Ninety-One Years of Editorial Freedom e tit illalig LAID-BACK Mostly sunny and mild today, with a high around 50. Vol. XCI, No. 120 Copyright 1981, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor Michigan--Thursday, February.19, 1981 Ten Cents Ten Pages 'U' minority. enrollment laggig By NANCY BILYEAU Although the number of minority students enrolled in Michigan colleges increased by nearly 10 percent over the past two years, University of Michigan records indicate minority student enrollment here increased by only three people between fall 1978 and fall 1980. In fact, black student enrollment has dropped by nearly two percent in two years, despite University efforts to attract more black students through expanded recruitment programs and financial aid packages. STATE-WIDE MINORITY enrollment-which includes black, Hispanic, Native American, Asian American, and non- resident alien students-was up by 5,707 since 1978, according to a report released yesterday by the Michigan State Board of Education. The University's own minority enrollment report, which will detail enrollment figures for each of the minority groups, will probably be presented to the Regents at their March meeting. Education Board and University officials attribute the University's lag to higher expenses, selective admittance requirements, and the scarcity of qualified minority students available. UNIVERSITY Associate Director of Admissions Lance Erickson said yesterday that the University's well-known competitive atmosphere makes it difficult to attract a large number of minority students. State Board assistant Supervisor Tom Farrel said that other factors, such as the University's distance from Detroit and financial worries, may keep University minority enrollment down. Although the number of minority students admitted to the University is comparatively low, one University official said that the black students enrolled in the past few years are of very high quality. THE RATE OF minority student attrition has been slowed, the official added, through use of counseling and student ser- vices such as the Opportunity Program. The state board's report indicated 65,132 minority students were enrolled in Michigan's 95 colleges and universities in fall 1980, an increase since 1978 of 5,707, or nine percent. "Minority enrollments have more than gained back the I loss of enrollments which was reported between 1976 and 1978," said Superintendent of Public Instruction Philip Runkel. "The rate of increase of minority enrollments was greater than the overall increase in college enrollments last fall," Runkel said. The report also noted that state community colleges and private institutions experienced the highest increase, as compared to a four percent increase among the 15 four-year public colleges and universities. President says cuts will halve inflation d Venice' of theJWest? Daily Photo by DAVID HARRIS A University student deftly leaps over a puddle on the diag yesterday. A combination of melting snow and falling rain has turned the normally passable campus walkways into a network of canals. It'll be marvelous when it all freezes again. Zoning board nixes halwayhouse plan WASHINGTON (AP) - President Reagan, proclaiming the need "to act forcefully, and now," urged Congress last night to chop $41 billion in federal spending and enact tax reductions wor- th $1,500 to a middle-income family of four over the next three years. Before a nationally-televised joint session of Congress, Reagan said the tough fiscal steps were necessary to reverse the course of a government "somewhat out of control." He said his program would halve the inflation rate, create 3 million new jobs and balance the federal budget by 1984. "THERE IS NOTHING wrong with America that we can't fix," he declared. If substantial portions of Reagan's ''Program for Economic Recovery" are approved, the government would be put on an untested path leading away from spending and regulatory trends that date back almost 50 years to Franklin Roosevelt and the New Deal. Reagan's far reaching fiscal program is designedrtotrim the fun- ctions of government and stimulate, business growth. "The taxing power of government must be used to 'provide, revenues for legitimate government purposes," he said. "It must not be used to regulate the economy or bring about social change." NONETHELESS, HE vowed, the nation's poor can "rest assured that the social safety net of programs they depend on" will not be cut. The presidentnunveiled his program in a nationally broadcast address to a joint session of Congress, saying: "We can no longer procrastinate and hope things will get better. They will not. If we do not act forcefully, and now, the economy will get worse." Miehigai Spending cuts would be coupled with a $44 billion reduction in individual in- come taxes in fiscal 1982. Businesses would receive a $9.7 billion cut in their federal tax bite. His proposed cuts in the fiscal .1982 budget, which takes effect in October, represent the greatest reduction any president has recommended in federal spending, although the budget of $695.5 billion would be the largest in the nation's history. Reagan's proposals would: " Provide a net increase in 1982 defense spending of $4.3 billion, boosting the Pentagon's share of the federal budget from 24.1 percent to 32.4 percent by 1984. " Reduce individual income tax rates by 10 percent a year for three years beginning July 1. This would save a family of four, with wages of $20,000, 28.7 percent of their tax bill, or $1,456 by the end of 1984, a treasury official said.' " IRevise business depreciation schedules to provide speedier tax writeoffs at a cost to the treasury of $9. billion in fiscal 1982. " Project a budget deficit of $45 million in 1982 and $22.9 billion in 1983, ' and a $500 million surplus in 1984. " Increase the percentage of, the federal budget spent on what the ad- ministration calls "safety net" programs