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January 30, 1981 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1981-01-30

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Ninety-One Years
Editorial Freedom

E xI a


Mostly sunny today with a
high in the mid-20s..


Twelve Pages:


Convrinht 1981, The Michiaan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, January 30, 1981

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

%/_ V1 1 hl- tuf'.f

Vol. XU, No IU3

'U' professors
concerned with

Class sizes are' increasing and there is little sign
they will grow smaller, according to University
professors and department chairpersons.
Smaller budgets have severely limited departmen-
ts' abilities to hire more faculty members, and
professors and other officials complain there is a
shortage of large classrooms.
computer science classes appear to be the most over-
"Enrollment is up," said Political Science depar-
tment chairman Harold Jacobson. 'We're more
crowded than we'd like to be."
PART OF THE POLITICAL science department's
problem lies in a staff shortage due to budget cut-
backs. "Our biggest problem is not enough staff,"
Jacobson said. "I wish we had a bigger budget."
Other areas of the University are being hit by the
lack of money. Engineering Prof. Maurice Sinnott

said the engineering school was "leaning on the ad-
ministration as hard as we can" for additional funds.
"As far as I know (classes are) tight," Sinnott said.
"We're fitting everyone in, but man, it takes a lot of
SOME DEPARTMENTS are also finding they don't
have enough money to hire new teaching assistants to
relieve professors' burdens.
Part of the psychology department's overcrowding
problems can be attributed to a lack of teaching
assistants, according to Assistant Department
Chairman Tony Morris. Approximately 900 students
were wait-listed by the psychology department this
The department was able to use some of its money
to hire more TAs, Morris said. According to the
department chairman, adding TAs "should hopefully
bring the wait list down to around 500 by next Sep-
MORE MONEY WOULD not help some of the over-

crowded departments, professors say.
James Wendel, associate chairman of the
mathematics department, said the department has"
noticed the budget cutbacks, but claimed the major
problem was in hiring "competent people."
"Yol can pull anyone off the street," Wendel said,
"but you can't stick a calculus book in their hands."
Communications and Computer Science Prof.
Peter Benson said his department has had a hard
time finding qualified teaching assistants and
professors. Money, he said, was not the problem. "I
think the college would back us up"in a request of
funds, he said.
ANOTHER PROBLEM departments face is a shor-
tage of large rooms. Al Stewart, head of the
scheduling department for LSA, said he has received
a "number of requests" for larger rooms. According
to Stewart, most departments request rooms from 10
a.m. to 2 p.m.
If students and departments were more receptive
See 'U', Page 6




new regulations

Doily Photo by DEBORAH LEWIS
Apartment hunters
These students have been camping out for up to three days in the lounge of Albert Terrace in order to get first dibs on
housing there next fall. The line for housing has become an annual occurence at the apartment complex, which is
operated by Maize and Blue Management Co.
Blood di Cosital
bac itogood conditon

Reagan, saying there has to be "a
change in direction" in the country, an-
nounced yesterday he is abolishing the
Council on Wage and Price Stability
and prohibiting federal agencies from
implementing new regulations for 60
Reagan also said that he is not con-
sidering retaliation against Iran in the
aftermath of the hostage crisis because
"I don't think revenge is worthy of us."
IN AN OPENING statement at his
first news conference since taking of-
fice, Reagan said the Council on Wage
and Price Stability, which ad-
ministered the Carter administration's
anti-inflation program, "has been
totally ineffective in controlling in-
flation and has imposed unnecessary
burdens on labor and business."
Announcing the freeze on pending
federal regulations, the new president
said the action would give his ad-
ministration time "to start a new
regulatory oversight process and also
prevent certain last-minute regulatory
decisions of the previous ad-
ministration-the so-called 'midnight
regulations'-from taking "effect
without proper review and approval."
Abolition of the Council on Wage and
Price Stability would cut 120 persons
from the federal payroll. He said he will
ask Congress to rescind its budget of
$1.5 million.
ON IRAN, THE president said he
believes his administration will honor
the agreements that former President
Jimmy Carter negotiated with Iran
allowing the release of the 52 American
hostages, although they still are being
studied to see whether they conform
with international and domestic laws.
On other subjects, the president:
o Said detente, or the policy of ac-
commodation with the Russians, "has
been a one-way street the Soviet Union
has used to pursue its aims." He said
See REAGAN, Page 6

With help from a student blood drive,
University Hospital is off the critical
Major operations were at a standstill
for three days last week because of a
severe blood shortage. "Fortunately,
our supply is nearly back to normal,"
said hospital spokesman Joseph
AS OF LAST night, 1,064 pints of
blood had been pumped from student
veins. The blood was shipped to the
Detroit Red Cross, which distributed it

to 75 hospitals in a five-county area.
"The blood usually is in another per-
son's body within 24 hours," said a Red
Cross spokesperson.
The campus blood drive is being
sponsored by Alpha Phi Omega, a fun-
draising fraternity. Dennis Noskin, the
fraternity's president, encourages
more students to make donations.
"IT ONLY TAKES an hour," Noskin
said, "and that is not much, considering
you could be saving someone's life."
Usually, 70 percent of hospital blood
requests cannot be filled," he said.

