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March 07, 1981 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1981-03-07

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Ninety-One Years
Editorial Freedom

e tt


Cloudy today with a high in
the mid 30s.

Vol. XCI, No. 126 Copyright 1981, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, March 7, 1981 Ten Cents Eight Pages

Ttle IX may not affect 'U'


Title IX, a national sex
discrimination law, may not apply to
the University's Athletic Department
because of a recent court decision.
According to Virginia Nordby,
University affirmative action director
and Title IX coordinator, the court
ruling means that the athletic depar-
tment would not fall under Title IX's
jurisdiction because the program
receives no federal funds.
THE DECISION, issued Feb. 23. by
U.S. District Court Judge Charles
Joiner, states that Title IX only covers
educational programs or activities that
receive direct federal assistance.
Title IX
not dead
*yet, say
If Title IX were a person, he or she
might say-as Mark Twain once said
when an Associated Press story was
sent out that he was dead-"The repor-
ts of my death have been greatly
Last week a U.S. district court judge
ruled that Title IX pertained only to
those programs that received direct
federal assistance.
THE STORY WAS covered by
national news organizations like AP,
The Washington Post and The New
York Times. It was thrown into the
national spotlight as a precedent-
setting decision.
But many who are familiar with the
issue urge caution against taking the
ruling too seriously. Art Besner of the
Office for Civil Rights, the section of the
Department of Education responsible
for enforcing Title IX, agrees that this
was a landmark decision. But Besner
said, "It (the ruling) is limited in terms
of its practical effect, to one district
court. It is not of national impact, yet."
Others around the country agree that
this decision is not nationally
THERSA CUSICK, information
associate for the Project on Equal
Educational Rights (PEER) said, "It
(the ruling) was made by only one
Judge out of 900 district judges. The
only effects are in the district, in an
isolated means."
Cusick also indicated that the press is
See RULING, Page 7

The ruling applies in Joiner's Sixth
District, which includes Detroit, but
has attracted national attention
because of its implications for all public
educational programs in the country.
Most officials expect the case to go to
the Supreme Court.
University Athletic Director Don
Canham strongly supports the ruling.
"Finally somebody listened to what we
were saying," he said. "Somebody
finally stopped the government from
telling people, especially the athletic
department, how to spend non-federal
Education's Office of Civil Rights, the
government agency which enforces

Title IX, interprets the law as applying
to all programs and activities of an
educational institution - like the'
University - which receives federal
The case which prompted Joiner's
decision was brought against the Ann
Arbor School District on Sept. 21, 1979.
Arthur Eugene Othen, whose daughters
Pamela and Janet attended Pioneer
High School, complained that the school
district failed to provide equal oppor-
tunity to women in golf competition.
The ruling also leaves in doubt the
result of a recent investigation of the
University athletic department conduc-
ted by the Office of Civil Rights.

ducted in October to determine if the
athletic department was complying
with Title IX.
There is disagreement over whether
the findings would still apply.
"The implications of this decision are
that the Department of Education Of-
fice for Civil Rights does not have
jurisdiction (over the University) in the
broad sense," said administrator Nor-
dby. "They only have jurisdiction over
activities receiving direct federal
assistance." One example of a program
that does receive direct financial
assistance is the financial aid program,
she said.
Jean Park, a spokeswoman for the
OCR, said her agency believes the

decision is wrong, and that the in-
vestigations conducted at the Univer-
sity would still be valid.
"The investigation has been com-
pleted and we are continuing to con-
sider the findings," Park said.
decision and its potential impact on the
University were mixed.
University Law School Prof. Marcus .:::.
Plant said he believed Joiner's inter-
pretation of the law was the one
originally intended by Congress when it
wrote the Title IX legislation.
Kathleen Dannemiller, a member of
the Ann Arbor School Board, called it a
See TITLE IX, age 7 (aanham
... applauds decision
Reagan says


will not

send troops
to Salvador

Daily Photo by JACKIE BELL
APPROXIMATELY 250 STUDENTS, faculty, and local residents gathered on the diag yesterday to protest, U.S. in-
volvement in El Salvador.
Studentsauiy protest

v v -MI-

U.S. aid to El1 Salvador.

