OPINION Page 4 Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Thursday, February 19, 1981 The Michigan Daily .I History, ethics, capitalism O both property - and anyway, the laborer is always "free" to decline the bargain and not eat, just as the capitalist is free to decline and Vol. XCI, No. 120 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 1$ Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board = 4 .Bombs,. Jets, HE UNIVERSITY Regents will be faced; with a familiar dilemma. today: They must again debate the issue of social ... responsibility in investmen- ts. The Regents will consider at their monthly meeting this .-- afternoon an official recom- mehdation that the Univer~ sity make large investments in the defense industry. The recommendation, pre- sented to the Regents by they University's Office for Financial Af- fairs, points out that the defense in- dustry will likely enjoy large profits under the Reagan administration. In effect, it suggests that the University capitalize on the growing Cold War atmosphere. Yet, students and faculty members who oppose the proposed in- vestments as morally objectionable are beginning to mobilize to fight the recommendation. The entire controversy revives images of the ongoing 'debate over divestment from corporations that do business in South Africa. The basic point in question in both cages is whether the University has a responsibility to withhold its support from institutions whose practices are noteonsistent with its academic ideals. Should the University support in- stitutions that promote racial injustice or world tension, even if they are sound investments? Cleay, the answer is a fir , no." The Regents have already acknowledged that they have a social responsibility in investments by their endorsement of the Sullivan Principles as a guide for corporate behavior in South Africa. The Regents have agreed ,that the University will maintain in- vestments only in those corporations that respect certain basic human rights in South Africa. Yet, they have been unwilling to make the full com- mitment to social responsibility by and Regents Congratulations to Mark Gindin for recognizing that the crucial question about the "free market" is one of morality. Unfor- tunately, the naively misguided rhetoric of his other twenty paragraphs reveals a distur- bing ignorance of ethics, history and reality. Ethics: A straight and rather narrow line of ethical thought leads from Thomas Hobbes' famous statement that "the value or worth of a man is, as of all other things, his price - that is to say, so much as would be given for the use of his power . ." through John Locke's defense of private property on the grounds that God gave the earth "to the use of the industrial and rational" through David Hume's praise of the "spirit of avarice and industry" which "arouses men from their in- dolence and, presenting the gayer and more opulent part of the nation with objects of luxury which they never before dreamed of, raises in them a desire of a more splendid way of life. . . "to Jeremy Bentham's view that human happiness consists in the intensity and duration of pleasure and that, "each por- tion of wealth is connected with a correspon- ding portion of human happiness." HERE ARE THE official ethics of "free enterprise" that supposedly self-balancing Hobbesian "war of each against 'all." The philosophers of free enterprise generally acknowledged the individual blows dealt out in this war to be immoral, but they bought Bernard De Mandeville's "Fable of the Bees" that private vices add up to public virtues. In other words, two wrongs don't make a right, but a thousand daily ones do. Even Adam Smith (that infamous bleeding-heart liberal) faced up to the fundamental evils of free con- petition and discovered the obvious process that justifies them: an invisible hand! Contrast all this to Immanuel Kant (hardly a "radical") who advocated as the supreme ethical principle that each human being be treated as an end in him- or her-self, rather than as a means to selfish ends. Kant ex- plicitly opposed this ethics of "dignity" to those of "market price" -"that which con- stitutes the sole condition under which anything can be an end in itself has not merely a relative value - that is, a price - but has an intrinsic value - this is, dignity." Had Gindin any acquaintance with ethical theory, he would know that Kant's principle formed the basis of Marx's early criticism of capitalism: that market relations reduce human beings to objects in each others' eyes, mere means to personal ends. Should Gindin care to test the truth of this leftist froth, I suggest he shop for a used car, look for a job or rent an apartment. History: Gindin forgot to credit the "morality" of free enterprise for two and a half centuries of slave trading, the plunder of India, the destruction of North and South American Indian cultures, the great leap into modernity brought to the peoples of the South Pacific and Southeast Asia by plantation work and tuberculosis, the liberation of