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February 07, 1981 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1981-02-07

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J ,", y ", 19 - . - '

Ninety-One Years
Editorial Freedom


3Iail g

It will be cloudy with snow
flurries throughout the
day. High in the 30s, low in
the lower teens.

Vol. XCI, No. 110

Copyright 1981, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, February 7, 1981

Ten Cents

Eight Pages



7.4 percent
in anuary
WASHINGTON (AP) - Unem- Janet Norwood, commissioner of
ployment remained at 7.4 percent of the labor statistics, said, "The January
labor force in January despite an in- labor market indicators provide mixed
crease of 410,000 in job-holders - signals on the economy."

VICE PRESIDENT FOR University Relations and Development Michael Radoc,?A
a 20-year veteran of the administration, is shown (above) in a 1960s Regents
meeting and yesterday (right) as he discussed his retirement. Seated with Radock
at the meeting from left to right are Richard Cutler, former vice president for
student services; former Regent William Cudlip; former Regent Fred Matthaei
Jr.; former University President Robben Fleming; former University President4
Harlan Hatcher; former Regent Paul Goebel; former Executive Vice President
Marvin Niehuss; and A. Jeoffrey Norman, former vice president for research. Daily Photo by DAVID HARRIS
Radock announces resi gnaton
after twent years as ''V

figures the Reagan administration said
yesterday only confirmed the need for
passage of the president's economic
recovery program.
Twelve hours after President Reagan
declared the economy was "in the wor-
st . . . mess since the Great
Depression," the Labor Department
reported that 7.8 million people were
out of work last month, 62,000 more
than the month before.
THE NATIONAL unemployment rate
The auto industry slump in Michigan
caused a sharp increase in state unem-
ployment last month. See story, page 3.
was the same as in December and little
different from rates of previous mon-
The Bureau of Labor Statistics said.
97.7 million persons held jobs last mon-
th, an increase of more than 400,000.
Improvement in the unemployment
situation for blacks and adults was of-
fset by worsened figures for teen-agers
and Hispanics.
The overall unemployment rate has
hovered between 7.4 percent and 7.6
percent since May.

"WHEN ADJUSTED for seasonal
movements, both the payroll and the
household surveys showed some
evidence of strength," Ms. Norwood
told the congressional Joint Economic
Committee. "Employment increased
and the factory work week continued to
But Murray Weidenbaum, designated
as chairman of the President't Council
of Economic Advisers, called the
January unemployment figures "fur-
ther evidence our economy appears to
be stuck on a plateau.
"Reagan believes strong action is
needed to restore productivity growth,
cut inflation, and put Americans back
to work," Weidenbaum said in a
statement released by the White House.
"The program he will announce on Feb.
18 is designed to do that."
IN A NATIONALLY broadcast ad-
dress Thursday night, Reagan said the
country faces an "economic calamity"
unles it moves quickly to stem inflation,
spur new business investment, and
create jobs with accompanying reduc-
tions in income tax rates, federal spen-
ding, find government rule-making.

Vice President for University
Relations and Development Michael
Radock, the administrator who led
fundraising drives that brough the
University more than $400 million,
announced yesterday he would retire
late this year.
The University's public relations
man since 1961, Radock has traveled
around the world in search of
donations for buildings, renovations,
scholarships and fellowships.
DURING THE University's last
capital campaign he spearheaded the
drive that raised $72.8 million - the
largest amount ever raised by a
public university in a single intensive
But Radock, less than two years shy
of 65 - the retirement age for Univer-
sity executive officers - decided he
should allow a new administrator to
begin the next capital campaign,

rather than making his successor
start in the middle.
Radock said he believes the Univer-
sity "must turn to greater private
support because we can only depend
on the state for smaller allocations
each year."
HIS DEPARTMENT is making a
special effort to solicit funds from out-
of-state alumni and corporations
because of Michigan's financial
troubles. In California, for instance,
Radock said he precicted Michigan's
presence and victory in the Rose Bowl
will contribute to this year's effort in
that state.
"When the football team wins or the
University is rated high
academically, it adds to an alumni
sense of pride in the school," the vice
president said.
University administrators, past and
present, expressed nothing but praise
yesterday for Radock's work.

Robben Fleming called Radock a
"tremendously important figure at
Michigan. The University has long
been the leader in public relations and
raising money (among all public
schools) and he's been the key figure
in that."
Fleming described Radock's fun-
draising tactics as "highly
disciplined." He built up alumni con-
tacts all over the country to do enor-
mous amounts of volunteer work for
Michigan," Fleming said.
Robert Forman, executive director
of the University alumni association,
said Radock's "record for 'harvesting
the crop' has been excellent,"
referring- to the administrator's
ability to solicit alumni donations.
Saline) credits the vice-president with
initiating Michigan Awareness a
program for "informing and ed-

cucating the public as to the impor-,
tance of higher education in the state
and what has happened to its finances
in recent years."
Roach also said he feels Radock has
contributed a tremendous amount to
making the University a "great in-
stitution as opposed to just another
state school.
But Radock credits the University's
already fine reputation as his greatest
aid in raising money. He calls the
"difference between an ordinary and
a great, distinctive university the
'Vital Margin.' "
The University ranks with the
major private institutions such as
Harvard, Princeton, Chicago, Stan-
ford, Johns Hopkins, and Yale in its
fundraising success. For more than a
decade, the University has ranked
among the top 12 schools in the coun-
try in highest gift totals.
See RADOCK, Page 8

