0 0 v kPage 4 OPINION Friday, January 30, 1981 i A liberal sides with the The Michigan Daily Right-to -Lifers On a visit to downtown Detroit last summer, I stopped to look at literature on display at a sidewalk Right-to-Life booth. Its attendant, sensing a potential convert, immediately began buttonholing me about a plethora of evils besieging America, of which abortion was merely an overt symptom rather than a cause. Didn't I realize, she confided con- spiratorially, that the abortion plague was generated by pornography and free-love per- missiveness, that the Equal Rights Movement oming Apart By Christopher Potterf was breeding libertine women, that sex education produced millions of unwanted pregnancies, that liberal ideology in general had triggered a licentious, anti-family gospel which was eroding our nation's moral fiber? No wonder the Russians were beating us, she ex- claimed. THE WOMEN'S IDEAS were symptomatic of those of many Right-to-Lifers, who seem chronically to work as their own worst enemies. The abortion war allows themto give persistent, cacophonous vent to their darkest ,terrors of progressivism in American life. Emboldened by the Reaganite ascension, they couple their one-issue crusade with grand designs regarding sex, drugs, religion, and the Decline of the West. Their philosophical over- dose repels thousands of potential converts who, like myself, find the Lifers' rant and prat- tle foolishly conceals the simple, persuasive truth of their premise: that human life is sacred above all other considerations. I AM A Right-to-Lifer. That is hardly a con- vivial credo to practice or even to admit to; it deposits me in the same camp with a multitude of reactionaries, yahoos, and professional haters I would not be caught dead with mar- ching under any other banner. Conversely, my belief drives a political and social wedge bet- ween me and every personal friend I have; its credo is so combustible and antithetical to my Ann Arbor colleagues that I feel habitually compelled to keep my conviction to myself rather than confide it even (or perhaps especially) to my most intimate acquaintan- ces. It's like revealing a social disease, a heroin habit, or a crazed twin brother locked in the at- tic. Yet I do believe it. As Martin Luther once reluctantly proclaimed to a venomous religious establishment: "Here I stand; I can do no other. God help me. Amen." It would be so easy to side with my peer group, to denounce in- dignantly those who would deprive a woman of her right to choose. Yet it's not that easy. Nothing ever is. ONCE ONE HAS stripped away the hyper- bole obscuring both sides' arguments, one must face the single, germinal question on which this conflict turns: Is a fetus a living, sensing being or is it a formless, brainless organism like an abscess, or a tumor? If you can say "yes" to the latter, then your path is clear and guilt-free; I have never been able to say it. There is so much we don't know about the process of life-about the universe not only without but within ourselves. I look at pictures of a months-old, aborted embryo-so im- measurably far from the slug the pro-choicers like to label it-and I wonder what was it thinking, feeling. Could it feel? Could it sense pain? did it scream over its forced extraction from safety, wrenched out into a dark, dead world it would never perceive? CAN WE REALLY say we know what takes place in such an upheaval? If we don't, do we then have any right to act as though we did know? Can life and death be regarded with such cool, sanitized self-assurance? Most pro-lifer rhetoric repells me; yet pro- choice verbosity betrays a knee-jerk simplicity inadequate to abortion's terrifying com- plexities. If you're progressive, then you're pro-abortion-it's that neat and simple. This rationale unwittingly rejects the essence of the liberal heritage-most notably the heritage of sympathy and compassion for the oppressed and the helpless. What could be more helpless among earth's creatures than an embryonic in- fant? Who will protect it? Not today's liberal, who glibly approves the Supreme Court's magic-wand fiat proclaiming a 6-month old fetus a human being with full constitutional rights, while a 53/4-month-old fetus remains a lump with no rights at all. The Court's ruling was and is medical quackery-an imperious, fantasy-tinged decision that sanctifies the domination of the bully over the weak. NO LESS ARBITRARY is the pro-choicers' conscience-cleansing notion that if abortion is outlawed thousands of children will be thrust into an overcrowded, uncaring.world; there they will be doomed to a life of desolation because they weren't wanted in the first place. Better