Page 2-Friday, February 20, 1981-The Michigan Daily
aid in
(Continued from Page 1)
Budget documents prepared by the
Office of Management and Budget
outlining plans to economize on student
aid have been circulating on Capitol
Hill since Reagan took office.
By basing the amount students may
borrow on their demonstrated financial
need and returning a cut-off amount to
the level of parental income, the cost of
the guaranteed loan program could be
reduced by $138 million in fiscal 1981
and by $878 million in fiscal 1982, accor-
ding to administration estimates.
EVEN BEFORE the president's of-
ficial proposals were announced Wed-
nesday, University financial aid of-
ficials have been busy analyzing
student loan appropriation lists in an-
ticipation of the impending cuts.
However, not all University staff
tnembers have reacted to the Reagan,
4dministration's intentions with
University Economics Prof. Saul
Hymans said that Reagan's proposals
may tighten up a student loan system
Hymans says is now easily abused.
LOANS ARE "extraordinarily at-
tractive," Hymans said. If parents
don't need the money to put the child
through school, they can make a lot
more money on the market without
having to pay interest until the student
graduates, he added.
Since the ceiling was taken off
maximum parental income in 1978,
University G.S.L. officials have repor-
tedly been flooded with loan
requests-the number approved for
1980-81 increased over the previous
year by 81 percent.
Now that cuts have been proposed in
almost every financial aid category, of-
ficials are worried that the neediest
students may not be able to get the
necessary funds.
"THEY (NEEDY students) will get
some money, but not as much as
before," University Office of Financial
Aid Associate Director James Zim-
merman said. "It's going to be tough."
Zimmerman's major concern is the
GSL program, which this year supplied
14,000 University students with loans.
Fifty-six percent of the students who
applied for 1980-81 GSLs did not apply
for campus-based aid, which requires a
cost-based analysis, according to the
GSL mid-year report.
NOW THAT those students may be
required to go through an analysis for
future loans, chances are that students
whose parents' income is above $30,000
will not be eligible, according to Finan-
cial Aid Officer Carol Raphael.
If the current GSL interest rate of 9
percent is allowed to rise to the current
commercial rate of about 15 percent, or
if the government stops paying interest
while students are in school, commer-
cial lenders may want to discontinue
supplying GSLs, Raphael said.
The State Direct Student Loan
Program, which provides funds for
students who have their applications
rejected by commercial institutions,
was suspended in November for Spring-
Summer 1981, Raphael said.
A state-wide increase in applications
coupled with soairing interest rates has
made it more difficult to sell bonds
necessary to fund state student loans,
State DSLP Director John Hoekje said
when the freeze was issued.
3 killed
in plane
Aft1Ld&JU crash due
4urnj 'nrwnp *ItUEt0 to weather
120 S. State St.
:(Corner of State and Huron)
Worship Schedule:
8:30 a.m.-Holy Communion in the
R 9:30 and 11:00 a.m.-Morning Wor-
ship in the Sanctuary.
Sermon for Feb. 22 "Selling Out Too
Cheaply" by Donald B. Strobe.
Church School for all ages-9:36 a.m.
and 11 a.m.
Choir Rehearsal-Thursday at 7:15
Dr. Donald B. Strobe
Rev. Fred B. Maitland
Dr. Gerald R. Parker
Education Directors: Rose McLean
and Carol Bennington
502 East Huron
Pastor, Jitsu Morikawa
10:00 a.m.-"The New Bursting the
Old." by Jitsuo Morikawa
11:00 a.m.-Sunday School (for all
American Iaptist Campus
All students and faculty are invited to
attend worship service at 10 a.m. in the
sanctuary and Sunday School Classes
at 11 a.m. in the Guild House.
Theology Discussion Group every
Thursday at 6 p.m.
(Complimentary brunch on second
Sunday of each month.)
409 South Division
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Rev. Steve Bringardner, 761-5941
Christian Education-9:45 a.m.
Service of Worship-11:00 a.m.
"Time of Meeting"-6:00 p.m.
* * *
Serving the Campus for LC-MS
Robert Kavasch, Pastor
1511 Washtenaw Ave.
Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m.
1236 Washtenaw Ct.
A Campus Ministry of the Christian
Reformed Church
Rev. Don Postema, Pastor
10:00 a.m. Morning Worship by Dr.
Harold Ellens.
6:00 p.m. Evening Worship by Mr.
Clay Libolt.
Wednesday: 10:00 p.m. Evening
* * *
331 Thompson-663-0557
Weekly Masses:
Sun.-7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m.
(upper Rhapel only) 12:00 noon, 5:00
p.m. (upper chapel only)
No Rite of Reconciliation heard on
Friday Feb.20 or 27.
No week day Mass Feb. 23-27.
(The Campus Ministry of the ALC-
Gordon Ward, Pastor
801 S. Forest at Hill St.
Sunday Worship Service at 10:30
Tues. 7-9 pm "Faith, Science, & the
Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Choir Practice
Thurs. 12-1 p.m. "Squaretable" lunch
at .O.L.