From UPI and AP
WASHINGTON-In the second news
conference since he took office,
President Reagan said yesterday the
United States is helping El Salvador
prevent the spread of communism
throughout the Western Hemisphere,
but he does not foresee sending U.S.
troops to the Central American nation.
Reagan said there is no parallel bet-
ween El Salvador and Vietnam because
this "situation is in our front yard, a
neighboring country and a friendly
country in our hemisphere."
REAGAN SAID he would view a right
wing coup in El Salvador "very
seriously," but refused to say what he
would do, or if hehwould employ a naval
blockade. But he said "we do not
foresee the need to send in American
He said the outside influences "aren't
just aiming at El Salvador, but I think
are aiming at the whole Central and
possibly South America and I'm sure
eventually North America ... backed
by Cuba, the Soviet Union Ind the
others we have named."
El Salvador dominated the press con-
ference, which was the first held under
what the president called "reagan

roulette" because reporters' names
were drawn from his jelly bean jar to
determine the order of questions.
REAGAN announced he is making
permanent his temporary freeze on the
hiring of federal government workers,
saying "it is time to put Washington on
a diet."
He said he would impose new per-
manent ceilings on government hiring
that would reduce non-defense person-
nel by 33,000 this fiscal year and 63,000
next year to achieve a savings of $1.3
billion over the next two years.
Reagan hinted he might use the
presidential veto if Congress does not
approve his tax and spending cuts
program, but said he was "reasonably
optimistic" that he "won't have to face
HE CAUTIONED that his economic
program is not an "instant cure" for in-
flation and unemployment, but he said:
"If the program is passed, we should
begin to see the effects toward the end
of the '82 year."
Asked how the nation's poor could
survive his budget cuts, Reagan said
that because of bureaucratic expansion
of well-intentioned programs, "We find
See REAGAN, Page 2

Demonstrators carrying signs demanding "Stop U.S. aid to
the murderous junta" and chanting "Stop Reagan's cold
war, U.S. out of El Salvador" drew a crowd of approximately
250 students, professors, and local residents to a Spartacus
Youth League-sponsored rally held yesterday on the Diag.
"The people (of El Salvador) have a right to decide what
kind of government is to run their own country," said a
spokesperson from the Latin American Solidarity Commit-
tee. "We must do everything in our power to put an end to this
senseless murder."
PARTICIPANTS IN THE rally cited statistics from a
report which stated that 7,000 people in El Salvador-in-

cluding left-wing political activitists, students, professors,
nuns, and priests-have been murdered for political reasons
in the last seven months,
An SYL member said the murder rate in El Salvador was
one of the concerns of those people who organized the rally.
Rally participants also said military repression in El
Salvador would not be possible without U.S. aid being sent to
the junta under the guise of economic support.
IN ADDITION, Graves said, "The military government in
El Salvador has been in power for 33 years, and since then
there has been no election, and no support from the people."
Several speakers suggested ways to keep the United States
See STUDENTS, Page 2

Geography review an injustice'

Decrying the absence of student membership on
the four-member geography review committee,

vestigation of the geography department will include
a meeting with geography students Monday after-
As in Thursday's session, the approximately 75

but chose Michigan because "when I finally decided
what to major in, I would have a choice in a lot of


