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January 07, 1981 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1981-01-07

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VQH XCa.8 oyih 98,TeMcia al AnAbr ihgn enedy aur ,18 Fe"su ite ae
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/ until $fall

Daily Photo byyJOHN HAGEN
JOYOUS WOLVERINE FANS celebrate Michigan's 23-6 wio over the Washington Huskies at the 67th Rose Bowl in Pasadena last week. The win marked the first
victory for football Coach Bo Schembechler after five previous attempts.
over1nes savor bowl victory -
'We wanted to give Bo a Win011

Unlike their counterparts at other
state colleges and universities, Univer-
sity of Michigan students will be spared
a midyear tuition hike unless there is
some "unpleasant surprise" such as
the state cutting even more money
from the University's allocation, ad-
ministrators say.
But they add that students returning
in the fall can expect a "significant"
WUOM, Recreational Sports,}
the University Club-these are
just a few of the University en-
terprises that could lose some,
or all, of their funding through
a review process designed to
save the University some $3
million. Tomorrow's Daily has
the complete story.
tuition increase for the 1981-82
academic year.
Many state universities-including
Michigan State-have raised tuition
rates for the upcoming semester to
compensate for lower-than-expected
state allocations. Each MSU student,
for example, will be assessed an ad-
ditional $20 for each of the two.
remaining pre-summer terms at that
s chool. --
MOST SCHOOLS raise tuition only in
University administrators had
seriously considered a midyear tuition
hike, either in the form of a one-time
surcharge or an outright increase, but
they cited two reasons for abandoning
any such plans:
The first, according to University
President Harold Shapiro, was the lack
of time to inform students and their

New Year's Day was a day of retribution for the
MW91gpn Wolverines--the consummation of a long
struggle to win a bowl game for Coach Bo Schem-
"We wanted to go out there and give Bo a win in the
Rose Bowl," said center and co-captain George Lilja.
"We went out there knowing it would mean a lot to
him if we won. You could tell after the game it really
also testified to Schembechler's personal jubilance at
his first bowl victory after seven such defeats.
"He came in and grabbed me, and I've never heard

him sing 'Hail to the Victors' so loud. It was tremen-
dous," Trgovac said. R
Schemb.-hk-r's glee wasr.' easily hidden. When
mammoth offensive tackles Ed Muransky and Bubba
Paris hoisted their coach onto their broad shoulders
after the game, they could have turned off the lights
in the grand old stadium. Bo's beaming face could
have lit the place up all by itself.
IT WAS A MOMENT not soon to be forgotten by
those who witnessed it, either those present or those
watching on television sets across the nation. As the
coach thrust his fists into the California air and
gleefully banged on the maize and blue helmets
around him, viewers could see the relief on his face.

After five unsuccessful trips to Pasadena, what
was originally expected to be Schembechler's worst
Michigah ream ourvived a Iackkuster first haf andi
rode a dominant second one to defeat the Washington
Huskies going away, 23-6. It was a New Year's gift
which the Big Ten, the Wolverine football program
and, of course, Bo desperately needed.
"I'm very pleased," Schembechler understated af-
terwards. "This football team has given all of us .. .
coaches. . . fans.. . a great thrill. This team has done
more than any team we've had, talent-wose. Other
teams have had more talent. This team was a team, a
See BLUE, Page 12

families about a fee increase. He added
that there would have been little time
for a public discussion.
THE SECOND, Shapiro said, was a
feeling among administrators that the
University should exhaust other means
of cutting the budget before relying on
increased student funds.
"We wanted to make sure that all
other avenues were exhausted,"
Shapiro said yesterdcay. "We hadn't
had a chance to really do that yet,"
Shapiro said.
But Shapiro warned that another
"unpleasant surprise," such as more
emergency budget cuts made by the
state, may force the University to levy
a tuition surcharge in the middle of the
The University's general fund
budget, when it was adopted last year,
was built on the assumption that the
University's state appropriation would
be 3 percent more than the previous
year's allocation.
Since then, the state's economic con-
dition has worsened, resulting in a 1980-
81 appropriation at only 95 percent of
last year's level.
That leaves the University $9.4
million short this fiscal year and $11.1
million next year. All but $3 mi ion of
that is being cut by deans and executive
committees in schools, colleges and
departments. The remaining money
will come from savings through
program reduction in a number of non-
academic units, services, and fun-
Despite these severe cutbacks, ad
ministrators said students should be
prepared for a "large" and
"significant" tuition increase in the
academic year that begins in Septem-
ber, depending on anticipated state
New faces
in line to
for draft
Several hundred Ann Arbor 18-year-
olds fought yesterday's blizzard to
reach local post offices to register for
the draft.
By late-afternoon close to 200 then
had registered at the post office in
Nickels Arcade, many more than the 60
who filled out cards on Monday, the fir-
st day of this second round of draft
registration. All 18-year-olds are
required by law to register -this week.
CONFUSION OVER whether or not
registrants are required to include
social security numbers on the forms
resulted in some inadvertent breaking
of the law. A stay was issued Dec. 30 by
a Washington, D.C. Appeals Court
against a November lower court ruling