1432 Washtenaw Ave.-662-4466
(between S. University and Hill)
Campus Ministry Program
Campus Minister-Carl Badger
Activities: Sunday morning coffee
hour in between Services in French
* * *
Huron Valley Mission
301 North Ingalls
(two blocks north of Rackham
Graduate School)
Sunday Service-2:30 p.m.
Rev. Marian K. Kuhns
* * *
(313) 668-6881
602 E. Huron at State
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104
A fellowship study and social issues
ministry for the university community.
ANN WILKINSON, Office Manager
This week's program:
Sunday, 5:30 Worship
6:00 Shared Meal
7:00 Program following Meal.
Thurs. February 26, Peacemakers
7:00 p.m.
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"Oir 8thbYlear"
Join The
in Pontiac
PONTIAC (UPI) - A twin-engine
plane apparently disregarded warnings
not to land because of blinding fog,
crashed into Oakland-Pontiac Airport
guiding lights last night, killing three
and scattering debris over 500 yards.
Police said at least three persons
were killed and others may have been
injured in the crash. At least three per-
sons were aboard. None were iden-
The twin-engine Piper-Cheyenne air-
craft crashed at 7:03 p.m. just west of
the airport in Waterford Township after
airport officials had advised all aircraft
not to land because the fog had created
zero visibility, officials said.
The aircraft struck several 20-foot
approach-light towers in the fatal lan-
ding attempt.
"My understanding is the tower
notified the pilot of the foggy weather
conditions and they apparently ap-
proached the runway anyway," David
VanDerveen, manager of aviation said.
Airport officials had closed the air-
port earlier in the evening after dense
fog had created zero visibility. The air-
port shuts down if visibility becomes
less than a half-mile and the cloud
ceiling is lower than 200 feet.
The plane debris ignited into flames
and burned until airport firefighters
reached the scene to douse the blaze.
Police said the dense fog caused the
plane to strike runway approach light
towers. The fog was also hampering the
search for other passengers that might
have been aboard. Twisted metal and
other debris was scattered over the
hearings set
Geography Review Committee
Chairman Harvey Brazer said the
committee will solicit student and
faculty comments at several meetings
after the first week in March. Meetings
are scheduled for Thursday, March 5
from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and Friday, Mar-
ch 6 from noon until 4 p.m.
University students and faculty
members interested in speaking on the
possibility of geography department
elimination should contact Brazer.
Those interested in speaking to the
committee should contact Brazer's of-
fice at 763-0027.
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Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press international reports
Ford loss for 1980
estimated at $1.5 billion
DETROIT - Ford Motor Co. yesterday was expected to report a 1980 loss
analysts estimated at approximately $1.5 billion - the largest aniual deficit
in American business history.
That record will stand only until Chrysler Corp. reports its 1980 losses,
which are estimated at $1.7 billion. Chrysler previously held the record for
the nation's largest annual corporate loss with its 1979 deficit of $1.1 billion.
Auto industry analysts estimated Ford lost about $300 million in the fourth
quarter of last year, bringing the domestic auto industry's overall 1980
deficit to $3.9 billion - the worst financial performance in its history.
Domestic car sales so far this year have lagged behind last year's levels
by nearly 18 percent, forcing automakers to suspend production frequently
in costly and inefficient one- or two-week plant closings.
Soviets criticize Reagan's
defense spending proposal
LONDON - President Reagan's economic proposals to Congress, with
sweeping spending cuts and a big defense increase, drew angry words from
the Soviet Union yesterday, while other nations reacted cautiously.
The official Soviet news agency Tass zeroed in on Reagan's proposal to
boost defense spending by $169.5 billion through 1986.
It accused him of inventing figures on Soviet defense costs "to justify the
unbridled increase in American military expenditure" and charged that the
new administration was initiating "a new sharp turn in the arms race."
Canadian Finance Minister Al an MacEachen said it was too early to tell
what effect the budget will have on Canada.
Officials of Persian Gulf nations and private businessmen there reacted
favorably, but some dismissed his plan as too optimistic.
There was specific criticism for Reagan's proposals to cut foreign aid -
he wants the 1982 budget reduced 26 percent from $7.2 billion to $5.4 billion.
Polish strikes may end
WARSAW, Poland - After months of turmoil, Poland was nearly strike-
free yesterday as farmers in a remote mountain village near the Soviet bor-
der were expected to approve an agreement ending the nation's last known
labor protest.
A spokesman for the Gdansk headquarters of the independent trade union
Solidarity said settlement of farmer protests in southeastern Poland could
finally end nationwide strikes that started in August.
Meanwhile, farmers occupying a headquarters building of the old, gover-
nment-run union in Rzeszow said they would leave as soon as an agreement
they signed early yesterday was approved by some 20 farmers holding a sit-
in at Solidarity offices in UstrzykI Dolne, a remote village of some 5,000
people tucked in a mountain valleyeight miles from the Soviet border.