protecting the truly needy who need government assistance to survive.. This figure would rise from 36.6 percent in 1981 to 40.6 percent in 1984. " Reduce some subsidies and benefits for middle and upper-income people. But it would not cut various features of the tax laws that benefit special groups such as homeowners, who are allowed to deduct mortgage in- terest. n1 Media By DEBI DAVIS In a move to block a proposed halfway house near North Campus, the city's Zoning Board of Appeals last night unanimously defeated a petition that would have permitted the establishment of the corrections facility. Dr. Arnold Kambly, owner of the property at 1700 Broadway, and spokespersons from the state Department of Corrections, were con- spicuously absent from the public hearing, at- tended by about 140 Ann Arbor residents. TECHNICALLY THE ZBA, which is the city's highest authority in the case, could be overruled by the state and the halfway house could be established. However, Mayor Louis Belcher said he has been told by state officials that the state willnot overrule the decision. The mayor added that "the city has already prepared its case and would be in court immediately if any move were made by the state to override." The controversial corrections center proposal has been a hot issue for over two months, since the plans of the Department of Corrections to establish the center became public. Soon after, a series of crimes committed by local halfway house residents enraged the community. IN LATE DECEMBER, a halfway house in- mate allegedly murdered a cab driver. Then, in late January, two halfway house residents were charged with the armed robbery of China Gar- See HALFWAY, Page7 cutbacks debated By JANET RAE If the proposed plan to eliminate $250,000 from Michigan Media's budget goes forward, a vital part )f the University's 'educational resources could be endangered, speakers told a Budget Priorities subcommittee yesterday. Approximately 75 interested persons attended yesterday's meeting. Although some dissenting opinions were presented, most of the comments made to the subcommittee by the 16 speakers were supportive of the cen- ter's work and urged leniency in the cutting process. MICHIGAN MEDIA, one of four non- academic units being reviewed for major budget cuts, is responsible for coordinating all aspects of the visual media at the University, including management of an extensive rental film library and video and film instruc- tion and production. The goal of the subcommittee, under the direction of Chairwoman Mary Ann Swain of the School of Nursing, is to determine the impact of suggested major reductions in Michigan Media's $663,000 general fund budget. Faculty, students, and community members said that outside services of the same quality would cost many times what Michigan Media now charges them. They also cited the in- structional value of the center's library and the quality of technical aid available. "MICHIGAN MEDIA is saving the University gobs of money by providing top quality services," said John Bider- man, a teaching assistant for the depar- tment of communication. "They bend over backwards to accomodate us at a fairly low cost." Edward Wall, director of audio-visual services at the University's Dearborn campus, said that if his department had to rent films from sources outside See MICHIGAN, Page 7 whc--------bad t negatvely, sayig AA'tA cannot inan- ANN ARBOR TRANSPORTATION Authority Board Chairman William Mc- w approache t dject with potential AATA Connell considers a proposal made at yesterday's meeting. The board voted pan in November said they are not budget cuts coming from various levels to send a proposal to the Urban Mass Transit Authority subsidizing an all- sure the decision is a victory. "To an See AATA, Page 7 night taxi service. -TODAY Moody Blues COLUMBUS MAYOR Tom Moody has the blues. The conservative Republican leader of what some consider the nation's biggest small town says he watches blue movies on the cable television hookup in his office - but with good reason. "There are several different degrees of pornography," saidj Moodv. a 51-year-old pipe-smoking attorney and father of Feeling the good vibrations The Beach Boys can now honestly say they brought down the roof at a concert. Actually, the Beach Boys can thank an emotional sell-out crowd that packed the Bicentennial Cen- ter in Salina, Kan., to hear the famed rock 'n' roll group this week. The crowd was so enthusiastic in its appreciation of the music that its stomping, screaming, and applause caused ceiling materials and lighting fixtures in the auditorium's hallways to fall Monday night. Mickey Yerger, director of the concert, said he is conferring with thought the disaster was real. The Public Broadcasting Station at the University of Utah, KUED-TV, didn't tell viewers that the quake was only a simulation until halfway through the telecast, which appeared to many viewers to be an actual newscast. By that time, reporters were scurrying to get details of the bogus tremor from the seismatic station at the University of Utah. A major fault runs through the middle of Sugar House and Salt Lake City, and emergency officials have warned that a quake of significant propor- tions could someday strike the area. One would think the media had learned their lesson with Orson Welles. L0 who returned for the money the day after he discovered it missing, told police he, too, was a finder. He said he found the money five days earlier in a paper bag near a parked car in north Minneapolis. More complications arose when police, who had some doubts about Bunker's story, notified the Internal Revenue Service, who said Bunker owes Uncle Sam $33,963 in back taxes. The IRS thinks it should get the, cash. Also, both the company that owns the land and building on the Excel Inn and the motel operators have filed claim to the money. Once again, the validity .f finders keepers will have its day in court.0 I