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February 11, 1981 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1981-02-11

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Cinema Guild - Food For Thought, 7 p.m., Lorch Hall; Meat, 9 p.m., Lor-
ch Hall.
Classic Film Theater - The 400 Blows, 4, 7, 9 p.m., Michigan Theatre.
Housing Division - I'm the Prettiest Piece in Greece, 8 p.m., Oxford
Max Kade German House - Heart of Glass, 8 p.m., Conf. Room.
CAAS - Colloquium, Allen Roberts, "African Rural Development and
Questions of Family Organization", noon, SEB Whitney Aud.
Communications Dept. - Lee., Bernard Timberg, noon, 2040 F LSA Bldg.
CREES - Bag lunch lecture, Baruch Knei-Paz, "On the Consequences of
Giving History a Helping Hand: From Social Theory to Ideology and the
Politics of Revolutionary Modernization", noon, Lane Hall Commons.
Natural resources - William Ruckleshaus, "The Development and Im-
plementation of Federal Environmental Policy", 1 p.m., 1040 Dana Bldg.
School of Education - Louis Ferman, "The Impact of Unemployment on
the Child and Family", 4 pm., SEB Whitney Aud.
Chemistry - Bayne Carew, "Raman Studies of Protein Conformation:
Trophinin-C and Myosin", 4 p.m., 1200 Chem.
Chemistry - Peter Wuts, "Studies Towards the Total Synthesis of
magnamcycin B,"4 p.m.
Cross Currents - Christine Balogh, "Discovering Authentic Techniques:
The Painting and Glazing of Hungarian Folk Pottery", 4-6 p.m., Ann Arbor
Art Association.
And., and Operations Engineering - Tony Woo, "3-D Triangulation", 4
p.m., 229 W. Engin.
Nuclear Engineering - Horatio Nakata, "Finite-Element Coarse-Mesh
Reactor Calculations", 4 p.m., Cooley Baer Room.
Chem. Engin. - Brice Carnahan, "The AMDAHL 470/V6 Computing
System and MTS", 7-9 p.m., 734 Fountain.
EKN - Jim Anderson, "Career Opportunities in the Computer Industry",
7 p.m., 2084 E. Engin.
University and Women's Research Clubs - Thomas Donahue, "Exploring
Jupiter and Saturn with Voyager", 7:30 p.m., Rackham Amph.
Res. Coll. - Lee., writer-in -Residence Mary Beams, 8 p.m., SEB
Schorling Aud.
CHGD - Michael Johnston, M.D., "Development of Central Neurotran-
smitter Systems: Chemical Pathways in the Brain", noon, Third Floor Conf.
rm., Vaughn Bldg., 1111 E. Catherine.
Arbor Alliance - Charlie King, folksinger, 7:30, Union Ballroom.
Ark - Hoot Night, open mike, 9 p.m., 1421 Hill.
UAC - Laugh Track, comedy, U. CLub, Union, 9 p.m.
PTP/Theater & Drama - "I Can't Hear the Birds Singing", 8 p.m., Power
International Center - "Surviving and Thriving Once There," noon- 1
p.m., International Center. /
Society of Women Engineers - Pre-interview program, 1 p.m.
Bioengineering - Marc Diamond, "Computer vision in Robotics", 4 p.m.,
1084 E. Engin.
Geology-Samuel Savin, "Tertiary and Cretaceous Climates," 4 p.m.,
4001 C. C. Little Bldg.
Marketing Club - Second Year MBA from Marketing, Finance Section, 4
p.m., Hale Aud.
Armenian Students' Cultural Association - Seminar, 7-10 p.m., Michigan
League, Rooms D & E, (3rd floor).
Budget Cuts mass meeting, 9 p.m., Assembly Hall, Michigan Union.
Commission for Women - noon, 2549 LSA Bldg.
LSA Student Gov't - 3909 Michigan Union, 6:15 p.m.
Karma Thegsum Choling - Meditation, 734 Fountain, 7-9 p.m.
Stilyagi Air Corps -8 p.m., Union Co:nf. Rooms.
U. Residence Hall Council, 9 p.m., 3909 Union.
WCBN - "Dirty Movies and Erotic Films" Call-in, 88.3, 6 p.m.
U of M International Folk Dance Club - Teaching and dancing, 8-11 p.m.,
Bell Pool mezzanine.
Salvation Army - slide presentations, "An Appalachian Alternative to
Welfare", 3:30 & 5:30, 100 Arbana (off Huron).
CRLY -- Alfrey Storey, Speech communication, 3-5 p.m.
SWE - Pre-interview Program, TWR Defense Space Systems, 1-4 p.m.,
270 W. Engin.
Rec. Sports - IM Paddleball Doubles (AC-M/W) Tournament, 6:30 p.m.,
To submit items for the Happenings Column, send them in care of:
Happenings, The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI., 48109.