Salvador leftists say U.S.
planning to crush revolution
SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador - Leftist leaders yesterday charged that
180 U.S. military advisers are masterminding a counter-insurgency plan to
"cut off the head of the leftist and intellectual sectors in El Salvador." The
Salvadoran junta and U.S. Embassy sources denied the accusation.
The Democratic Revolutionary Front, a coalition of leftists who want to
set up a Marxist government, claimed in a communique to news media that
the "shameful aid from Washington" had "obliged the junta to turn schools
into barracks."
The left said a small school 2 miles northwest of the capital had been tur-
ned into a barracks for the advisers.
The accusation came as a prestigious Brazilian newspaper, Jornal do
Brasil, said the Reagan administration's policy in El Salvador would bring
about a "resuscitation of the left" in Latin America.
Pope /speaks to Filipinos
on abortion, contraception
CEBU CITY, Philippines - Pope John Paul II, hailed by more than 1
million Filipinos yesterday in this cradle of East Asian Christianity, con-
demned casual sex, upheld priestly celibacy, and strongly reaffirmed a
Roman Catholic Church ban on artificial birth control, divorce, abortion and
"I owe it to my apostolic office. . . to reiterate vigorously her condem-
nation of artificial contraception and abortion," he said.
The Phillipines, Asia's only predominately Catholic nation, does not
recognize divorce and bans abortion.
It was the pope's most comprehensive statement on family issues since
the Roman Catholic bishops discussed the subject in a month-long Vatican
synod last autumn.
On Friday, the pope's schedule calls for a tour of three cities - first to the
southern city of Davao where he will meet Moslem representatives, then to
Bacolod to address sugar plantation workers, and finally to Iloilo City.
Vol. XCI, No. 121
Friday, February 20, 1981
The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at The University
of Michigan. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings during the
University year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48109.
Subscription rates: $12 September through April (2 semesters); $13 by mail
outside Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tuesday through Saturday
mornings. Subscriotion rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor: $7 by mail outside Ann
Arbor. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbpr, Michigan. POSTMASTER:
Send address changes to THE MICHIGAN DAILY, 420 Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, MI 48109.
The Michigan Doily is a member of the Associated Press and subscribes to United Press International,
Pacific News Service, Los Angeles Times Syndicate and Field Newspapers Syndicate.
News room: (313) 764-0552. 76-DAILY: Sports desk764s0562; Circulation.764-0558; Classified advertising
764-0557;Display advertising, 764-0554; Billing-764-0550: Composing room.764-0556.
See you March 3
Psalms 2:1 and Acts 4:.25
"Webster says a heathen is one who 'does not believe
in The God of The Bible.' This definition fits in with what
God says in this Psalm: 'The kings of the earth - and the
rulers,' and 'the people (who) imagine a vain thing,' and
support them as they 'take council together, against The
Lord, and His Anointed."'
Does a Supreme Court "believe in the God of The Bible"
if they reject this Book for our public schools and
children? Surely the right answer is, NO! Does a Supreme
Court believe in "The Lord's Anointed, The Lord Jesus
Christ," when they reject the Prayer He taught His
disciples, for our schools and children? Surely the right
answer is, NO! Does a President, a Senator, a Congress-
man, a Governor, a Judge, etc. "believe in The God of The
Bible, and His Anointed Jesus Christ" if they support
.L . . . ..c. - A . .. 1 . n m . - a--. .
We should be careful about "passing the buck" of all
responsibility to those in authority over us! Thus saith
The Lord: "For promotion cometh neither from the east,
nor from the west, nor from the south. But God is the
judge; He putteth down one, and setteth up another."
Psalm 75:6, 7.
Generally, The Scriptures reveal that the kind of rulers
God puts over men are symbolic of the over-all national
character and integrity, or the lack of such. In other
words, God usually puts over us authorities, representing
a cross-section of the national conscience. Like with the
individual, this may become "seared as with a hot iron."
An indication of the condition of the national conscience
is revealed by our attitude towards lawlessness, crime,
t.M...-- mrA . rn . a rao. ati , .. a t - - fr a
Editor-in-chief....................SARA ANSPACH
Managing Editor ..............JULIE ENGEBRECHT
University Editor ................. LORENZO BENET
Student Affairs Editor.............JOYCE FRIEDEN
City Editor.....................ELAINE RIDEOUT
Opinion Page Editors...............DAVID MEYER
Arts Editor.........................ANNE GADON
Sports Editor. .................. MARK MIHANOVIC
Executive Sports Editors............GREG DEGULIS
Business Manager...............RANDI CIGELNIK
Sales Manager ................. .BARB FORSLUND
Operations Manager............SUSANNE KELLY
Display Manager..........MARY ANN MISIEWICZ
Assistant Display Manager..........NANCY JOSLIN
Classified Manager.............DENISE SULLIVAN
Finance Manager................ GREGG HADDAD
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Sales Coordinator.............E. ANDREW PETERSEN
BUSINESS STAFF: Bob Abrahams. Meg Armbruster.
Joe Broda. Maureen DeLove. Judy Feinberg. Karen
i Ab