to spare the school.
Barb Given said the select committee's
decision, which she described as biased
and irrational, proved that the MSU
administration "has no conception of
what nursing is."
According to Given, Prof. Miller told
a group of nursing faculty, "Nurses
who can think and problem-solve are
not needed as much as bed-pan dum-
However, Miller said his remark was
made merely as an example of what
outside people might think, and was not
representative of his opinion. He said '
he was irritated by the misunderstan-
ACKNOWLEDGING the current ten-
sion and resentful feelings across cam-
pus, Miller said he hoped that in two or
three' years, the administration's
"painful budget decisions" will be seen
as worthwhile.
Yesterday, however, students and
faculty members waving signs such as
"Stop Mackey-Avelian tactics" and
"Mackey for Fuehrer" reactpd
strongly to the President's latest
S"They're killing us in there!" shouted
Henry Matthei, a student represen-
tative on the Academic Council, whose
afternoon meeting many protestors at-
"WE JUST FOUND out yesterday
that the landscape and architecture
department is going to be totally can-
celled," a student told the crowd of
See MACKEY'S, Page 7

By JANE NEIDHARDT, tifacts, amounting to what may initially1
In an office resembling a unique appear to be no more than mere junk. ,
cross between an artist's studio, a BUT, FOR BUTSCH, this "junk"
biologist's laboratory and a historian's takes on a new dimension. When placed
library, Dr. Robert Bustch, director of on a miniature scale, the right twig can
the University's Exhibit Museum, can become a tree,. and a pebble can turn
be found amidst a wide variety of rub- into a boulder.
ble. On the fourth floor of the University's,
Partially olcompleted miniature Natural History Museum, these scraps
animals sculpted out of wax and clay of nature uniquely combine to create 14
clutter the room, haphazardly strewn different scenes depicting North
between twigs, pebbles and various ar- Armerican Indiaps, focusing largely 9on

those native to Michigan. Each of these
dioramas is a lifelike representation ofj
tiny waxed Indians engaging in al
traditional tribal activity.
Butsch is the man behind these!
scenes. He has been making exhibits
for the University since 1946. The
current Indian dioramas, made by him
almost 20 years ago, took seven to eight
years to complete.
Butsch says he continually keeps his
,PaSeej'ge.? ;....

...-proposes extensive cuts
That interim report, released Mar(
5, called for the elimination of four MS
colleges,, and department curtailment
and consolidations, to make the $7
million recommended cut.
ALARMED student and facult
groups scheduled rallies, wrote letter;
and held press conferences last wee
protesting the committee's recommei
While the university waited for th
release of Mackey's report, accusatior
of favoritism, slighted.priorities, an

LANGLEY, Va. (AP) - A top official
of the Central Intelligence Agency said
yesterday a "changing world" has
prompted the Reagan administration to
explore whether to rescind some limits
to CIA spying within the United States.
The administration has launched an
intensive study of legal and other
barriers to intelligence operations to
see if some can be removed by the
summer to combat international
terrorism, deputy CIA director Bobby
Inman said at a rare public briefing at
CIA headquarters here.
THE SURVEY IS known to include
consideration of expanding authority
for the CIA to use break-ins, physical
surveillance, and covert infiltration of
American groups and businesses in
pursuit of foreign operatives.
} However, Inman said, "there hasn't
even been the slightest hint, from
anyone, of using a covert action
capability in a domestic situation." REPUBLICAN I
But at the Capitol, Sen Joseph Biden challenger Robe
(D-Del.) said he understood the new morning. The d
proposals would relax standards on decided early ne
See REAGAN, Page 2
Living easy
RPERSONAL communication," the catch
phrase of the 80s, has taken on a whole new
meaning at the University of Maryland.
Students are getting credit for living together
in a state-owned apartment for a semester at a time.
"Resident Experience in Interpersonal Relations" is not as
easy as it sounds, says Mary Stephenson, course instructor.
"There's a lot of work to do," she said. Six academic credits
are awarded to each student successfully passing the class.