European peasants into coal mines and sweatshops - the great lord Productivity kept on high by children laboring under physical abuse, and other great acts of violence committed on an unprecedented* global scale, all according to the most careful, rational calculations of costs and benefits. AT THE TURN of the 19th century the Lutheren minister Johann Herder warned his Continent: "the more we Europeans invent methods and tools with which to subjugate the other continents, the more we defraud and plunder them, the greater will be their final triumph over us. We forge the chains with which they will bind us." Prophetic? Not if we let Reagan build enough neutron bombs to keep taking five times our share of the earth's resources. Reality: Gindin writes "capitalism is the freedom to do with your property, or capital, as you wish . . . " There's just one small problem: some people have capital and others don't. The philosophers of free enter- prise got around this by declaring, like John Locke, that property includes "that which men have in their persons as well as goods." With one's time on earth, one's thoughts, and one's strength as "property," everyone then owned some. So when a person with money offered to buy the labor of someone without money, it was fair and moral because money and "labor" are By Gary Gregg play golf. THE REALITY IS that agreements negotiated between people with dispropor- tionate power are inherently unfair and im- moral. The reality is that it is unfair to get wealth without working for it, and that this is the very first principle of free enterprise- that beneath the mystifying rationalization that one's money will somehow magically "grow" or "go to work for you," people who have money get more without working. Where does it come from? From the brains and sweat of people who do work. Of course "the economy" won't function without "in- vestors," but that's precisely the point: free enterprise won't work without. systematic, legally-sanctioned immorality and (do I dare say it?) exploitation. The most remarkable reality of all is that the rich and their politicians manage to convince most of the public that it's the poor rather than the rich who are immoral for getting money they haven't worked for. Morality: The philosophers of froe enter- prise sit patiently on the shelves of the Graduate Library. I suggest Gindin read them sometime. He might also glimpse at Rousseau: "The first man who,'having en- closed a piece of grand bethought himself of saying, 'This is mine,' and found people sim- ple enough to believe him, was the real foun- der of civil society. From how many crimes, wars, murders, from how many horrors and misfortunes might not any one have saved mankind, by pulling up the stakes, or filling up the ditch, and crying to his fellows: 'Beware of listening to this imposter; you are undone if you once forget that the fruits of the earth belomg to us all, and the earth itself to nobody." So, "there is not anything more moral than capitalism," as Gindin tells us? How about stealing candy from babies? Gary Gregg is a graduate student working toward a Ph.D. in psychology. A divesting completely from those cor- porations that help support the racist regime in South Africa. The question of social responsibility is also the central issue in the debate over investment in the defense in- dustry. Certainly, the five companies named in the recommendation would likely yield high returns. And, in the present state fiscal crisis, highly profitable investments are crucial to maintaining the University's financial stability. But good economic oppor- tunities must not blind the Regents to social injustice or dangerous militarism. The companies named in the Univer- sity report are five of the United States' largest defense contractors': General Dynamics, McDonnell- Douglas, Northrop, Sanders Associates, and Loral corporations. These corporations are not merely marginally involved in the U.S. weapons build-up, they are central to it. The University report, in a corporate profile of General Dynamics, states: "General Dynamics, the nation's largest defense contractor, has perhaps the best business mix within the industry. . . The company's prin- cipal defense programs include the F- 16 fighter aircraft, the Trident ballistic missile submarine, the SSN-668 attack submarine, cruise missiles, and a wide variety of tactical missiles and gun systems." The University must completely divorce itself from all institutions that violate or threaten basic human rights or the ideals of peace. The Regents can take a first step toward that goal today by prom- zptly dismissing the recommended investmen- ts in defense as socially and morally irresponsible. LETTERS TO THE DAILY: No defense investments To the Daily: A report prepared for the Regents' February meeting by the Office on Financial Affairs, recommends that the University invest, in five leading arms manufacturers, noting that defense industries appear to be "entering a period of dynamic growth." The lucky corporations are