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February 12, 1981 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1981-02-12

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Editorial F

e Years


. E



Sunny, clear, and cold
today. Partly cloudy
tonight. High in the low
teens. Low -5 to 10-.


0 Vol. XCI, No. 114

Copyright 1981, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, February 12, 1981

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

Grid fans
.may shell
out more
for tickets
Michigan football may be big business, but even the
University athletic department is not immune to rising costs.
And to keep the books balanced next fall, football ticket
pricesmay increase while budgets for travel and minor spor-
ts undergo significant reductions, Athletic Director Don
Canham said yesterday.
FOOTBALL TICKET prices will probably be raised from
the current $10 per ticket level to $11 or $12, Canham said.
Student ticket prices will be increased proportionally, he ad-
ded, 'since football regulations require that students pay one
half the regular price.
But the increase in revenue from the higher-priced football
tickets will probably not counter the department's current
financial crunch. Reductions in the travel budgets and
budgets of minor sports teams will also be necessary,
Canham said.
According to Associate Athletic Director Will Perry,
Canham has already taken steps to cut travel expenses by
transfering the Wolverine hockey team out of the Western
Collegiate Hockey Association and into the Central Collegiate
Hockey Association-a move that will mean the icers will be
playing teams closer to home.
CANHAM PLANS to encourage more regionally-based
See GRID, Page 10

Busboy in
custody for



hotel fire

LAS VEGAS, Nev (AP) - A busboy at the Las
Vegas Hilton Hotel was arrested and booked on
eight counts of homicide last night in connection
with the arson fire that burst out an eighth floor
window and roared up the side of the 30-story
Eight people died in the fire and 198 were in-
Homicide detectives said they had arrested
and charged Phillip Bruce Cline, 23, who they
said was the first person to report the blaze to the:
fire department.
"WE DETERMINED THAT probable cause
exists to charge him with first-degree arson and
eight counts of murder," said Deputy Chief Erik
Cooper said Cline was questioned for two
hours, that he was taken to the Metropolitan
Police station yesterday afternoon, and that he
was in the hotel at the time the fire started.
Some 4,000 people were rescued or evacuated
from the building, including 118 plucked from the
roof by helicopter.

HILTON HOTELS CORP. vice president Henri
Lewin has offered a $100,000 reward for infor-
mation leading to the apprehension of the ar-
"This is a homicide investigation. This is a
criminal investigation," Gov. Bob List said as
hundreds of fire refugees listened outside the
Convention Center meeting room where a news
conference was held.
"This state has a tough law," List said. "The
penalty for arson that kills someone is capital
punishment." The survivors from the fire erup-
ted in applause.
LAS VEGAS FIRE Chief Roy Parrish said the,
blaze in the east wing was "definitely arson."
"It had four points of origin," he said. "The
fire spread from the eighth to the 29thiloors by
leaping outside. It took just 10 to 15 minutes" to
reach the uppermost floors. "As the fire
progressed up, it broke windows and, lapped
See EIGHT, Page 6

AP Photo
A HELICOPTER SEARCHES for survivors at the Las Vegas Hilton Hotel
where four fires, set by arsonists, proved fatal for eight people. One of the
fires started on the eighth floor and created this funnel effect in the 30-story


-Libraries won't escape
impending budget cuts

With panic over the outright
elimination of several entire University
units sweeping the campus, it's easy to
overlook the mere reductions scheduled
for many other University programs.
Administrators in the University
Library system are not overlooking
possible reductions. And for the more
than 30 libraries on campus, the cut-
backs are likely to be far from mere.
THE BUREAU OF Government
Library and the Social Work Library

could well fall victim to the Univer-
sity's budget axe as the University
Library system prepares to cut corners
and save money.
Elimination of those two libraries, as
well as service reductions at Many of
the others, are part of a contingency
plan drawn up by library ad-
ministrators last December. It was a
plan they hoped would never have to be
put into effect.
But, according to one assistant ,to
Vice President Bill Fryer the con-