to kick-off mayoral race

Republican incumbent Louis Belcher and Democratic
challenger Robert Faber kicked off the city's mayoral race
yesterday with a subdued breakfast debate.
The debate. soonsored by the Ann Arbor Chamber of
Commerce and broadcast on WAAM radio, touched on a
number of recurring city issues ranging from downtown
development to the proposed "'halfway house" correctional
THE DEBATE WAS the first public forum of the campaign
that will culminate in the April 6 general election that will
select the city's mayor and half of its City Council members.
Belcher, seeking his second full term, is running on his past
record, stressing city development and taxes. Faber, chair-
man of the city's Democratic Party, assailed the mayor's
record, accusing him of "glib campaign rhetoric. with no
Faber said that Belcher, in his 1978 campaign, promised to
beef-up police patrols in the campus and downtown areas.
But, Faber said, when Belcher took office the police force
was actually slightly reduced from 1811/2 to 180 officers. (The
half unit is for part-time employees.)
"THAT'S A VERY easy way to buy a vote," Faber
Belcher, Vice President of First Ann Arbor Corporation,
countered by citing the police department's good arrest and
crime-solving rate. At 33 percent it is the 'highest in
Michigan, compared to the 23 percent state average, Belcher
On the issue of taxes, Faber said that while Belcher
reduced the local millage by 8 percent, taxes still increased
by 15 percent last year. He reproached the mayor for not
doing more to change property tax assessments, which are
determined by the state.
BELCHER REPLIED that he and the Council of Mayors

have met in Lansing to discuss and lobby for tax reform. He
added that the city has "weathered the current economic
crisis in the state by good planning and fiscal responsibility."
Belcher proudly pointed to last year's $9.1 mi lion surplus
in the city's budget and the reduction of the millage rate in
each of the past three years of his administration.
Faber, owner of Faber's Fabrics store, said, however, that
he is "not interested in saving money by reducing the quality
of life." He said the city must cover the loss of federal
dollars that subsidize a number of city services.
AFTER A BRIEF opening statement from the candidates,
questions were submitted from half a dozen of the ap-
proximately 70 local businessmen present at the event.
Faber was asked to justify his avowed concern for down-
town when he was "one of the first people to leave downtown
when Briarwood was opened."
Faber said he was "concerned with survival" of his fabric
store. He said he has worked for downtown revitalization, but
one person cannot do it alone.
IN RESPONSE TO the same question, Belcher said the
"downtown has never looked so good, so healthy." He cited
the State Street renovation, the expansion of the Detroit
Edison building, and new parking facilities as examples of
his administration's achievements downtown.
Faber said Belcher's administration has not actively
recruited business to Ann Arbor. "To sit passively and react
to proposals is not enough," he declared. He also charged
that the Economic Development Corporation and other plan-
ning agencies are "totally in the hands of conservatives."
Both candidates agreed on the halfway house issue.
Belcher said the city is prepared to sue the state if the
Michigan Department of Corrections disregards local zoning
ordinances and tries to set up a halfway house corrections
center at 1700 Broadway.
"THE ONLY STEP we (the city) have not taken is forming
See MAYORAL, Page 2

Daily Photo by JOHN HAGEN

NCUMBENT LOUIS Belcher (at podium) and Democratic
rt Faber listen to questions during their debate yesterday
ebate kicks off this year's mayoral race which will be
,xt month.

dust as their replacement, the electronic calculator, in-
creases its status every day. Kids are getting better at
math, not worse, because of calculators, according to Dr.
Ralph Heimer, professor of education at Pennsylvania
State University. "Elementary school students still learn
multiplication tables, and secondary students still learn
how to work algebraic equations, but the difference is the
students now put their knowledge to work by picking up
their calculators instead of their pencils," Heimer said. "It
would be a waste of time for students who have mastered
the basic concepts not to use calculators." So why not
during standardized tests? []

anti-drug groups from as far away as Iowa and Georgia
whose members heard cocaine had been legalized. The of-
ficial explained that people have misunderstood the ruling
and all it has done is reclassify cocaine along with non-
narcotic drugs similar to it and recommend relaxed
penalties. So cocaine users, don't get your hopes up too
Living well
I suppose when you can afford a $66 million vacation
house, it's time to retire. But Crowned Prince Fahd of Saudi
Arabia, the heir to King Khalid, it still waiting to become
the leader of his country. In the meantime, he'll spend one

Dave Williams was patient. Yesterday, the 101-year-old
Williams married the former Mrs. Miller, 70 in a ceremony
at the Forest Hill Nursing Home's Chapel in Columbia,
South Carolina. The two rolled down the aisle in their
wheelchairs to the altar, where they exchanged vows.
Williams said he decided to get married again because,
naturally, he was in love. "I just loved him," said the bride.
"He had been courting me for so long I just had to make up
my mind." The decision to tie the knot was far from easy.
The couple feared their social security benefits might be
cut off if they married. But a social worker told them the
benefits would not be slashed. The social worker said they
also were married because they were feeling guilty about




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