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March 04, 1981 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1981-03-04

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The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, March 4, 1981 -Page 5
Boy testifies in
creationst case

eighth-grade boy testified yesterday in
a Christian fundamentalist court
challenge to state-ordered teaching of
evolution that he was told in class, "We
evolved from apes."
But in what may be a key element of
the trial, Kasey Segraves, 13, said the
lesson didn't shake his faith that man
was created by God, as told in the Book
of Genesis, and as he learned from his
church and his father.
His father, Kelly Segraves, later
in the day won a major point in the trial
which is the first major court test of the
creation-evolution issue since Ten-
nessee high school teacher John Scopes
was convicted of teaching evolution 56
years ago.
Based on the elder Seagraves'
testimony, Superior Court Judge Irving
Perluss said the issue was limited to
constitutionality of state guidelines that
evolution is the only permissible ex-
planation in biology classes for the
existence of man.
Segraves, who filed the suit in an at-
tempt to force the State Board of
Education to rewrite its science
education guidelines to allow alter-
native theories, told the court he wasn't
trying to ban evolution from the
"IF YOU SAY evolution is a theory
subject to change - that this is simply

a theory - then I would have no
problem," Segraves testified. "I'm
only saying it should not be dogmatic. It
should not be contrary to our religious
The judge interrupted and told the
state's attorney:
"Whether evolution is true or
creation is true is beyond the scope of
this trial. We really don't know if it's
true or not. In regard to Segraves, all
we can do is ask him what his beliefs
are and how he is offended."
AFTER ANOTHER exchange bet-
ween Segraves and the state's lawyer,
Perluss said: "It is now definitely
established the plaintiffs are not trying
to have creationism taught in the
Segraves, director of the Christian-
oriented Creation Science Research
Center, says the exclusion of creation
theory is an infringement of the
freedom of religion.
Support the
March of Dimes

A stolen kiss AP Photo
In spring a young man's fancy turns to thoughts of love as this Connecticut boy demonstrates. In celebration of the recent spring-like weather, 4-year-
old Jay Vealencis steals a kiss from his unsuspecting friend, Moses.

wait for
90 jobs
at Toledo

TOLEDO, Ohio (UPI) -About 5,000 people waited for up to
18 hours in sleeping bags and with thermos jugs of coffee to
ward off subfreezing temperatures yesterday to apply for 80
to 90 jobs at a new battery plant.
The applicants, some out of work for more than a year,
came from economically depressed northwestern Ohio and
southern Michigan. Also lined up were non-working women
seeking to supplement their husbands' income because of in-
THE JOBS at the plant in suburban Holland to be opened
this summer by Milwaukee-based Johnson Controls Inc., a
battery manufacturer, will pay between $7 and $10 an hour.
Among the job seekers was unemployed auditor Raymond
Schaffer, 35, of suburban Swanton, who lost his job seven
months ago.-
"I need the employment," he said. "I've been out of work
since last September. My wife left me Friday and took
everything because we have no money."
MORE APPLICATIONS will be taken today and tomorrow
with thousands more expected to line up in search of jobs.
"We probably have 5,000 here right now," said Marty
Charney, supervisor of the Lucas County Recreation Center,
where the applications were distributed.

"We've got them all lined up starting inside of the building,
out into the parking lot. The line is a good eighth of a mile
right now."
HE SAID OFFICIALS expect to get from 10,000 to 15,000
applications before the jobs are filled.
About 10 percent of the work force in the greater Toledo
area is unemployed.
Otis Street, 34, a former security officer at a Chrysler Corp.
plant, has been trying to support a wife and three children for
14 months with no job.
"I'M OUT HERE trying to find a job doing anything,"
Street said. "All my benefits have run out."
Charney said one of the applicants arrived at the
recreation center at 1 p.m. Monday.
"He had a sleeping bag, a lawn chair, a bag of food,
magazines, a lantern and a radio," said Charney. "He told
me he had been out of work for about a year-and-a-half and
had exhausted all his unemployment benefits."
Charney said about 20 people spent the night outside the
building, bundled in sleeping bags and drinking coffee from
thermos jugs to ward off temperatures that dropped to
around 15 degrees with the wind-chill factor off Lake Erie
taking it to below zero.