$140 million
sparks 'U',
state dispute



burn ing issues'


P A - I


'U' officials seek end to hash bash

The event may have started out as a "forum for
dissent," but the annual April 1st hash bash has tur-
ned into a "forum for vicarious thrill seekers", that
costs the city and University more than $11,000, says
Ann Arbor Police Chief William Corbett.
And, according to university and city officials,'
many members of the'University community would
like nothing better than to see the event discontinued.
UNIVERSITY DIRECTOR of Safety Walt Stevens
said the available evidence seems to support the
claim that "it is time to end the hash bash." Atten-
dance at the event has dropped from an estimated
4,000 at the 1978 Hash Bash to an estimated 1,000 to
1,200 at last year's festivities.
The annual Hash Bash began in 1972 as a local
protest organized primarily to relax or eliminate
laws restricting the possession and use of marijuana.

The gatherings on the Diag, at which many
protestors openly violated existing pot laws, helped
persuade Ann Arbor law makers to pass an ordinance
making the possession of small amounts of the drug
punishable by a fine of $5.
PERHAPS THE MOST glaring evidence of a
change in attitude among both students and Ann Ar-
bor residents is that 90 percent of last year's hash
bash crowd came from outside the area, some from
other states, according to Corbett.
"It is no longer a local get-together," said Ann Ar,-
bor Police Captain Kenneth Klinge.
In addition, the crime rate at the event has in-
creased. Arrests and violations of the law during the
Hash Bash have increased despite the large decrease
in the number of participants. In 1978, 107 violations
were reported. Last year, there were 3,000 fewer par-
ticipants and 129 reported violations.

CORBETT ALSO CITED an "alarming increase in
larcenies and breaking-and-enterings during the past
few years. Last year, there was also a stabbing.
The incidence of vandalism has also increased
during the hash bash, according to Stevens, who ad-
ded that the disruption of classes only serves to
deprive students of their opportunity to gain an
Although many residents of Ann Arbor would like
to see the hash bash come to an end, problems arise
because "there is no good answer to cause the
cessation of the hash bash," said University General
Counsel Roderick Daane. Daane added there were
many problems involving the equal rights of
everyone - not just the University community - to
have access to public properties as long as they don't
break the law.
See CITY, Page 2

The University had in 1979 about
$140.6 million in accumulated funds
which the state auditor general says
could be used for general operations
If the auditor had his way, the funds
could help offset the University's in-
creasing requests for state ap-
propriations. The University disagrees
with the auditor's assessment.
THIS WEEK, University Vice
President and Chief Financial Officer
James Brinkerhoff sharply criticized
portions of an audit report of the
University's Ann Arbor campus. The
funds, he said, are not available for
general costs.
The report states that $55.9 million of
the disputed funds may include donor
requirements that they be used in
designated areas of the University, but
the remaining $84.7 million has no such
"The key issue, and here is where we
disagree with the state, is whether the
funds set aside in reserve should be
spent to offset the University's current
budget problems," Brinkerhoff said.
IT IS IMPORTANT to consider the
future, Brinkerhoff said, adding that
the funds should be maintained as an
earnings base.
But the University agrees with the

See STATE, Page 2

auditor general on most of his other fin-
dings and recommendations on inter-
office communication and more ef-
ficient use of computers.
"These are generally not new items,"
Brinkerhoff said. "Virtually every
single one (of the recommendations for

... criticizes audit report


Computerized vacation?
AT THE UNIVERSITY, the only thing that stops
classes is a monster snowstorm, which happens
about once every 50 years. But, south of the
equator in Brazil, a computer foul-up has
extended summer vacation for millions of Sao Paulo
schoolkids. The computer, used this year for the first time

eluding custody officers. "The defendant was directed to sit
down and wait for custody officer," said Deputy Prosecutor
Fred Yates. "I turned my back. Then he was gone." Yates
said Pines had an extensive criminal record, including
escape. Another example of "practice makes perfect." Q
Department of redundancy
IPresident Reagan, unaware that a group of disabled per-.-

to lung cancer says eating raw carrots may help to reduce
the risk of lung cancer. Dr. Richard Doll, president of the
British Association for Cancer Research, says that
laboratory animals given beta carotene, an ingredient in
carrots, green vegetables, butter, and egg yolks, reduced
the risk of cancer by 40 percent. Doll warns, however, that
beta carotene, a form of Vitamin A, is poisonous in large
From roost to roast

tax returns may have reason to wonder about the efficiency
of the U.S. Post Office. A few days ago, a Slaughter, La.
resident received a long overdue letter for her un-
cle-postmarked Aug. 12, 1940. Myrtle Rae Hall said she
received on Tuesday a letter addressed to her uncle, Ben
Carney, from the now-defunct War Department. The letter
contained Carney's honorable discharge from the Civilian
Conservation Corps along with several other papers and
was addressed to Carney's home in Ethel, La. Also en-
closed was a note from the Postal Service which said, "The
enclosed letter was found loose in the mail... We realize




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