students assailed the committee at yesterday's students who attended yesterday's hearing were not Margaret Talmers, LSA-student government vice
review hearing for what they called an injustice in a geography majors, and questions directed at the president, said the cuts should be spread more selec- .
biased review process. committee reflected confusion and hostility, tively in other areas of the college, and advocated
"I think this hearing was only an afterthought, a "IF YOU'VE BEEN the target of our hostility, we preservation of strong areas. Talmers also raised the
way of easing things and humoring us," said Lisa apologize," said Carol Eisen, a Residential College question of whether geography faculty members
Mandel, a junior political science major. senior, who explained that although inadequate, the would be able to teach quality courses if they were
MEMBERS OF THE committee told students that hearings were the first opportunity for students to pkced within other departments which might resent
while they sympathized with student anger at the have any input in the review process. . geography professors "taking up space" in their
budgetary decision making process, the issue at hand Committee chairman and Economics Prof. Harvey department, -
was not a procedural one. Committee members told Brazer told those present that he did not feel students FRANK QUINN, head of the Great Lakes En-
students that they were appointed not to decide should have been appointed to serve on the commit- vironmental Research Lab, testified at the request of
whether or not the recent decision of the LSA tee, and said he found Mandel's remark the geography department. Quinn said he has worked
executive committee to bring discontinuance "distasteful." extensively with professors and students in his Great
proceedings against the geography department was Sidney Fine, committee member and professor of Lakes ice research program. He said because the
justified. The committee's charge is to make recom- history, said students on the committee would be research lab hired 50 percent to 70 percent of theDy t J E
mendations to the faculty as to if and how cuts or "very inhibiting" to the faculty members who would Master's and Ph.D. students from the geography Doily Photo by JACKIE BELL
discontinuance should be acted upon, members said. be evaluating their peers. department that "gives an indication of how we feel STUDENTS ATTEND YESTERDAY'S geography review hearing. Yester-
Committee members reiterated that procedural LAURA HESTON, an LSA sophomore, said she about spending the taxpayers' money" in choosing day's hearing was the second in two days, and lasted 4% hours.
complaints should be filed with the dean and their in- could have attended a number of colleges in the East, students from this departm~ent,
v a'.. . .... , .. ,...... ..*,a.: a a.


Greek tragedy
LOVE MAY BE fleeting, but the curses of some
frustrated Greek lovers have survived 2,300 years
to give archeologists some reading that will beat
any soap opera for its poignancy and drama. Ar-
cheologists in Berkeley, California unearthed curses etched
on at least three paper-thin lead tablets,two inches by six.
The tablets-discovered over the past two summers in the
excavation of a shrine in Nemea, Greece-tell the tale of
bitter lovers. "I curse the head of Diodorus, and turn away
from Artemidora, his face, his eyes, his ears, his body. . . I

marred Ronald Reagan's signature on the first Reagan

Police. recovery
Detroit Police Officer William Fraser was on patrol last
month when he spotted a car that looked awfully familiar.
Fraser pulled the 1974 Plymouth over and the owner
showed him what appeared to be a legal title. But Fraser
was not satisfied and after further checking he found that
the Plymouth was his own car, which had been stolen from
his driveway two months ago. Officers arrested Glenn
Defarnett, 23, of Detroit and accused him of selling the car
for $300 to the driver Fraser stopped. Dejarnett now awaits
trial in Detroit Recorders Court on charges of possession of
a stolen auto with intent to transfer title. O
p' Da g em F. " f :t . a , T.'

yesterday morning, but will be kept from his male host to
prevent fights between the two over the third member of
this love triangle. Chia-Chia won't be allowed to spend time
with Ling-Ling either, until she is in heat. Zoo officials said
Chia-Chia will be able to see the others, but no foreplay will
be allowed. If he is adjusting to his new surroundings by
Monday, the public will be able to see Ling-Ling's latest
lover. He will return to England when his chores are
finished, and any offspring will be jointly owned by the
national Zoo and the London Zoo. Will the father get visiting
rights? [0
Did he stop payment?
Ce . nrw.' . . . -..{{. . . ... ..w,..4 . .. . L . L'.. TL- -- -

marred Ronald Reagan's signature on the first Reagan,
check to appear to an auction. O
Mike's place
Soon, Mike, the mascot of Louisiana State University,
will have everything a tiger could possibly ask for. The
students of the university, concerned that Mike had been
living too rough a life, have decided to build him a new
cage, complete with swimming pool, cave, scratching post
and a canopy. The cost is about $185,000-twice as much as
the cost of the average American home. The university has
raised about $100,000, the athletic department chipped in
$20,000, and the rest is coming from contributions. Students




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