tingency plans "are almost sure to be
going into effect for the new fiscal
THOSE PLANS call for a six percent
budget reduction in most University
units. And for the library system, the
six percent cutback could mean drastic
"There's not a lot of fat in that
budget," said Robert Suave, another
assistant to Frye. "The library is one of
those units that's going to-have great
difficulty making the six percent cut."
Despite projections of reduced hours,
elimination of $190,000 in career library
positions, and $120,000 in hourly staff
positions-in addition to the outright
closing of several libraries and the
elimination of extension sup-
port-library officials are optimistic.
"I HAVE A firm belief that the
University administration and faculty
are supportive of the library," Library
Director Richard Dougherty said
yesterday. "We'll emerge from these
cuts without irreparable damage.
The proposals contained in the con-
tingency plans submitted to Frye are
not definite, according to Dougherty.
Currently he, like directors of other
units across the campus, is revising and
refining plans to achieve the six percent
cut that Frye could require for the 1981-
82 fiscal year.
The cutbacks could be necessary to
offset shortfalls in this year's budget
and predicted state appropriations
reductions in the budget for the next
fiscal year.
THE DECLINING quality of library
services has already resulted this year
from curtailed hours and the necessity
of filling established career positions
with student assistants, Dougherty
See BUDGET, Page 2

My .Way
Frank Sinatra, center, arrives at a gaming control board hearing concerning his request for a Nevada gaming license.
Sinatra, who denied mob ties, and cited President Reagan as a reference, was granted a six-month license yesterday.
He awaits final approval Feb.19.
att seeks Pacific ol leases

WASHINGTON (UPI) -More than a million acres of en-
vironmentally sensitive California coastal waters were ten-
tatively tagged yesterday by Interior Secretary James Watt
to be included in a May oil and gas lease sale.
The move drew sharp criticism from environmentalists
and politicians who had persuaded former Interior Secretary
Cecil Andrus to drop the areas from leasing consideration.
"THE PRESIDENT has instructed me to take the
necessary steps to increase the production of oil and gas and
I firmly intend to take those steps," Watt wrote California
Gov. Edmund Brown Jr.
"I want to be sure in my own mind that we have made
every effort to meet the president's request, obviously within
the bounds of necessary and proper environmental protec-

Watt told Brown the decision was not final and asked him
"to submit recommendations on behalf of the state of
California on the sale's size, timing and location within 60
Watt said the areas have an estimated potential of 982
million barrels of oil and 1.2 trillion cubic feet of gas worth
$42 billion in today's market.
WATT ALSO KILLED a Carter administration order to
require labeling of hazardous chemicals yesterday and
delayed implementation of more than 20 regulations.
He withdrew a proposal of the Occupational Safety and
Health Administration to require labeling of hazardous
chemicals; postponed indefinitely a regulation raising the
salary level for exemptions from overtime wage laws, and
delayed a requirement that a prevailing wage rate be paid
See WATT, Page 5

Daily Photo by JOHN HAGEN

STUDENTS MAKE USE of the Social Work Library, one o
targeted for possible elimination due to the University's budge

f the libraries
t crunch.

cancellations will be checked out through University


Where its at
THE UNIVERSITY doesn't need a geography
department, say some administrators, because
Harvard, Yale, and Stanford don't have
geography departments. At least that'shone
excuse. Well, we might all do well to take a geography
lesson or two. William Clark, President Reagan's under-
secretary of state designate-a Stanford graduate-doesn't
know that Belgium and the Netherlands are two different
F~r,,an ,ti Andl n imhnof .rf inum Dailstaff


sounding voice. At least one area radio station-WC-
BN-was tricked late Tuesday night into announcing over
the air that classes would not be held in the law school
yesterday. WCBN started announcing the cancellation of
law classes after a woman who ,identified herself as the
"assistant dean of student affairs" called the station and
said law classes were called off for Wednesday, according
to Ken Freedman, WCBN programming director. Freed-
man said the person who took the call thought the woman
"sounded official." The CBN staff started getting very
suspicious when someone who sounded very much like the
woman with the official voice called back and asked

cancellations will pe checked out through University
security before being placed on the air. Q
It takes a thief
At least one thief can't complain of police brutality.
Police in Anchorage, Alaska say they are worried that
"Shorty," a grocery store shoplifter, will be hit by a car
while making a getaway from one of his heists. Shorty, it
seems, is only four years old, and has already ripped off an
Anchorage grocery store three times. Police and grocery
store officials fear that harm could come to the tot during
I ,neof hiq ,,m,a--n .mirens i-, arit,.arkt "Thena

who put Shorty in a foster home Saturday for the remainder
of the weekend, say the boy just doesn't seem to be afraid Qf
cars on the busy highway by the market. Well, they say
criminals always re-visit the scene of their crimes... . l
Disneyland frolics
Bob Hope has plenty to say about his pal Ronald Reagan.
In his Valentine's Day special, titled "Funny Valentine",
and televised last night on NBC, the veteran comedian of-
fered his share of inaugural jokes about his show biz pal.
"President Reagan is trying to make the Californians feel
at home in the White House," Hope said. "He has it divided




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