Loral, Sanders Associates, General Dynamics, McDonnell- Douglas, and Northrup. "Dynamic growth" indeed. The United States currently spends half its government dollars on national "defense." President Reagan has added hef- ty increases to Jimmy Carter's military budget this year and next. During the next five years the United States will spend well over $1 trillion on an already bloated military. The skyrocketing budget comes at a time when already under-financed schools, health programs, welfare and aid to cities are being slashed. ,General Dynamics, McDon- nell-Douglas, Northrop, Sanders, and Loral have nothing to lose in this situation. General Dynamics is currently the number one arms contractorsfor thegovernment, with over sixty percent of its $4 billion revenues coming from arms sales. General Dynamics is the major contractor for two key components of the U.S. first- strike nuclear capability - the Trident ballistic submarine and the cruise missile. Number two and trying hard is McDonnell-Douglas, which builds an array of fighter aircraft for the U.S. and foreign armies. Nor- throp, Sanders, and Loral are leading manufacturers of elec- tronic warfare devices. Northrop is a subcontractor for the MX missile system. All these cor- porations receive from 45-75 per- cent of their annual revenues from arms sales. The military arms race looms over the future of this planet. Surely everyone is aware of the tremendous destructive capability of the U.S. nuclear ar- senal. What is not advertised widely is that the United States is well on its way to developing a but to implement a first strike capability. Witness also the new "acceptability" of nuclear war among the top military and political establishment. The threat of nuclear war is compounded by the very damaging effect that military spending has on the U.S. economy. Every year billions of tax dollars flow from the Nor- theast into Sunbelt military in- dustries which are capital- intensive, not labor-intensive. Jobs which are created by military spending are relatively few compared to the jobs created by the same amount spent on, say, education. In addition, missiles, tanks, and guns are dead end products; they do not recirculate through society, bringing economic and social benefits to people. The University must recognize its commitment to the peace and economic prosperity of the world's people. Guns endanger everyone, and profit only a few. We ask the University not to in- vest in military industries now or at any time in the future, -- ---------------- - I ..THE MILWAIUKEE JOURNAL -Marcia Barton; Janet Czar- necki, Steven DeGregorio; Lisa Dershin; Matt Drennan; Joel Epstein; Dale Ewart; Jonathon Feiger; Leslie Fried; Daniel Frohling; Wade Han- nah; Kyle Heger; Carol Isen; Ken Jordan; Barney Pace; DavidI Tom Robinson; Jay Sharon Silver; John Steinbach; Tin Danny Uselmann; Dia ner. -February 18 Reiberl; Rorty ; m Teig; ne Wan- Women unsafe in Ann Arbor 9 To the Daily: We've said it once, we're saying it again, and we'll con- tinue to repeat ourselves until ef- fective solutions are permanently implemented: Ann Arbor is unsafe, especially for women! In, an attempt to eliminate misconceptions regarding sexual assault, various organizations have plastered the city with statistics to illustrate the extent of the safety problem in this city. Yet increasing public awareness of the safety problem is just not enough. Now that the facts have been laid out, we are faced with an even greater un- dertaking. We must demand, and work to create permanent, city- wide solutions. In November, the Public In- terest Research Group in Michigan Women's Safety Force presented its proposal for all night Dial-A-Ride to the Ann Ar- dedicated to this project, and have every intention of seeing it through until it is actually im- plemented. We realize that public support is an absolute necessity in our ef- forts, and therefore encourage community members to join us at the next AATA board meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 18. Board meetings are held at City Hall at 7:30 p.m. A solidarity march to the meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. on the same evening, leaving from the fourth floor of the Michigan Union. If you're tired of walking in fear at night, tired of hearing there's not enough money to provide adequate security, and tired of having to wait for solutions, join the Women's Safety Force in their efforts on the 18th. Safety at night is just around the corner, but only if we work for it collectively now! -Chris Pennock PIRGIM Women's Safety Force February 18 MSA hard at work To the Daily: I would like to commend your lead story coverage of the Recreational Sports budget review committee (Feb. 18). I was particularly encouraged by the large student and faculty tur- nout at this session. tirelessly to inform MSA of the potential threats to Recreational Sports. He sihilarly worked diligently to motivate the Univer- sity community to speak out on behalf of these programs. His and the other's efforts should be duly I 0