Students offer beer, nirvana
*to attract subtenants' attention

V :3.14:1137


5th Ave. o liberty 761-9700


(Continued from Page 1)
Williams said she agrees that a
security deposit is a good idea. "Some
tenants are afraid to ask for a damage
"They're afraid they'll scare the sub-
enants away, and lose the chance to
sublet their apartments," she said.
"But with a good group, it's good faith
money. That way there's less of a chan-
ce that they'll trash the apartment."
arrangement, the landlord usually asks
tfe tenant to pay his/her share of the
rent in one lump sum/at the beginning
of the summer, Williams said, although
leasing arrangements vary from lan-
dlord to landlord.
o .Smetimes contracts are terminated
at the end of April, and a new lease is

written up for the summer tenant. "But
that is really very rare," Williams said.
Students who do not plan to live in
Ann Arbor during the summer should
talk to their landlords about subletting
policy, she said. Landlords have the
right to approve or disprove of sub-
tenants, and sometimes they will act as
their tenants' agents by collecting rent.
WILLIAMS ALSO suggested that
students consult the legal services
tenant union for subletting advice.
In addition to the private market,
students looking for a place to live this
summer can check with the Inter-
Cooperative Council. ICC co-ops offer
month long leases which include room
and board.
Although rates are determined at the
beginning of each term by members of

the individual co-ops, ICC member
Peter Dewey estimates that summer
charges will be from $150 to $170 per
month, depending on room type and
THE UNIVERSITY also offers sum-
mer housing. Part of West Quad is
available throughout the summer, at
rates that fall between those charged in
1980-81 and 1981-82.
There are also short-term
arrangements available in Cambridge
House and Baits dormitory.
Summer residents may also rent a
room in a fraternity. This is a com-
paratively inexpensive plan, with rates
as low as $50 per month.
But, according to Williams, frater-
naties are not as eager to rent to the
publicsas they havebeen in the past
because their houses have been
damaged by previous tenants.

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The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
The Bush Program in Child Development and Social Policy
Winter 1981 Public Lectures
Urie Bronfenbrenner, CornellUniversity March 5
The Ecology of Education
Schorling Auditorium, School of Education
Thursdays at 4 p.m.
Co-sponsored by The University of Michigan School of Education

MSA election budget beats
inflation, treasurer says

the ann arbor film cooperative,




7, 8:40 & 10:20 AUD. A, ANGELL HALL
"The CITIZEN KANE of horror films. "-cinefantastique

,The Michigan Student Assembly has
scoured over its election budget,
eliminated inefficiencies, cut costs, and
kept the growth of this year's budget
well below inflation, Treasurer Steve
Hochberg said last night.
Hochberg told the Assembly last
night that by cutting waste in the elec-
tion allocations, this year's election
budget will be kept at only $5 more than
Glast year's budget. Hochberg said the
*majority of the $6,280 budget would be
used to pay the salaries of the election

director, the director's assistants, and
poll workers.
According to Hochberg, there will be,
a $220 cut in this year's campaign sub-
sidies to candidates in the spring elec-
tion. He added that a $300
miscellaneous fund would be main-
tained as insurance against unexpected
Hochberg presented the new budget
to Assembly members in their regular
weekly meeting last night. Elections for
the campus-wide student government
will be held next month.


'Admission: $2




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(Alain Robbe-Grllet and Alain Resnais, 1961)
Resnais' most sensual and moving film, Last Year is a surrealistic tale of a
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that they have met before, had an affair, and planned to run away
together. A complex and fascinating film in which everything is possible
and nothing is certain. French with subtitles. (93 min.)


Aw r..=

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