to abort them now and spare them all that agony, the typical liberal argues. In the whole spectrum of human interaction, I cannot perceive a more illiberal, tyrranical creed. How can enlightened persons, most of whom are among the first to decry torture or genocide, presume to predict the life's course of one who has not yet begun life? Such soothsayers are playing God, capriciously and brutally. In motive, if not character, they differ little from the Nazi death squads they claim to abhor-Himmler used to piously brag about the humane execution methods he employed against the unfortunate subhumans in his death camps. It is nihilism cloaked in liberal himanism; it says the world is lousy and you're better off without it-we're doing you a favor. It is chic barbarism. I AM anything but impervious to reasoned pro-choice arguments: 1 dread the spectre of the back-alley abortionist, ache for the welfare family burdened with one more mouth to feed. Abortion was never the black-and-white, good- vs.-evil question that both sides paint it; it is an issue cloaked in horribly knotted shades of gray, a lesser-of-evils tangle guaranteed to af- flict one with spasms of guilt no matter what one's belief. It's 'a no-win struggle, a com- promise of principle at best. If the choice were the woman's alone, it might be relatively simple; yet abortion in- volves more than one body, more than one right. No one can convince me otherwise. I can never believe that a miserable existen- ce, even a maimed or retarded one, isn't preferable to no existence at all. To know life on any level is to touch God, however awkwar- dly. To be able to see, to hear, to simply breathe is an experience incomparable with anything else in creation as we know it. Some humans will find love and serenity, many others won't-but at the very least we should all be guaranteed the opportunity to fail on our own. Troubled as my own life has been, I wouldn't have missed the trip for the world. I Oon't want to tell anyone else he or she can't take the same ride. Sling your stones and arrows if you must, dear liberal readership. Here I stand; I can do no other. Christopher Potter is a Daily staff writer. His column appears every Sunday. Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Feiffer Vol. XCI, No. 103 420 Moynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board Oil deregulation will mean conservation, exploration A VA)C61O01Kish. AN SEP APRIL. MARCHA oc MAY aE NOV DE NE *'iLY C 4ACI&'- isprt Q~/ Y ABOLISHING the last federal controls on oil prices, President Reagan has taken a long-needed step that will force consumers to conserve more energy. Rising oil prices in recent years have caused many consumers to become more energy-conscious. But still, some individuals continue to fill up their gas guzzlers and refuse to "dial down" in their homes. Deregulated oil prices should help deter these wastrels from wantonly filling up their tanks and making the windows steam in their houses. More consumers will also be tempted to trade in their "tanks" for smaller, more fuel efficient cars. As oil prices rise to their natural market value, the need for mass tran- sit will become increasingly evident. A bus line begins to'look more appealing when the alternative is a gallon of gas at $1.50. Hopefully, government of- ficials will recognize this need and work even harder to develop fast, ef- fioient mass transit systems for cities. As gas prices rise, the oil companies will have the incentive to explore and develop more domestic energy resour- ces, which will also help to limit our dependence on foreign oil. The need for and feasibility of alternate energy sources, such as solar, geothermal, wind, and water, may also be realized. The main drawback of deregulation, of course, is that it could add a further financial worry to the already over- burdened poor. Windfall profits taxes should certainly be continued, with the revenues going to those who need it most. Overall, though, the benefits of deregulation far outweigh the costs. The possibility of becoming energy self-sufficient as a result of Reagan's action affirms that. Until the past decade, the United States' voracious use of oil has gone unabated. Higher oil prices can make Americans aware of the need for con- servation and development. LETTERS TO THF. DAILY: TVshow was sympathetic to Nazis To the Daily: My friends and I who viewed the television docu-drama The Bunker found the show to be an outrage as it heroized Adolf Hitler and idealized the philosophy of Nazism. I was repulsed by this attempt to make the down fall of the Third Reich seem glorious and honorable. The TV audience was led to sympathize