The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, February 11, 1981-Page 3
Iran releases
Cynthia Dwyer

'evenings,weekends & holidays
The Animal Emergency Clinic

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP)
- American writer Cynthia Dwyer flew
out of Iran to freedom yesterday after
nine months imprisonment and a one-
day mix-up in her deportation, leaving
one American still captive in Iran.
The 49-year-old Mrs. Dwyer, a free-
lance journalist convicted of espionage
and then ordered deported, arrived in
Dubai on an Iranian plane loaded with
MET BY U.S. Embassy officials, she
was whisked away in a police car"
without talking to reporters. She is due
to fly on to Switzerland and then to New
York today for a reunin with her
husband and three children.
Her departure left Zia Nassry, an
Afghan-born New York businessman
arrested March 8, as the last American

ensnared in Iran. He was seized shortly
after he went there reportedly hoping to
make his way intoAfghanistan to sup-
port rebels fighting the Soviets. Nassry,
34, has been charged with spying.
The Swiss ambassador to Iran, Erik
Lang, said, yesterday there was a
"slight hope" Nassry will be included in
a clemency order on the anniversary of
the Iranian revolution today. In any
case, Lang said, "we expect to get some
answers next week" on his situation.
Another American, 44-year-old
Iranian-born Mohi Sobhani, whose
family lives in Southern California, was
freed last week on $1 million bond
raised by his family. Four Britons also
held in Iran are expected to be freed

Con nections' key to

MSA Allocation Deadlines
The Michigan Student Assembly has money available to
help recognize student organizations fund worthwhile
projects on campus.
March allocations will be voted on March 10 and ap-
plications are due February 16. April allocations will
be voted on April 14 and applications are due by March
27. Applications are available at the MSA Office, 3909
Michigan Union.
Notice to all groups requesting March allocations. You
must attend a Budget Workshop put on by the Student
Organization Activities Program Office (SOAP) prior to
turning in the application to MSA. They will help you
organize your application and suggest other possible
sources for funding. These workshops will take place
February 11 and 12, 4:00-5:30 in Conference Room 4 of
the Union.
For more Information call MSA (763-3241)
or SOAP (763-5900).

fin ding
(continued from Page 1)
find them a place to live.
But there are other, more e
methods, according to expe
THE KEY IS connections," ex
Sue Ann Savis, an LSA junior a
counselor at the Ann Arbor T
Union. "Turning over leases to
is the best way to find a goodI
live. It works that way in our
tment) complex a lot."
Wasting lost of time dwelling
intense competition, high ren
poor living conditions will not a
search. Rental companies in t
have warned that procrastinate
be sorry if they wait much longe
the hunt.
"Things are going really we:
an employee of one of the mana
agencies who asked not to be
"We're renting fast, and'right n
more than half rented."
employee of one other rental
'both said leases are being signe
normal rate, but not as quickly
Houses.and large apartments
first to be snatched up, rental
officials noted. Single-bedroom
ficiency apartments are left fo
whose plans are indefinite u
spring, they said.
John Breckenridge, an LSA
said he has not been1
Soviet p