The drive continues today at the
Michigan Union from 11 a.m. until 5
p.m., and Monday at Couzens dor-
mitory from 5-9 p.m.
Noskin predicts that the campus
community will raise approximately
1,600 pints of blood. This blood drive is
one of the largest in the state - second
only to the blood drive at Ford Motor
Co.'s Ypsilanti plant.
BY MONDAY, 100 volunteers will
have logged between 500 and 600 hours
See STUDENT, Page 6

PRESIDENT REAGAN MAKES his opening statement at the start of his fir-
st presidential news conference yesterday.-During the conference, which
was held in Washington, he announced a freeze on all pending federal

Moral Majority head slams
Car Playboy interview

NEW YORK (UPI) - Penthouse magazine
released an interview yesterday in which the
founder of Moral Majority blasts former
President Jimmy Carter for giving his famous
"lust" interview to Playboy - "a salacious,
vulgar magazine."
Sandwiched in between photo layouts of naked
women, sex ads, bawdy jokes, and vulgar car-
toons, the interview with the Rev. Jerry Falwell,
46-year-old Baptist minister, takes a generally
critical view of American morals.
FALWELL, CONTACTED in Washington, said
free-lance writer Andrew Duncan and Sasthi
Brata were guilty of "deceit" because, in
MARIJUANA; IT SEEMS, can produce
power lines as well as in people. With
toting guards standing by, Florida Pc
Light Co. and U.S. Customs Service
Wednesday fed five tons of confiscated marijua
machine that shredded it and blew it into the furl
power plant generator. The $3 million worth of
mixed with oil and hrned making steam that to

requesting interviews, they told him they would
use the material in a book and a London
"We would never knowingly give Penthouse
magazine an interview," Falwell said. "I would
certainly never want to encourage their
distribution by giving them one word of interview
which might cause someone to purchase the
"Our attorneys are looking into the possibility of
legal action against Penthouse and Mr. Duncan
and Mr. Brata for attempting to do damage to our
reputation and ministry by leaving the impression
that we knowingly gave an interview to Penthouse

Spain's premier quits
MADRID, Spain (UPI) -Prime Minister Adolfo resigned as leader of the Democratic Center
Suarez, the urbane technocrat who methodically Union, the broad-based coalition he led to victory
guided Spain from dictatorship to democracy, an- in two general elections following the death of die-
nounced his resignation yesterday, admitting he tator Gen Francisco Franco in 1975.,
could no longer govern effectively in the face, of Sources close-to Suarez said the prime minister
odositongefrom within his ownparty. submitted his resignation to King Juan Carlos, his
opposition strongest ally, on Wednesday but did not inform
Although his resignation was expected, its the Cabinet of his decision until yesterday. Three
timing surprised the nation, catching rival he Cateof hi ecision s ee
politicians completely off guard-an effect the 48- hours later, he went on national television to ex
year-old prime minister may have intended. plain his resignation to a stunned nation.
THE RESIGNATION threw the country into REFERRING TO charges that he had become
temporary political confusion. Leaders -of the arrogant, reclusive, and undemocratically intent
Democratic Center Union were expected to pick a on clinging to power, Suarez said: "I do not go
new candidate for premier at the party conference because I am tired. I do not go because I cannot
next week. It also raised the possibility of general bear my defeats.
elections. "I do not go because I am afraid of the future.
Suarez AP Photo Suarez, acknowledging his authority had been "I go because words are not enough and we
. resignation surprises Spain severely shaken after 55 months in office, also See SPANISH, Page 3

Even sticks to the roof of your
Will the fad of 1981 be cottonseed butter and jelly san-
dwiches? If the invisible hand of the free market does its
duty, the newfapgled condiment will be replacing peanut
butter in all sorts of ways. After last summer's peanut crop
was devastated by drought, food producers began looking
for alternatives to peanuts in their various uses. Cotton-
seeds contain toxic glands which originally kept them from
being used as food. But a scientist recently discovered a
f- -^A .- l- . - nt -ncnrl rhnh illhonhl t

Pennsylvania College of Podiatric Medicine, range from
sneakers worn by modern athletes to sandals worn by an-
cient Egyptians. The collection also allows visitors to size
up the shoes of three first ladies. On display are Betty
Ford's 82-B silver kid sandal, Lady Bird Johnson's 7-
AAAA, and Mamie Eisenhower's 6%B shoe which bears the
inscription "Made expressly for Mrs. Dwight D.
Eisenhower." One pair of Egyptian sandals from about 280
B.C. has a human face on each sole. "The Egyptians
believed that if you put pictures of an enemy on the soles of
your sandals, you could stomp all over that enemy when
you got to the next world," says Museum Curator James

development manager, predicts we'll soon be hearing more
from our cars. But not too much more, he says, because
Datsun doesn't want its cars to chatter. Harris cites a talk
with a psychiatrist friend who wasn't thrilled with the new
trend. "He expressed some horror at first. . . He feels the
car is one of the last bastions of solitude where somebody
can go and escape from other people," he said. "In general
terms, the car should not tell you what to do, but should tell
you what happened so you can react in whatever way need
be." Plans for the 1982 Datsun 2001 include a male voice
named Hal.
n~ *

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