with Hitler, who was portrayed as a leader tragically deceived. Those who remained loyally at "their Fuhrer's side" were given the halos of angels under the despicable cover of television en- tertainment. Many instances of the inferred glamorizing could be cited, but most horrifying were the last ten minutes. Goebbels was shown speaking of the brave attempt of Nazi Germany in combatting the evils of Russian communism and Western capitalism led by "the international Jewish con- spiracy." I interpret this as an attempt to split the viewer's judgement by derogating the Soviet forces that helped crush the sick society of the Third Reich and vilifying the world-wide Hebrew community. Basically, the viewer was told to pick sides with the Nazi's brand of goodness, or be cast to the sin- ners. Most threatening and offensive was the very last scene. After we were led to believe the show had ended when the fates and histories of the people who had lived in the bunker were told, a needless scene was tacked on showing an Adolf Hitler in the middle of one of his "awe- inspiring" speeches. His histrionics were robust and grand as he espoused the Aryan- German way of life as correct and superior. He thundered out bellicose statements of . how Germany would rebuild itself and be victorious in the end after all of Germany's and fascism's enemies were conquered. The program worried and in- furiated me enough to write this letter. The menace of Nazism, or fascism, or call it what you may, seems to be growing again not only in this country, but abroad as well. The boldly expanded ac- tivities of the Ku Klux Klan and the American Nazi Party are recent evidence of this. Before this nasty creature may be allowed to rear its head and creep up on us again to con- taminate elements of our already-troubled society, its roots should be terminated. Ws may be prime game and most susceptible to this disease now as a lost and unprepared Ger- many was some 45 years ago. We must not let the fears of a demented few wreak paranoia on the majority. To remain in health and in peace, we must discuss preventions and cures in public. and to this I strongly invite an9 welcome a response to this letter. -William Turbow January 28 The chimes must ring To the Daily: It seems to me silly-not to say ludicrous-that the University would let carilloneur Hudson Ladd leave the faculty. It seems to me outrageous that we could let him leave for a mere $15,000. There are a number of prin- ciples we could invoke, as a community, to reestablish his position-and at a far more decent salary than $15,000! First, there's the principle that we are all in this together: that's part of why we're a University. Therefore, some of the excess money in the Athletic Depar- tment can be diverted to pay Professor Ladd's salary. Second, there's the prin- ciple-rarely mentioned in public-that a real faculty mem- ber (let alone a carillonneur) is always more important than a doing something so absurd as taking down the signs and flyers that unthinking hucksters have plastered all over our walls, win- dows, and doors. The money saved would pay most of Professor Ladd'ssalary-and maybe the people who buy all those extra signs and flyers to paste up everywhere would con-, tribute what they save on prin- ting costs to make up the rest. We rarely act on principle, of course-though this is a Univer- sity. Still, we can raise the money simply and painlessly. If every member of the University faculty will agree to donate annually five ten-thousandths-that's one twentieth of one percent-of his or her salary to the Music School, we will have more than enough to pay Professor Ladd. If each ficltv member will 0ug iback For peace, not weapons To the Daily: General Dynamics, Northrup, Lockheed, and the Navy all recently announced glamorous job opportunities in adver- tisements in the Daily. But none of them mentioned the end product of their efforts-the slaughter of human beings. Think twice before you send in that coupon or go for a job inter- view. Do you really believe that more accurate and speedy weapons will deter a nuclear holocaust? Do they really con- stituite "defense," or are they computer error; a miscalculation, an unstable of- ficer, or an intentional first strike by any of the nuclear powers could trigger global destruction. Can your conscience accept being an accomplice to the slaughter, which will include your own loved ones? It is far bet- ter to seek a job that is construc- tive and to get involved in the peace movement-to which the American Friends Service COm- mittee or practically any of the main line student religious groups, churches. ana %i.. .r .'" 'l. , ' /.off /'\