local omes
"seriously" for a place to live next year
effective because he is not sure he will return to
rienced the University.
"I'M GOING TO be in a bad spot if I
plained end up staying here," he said.
nd legal However, if landlords face a housing
tenants' surplus, as they did last year, life for
friends last-minute searchers may not be too
place to rough.
r (apar- Last fall, many landlords found
themselves in the unusual position of
g on the having a surplus of apartments. To at-
its, and tract tenants, some landlords offered a
aid your free month's rent or gift certificates for
he area local bookstores.
ors may One reason for the surplus was that
er to join poor economic conditions and high ren-
ts forced many students to double up,
11," said according to Jo Williams, director of
agement off-campus housing. Landlords said it is
named. too early to determine whether the
ow were "doubling up" trend will continue.
That does not seem to be true this
and an semester. Many rents are increasing
agency again. "Six-bedroom houses have the
ed at the highest increases," Copi said. "But
y as last some other units aren't going up at all .
.. I wasn't able to raise the rent on one-
are the bedrooms, because they aren't in
agency demand enough," he said.
and ef- The Off-Campus Housing Office
r people provides counseling services, roommate
intil the matching services, and lists of in-
dividual landlords for student hunters.
k junior, In addition, local rental agencies main-
looking tain lists of available apartments.


Introductory and advanced
courses, workshops and
seminars in the arts, earth
sciences, education,
engineering, the humanities,
social sciences, sciences,
and mathematics.
June 22 through August 15
All students in good standing
are invited to attend.



Rea gan pi
MOSCOW (AP) . The government-
controlled Soviet press yesterday
published a new attack on President
Reagan, accusing him of making
"alarmingly absurd blunders" during
his first weeks in office.
A commentary published in the
Literary, Gazette and distributed by the
official Soviet news agency Tass also
said Reagan and his advisers had a
'narrow view' of worldevents and
were motivated by "a simple, but
malicious logic."
The newspaper commentary com-
pared the new administration's outlook
to that of the administration of
President Theodore Roosevelt and said

ss attacks
Reagan and his advisers "proceed from'
the premise that detente causes flab-
biness in military muscle and weakens
"Manifest in the policy of the present
U.S administration is a not too diligent
learning of the lessons from Jimmy
Carter's fiasco," the commentary con-

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Excel lence

February 13th
L Nutech is a rapidly growing engineering
consulting firm located on the San Fran.
cisco Peninsula. Due to ongoing expan-
sion, we are presently seeking entry level
graduates with BS or MS degrees in the
following disciplines:
We offer a small company atmosphere
~ which encourages and promotes in-
dividual contribution in addition to:
'Superior Salary and Benefits
"50%+ Growth Rate
*San Francisco Bay Area Climate
& location
'Technical Challenge
& State-Of-The-Art Engineering
If you meet the qualifications, we would like to
discuss your career opportunities with our highly
successful and fast-paced company. Please con-


Sundstrand On Campus
Feb. 18
A leading high technology company, Sund-
strand is involved in the design, manufacture,
and sale of advanced systems and components
for the aerospace and energy industries. We
play a vital role on all U.S. commercial jets,
current military programs, and several business
jets. With annual sales approaching $1 billion,
we have plants and a sales and service network
throughout the world.
If you're interested in a creative engineering en-
vironment where you can work with outstanding
professionals, investigate Sundstrand. We offer:
e competitive salaries
, solid benefits
" liberal holidays
" generous educational reimbursement
We are headquartered in' Rockford, a major
community in northern Illinois that offers varied
employment opportunities for spouses.
On-camous interviewer. .. Mike Trotter


New, space-age alloy
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wears as good as gold, costs about half as much.
off the regular price. (Offer valid through February 27
Yellow Lustrium rings by Josten's available daily
at your bookstore.

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