In case you missed it..
While most University students took a break during the past two weeks, news in Ann Arbor
didn't stop. For a recap of the major local stories which occurred during Winter vacation,
see Page 9.
Sixteen candidates vie for

five city coun
With April city elections in sight, 16 candidates who filed
nominating petitions for five City Council seats are mapping
campaign strategies.
Democrat Robert Faber, a former member of both the city
planning commission and city council, is challenging incum-
bent Republican Louis Belcher in the mayoral race.
DEMOCRATIC candidates in the First and Second wards,
and Republicans in the Third and Fifth Wards will face off in
primaries Feb. 16 to determine who will represent their par-
ties on April 6.
Councilman Ken Latta decided not to run for a second two
year term, so Democrats Lowell Peterson and Clinton Smith
will run against each other in a First Ward primary. The
traditionally Democratic ward includes West Quad and South
"Housing is a perennial issue (in the election) ... because
the problem hasn't been solved yet," Peterson said yester-
day. "Assault is another major issue. We have to work with
the University on this problem," he said.
SMITH COULD NOT be reached for comment.

i positions
The winner of the primary faces Republican Stephen
Brownell in April. A 32-year resident of the First Ward,
Brownell said he thinks the issues in the election are city ser-
vices and development problems, such as the Black Pond
housing project proposed in his ward.
Democrat Leslie Morris, one of only two council members
seeking reelection, is campaigning against Robert Ewing in
the Second Ward Democratic primary. She said she thinks
safety has replaced hotsing as a major concern in the
student-dominated ward which includes Bursley Hall.
MORRIS, SEEKING her third term on the 11-member
council, said both housing and making sure that the ward is
not overlooked by the city "because of its high tenant
population"' continue to be important concerns.
The winner of the Morris/Ewing primary will vie with
Republican Toni Burton and Libertarian R. Neil Faiman in
A senior at the University, Burton ran unsuccessfully last
year for the Second Ward seat. She said her campaign is
"still very much in the groundwork stage."
Faiman, organizing his campaign with the libertarian can-
See COUNCIL, Page 3

uaiy Pho oy UM RE INOMLLEY
A DEMONSTRATOR STANDS inside the Liberty Street post office yester-
day to protest registration for the draft.

Welcome back
REETINGS TO THOSE of you who survived
during the last two weeks of a diet of leftover
turkey and holiday cheer. That's how most of the
Daily staff managed to get by. We're back again
and publishing six days a week in living black and white.
Start the term off on the right foot by calling 764-0558 and

reports to students yesterday. Engineering students will
have to wait a bit longer to find out how they did last term
because the college processes its own reports. According to
Associate Registfar Harris Olson, 110 term grade reports
still remain homeless because those students failed to give
the University their local address. Students who haven't
received their reports are advised to rush to the registrar's
office and claim their homeless grades. QZ
Road to glory
What happens to old presidents? Sometimes they get,

derway yet to rename any Ann Arbor streets after
Michigan gridders. Li
Look in the book.
Not-so-deft telephone dialers who rely on the directory
assistance operator to find out their friends' telephone
numbers might find out it's cheaper to look in the book.
Beginning in June, Michigan Bell Telephone will charge all
residential and business customers 20 cents per each 411
call after a quota of 20 free calls has been filled. According
to Michigan Bell Public Relations Official Al Chenault. only

small red and silver balloon that was found on a fence Mon-
day at the C.W. Dittman home. Although somewhat
deflated after its 250-mile journey, the balloon still bore the
words "I Was There-The Rose Parade." No one in the
neighborhood went to the Rose Parade and the Dittman
family believes the balloon was swept over the ocean from
Pasadena before it was picked up by southwesterly winds
and blown over the area.
On the inside
A review of the film Flash Gordon appears on the Arts



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